The Truth of Magic

Chapter 373 Super Magical Storm

Chapter 373 Super Magical Storm

Undoubtedly, Antinoya would not have specially prepared such a spell, so like Zhao Xu, she could spontaneously cast any spell by means of special means.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xu also passed the option directly.

Immediately, his "Spell Upgrade" specialty was silently wrapped by the power of chaos, and then began to distort and change little by little.

In the end, a brand new "Yuan ancestry specialty" was formed, but Zhao Xu didn't pay any more attention to this kind of thing that was about to be lost.

Zhao Xu, who was surrounded by the power of the abyss, looked a little more brutal and a little more ostentatious.

At this time, Antinoya did not cast the remaining spell again.

She stopped lightly, and stopped in the narrow forest road dyed with boundless dark green. There was no howling of wild animals, and no sound of insects.

Only the rhythm of the heartbeats of the two tends to be in sync.

"Then what new specialty do you want to choose next?"

"If you've been lazy and haven't studied your expertise well during this period of time, then I'll just leave you here. Maybe a few old hags will come out to accompany you later." Antinoya said jokingly .

Zhao Xu was too lazy to correct his mentor's naive mentality at this time, "Spell Twins, Spell Ultimate, and Spell Power are all prepared."

God knows why Zhao Xu blindly chose the "spell upgrade" which seems to be weaker now.

At this moment, Antinoya also showed admiration. It had to be said that after Zhao Xu obtained the "super magic control" ability, every time he gained a super magic specialty, he would improve himself exponentially.

"Then what type of attack spell do you use most recently?" Antinoya asked.

"Shivering touch?" Zhao Xu replied directly.

Antinoya smiled.

A chilling touch deals 3-18 (3D6) Dexterity damage.

Combined with the spell twin with the price of the fourth ring, that is 6-36 (3D6+3D6) quick damage, expecting 21 points.

Combined with the ultimate spell effect of the price of the third ring, that is 18 points of agility damage.

Combined with the spell enhancement of the price of the second ring, that is 9-27 (3D6*1.5) agility damage, expecting 16 points.

"Then spell twins." Antinoya suggested.

In the case where Zhao Xu basically didn't need to consider how many rings, the numerical model improvement effect of the magic twin was stronger.

"Well, and it's more useful to have two exemptions." Zhao Xu also analyzed.

Compared with a simple numerical increase, even if it was an ordinary spell with a simple effect, if Zhao Xu paired it with the "spell twin" effect, the opponent would have to pass the save twice, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty.

Even to remove the magic, you have to remove two at a time.

After Antinoya saw that Zhao Xu had made a decision, she also raised her hand and cast another corresponding spell on him——

Abandon Chaos!

[Adventurer Zhong Xia, have you voluntarily accepted the eight-ring spell "Avoid Chaos" to gain the expertise that has met the conditions and lose the Abyssal expertise. 】

Zhao Xu immediately chose to accept, and at the same time, he began to meditate on the process of learning his specialty.

Slowly, the power of the abyss was pulled away from him bit by bit.

His Profound Origin Specialty also lost its original color, and began to transform into a brand new appearance after falling into nothingness.

[Adventurer Zhong Xia, you have obtained the "Spell Twins" specialty. 】

Following the prompt of this dynamic panel, Zhao Xu's original heart was relieved. It would be extremely embarrassing if he was directly washed back to "Spell Upgrade".

At this time, Zhao Xu also silently felt the pulsation brought by this new specialty, although the specialty can only be applied to the same target twice, unlike "spell chaining", which can cast a spell slot to several people at the same time .

It did not solve Zhao Xu's current dilemma of limited spell slots.

However, the repeated superposition of values ​​and the need for two saves already make it worthwhile.

The only thing that stops most people is the price of the fourth ring.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be a bunch of people who would rather choose powerful spells instead of maximal spells.

"Satisfied?" Antinoya said, looking at the calm Zhao Xu.

"That's for sure."

Even if ordinary people have this channel, it is still the price of two eight-ring spells.

After Arthur chooses a specialty, he directly consumes his own spirituality, even if he does not use the corresponding specialty from now on, he will not return to his spirituality.

So Zhao Xu felt very comfortable after taking this "regret medicine" that most people might have to die in exchange for.

It's a pity that he didn't know this spell himself, otherwise he would be able to play with different specialties every day.

"Follow up if you're satisfied, and see how you can persuade the other party to stop." At this moment, Antinoya finally mentioned today's business to Zhao Xu.

"Several old hags, you won't be dispatched by the instructor, right?" Zhao Xu also regained his original clarity of mind at this moment, and began to calmly think about what he thought was strange at first.

But Antinoya shook his head helplessly, "A family is not something that can make people worry."

"In the beginning, she just turned some dead women into old hags and asked them to go back for revenge. At best, this lady didn't take back after those old hags fulfilled their wish for revenge."

"If that's the case, it's fine. A few old hags with a challenge level of 11 will not affect the safety of Mystra. The mages have created a lot of trouble."

"With her status, she created some legendary monsters, that's all."

"Then mentor, it's another matter for you to ask her to stop?" Zhao Xu had already noticed something wrong at this time.

"Well, a paladin broke into Mystra the day before yesterday." Antinoya said lightly.


When Zhao Xuchu heard it, he didn't notice anything strange.

Speaking of it, the paladin can be said to be Arthur's most impartial justice policeman, born to work hard to maintain Arthur's justice and order, and can be said to be the most respected profession by the common people.

Because this is a terrible profession that will lose most of its abilities if you go against your original intention.

So I thought that a paladin broke into Mystra, even if the other party was a paladin under the command of other gods, he would just send it away. If the gods have a good relationship, they will still let the other party stay to participate in some temple rituals and communicate with each other.

"The problem is, that paladin is a succubus." Antinoya said angrily at this moment.

Succubus Paladin.

Zhao Xu didn't expect that the concept of casual nonsense when a group of friends chatted and spanked in the previous life actually appeared in this life.

The faction issue is that Arthur lacks a few items that cannot be negotiated.

Succubus, chaotic evil.

Paladin, lawful good.

They are the two sides of the scale.

"Let's go, I'm representing the Mage Association on this trip, and I'm going to ask the other party's opinion." Antinoya's voice was also serious at this moment.

At this moment, Zhao Xu also understood the seriousness of the consequences.

That existence was once a follower of "Emperor Ernest".

And paladins themselves are forged by divine power. Like priests, they don't necessarily need to dedicate themselves to specific gods. They can simply dedicate their lives to righteousness, and thus be blessed by the power of lawful and good camps.

However, many paladins still have faith. After all, it is easy to survive in this kind of professional philosophy that offends people everywhere with their backs.

And the success rate of paladins trained by temples is also higher, so many paladins that you can meet have the belief of gods.

This will make people wonder, who is the faith of the "paladin" cultivated by that "Ernest Land"?

Transforming a succubus into a paladin is equivalent to forcibly turning the opponent's nature around.

In the literature that Zhao Xu had read, it was not that there were no sorcerers who had done this, but most of the targets who had been reduced to experiments were wiped out, and they could not be solidified at all.

The evil originating from the soul fragments is not so easy to understand at all.

Not to mention that the succubus has passed the level from "chaos" to "lawful".

"But mentor, one more paladin doesn't improve the combat power." Zhao Xu also wondered why this powerful existence would do such a thing that obviously digs into the corner of the abyss.

If this method can be promoted, the abyss will not be hollowed out tomorrow.

"She's still dreaming of getting Ernest back, maybe it's just preparing a warm bed for her master."

Just as Zhao Xu was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that Antinoya had stopped.

They stopped in front of a mysterious cave that looked nothing special, which was a bit beyond Zhao Xu's expectation.

The other party just hid in a mysterious cave without using magic to create a house, which was somewhat beyond Zhao Xu's expectations.

"It's her nature. A petty woman likes to hide in the lair like a dragon." Antinoya laughed instinctively as she approached her destination.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu noticed mysterious lights shining in front of the cave, as if there were faintly glowing gems embedded in the dark sky.

A mysterious storm of energy.

Zhao Xu had already judged the mysterious vision ahead.

This is the way of that existence, blocking them?

Zhao Xu looked back at Antinoya, waiting for her order.

"Go to the middle of the energy group in front of you."

Antinoya said so.


Although Zhao Xu had some doubts, he didn't stop.

"This is a super magic storm."

"It allows people to get a super magic feat, which is valid for one year, so you can take this reward."

"Mentor, aren't we here to dissuade others?" It was the first time that Zhao Xu encountered this kind of person who came to the door and put the reward at the door first. It was a bit unheard of for him who was used to seeing big scenes.

"Well, don't reject the door-to-door rewards for nothing." At this moment, Antinoya felt at ease.

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