The ultimate black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 72 Black Emperor, you don’t want Wu Shi’s face to be disgraced, right?

Daleiyin Temple presides over Mount Sumeru, which is the resting place of the Demonic Pestle. It has boundless blessings and is no worse than Purple Mountain.

Perhaps Emperor Wushi was even better than Emperor Amitabha in terms of Taoism and achievements, but when it comes to management?

There is no comparison between the two.

Emperor Amitabha brought Buddhism to unprecedented heights, established the religion based on faith, and spread Buddhism throughout the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The accumulation of countless years and the management of thousands of generations have made Mount Sumeru more magical and prosperous.

At this moment, the monks from Landuo Temple came in response to the grand gathering of Bodhisattva and Zen. They had to lament that there was an insurmountable chasm.

"The Seven Treasure Pond is just a peripheral scenic spot of Mount Sumeru."

The Kuci Divine Monk came and gave Monk Kuci a comprehensive understanding of Daleiyin Temple, "In addition, there are Bodhi Forest, Mandala Sea of ​​Flowers..."

A long history unfolded in front of the miserable monk, and the boundless landscape of Mount Xumi was vividly displayed in front of him.

Until a certain moment, a bell suddenly rang, coming here, interrupting them.


The long and long ringing of the big bell is loud and thunderous. It comes from an ancient temple on Mount Xumi, across the Qibao Pond, and affects this place. If a scripture hits the ear, it will deafen and enlighten people, making people alert.

Following the sound of the bell, a golden bridge appeared from the other side, surrounded by the vast Buddha nature in the Seven Treasures Pool.

Immediately, flowers rained down from the sky, and golden lotuses emerged from the ground. In a trance, it seemed that all the gods and Bodhisattvas appeared, chanting Buddhist scriptures in unison. The goddess was graceful, blowing the big Dharma conch, beating the big Dharma drum, and burning the big Dharma torch. The rain was better than the Dharma rain.

Following the golden bridge, there was an old monk. He stood on it, across the Qibao Pond, and instantly arrived in front of the group of people from Landuo Temple.


The old monk chanted the Buddha's name loudly, with boundless solemnity.

"Amitabha!" A group of people from Lantao Temple solemnly shouted in unison to show their respect.

"Masters of Landuo Monastery, the Lord Buddha knows the future. Xiaoer and others have arrived, and I have specially ordered the poor monk to come here as a treat." The old monk spoke solemnly, explaining his purpose.

"Thank you, Master!" The monks of Lantuo Temple united and saluted.

"It's okay." The old monk stepped aside, revealing the golden bridge behind him, "Please come to the sacred bridge again, climb to the other side, and go to the hall prepared for the ancient temples of various ancient temples held by our Great Leiyin Temple."

"Good!" The compassionate monk nodded, followed the host's instructions, and stepped onto the Golden Bridge on the other side with the group behind him.

When they boarded the bridge, the golden light of the sacred bridge shone brightly, carrying them forward at high speed. In an instant, they passed countless miles of mountains and rivers and reached the sacred mountain of Sumeru.

This wonder of the Beidou, Mount Sumeru, stands in the center of the clear and clear Qibao Pond. It is majestic and huge, and its magnificence is beyond comparison. Some magnificent temples can be seen looming on the mountain.

As for the Great Thunder Sound Temple, it cannot be seen. It is located on the top of the mountain, 84,000 yojanas from the ground. Even if you have the celestial eye, you cannot see it because it will be blocked by the mountain.

Now with the grand meeting being held, the entire Sumeru Mountain is becoming more and more transcendent day by day, as if some kind of life form is resurrecting, absorbing the starry aura between heaven and earth, and absorbing the power of faith in the world.

The entire mountain was glowing, peaceful and pure thoughts were lingering, and large rays of light were steaming up. This was no longer a mortal land, but a holy land of immortals.

Layers upon layers of silvery light evaporate, and even more pale golden brilliance flows. These are the purest power of faith, blessing the mountain, and it is so dense that it cannot be dissolved.

This kind of power is so vast that it makes people's hearts tremble and cannot be measured at all. The entire mountain has long been deified, and every plant and tree has Buddha nature, and is thoroughly nourished by the radiance.

This is the result of hundreds of thousands of years of gathering the mind power of Buddhists all over the universe. After a long period of accumulation, we have achieved this incredible scene today.

In the depths of the universe, many ancient places of life have the lineage of Emperor Amitabha. Endless faith spans the void, is not affected by distance, and eventually flows to Mount Sumeru.

When it "resurrects" and is held by its real owner, the scene can be imagined. The power of belief seems to have turned into a real sea of ​​gods, with layers of glorious waves filling the entire ancient mountain, looking solemn and solemn. Holy, shocking.

A group of people from Landuo Temple took advantage of the sacred bridge to cross the Qibao Pond. After landing on the other side and setting foot in Xumiru, they were awestruck by the scenery and walked very slowly step by step, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

The old monk who led the way didn't rush or was in a hurry. On the contrary, he was very patient and acted as a temporary tour guide. He explained some historical sites from time to time and provided a rich commentary on the history of Mount Xumi. He was obviously professionally trained.

This is not the only case.

In fact, as the grand meeting was held and the major events compiled by Buddhist scriptures were publicized, countless ancient temples were alarmed, and even the hidden Taoism could no longer remain silent for fear of being rolled over by the wheels of history and abandoned by the general trend.

Therefore, thousands of ancient temples flocked to Mount Sumeru in these days.

King Buddha Tathagata, who had long expected it, made a plan for such a situation and trained a group of monks to guide the guests and make sure they feel at home.

Of course, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Behind all these preferential treatment is a pair of eyes blended in the vast world, looking down and watching.

Every ancient temple and tourist destination they passed was planned and full of mysteries.

The breath will be recorded, and bits and pieces will be leaked out unknowingly, which will be collected and summarized by Jiang Yifei... Firstly, it is for observation to see if there is any special physique.

Secondly, it is also excavating some treasures that are valued by it.

As we all know, Buddhism has a six-character mantra, which is famous throughout the universe.

However, there are only four kinds left now, and the other two mantras are missing and seem to have been lost.


Is it really lost?

Could it be that he changed his appearance and used other magical powers to cover up the truth? As a result, it was passed on and the subsequent descendants forgot his true identity?

Or perhaps, it was not lost, but simply incomplete.

Just like the Xingzi secret among the Nine Secrets, it was also "lost" for a while, and there is no news on the land of Beidou.

However, isn’t there Tianxuan Holy Land, which has mastered a wonderful method and is closely related to it?

It would be a blessing to find such a residual technique.

Jiang Yifei is very confident in his own wisdom.

As long as he can be given an introduction, he may not be able to complete it. By then, the grand occasion of the six-character mantra will be repeated. I wonder how far it will reach. Can he really compete with the Nine Secrets in One?

The disciples of Buddha, Tathagata Tathagata, have sufficient expectations for this.

After all, Buddhism was once very broad.

Even if its true glory is buried in the years.

In the Ancient Immortal Era, there were Immortal Kings and True Immortals in Buddhism... The six-character mantra may be traced back to that era.

If you are lucky enough to have a relationship with the Immortal King, or even a fragmentary interpretation of the real Immortal King's series of killing skills, the Nine Secrets may really have an enemy!

"The six-character mantra is much easier to collect than the nine secrets."

Jiang Yifei smiled, rarely putting aside his practice to entertain the guests.

This is very rare.

During these days, he did not have the image of a "guest" studying abroad at all on Mount Sumeru. Instead, he looked like an uncle, commanding this and that, with great majesty.

But today, in the special period when many ancient temples are gradually converging on Mount Sumeru, when it is most needed for him as a Buddhist to take charge of affairs, he did not show up, but instead dealt with other people.


It can't be called a human, it should be called...a dog!

A big black dog - the Black King!

At this moment, the Black Emperor was sitting upright and carefree, not treating himself as an outsider at all. He used the divine spring to make water and brewed a pot of enlightenment tea.

While making tea, it chatted with Jiang Yifei, talking about spiritual practice and secret techniques.

During this process, Jiang Yifei confessed the little calculation he was making.

Bodhisattva, Zen, and the compilation of Buddhist scriptures are all serious matters, but there is also a little personal thought behind them.

He is fishing!

"Nine Secrets, how many can you and I master?"

"One fighting calligraphy secretary, one running calligraphy secretary... no matter how many there are? There are none."

Jiang Yifei said slowly, "Those who are facing the battle should move forward in groups. This is all about the Nine Secrets."

There were some words he left unsaid.

Ninth Secret, in addition to Dou Zi Mi and Xing Zi Mi, he also knows the whereabouts of several other secret techniques.

For example, Ziwei Guxing has Zimi, Qinling has Bingzi, Zhuofeng has Jiezi... If you wait a little longer and squat "My son Wang Teng", you may be able to get another Qianzi. secret.

But so what?

Linzi secrets, number secrets, and compound word secrets are all mysteries.

It is the six-character mantra of Buddhism.

There are four mantras that are clearly stated, and there are only two that are unknowable.

And more importantly, Buddhism has a stronghold in the Western Desert. For hundreds of thousands of years, Buddhist talents from other ancient stars have gathered here from time to time, bringing their Buddhist scriptures and even their inheritance with them!

Unlike the Nine Secrets, which have spread throughout the universe, I don’t even know where to look for them now.

The foundation of Buddhism is gathered in the Western Desert, with Mount Sumeru as the highest spiritual belief... If you still cannot collect the six-character mantra after turning the Western Desert upside down, you can declare that there is no hope at all, and there is no need to waste your efforts.

"So, you would propose compiling Buddhist Tibetan Buddhism...that's it!"

The big black dog marveled, "The mantra 'Om' is just a bait to catch all the big fish without knowing it."

"All scriptures and inheritances will be gathered at Mount Sumeru at that time, and the secrets hidden for eternity will be exposed to the sun at that time."

"This is a conspiracy, just and upright."

The Black Emperor said, lost in thought, his eyes turned like a dog, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, it spoke again, "You think, what if I also made a Dao Zang compilation in the Eastern Wasteland?"

It asked questions with great interest, gathering the Nine Secretaries' thoughts unabated.

Even if it cannot achieve this big goal, it still wants to achieve a small goal.

For example - a word secret!

This is a kind of nine secrets involving formations. Lingbao Tianzun's perfect interpretation has created an imperial weapon with a formation pattern.

"Maybe you can try it, but don't expect much effect."

Jiang Yifei glanced at the Black Emperor and laughed, "The Great Emperor Wu Shi is only 80,000 years away from today... He has not been able to do anything, so you should not have too big a dream."

The Black Emperor suddenly became weak after hearing this.

But when it came to the beginningless emperor, it came up with other ideas.


It howled loudly, and its countless depressions were vented, "Great Emperor! Xiao Hei, I am so ashamed of you!"

"For several years!"

"I haven't been able to find a successor for you!"

The big black dog barked and jumped, "Stop talking about passing on!"

"I can't even find where the successor's father is!"

“The child’s mother is pregnant, but the child’s father is dead and I don’t know where he is!”

The big black dog is very depressed.

It picked up the tea cup and drank it.

After drinking it, he slapped the table and said, "Back then, the physique of the Holy Body wasn't that rare!"

"The nine holy bodies dominate the world, and they appear one after another... This does not include those holy bodies that did not reach completion and fell down halfway!"

"In the past, it was difficult to find the Tao embryos, and the holy bodies appeared in droves... Why is it the other way around this time? I have found all the Tao embryos, but there is not even a shadow of the holy bodies!"

"It's only a few years until the road to becoming an immortal begins!"

"Unlucky! Too unlucky!"

The Black Emperor kept complaining.

Jiang Yifei looked at the depressed Gouzi and said nothing. He was holding back a smile in his heart and silently counted the time.

‘It seems like it’s almost done…times really flies by. ’

He pondered in his heart, guessing that the day when the coffin in Kowloon would be lifted was approaching.

Only then did he have the clearest and most intuitive feeling of the passage of time.

Otherwise, with his current state of indulging in kneading relics on Mount Sumeru, it can be said that he has completely forgotten himself and does not know spring, summer, autumn and winter.

As long as the conditions are sufficient, he can complete 10,000 physical exercises before even thinking about going down the mountain!

It's a pity that although Buddhism has rich heritage, it only supports him to break through the three thousand mark. He still needs to look elsewhere in the future.

After all, Buddhism just gave birth to the great Emperor Amitabha.

Although Buddhism has converted many races, they are at best "three thousand mortal guests"... occupying a part of all races in the universe, but they cannot occupy them all.

After all, other families also have great emperors and imperial soldiers... Even if future generations cannot succeed in Buddhism, self-protection is not a problem.

These are hard skills that require Jiang Yifei to do it himself.

Being a teenager is not easy either.

In order to cultivate the acquired chaotic body, in order to support the "Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong", ten thousand Buddhas conquer the world, they are all his "anchors" to use to pluck the wool of the universe. He needs to endure a lot of hardships before he can find a way. .

It's not like the innate Holy Body Tao Fetus. Just follow the path of the Unbelieving Emperor and that's it.

Thinking about it this way, he had little sympathy for the Black Emperor's complaints and complaints.

‘No, I have to persuade Luduo to go to the ancient and forbidden land to borrow seeds. ’

‘How can I just sit and wait for the young leaves to fall from the sky? ’

‘Only when you eat the most bitter things can you become a dog like a dog. ’

'As for the dog who went to the ancient forbidden land and asked to borrow seeds, would he be knocked down by the Great Holy Body with a stick? ’

‘Well, I think from Wu Shizhong’s point of view, the most he can do is suffer a little physical pain! ’

Jiang Yifei was holding back the bad water in his heart. He coughed twice and said in a pitiful tone, "Black Emperor... This is really not going to work. Just go to the ancient forbidden land and collect some sperm!"

"No! That's absolutely not possible!"

As soon as this was mentioned, the Black Emperor jumped up and was very afraid of this restricted area.

It's dog eyes rolled around, looking very guilty... It was because it was afraid of a ruthless person!

"Black Emperor! What kind of cultivation do you think I have now?" Jiang Yifei said loudly, "Do you still remember the agreement that Senior Wu Shizhong made with me?"

"He wants to take a look at the competition between his own lineage and the inheritance of the empress, to determine the winner!"

"Which one is better, the Great Emperor Wushi? Or is the Great Emperor Swallowing Heaven unparalleled?"

"Is the innate holy body the Taoist body that can dominate this life? Or is the chaotic body invincible in this world?"

"Black King!"

"You don't want to disgrace the Emperor Wushi's face..."

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