The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 112: Hopefully, it's still too late!

"Because of us, we have experienced birth, old age, sickness and death, raising children and raising children, all the world's lives, ordinary people's life experience, we have really experienced it."

Zuo Changlu pondered: "Perhaps this is the real red dust robbery."

Wu Yuting pondered: "So, Xiao Duo's birth is certainly an absolute accident, but this accident that was not in our plan has instead become the last part of our success?"

Zuo Changlu smiled helplessly: "Since you were a child, you have been pampering you, and you are really pampering for nothing... Alas, now when I think of you when you are in a happy mood, I can't help but give it to my child. Nickname. At that time, you clearly regarded Xiaoduo as a toy, or the kind you played with since childhood. When did you think I was like you? "

Wu Yuting pouted: "Just hello, just hello, it's like I don't really love children at all."

Zuo Changlu laughed and said: "Don't think about the long-term, don't think about... Cultivation to help, um; the only thing we need to think about is to live our lives seriously, everything goes with the flow, this It's over, it's over."

"I think when we passed the border, Xiao Duo and Xiao Nian had grown up, and it was the best of both worlds."

Wu Yuting fantasized about the future and couldn't help but smiled softly and said, "I sincerely hope that these two children can be safe..."

Zuo Changlu nodded and said: "Actually, the confusion in my heart is the real mystery... It is said that we have been transformed into red dust, and our cultivation has been locked by heaven, and our luck is still very different from ordinary people. The ternary combination should be kept constant, how can there be children on such a premise?!"

Wu Yuting rolled her eyes and didn't answer.

Zuo Changlu muttered to himself, "You didn't pay attention to it at the time, and it didn't feel right until three months...because we didn't think about it at all, and we all knew that it was impossible."

Wu Yuting rolled her eyes again.

"But there is Xiaoduo." Zuo Changlu frowned: "And since Xiaoduo, we have made a lot of efforts over the years, but we haven't made a move... Is it really weird?"

Wu Yuting blushed suddenly and rolled her eyes wider.

"I'll consider it again and again..." Zuo Changlu looked thoughtful, hugged Wu Yuting in his arms, and asked in a very deep tone, as seriously as studying academic issues: "Is it wrong?"


"If there is one more... let's call it Zuo Xiaoyu?"

"You get out! . . . um..."


the next day!

Second Middle.

The red flags are crowded with people.

In addition to the crowds, countless parents poured into the campus of No. 2 Middle School, with the music playing around, making it sound like a sports meeting.

Many of the students who were taken away have been brought back after going through Crystal Pass and Qingxin Lake. They are still a little worried. Given the current opportunity, naturally the whole family will participate and actively participate in school activities.

Of course, two people did not come back.

Zheng Deyi.

Cheng Fangzhi.

Zheng Deyi and Cheng Dashao died silently in the Star Shield Prison.

This incident made Director Jiang Changbin Lei Ting furious, but he had no way of venting!

He didn't care about Zheng Deyi's death. But Cheng Fangzhi's death made Director Jiang furious!

Only confirmed this one!

Was going to use this as a breakthrough.

But this one just died!

During this period of time, everyone in Star Shield was unable to protect themselves. Director Jiang's eyes looked at everyone as if they were watching the hidden traitor of the Wumeng League!

The guard on the day that Cheng Fangzhi died violently, was immediately thrown into prison by Director Jiang after the incident!

Cheng Fangzhi's family, Director Jiang has also set up surveillance on, waiting for the Wumengmen to come.

In fact, on the night of Cheng Fangzhi's death, the Wumeng League did indeed come, and the two masters killed them one by one.

The masters of the Star Shield City Guard House fought desperately, only killing the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon were dark.

In the end, the two Wumeng experts who could not break through the heavy defenses chose to retreat.

But when the guardian went in to see Cheng Fangzhi's family again... but was stunned to find that the family and the seven masters of the Star Shield Agency who were ambushed inside were all dead!

This is where the other party retreats, knowing that the goal has been achieved, and it's good to go!

On the same day, fires lit up many places in Phoenix City, and there were many sorrows.

All the executives of Cheng Fangzhi's family company died on this night, and no one was spared!

The headquarters building of Cheng's Group Medicinal Materials Company was completely set on fire, and it was unknown how many flammable objects had been thrown. In addition, the firetruck that came to hear the news was intercepted and killed on the road. All fire hydrants within a radius of six kilometers were destroyed!

That's why this building, when dawn broke the next day, had been burnt to a complete rubble, beyond recognition!

It was speculated afterwards that a lot of burning objects should have been arranged in this building in advance!

And this incident made the governor of Wan Pingyuan shudder and shudder!

Perhaps all of this to the common people, they only feel that something has happened, that it is lively, that there is a fire, that people are dead, and so on.

But anyone with a little brain can think of-

Who can come and go freely in the heavily guarded Star Shield Agency and kill people calmly?

Who was it that silently killed Cheng Fangzhi's family?

Who can set off a fire in the downtown area, and more blatantly kill firetrucks; as for arranging the burning objects in advance and destroying all the fire hydrants, it is simply a matter of the last.

But the most frightening thing is that the Wumeng League's personnel can be withdrawn every time before the arrival of the help of their own army!

The careful arrangement of all this made Governor Wan feel that his **** was sitting on a crater!

And this volcano has already begun to erupt, and it may burn itself to ashes like that building at any time!

"It seems that the entire Phoenix City has been infiltrated into a sieve!"

Governor Wan had to admit this, and when he asked for help from above, he said clearly: "The Wumeng's manpower has been stagnant for a long time, and the movement is shocking. Based on the movement and stillness they created in Phoenix City, It is conceivable to imagine the power of the latent battle, and it is even more conceivable that they must have even bigger moves in the future!"

"I suspect that the Wumeng League has a huge plan!"

"I request that the leaders focus on and consider the theory of the phoenix pulse proposed by the old principal He Yuanyue!"

"Phoenix City, something big will happen soon! Please pay attention to it!!"

Wan Pingyuan finally made this decision; although it was a very difficult thing for him.

For the officials in the ruling party to be in such a state of chaos, they are already to blame!

Who doesn't want to govern peacefully? Who wants to report things that can be suppressed?

Announcement of good news rather than sadness, I would rather seek no merit but no fault; this is an unspoken rule recognized by all parties in the officialdom; but now, Wan Pingyuan dare not press it any more!

He's more of a heartbreaker now.

What is hidden in the small land of Phoenix?

Can the Umbrella send so many people in?

The current state of affairs is clear, and things are far from the real start.

The presiding-level figures of the Wumeng League have not come yet.

But even so, the situation has reached the point where it's getting out of control now!

So, when the other side's conspiracy really begins, what will Phoenix become?

Wan Pingyuan didn't even dare to think about it.

He only vaguely felt that an unprecedented **** storm was about to set off in Phoenix!

And how big this turmoil is, no one dares to say anything!

He Yuanyue has worked hard for many years without results, but the little butterfly Zuo Xiaoduo just flapped its wings lightly;

Or maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe the time had come; but all of this, with such an absurd little thing, kicked off the curtain!

Fate and luck!

After a series of actions, the Wumeng League has already withdrawn its minions after achieving its intended purpose, and they, who have also paid a considerable price, are also licking their wounds; while the Star Shield, the city guard of the Governor's Palace, is even more like a formidable enemy.

"I can't believe anyone now!"

Director Jiang reported the news to the higher-level Star Shield Bureau: "The army, the City Guard, the Governor's Palace, the Inspection Bureau... I suspect that they have all been infiltrated by the Umbrella League!"

"Even inside the Phoenix Star Shield Bureau, there are probably traitors! I can't believe anyone or anything!"

"Please send experts from your superiors to help! Focus on checking, what the old principal He Yuanyue once said about the phoenix veins!"

"I ask the superiors to pay attention! How can there be a trivial matter when the Wumeng League's Beidou and Nandou gather together? I ask, send the most powerful person to come to the town! I ask the Dragon Blood Team to settle in Phoenix!!"

Director Jiang was holding the phone, almost yelling, his bright scalp was covered in sweat; the few strands of hair left on both sides were ripped off by himself.

"I beg, now! Now! Now! Quickly!"


Originally, this grand event in No. 2 Middle School, even for the sake of the old principal, Director Jiang, Director Sun, and Governor Wan would all be present; but now, Phoenix City has become a mess.

Director Jiang, Governor Wan, and everyone are so overwhelmed that they have no time to spare themselves to participate in this commendation meeting.

The only one who came was Director Sun of the Martial Arts Bureau.

But even though Director Sun came here, his face was still After arriving, he went straight to He Yuanyue's office to report the current situation.

"Finally... Are you going to reveal it..." After hearing Director Sun's words, He Yuanyue was stunned for a long time, and after a long while, she took a breath, her eyes were very complicated.

"So it's not that I don't believe what I said. It's that... it's not up to my share..."

The old lady gave a wry smile.

"Teacher, look at this..." Director Sun said cautiously.

"Forget it..." He Yuanyue was fascinated for a long time before she said leisurely: "I hope it will be too late!"


Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting took Zuo Xiaonian into the campus, which immediately caused bursts of amazement!


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