The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 787: A lie becomes truth if repeated 0 times

However, the national power of Italy at that time was also considered to be strong. Seeing that Wang himself poured dirty water, Italian ambassador to the United States Gusani and the staff of the legal department of the embassy Wen Senzo quickly found this "nonsense" five mate. The fifth officer quickly changed his words at the hearing, saying that he had guessed the description of the Italian passengers, because the situation was panic at the time, and it was impossible to see which passengers were from which country.

Well, the Italians can't be black anymore and finally choose to go, only the Chinese are left. In addition, 8 Huaxia crew members can survive 6 lives. This ratio seems to be very high, and it can even be said to be too high!

Then, the media naturally ignored the question of how the six Chinese people escaped, and actively forgot the real situation on the ship at that time, just for the black Chinese crew members.

The fact is that after the ship hit an iceberg and it was determined that it would sink, the crew first notified the passengers in the first class, and even the passengers in the second class were not aware of the situation at first.

As for the third-class passengers, they didn’t even know that the ship was going to sink. Even if they knew, they couldn’t escape because the door to the deck was locked!

"...It was very critical when the door opened, and people in the third-class cabin flocked out. But the problem is that many lifeboats have already been put down at this time. Although there are some remaining, third-class passengers are not allowed to board.

At this moment, five of the Chinese people found that there was a broken boat on the deck of the big ship, and the other people who were running around in panic did not expect it to be used to survive.

The five Chinese people worked together to throw this small boat into the sea, which was actually totally unable to get people out of the cold water, and then jumped out of the sea, immersed in the water and hugged the boat. The lifeboat at the location was rescued.

After the sixth Huaxia fell into the water, he happened to have a door panel next to him. He floated on the surface of the sea on this door panel, and was lucky enough to encounter a lifeboat, so he was saved.

The six Chinese people were the last group to be put on the deck. They survived miraculously without getting on the lifeboat. Boss, I personally analyze three reasons. "

what reason?

William’s analysis is very reasonable, "First, I was lucky, and I happened to see a broken boat; second, the boss, allow me to tell your compatriots to calm down and support each other in crisis and perseverance. Salute to the spirit of Ba!

If it weren't for five people, they wouldn't be able to overturn that small broken ship into the sea, the boat on the Titanic is not light. "

Hearing this, Zhang Nan was very happy. Who said that a Chinese person is a dragon and ten people are a worm?

Among other things, there are not many troops in the world that can participate in natural disaster relief with a shovel, except for the Chinese Army!

Do you British gentleman or American soldier dare? !

At this time Xiang Weirong said: "William, what is the third reason?"

William showed a somewhat ironic expression on his face, saying: "Mr. Xiang, this last reason is quite ironic. The first people on the ship who were given the opportunity to escape were mainly first-class passengers in the United Kingdom and the United States, but because of the panic, there were a lot of lifeboats. People put down the water before they were full, but six Chinese people got seats when they were rescued.

If the lifeboat was full at the time, if they met it, they didn't. "

At this moment, Zhang Nan suddenly asked Mark, who was sitting behind him, "I said Mark, what should I do if my family runs into the Titanic?"

Mark was taken aback: This hypothesis...

It’s okay if we haven’t crossed the line yet, but Mark has watched the 3o-episode sci-fi TV series "Time Tunnel" filmed in 1966. The first episode is that the protagonist was sent to the Titanic by the time tunnel-the last life of this TV series. Nan also watched it. It was screened in China in the late 1980s, and it was first shown at the Zhengda Theater of Yangma Zhengda Variety Show.

Unfortunately, because of the deterioration of Sino-US relations in 1989, this TV series only played 18 episodes.

After Zhang Nan arrived in the United States, he found a videotape. After watching the 30th episode, the film was shot in the 1960s, but even in the 21st century, the film is still very interesting.

Alright, Mark's mind quickly ran out of the TV drama and said to Zhang Nan: "Simple, boss. A lifeboat can hold 40 people. If one is enough, grab one, and if the other is not enough, grab two. Who will come? Stop it and kill anyone!

We are bodyguards. In any case, the safety of the boss is the first priority. You say yes, Alyosha. "

Alyosha, who was deadlifted aboard the boat, glanced at Mark, and he said "Yeah."

Zhang Nan shook his head and smiled, and said, "Well, you can be heroes, but you can never be gentlemen."

Then he paused, and after a bitter smile, Zhang Nan said again: "I really can't be a hero. I'm afraid of water. I guess I'll run into that situation. I'm probably the first to grab the boat. I'll tell you: wait for my family to be rescued. , A bonus of 10,000 yuan per person!

Oh, maybe a billion. "

At this time, Xiang Weirong finally couldn't listen anymore, and said, "Don't talk, if each one is 100 million, this group of guys will dare to kill all the people in the boat, and then everyone will row in a lifeboat.

Talk about business, don't go so far. "

William and Becker waited until the dialogue between the employer and the bodyguard, and did not underestimate: before the real life and death decision, how many people can give up the hope of life to strangers, and face death calmly?

Ask yourself, the three history experts don't seem to be able to do it themselves.

When the Titanic sank, one of the founders of the "Messi" in the United States and the world’s richest man Isy-Strauss was on board. Mrs. Strauss almost boarded the No. 8 lifeboat, but she was about to step on her feet. When she got to the side, she suddenly changed her mind and came back to be with Mr. Strauss: "We have all lived together for so many years, wherever you go, I will go too!"

She gave her place in the boat to a young maid, and also gave her fur coat to the maid, saying, "I don't need it anymore!"

When someone asked the 67-year-old Mr. Strauss: "I promise no one will object to an old gentleman like you getting on the boat..."

Strauss replied firmly: "I will never get on a lifeboat before other men." Then, holding the hand of his 63-year-old wife Ada, the two went to a wicker chair on the deck and sat down quietly. Waiting for the last moment.

Zhang Nan asked himself that he couldn't be as noble as the Strauss couple, at least not now, maybe he could do it when he was his age, but now it is absolutely impossible for them to die like them.

I am not a noble person, or even a good person, this is self-knowledge.

The topic returned to the six Huaxia crew members. Not having a strong motherland is sorrow. The Italians became popular, and the British and American media immediately stopped cooking. What about China at that time?

Just after the Revolution of 1911, Huaxia Land was still overwhelmed. The British and American media had no qualms about discrediting the Huaxia crew, and there was no need to worry about things that happened when they discredited the Italians.

Moreover, it is impossible for witnesses to speak for the six Chinese crew members who survived the catastrophe. The New York Times on April 21, 1912 also disclosed: In order to prevent the surviving crew from revealing the actual situation at the time of the shipwreck to the outside world, the White Star Company will The surviving crew members were quarantined to the bottom compartment of a ship, and armed personnel were sent to guard them strictly, and the crew members were ordered to "be silent, otherwise they would lose their jobs in the White Star Company!"

However, the six rescued Chinese people probably didn't know these things to discredit them.

Because the people rescued on the Titanic were first sent to an island called Da Ellis, and then sent to New York. The United States had a Chinese Exclusion Act at the time, and six Chinese crew members were not allowed to enter the United States, so they left the next day and boarded another ship to Cuba to continue their crew career.

Except for the 6 surviving Chinese crew members, all the other rescued people were allowed to enter the United States. The American media dared to make up their rumors so fiercely, which was one of the reasons. Anyway, they were working on a ship to Cuba, and it was impossible to know what the American media said about them.

Even if he knew it, he would probably be unable to defend himself because he was not very proficient in English.

The most important thing is: no one would look for them at all at that time!

At this time, William was saying: "At the climax of the rumors, many first- and second-class passengers even though they had never met with them at all, they all claimed to have ‘witnessed’ their ‘bad behavior’.

At that time, racism was extremely prevalent. Many people out of this kind of mentality, even if they didn’t see it with their own eyes, they would naturally "politics-stand in line" when asked. Anyway, China was poor and weak at the time, even if the rumors were spread to the sky, No one will come to you.

He was not allowed to get on the lifeboat. He managed to escape in extreme danger with his ability. Many people would call him a bad person, and he was not allowed to enter the United States.

This is not fair! Very unfair!

As for their identities and what methods they used to escape from a shipwreck, it was neither important nor worthy of concern to many British and Americans at that time. Anyway, it seems to these people that 6 of the 8 Chinese people have survived. This alone is enough to prove that they are bad guys, and in turn, can prove that all Chinese people are bad guys, which is in line with the needs of racial discrimination and Chinese Exclusion Act.

Mr. Allen, Mr. Cameron, Goebbels lie and repeat a thousand times will become the truth. The three of us sincerely hope that we can enter the production of this great movie and return the truth to history.

For this reason, the three of us have already negotiated, and we don’t need to pay one cent during the period as a consultant. "

Zhang Nan nodded and said: "It is my honor to have three more upright people join in to restore the truth of history, but I still have to pay.

Beginning this year, a consultant fee of 10 million US dollars a year will increase by 10 points every year until the film is released.

And, three of you, and Mr. Cameron, you will have the friendship between me and my family. "

The additional advisory fee of US$10,000 per year is also a large income for the three historical experts who have a legitimate career, and to gain friendship, this is a big deal!

Yes, not to mention other places, almost all the people on Wall Street hope to get the friendship of Mr. Allen, this sentence is even more powerful than what Corleone said in "The Godfather".

As long as the luck is not too bad, for the four people and their family, the friendship added by Mr. Allen is a proper prosperity for hundreds of years.

Of course, there is a price to pay, just like in "The Godfather", if someone gives you friendship, then you have to pay your own loyalty-not the loyalty of bodyguards, but to serve Zhang Nan with all your heart. .

These are not difficult things for Cameron and the three history experts, they are just a matter of course.

Finally, Alfred talked about the only Japanese on the ship: after the sinking of the Titanic, a British passenger's diary wrote: A Japanese brutally pushed others away and forcibly boarded a lifeboat.

At that time, the only Japanese on the Titanic was named Hosino-wen. He was able to escape back then, but to his death he carried the notoriety of "despicable survivor".

In 1912, Hosinomoto was the head of the Japanese Railways Academy, and it is also recorded that he was the Minister of Transport and was investigating the railway network in Europe. After studying in Russia and Britain, he boarded the Titanic from the UK to North America.

At 1:40 on April 15th, the last lifeboat was being lowered to the surface. Legend has it that Hosono, disguised as a woman, risked being killed by sailors and climbed onto the lifeboat full of women and children.

This is the most vicious statement, and there is another saying that he pushed others away, jumped into the lifeboat by himself, and then mixed in among a group of women, children and children, and took his life back.

Who made him a Japanese, survived, the survival rate was 1oo%, and Japan at that time was not Japan after the First World War, and it was not comparable to European and American powers-the backing was not strong enough.

Regardless of the situation and the facts, no one condemns the survival of European and American men. You are not an East Asian Japanese!

At that time, Japan attached great importance to reputation. Faced with numerous rumors and reports that were not conducive to him, Hosino was dismissed from his post as Minister of Transport in 1914, and worked half-shift in the office until his retirement in 1923.

In 1939, Hosino Text died in shame, but he did not defend himself. It is said that he believed that living himself was a shame compared to those in the city.

Later, his diary was found, when Hosino text was living in the second class cabin. According to diary records, the sound of the cabin door awakened him that night. He was standing on the deck, wearing only pajamas and a jacket. A waiter threw him a life jacket and ran away.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he followed the turbulent crowd down to the third-class deck.

After arriving on the deck, he found that the lifeboat was being dropped into the night water little by little. The fire on the boat was blazing, but the people were surprisingly quiet. He wrote: "No passenger wailed or screamed."

But he said he was very panicked. The women were being put on the lifeboat, while the men were retreating behind under the threat of gunpoint.

He wrote in his diary: "I tried to make myself stand calmly till the last moment, not to do anything that would insult the dignity of the Japanese, but I realized that I was searching and waiting for any chance of escape~www.wuxiaspot. com~ At this moment an official shouted: "There are two more people!"

In the diary, he said that he thought "I will never see my wife and children again, and I will be panicked", so he jumped into the lifeboat.

Zhang Nan knew that in 1997, Hosino’s diary was verified by the American Titanic Research Group and was judged to be correct: Hosino texts boarded the No. 1 life raft during the disaster, and the British passenger who accused him of forcibly boarding the ship , But it was on the No. 13 life raft.

Moreover, it is said that there were still 2 seats on the lifeboat No. 1o. Among the passengers waiting to board the third-class cabin, Hosino was the second-class passenger and had priority.

There is a very important point that cannot be ignored: the Hosino text diary that was discovered in the early 1940s was written not long after the shipwreck was born. It is timely, true and fair, and reproduces that tragic historical scene— —Especially it was confirmed that the crew blocked the third-class passengers on the bottom deck, so that they had no chance of surviving!

Is the first version or the second version used in the case of Hosino's escape? This is the need for watching movies, or not at all. This is completely unhappy to see Zhang Nangao-the first version is shameful to pretend to be women and children, but it seems a bit weird and impractical;

As for the second version, it's just a normal human reaction. If there is a short shot describing this paragraph in the movie, it will be 100% welcome in Japan.

As for not using it, it doesn't matter to Zhang Nan and the movie itself.

To restore the historical truth, this is what Zhang Nan has to do, and to give justice to the six Chinese crew members who survived the catastrophe and all the Chinese.

As for other people and other things-a lie will become truth if repeated a thousand times, this is not just a joke!

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