The jellyfish-shaped mermaid is a kind of alien mermaid...their heads that appear in front of people are essentially mimicry. Their bodies shrink to a very small size, only one to two centimeters in length, but their brains are no different from normal mermaid. , The eating and reproductive systems are distributed on the arms and legs. For a long time in the past, jellyfish-type mermaids were not considered to be a kind of mermaid, but were considered to be sea monsters or humanoid marine mammals, and lived by grazing groups of jellyfish. But after human scientists extracted the genes of the jellyfish-type mermaid and compared it with the real saltwater mermaid more than ten years ago, they were surprised to find that the jellyfish-type mermaid was also a variant of the mermaid. Later, the jellyfish-type mermaid was classified as a mermaid. "Mermaid", not "Jellyfish Man"...

Before coming to the salt water area, Tang Xiaomi had seen an introduction to the jellyfish-shaped mermaid in popular science books, but...when he actually saw Kraken, he fainted in embarrassment.

To be honest, Tang Xiaomi is not really a timid mermaid. On several occasions, he helped the girls in the class beat mice—but! Tang Xiaomi has a fatal weakness.

He is afraid of ghosts.

Speaking of this, it can be regarded as a childhood shadow. His father Tang Dahui is busy with work and has an impatient personality. When Tang Xiaomi was in elementary school one year when his family bought a new VCD for underwater use, he was very excited. Tang Dazhu saw that Xiaomi was happy, and he took a drawer from the store and showed it to Xiaomi.

As a result, he took all the ghost movies in the store home.

Tang Xiaomi was so scared to vomit after watching the first disc, but he was a sweet and caring little fish back then, thinking that his father's kindness could not be let down, so he passed all the horror movies in tears. Again. As a result, the sequelae were severe. He was so afraid of ghosts that he didn't say anything, and he also got fish swim bladder disorder. The belly floated up accidentally, or his father cruelly hung a rope on Tang Xiaomi's back, with a lifebuoy tied to it to keep him balanced. This way, Tang Xiaomi had a full summer vacation, and Tang Xiaomi's problem was cured.

Tang Xiaomi really didn't expect to fall ill again on the first day when he came to the salt water area. Not only did he expose his fear of ghosts, but he also exposed his troubles with his stomach. After waking up, Tang Xiaomi was so impatient that he didn't want to leave the room. However, thinking that he was not a child and could not be willful anymore, he finally ran out cautiously and apologized to Kraken. Fortunately, Kraken looked soft, and after a smile appeared on his pale face, he turned out to be kind. He stretched out two hairs and patted Xiaomi's face, saying that it didn't matter. Tang Xiaomi just breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he relaxed, Roy and Yves also relaxed, and for a while the whole living room was in harmony.

But actually...


Kraken rolled his eyes viciously where no one else could notice.

As a jellyfish-type mermaid who is often discriminated against in the mermaid tribe, Kraken, like all his companions, is extremely disgusted with any excessive behavior by others towards their appearance. The fact that Tang Xiaomi frightened and passed out after seeing Kraken had seriously hurt Kraken's arrogant self-esteem.

Ever since, even though it was obvious at a glance that if Tang Xiaomi went to school like this, he would be so miserable, when Roy and Eve asked, Kraken only nodded readily.

"No problem, Xiaomi looks at the quality (hao) and (qi) good (fu), the problem should not be big, the Archerides Trial Palace is not as harsh as those years before, and it was clearly stipulated in the school regulations last year. Don’t eat your classmates casually..."

Wait, what's going on not to eat your classmates?

Tang Xiaomi immediately felt that something was wrong. He has only heard that he is not allowed to bring his mobile phone to school, or highlight his hair and wear jewellery...but he "eats" his classmates?

Tang Xiaomi looked at Kraken, and then at his mother and Roy, who had obviously relaxed. He was confused and even wondered if his mermaid lingua franca was not very good, which caused a problem in understanding.

Otherwise, why his mother didn't seem to care at all.

-Well, obviously, Tang Xiaomi once again forgot that his mother had completely assimilated the mermaids in the salt water area in some ways.

He had just lost his face once before, and now he didn't have the courage to ask this matter. Only when this "eat" classmate might be similar to the "bully" classmate... After all, the two words in the mermaid lingua franca are not very different, and Kraken has a bit of salt water accent.

You must have heard it wrong!

Tang Xiaomi cheered herself up in her heart.

In this way, he was a little worried but ushered in the day of enrollment without any worries.

The original site of the Trial Palace of Archerides is located in the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean, a deep blue cave that humans have never noticed. It was even deeper than the current Mariana Trench 30 million years ago, but , There is no record in history that a volcanic eruption caused it to collapse. After the collapse of the Blue Hole, the remains of the Blue Hole formed a huge ruin on the seabed that humans could not imagine. Its interior is full of intricate bends and gaps, as well as darkness of different sizes. Hollow, inhabited by a large number of highly venomous marine creatures... some of them are not even understood by the mermaid. In addition, because of the environment, its interior is filled with turbulent undercurrents. Those undercurrents have no laws at all. They will catch the marine creatures cruising in the blue cave by surprise. Inside. Those stone blades sharper than daggers can easily stir creatures into finely minced meat. And these minced meat inadvertently nourish those highly poisonous creatures that live in the dark.

Even for saltwater mermaids who are familiar with water, entering the Trial Palace of Archeroides is a trial of a lifetime. For a long time in the past, the road leading to the Trial Palace of Archerides has become a natural barrier. It will help the priests in the temple to weed out those mermaids that are too weak and insensitive. , So that they have more energy to cultivate those strong and intelligent mermaid, so that they become brave warriors and intelligent priests. This is also the source of the name of the Trial Hall.

Of course this is a thing of the past, and now Archerides Trial Hall has a brand new name-Atlantis Public High School, which is divided into junior high school and high school. On the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the freshwater mermaid and the saltwater mermaid, the freshwater mermaid provided equipment to the saltwater mermaid and built a safe and normal secondary school building on the edge of the blue hole that meets the requirements. The school’s facilities are complete, including underwater basketball halls, fitness centers, ocean gardens, etc. Atlantis Public High Schools also attach great importance to the cultivation of teachers. They have hired foreign teachers of different types and levels from different seas around the world. Help the students here to better understand the external environment. In addition, there are different classes in the school, and the teachers encourage students who study here to participate in different interest groups in order to achieve a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art...

The above is all the information Tang Xiaomi got from Clark about the school.

In general, it's useless at all.

My mother didn't come to send Tang Xiaomi to school that day because of work. He didn't quite understand what concepts the saltwater mermaids had for the two words of normal and safety, but when looking at the megalodon in front of the building that theoretically should be extinct, Tang Xiaomi still felt that My fish bladder disorder seems to be attacking again.

"Please don't show such a timid expression? They are just the school security." After Karafen left his parents, he immediately showed all kinds of impatient expressions, and he said to Tang Xiaomi with a little dissatisfaction.

"Yes, but..."

Tang Xiaomi stretched out a finger in their direction and tremblingly said, "I just saw them... swallowed a mermaid."

Clark frowned, he looked in the direction Tang Xiaomi was pointing...

Just like to confirm what Tang Xiaomi said, at the moment he looked at it, those giant sharks more than 20 meters long, known as the ancient top hunters with the strongest bite force in the history of the earth, just opened. Big mouth in blood basin.


Tang Xiaomi watched as a mermaid's tail trembled outside their huge teeth, and then slid and was swallowed in.

"Oh, that..." Kraken turned his head indifferently, "That mermaid violated school rules! His tattoos are disrespectful to Poseidon, so the security guards swallowed it in his stomach. Go, don’t worry, they will vomit him out in due course before the digestive juices completely dissolve him..."

Tang Xiaomi felt that his sanity was about to collapse...

He couldn't help but drifted back, and he wanted to flee home just like that.

As a result, he was floating, but suddenly he couldn't move too much.

Something cold against the back...

After Tang Xiaomi recovered from the fear of the megalodon, he realized that something was wrong. He turned his head and saw a piece of light brown skin first.

The bulging and strong abdominal muscles, the chest muscles up, and the neck with huge gems and gold necklaces on top, and then...

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Tang Xiaomi made a clever call and hurriedly apologized.

He accidentally ran into a behemoth just the body of a big man.

It was a kind of mermaid that Tang Xiaomi had never seen before.

First of all, he is really tall.

Roy and Eve have beaten Tang Xiaomi with their length many times in the past period of time, but compared with the male fish in front of him, even Eve seems to be able to use "Xiaoniaiyi". People" to describe. Tang Xiaomi secretly glanced at his tail, deeply suspecting that he has grown more than three meters...

Secondly, his scales are very...horrible.

They are tooth-shaped, pits and pits like rocks, covered with small algae and conch, which makes each other look like a moving seabed earth and rock fortress.

Secondly, he is... very handsome.

He is the kind of male fish who will attract tens of thousands of fans in an instant if he takes a picture of him in the human world. He has a deep and heroic outline, and his eyes are crystal clear, like a deep purple that can emit fluorescence.

On his face, a sharp tribal tattoo was outlined with gold powder.

This made his already cold eyes look even more terrifying.

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