The Truth of Magic

Chapter 286 A Visit Here

Chapter 286 A Visit Here

Zhao Xu, who fell freely from the cliff, used the "feather fall technique" to control the speed of his descent, turning his accelerated descent into a uniform landing.

Until he was about to fall into the wave of undead creatures fleeing below, Zhao Xu kept his eyes on the distance.

In the sky above the entire "Land of the Sleepers", there are light spots rising into the sky.

It was as if Zhao Xu knew from the beginning that flying undead creatures would appear there.

"These are legendary undead creatures." Lux responded.

Zhao Xu also nodded. In fact, he was completely clear about those undead creatures who were still far away and didn't know what they were.

Because just now he used the supernatural power of "perceiving death" for the first time, opened his "right eye", and saw him who had been on the cliff the whole time, being blocked by dozens of legendary undead creatures.

Zhao Xu, who didn't have any magic items and only three-ring spells, was instantly killed by the undead creatures surrounding him.

He wasn't even given a chance to explain.

The main reason is that these legendary undead creatures, any one of them has an intelligence of more than ten or twenty, even if compared to the mages in human society, they are not in vain.

It is no longer the kind of low-level undead creature who only knows how to hate and kill living creatures blindly.

So at that time, Zhao Xu quickly exhausted his willpower, and under the influence of "perceiving death", he deduced seven or eight ways of action for his "future self".

However, in the deduction scene, no matter how he explained first, what evidence he took out, and what spell he cast, he was instantly killed without saying a word.

It was so clean and neat that he didn't have time to practice tangled up, so he just read the file and started again.

It wasn't until Zhao Xu was about to run out of strength and closed his right eye again that he saw the only chance to survive.

That is to escape!

That's why Zhao Xu was so decisive. He rushed away directly before those legendary undead gods took off.

At this time, when Zhao Xu was about to fall into the tide of ghouls below, he hurriedly took out a bird's "feather" from his pocket, and used it as a prop for casting a spell, and cast the second spell "flying spell".

Suddenly, Zhao Xu's back seemed to have wings, giving him the ability to fly in an instant.

Speaking of which, this was not the first time Zhao Xu had flown. In the past, he had transformed himself into a flight, and he had also flown with the "coherence" magic.

And this "flying" was the first time after he became a level 5 mage, he relied on his own ability to master the power to soar in the sky.

The load on Zhao Xu's whole body is not heavy. His normal flying speed is about 3 meters per second. Once he sprints and flies at full speed, he can reach 12 meters per second, which is equivalent to a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour, which is completely comparable to that in the urban area. driving car.

But if he wants to be faster, he has to continue to bless the speed-boosting spells.

Even his current mobility is only "good". Although it is still a level away from "perfect" mobility, he can easily use it for various sharp turns, upward attacks, downward thrusts, and inverted flights.

At this time, Zhao Xu looked down at the ghouls flying forward. Similar to him, there were many flying undead creatures flying and fleeing the cliff, as if a war was about to break out there.

Compared with the ability to flap wings constantly, Zhao Xu's "flying" ability at this time made him feel as if he was walking on flat ground, very stable.

Moreover, the previous few times, Zhao Xu's flying was not the main purpose, but was mixed with other complicated things. He hadn't experienced how to fly at all.

So this time Zhao Xu was flying in the air, trying to perform various forward accelerations, and then braked urgently to avoid hitting the undead creatures in front of him.

He also began to understand why the players were so excited after being blessed with the "group flying technique" by him at that time, which directly led to a surge in the number of players who chose mages and priests later.

Moreover, this kind of "flying technique", which was performed by itself instead of relying on other temporary external forces, also made Zhao Xu himself a little excited.

Sure enough, human beings have a heart to conquer the sky.

Even Zhao Xu was no exception.

As Zhao Xu approached the buildings in Anta City, he also began to see more undead creatures, especially many that he had never seen before.

From the beginning of Zhao Xu's adventurous journey of obtaining "Iron Will", the undead creatures he has seen have exceeded 99% of adventurers.

Zhao Xu also noticed that most of the undead creatures that could fly were basically incorporeal.

After a while, Zhao Xu flew close to the low building on the edge of the town. At this moment, he flew directly towards an open "balcony" and stopped directly on it.

His flying skill is per minute, and 5 minutes often does not allow him to travel too far.

In fact, during the disturbance just now, the chance of sneaking into that temple was the best.

Undead creatures themselves don't need to eat, drink, or sleep, and only this kind of unexpected disturbance can attract them away.

However, Zhao Xu was not near the temple right now. When he got there, he might be blocked by the legendary undead creatures who came back.

Zhao Xu was very vigilant. The more than a dozen legendary undead creatures just appeared, the background of Anta City can be said to have refreshed his imagination, not just the "sinister shrunken" and "half" he saw at the beginning. God mummy" as simple as that.

Just looking back, these undead creatures probably stayed here from the time Naraku survived.

Moreover, undead creatures themselves have eternal life, so after thousands of years of history, it is not very strange to become legends.

So Zhao Xu also thought about it, and hid in one or two of the buildings first, and then moved forward slowly after he had activated the "God Rune" continuously, which caused the "God Statue" to slash two swords.

Otherwise, under the chaos, he might be directly swallowed by the wave of undead creatures.

At this time, Zhao Xu saw that the balcony door was slightly covered, and he sneaked in sideways without thinking much, and then found that it was empty, without any furniture or sundries, as if he hadn't used it in the first place.

At this time, Zhao Xu also squatted down a little, on the one hand, he was on guard against the movement at the stairway, and on the other hand, he was observing his own state.

"Perception of death" and "undead characteristics" are extremely powerful effects, so strong that he has to be familiar with them before he can use them properly.

"Master, why did you jump down suddenly? Did you see something wrong?" Lux asked at this moment.

After Zhao Xu's mentality of revenge had just been ignited, he became a little cold, but when he heard Lacus' question, he told the other party what he saw in detail.

"It's strange, it's actually killing without saying a word?" Lux obviously didn't expect this kind of scene.

"Maybe, these legendary undead creatures knew the strangeness of this statue of divine power from the very beginning, but they couldn't obtain the energy in it, and could only restrict access."

"So this can also explain why those ghouls didn't climb the cliff, it may be because of the existence of the divine power of' Lord of the Undead'." Zhao Xu reasoned at this time.

"So they issued the 'order to kill any creature that comes near the statue'?" Lux added.

Only in this way can it explain why Zhao Xu was killed by those ten or so undead creatures before he even had time to say anything.

Because the other party suspected that he might have that ability, they were naturally very scrupulous about him.

With the thought that he would rather miss than let go, he directly besieged and killed him.

Zhao Xu, on the other hand, could only control one of the weakened versions of the "Lord of the Undead" with extraordinary abilities, and he was helpless in the face of a dozen or so undead creatures that came together.

At this moment, Zhao Xu pricked up his ears and listened to the fluctuations around him. There was still a lot of vibrations on the ground, and it was obvious that a large number of undead creatures were disturbed and were running non-stop.

But he didn't hear any abnormal noise coming from under the stairs.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xu tiptoed lightly, activated the "sneak" skill of half a bucket of water, and walked slowly to the wooden stairs.

"Master, look." Lux suddenly said.

At this time, Zhao Xu almost rolled forward, trying to avoid the possible attack from behind.

It's just that he quickly realized that there was no anxiety in Lax's tone, and he was slightly relieved, and calmly turned around to see what Lax wanted to remind him to look at.

Beside the door he just entered, the pale wall next to it is very dim, but one can clearly see a line of small characters carved with a knife on it.

"Nobody 'Edmund' is here for a visit."

And under it, there is an additional line of writing with a similar font——

"Immortal being 'Edmond' revisited his hometown."

Zhao Xu's thoughts at this time even drifted back a thousand years.

Edmund, who had just escaped from the prison, convinced himself to believe what the prison priest said, and relied on the methods and spells given by the other party to go through untold hardships and find the "sleeper" floating in the astral world. In the demiplane where Anta City is located.

At this time, the other party probably also saw countless undead creatures in the city, and directly climbed over the earth wall below and climbed into the second floor of the house on the edge of the town.

The other party didn't know how long he hid in this room, and finally left his own mark.

At this time, Zhao Xu also walked over silently, pulled out the dagger tied to his calf, and engraved another sentence on it as well——

"The caster 'Zhong Xia' is here for a visit."

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