Chapter 014 Karuizawa Tool Man

About the course.

There is nothing special about this school, it is the same as a normal high school.

Mainly for points.

Chinese, Mathematics, English, Science, Physical Education, Social and Citizenship categories, as well as many other interest courses.

Since it was only the first day of class,

The school simply explained the learning policy after that.

The teachers of all subjects are also extremely friendly, and they have chosen to turn a blind eye to the various small actions of the students in class, and even the class director Saeki does not have any words of accusation.


The students in Class D are also more unscrupulous, and the guy named Sudo has even openly fallen asleep in class.

Slightly rhythmic snoring echoed in the somewhat noisy classrooms, which had affected the teaching environment, and the teachers still chose to turn a blind eye.

Face this situation.

Originally, there were still some worries, and the students who wanted to pretend began to do various small actions secretly.

“It’s a bunch of flaws.”

Listening to the lecture of Teacher Cha Zhu on the podium, Tianyu Yuxue secretly thought to himself.

About the high school curriculum.

Under the elite education of the Tianyu Family, Ye Xue naturally had already learned.

But he still put on a serious school look.

In contrast, class D.

Already most of the students have begun to slacken off.

Class D does have a huge gap compared to other classes.

Not only in terms of academic ability, but also in the inner qualities.

If you want to get into the A class with such a group, it is undoubtedly impossible, and you must go through more training to achieve greater growth.

The time is down in such a rambling atmosphere until noon.

“Heavenly Emperor, let’s go to the student cafeteria together.”

Matsushita turned around and issued an invitation, half-jokingly said, “You didn’t have a party with us yesterday, and you can’t refuse it today.”

“Of course.”

Yuyuki responded with a smile and turned her head to look at Horikita “Suzune, let’s go together, how?” ”

“Not necessarily.”

Horikita Suzune stood up and said in a cold voice, “I prefer a person.” ”

Leaving a dashing back, Horikita Suzune left the classroom straight, obviously not wanting to socialize with any of his classmates.

Even the Heavenly Emperor who had traded was the same, at most it was only to meet and nod.

“Is the relationship between Tengoku and Horikita very good?”

“Why do you ask?”

The two go to the school student cafeteria side by side, and it is not unusual for Panasonic to feel strange about the relationship between the two, but Ye Xue still gives the dominance of the topic to each other.

Matsushita wondered, “You see, it’s only the second day of school, and you and Horikita are already known by name, or have you two known each other before?” ”

“No, I just met Horikita yesterday.”

Ye Xue said with some distress, “How to say it, just by looking at Horikita classmate’s appearance, I want to bully her.” ”

After a slight pause, Ye Xue explained, “It’s not that kind of bullying, Matsushita students should be able to understand it!” ”

“Well, I understand.”

Chiaki Matsushita nodded in agreement.

Horikita Suzune does give the impression of self-righteousness, making it difficult to feel good, and it is not surprising that there will be the idea of teasing, but it is also necessary to know moderation.

The Heavenly Night Snow did not make excessive moves.

It’s just that.

Horikita Suzune didn’t seem to care that Tenhoku called her by name, could it be that Horihoku also had some good feelings for Tengoku?

Chiaki Matsushita whispered tentatively, “Then can I also call the Emperor of Heaven by name?” The Heavenly Emperor called me Qianqiu just fine. ”

“Of course!”

Ye Xue smiled and nodded.

In Sakurajima, only when the level of intimacy reaches a certain level, the other person will be called by name to express closeness or friendship.


Chiaki Matsushita seemed to have some thoughts about him, and had a feeling that he wanted to soak him

The handsome appearance and the identity of the Heavenly Imperial Chaebol can be said to be the perfect candidate in Panasonic’s heart.


Although Panasonic is very beautiful, it is not a genius with special talents, and it can only be regarded as a usable talent.

Soon came to the student cafeteria.

The two of them bought the most expensive A package and found a place to sit in the corner.

In schools supported by the state, the student canteen is naturally extremely wide, and even if the number of students increases several times, it is believed that it will be enough to accommodate.

Not long to sit down.

Hirata led a group of girls to the student cafeteria, and he looked around for a while before he found the figures of the two of them in the night and came together.

“Tenyu and Panasonic.”

Hirata came to the night snow with a not luxurious dinner plate and said with a hearty smile

“Sorry, we can’t find a suitable location, if it’s convenient, can we eat together?”

Before the two of them could respond, a yellow-haired girl with a ponytail tied to Hirata’s side approached Matsushita.

Her pale blue eyes are as dazzling as jewels, she casually ties her school uniform jacket around her waist, the length of her skirt is just at the ‘edge of almost being seen’, and her skin is delicate as mutton fat.

It’s just that a hot girl-style style gives the impression of subtracting points.

Karuizawa Kei.

The style of the hot girl is only a protective means for her to hide her inner weakness, and the real Karuizawa Kei has been bullied by ordinary people in the country.

Even if he was fatally injured as a result, there should be a scar under the blue shirt that was fatal enough.

Advance to high school.

The girl also made up her mind to start over in a place where no one knew her.

Even if she pays everything to become a parasite of the strong, she does not want to return to the days of being bullied, and she does not want her past to be exposed.

When the class spreads rumors about Kushita.

Karuizawa was equally horrified and did not use her status as the leader of the girls’ group to care for Kushita.

Fear of being targeted by people you don’t know.

At this time.

Karuizawa put his arms around Matsushita without any concern and said disapprovingly, “Matsushita is really excessive, and we just left without waiting for us.” ”

As he spoke, Karuizawa glanced at Tengo again, somewhat triumphantly, “Did you say… I was dating the Heavenly Emperor, it was really youthful, abominable, so enviable! ”


Matsushita said without apologizing, “I’m not here to give you a chance for Hirata, am I?” ”

In this regard, Hirata showed a hearty smile, as if he did not care about Matsushita’s jokes at all.

“No kidding, everyone knows the next day.”

Karuizawa touched his hair, smiled and waved his small hand slightly, obviously not caring.


The day and night snow keenly discovered.

As Karuizawa spoke, he secretly looked at himself and then at Hirata.

“Hirata, don’t be so polite.”

Ye Xue withdrew his dinner plate with some gestures, “Everyone is a class companion, sit down.” ”

“Thank you, Ye Xue, for really helping.”

Hirata seemed to be relieved, and then looked at the classmates around him and said cheerfully, “Okay, let’s sit down.” ”

It seems that Hirata is a person, and the girls around him quickly sit down, and finally Hirata chooses to sit down.


The girls seemed to have a very tacit understanding and left the position opposite the night snow to Hirata.

The two only boys quickly formed a strong contrast.

It seems that because of yesterday’s after-school party, the girls here have a certain degree of understanding of each other.

Night snow is also one step behind.


He didn’t care, and casually chatted with everyone.

Although this is the time to show one’s social skills, Ye Xue did not deliberately show anything.

Karuizawa just looked at the scrutinizing gaze.

It should also be judging who is more suitable for parasitism and who can protect her better in Hirata.

No doubt.

It must be Hirata.

It has nothing to do with class status or personal talent and charm.

Hirata’s position was more neutral, and he even preferred to sacrifice himself for the stability of his class.

Karuizawa believes!

A person like Hirata would never threaten her with her past in turn, and would even desperately protect her past from being known.

Before considering the ability and status of the two, Karuizawa is more concerned about security.

No one is going to be a fool.

Night Snow naturally knows this very well.

It’s just that.

He is now not interested much in Karuizawa as a girl.

After just after targeting Kushita, it is not suitable to attack Karuizawa again.


Class D may fall into various anxieties.

Although Karuizawa is beautiful, her heart seems to be porcelain spliced together with duct tape, which can be said to be fragile!

Just a little bit of a threat

Karuizawa’s tough hot girl image will collapse in an instant, in other words, everything about Karuizawa is false.

Karuizawa, who has not undergone transformation, can be said to have no value at all.

As long as he experiences suffering, Karuizawa can emit a jewel-like light.

Not to mention.

The gap between Class D and other classes exists objectively, and the conflicts between the usual study meetings, sports festivals, and classmates need to be resolved by the leaders of the class.

That’s a huge amount of work! It will greatly compress the leader’s private time.

Night Snow had no interest in this.

He just needs to enjoy the benefits, and the task of the work is of course entrusted to the hands to complete.

Hidden to the end, is the ultimate winner.

Unlike Ayakoji.

The Night Snow Club has the second most influence than Hirata.

Both approaches have their own pros and cons.

Ayakoji can hide deeper, but if he wants to make his voice at a critical moment, or to obtain intelligence, he must pass through his chess pieces, which is somewhat inefficient.

Although Ye Xue may be jealous of other classes, but can have his own right to speak, in the specific environment of Class D, with Hirata’s character, Ye Xue can become a leader at any time.


It is also more convenient to inquire about intelligence yourself.

“Speaking of which, isn’t Kushida with you?”

Ye Xue asked casually.

Wang Meiyu, who was sitting next to Pingtian, said with some loss, “She said that she had to go back to the dormitory first, probably a little lost.” ”

“Kushida is so pitiful.” Karuizawa duly proposed, “Let’s find out the criminal who spread the rumors to avenge Kushita.” ”

Several girls were momentarily quiet.

The night snow is clear.

Wang Meiyu, an international student from the Dragon Kingdom, upholds the kindness and grace of the Dragon Kingdom, has not experienced much darkness in the great country of the Dragon Kingdom, may have established a good relationship with Kushita, and is genuinely concerned about Kushita.


Karuizawa is more likely to use this topic to judge his and Hirata’s attitudes, to analyze their personalities.

Although he knew the standard answer in Karuizawa’s mind, Nightshade remained silent and did not reply.

“Forget it.”

Hirata hesitated, “There hasn’t been much of a problem yet, and the other side won’t necessarily continue to spread rumors about Kushida, we can wait and see for a few more days before we say it, and now it’s better for us to care more about Kushita.” ”

At the end, Hirata began to ask for everyone’s opinion, “What do you think?” ”

“Since Hirata said that, let’s wait and see for a few days.”

“It is also said that it is still more important to be a gardener.”

Karuizawa clapped his small hand in agreement, and the other girls agreed.

For his answer, Karuizawa was very satisfied.

Even predictable,

If it is finally found that it is a rumor spread by someone in Class D, Hirata will definitely save the other party to maintain the stability of the class!

I want a tool man like Hirata!

Only, she may not know that Hirata is public.

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