"Maybe it's also because of this last derailment, that man, Du Yunyi, although he is not very good, but it is said that he was quite rich before, but later his family went bankrupt, but he kept hiding it. With Liu Anqian, just to get some money from Liu Anqian."

Lou Xingrui, "That woman's money is also taken by you here, right?"

Fang He, "That's right, fortunately I found out soon after and broke up directly."

Lou Xingrui, "Now in the winter, their days will be a lot more difficult, and maybe they will come to you."

Fang He, "It's okay, just come to me if you come to me, I will ignore them anyway."

Lou Xingrui, "But harassment is not the solution."

Fang He, "Let's look at it first, if it's really annoying, I have a way to deal with them."

Lou Xingrui, "It's almost time, let's go to bed first."

Fang He, "Well, go to sleep."

Early in the morning, Fang He and the others left the house with Dong Yang's three little snakes and Fang Qunxi's three big dogs after breakfast. Liu Tong learned that the mutant snake was taken out by Fang He and the others. Dare to come out later.

She looked at such a cute child as Dong Yang and couldn't help but sigh, how could such a soft child like snakes? However, you can't interfere too much with other people's preferences.

Dong Yang slowly approached Liu Tong, "Auntie, good morning."

Liu Tong was startled, "Morning, good morning, Xiaoyang! Have you eaten breakfast?"

Dong Yang shook his head, "Not yet, Auntie, I just got up."

Liu Tong, "Oh, then auntie will cook noodles for you. There is still a lot of mutton soup that was served last night. It will be delicious to eat with noodles."

Fang Qunxi is no longer afraid of Dong Yang, the three snakes have been taken away, what else is there to be afraid of?

"Why does Xiaoyang act like a baby and act like a spoiled aunt?"

Dong Yang immediately felt embarrassed when he heard it. In fact, he just wanted Liu Tong to get used to himself as soon as possible, so that the situation might be a little better if he took out the snake in the future.

Liu Tong glared at Fang Qunxi lightly, "Okay, Xiaofang, don't make fun of Xiaoyang, Xiaoyang is so young, can't you let him?"

Fang Qunxi did not refute, "Okay auntie, I will let him!"

Dong Yang blushed and walked over to Fang Qunxi to sit down, and whispered, "Actually, Brother Fang, they left one for me, saying it was to protect me..."

Before the words were finished, Fang Qunxi jumped three feet high, and in the blink of an eye, he was several meters away, "Really? Are you lying to me? "

Dong Yang smiled and looked at his flustered look, "Hey, I lied to you, Brother Qunxi."

Fang Qunxi rolled her eyes, "I knew you were lying to me."

If his hands on the side table weren't shaking, it would prove he wasn't afraid.

When Liu Tong came out face to face, he saw Dong Yang sitting on the sofa with a smile, Fang Qunxi was hiding far away like an enemy, and couldn't help but stunned, "What's wrong?"

Dong Yang, "It's okay, auntie, wow! It's so fragrant."

Liu Tong didn't think much about it, put the noodles on the table, "Eat it quickly, if it's not enough, there's more in the kitchen."

Fang He and Lou Xingrui walked to the gate of the second district. When they were about to go out, suddenly there was a little snow in the sky. A thin layer of white gauze.

Fang He, "It's actually snowing, and there's still snow."

Fang He, "It seems that if it snows long enough, the snow will be thick."

Lou Xingrui, "Let's go, hurry up, maybe you can come back before the snow is deep enough."

Fang He, "Well, but if the snow is too deep, it will definitely increase the difficulty a lot if you take them out for hunting in the future."

Lou Xingrui, "Don't be afraid, there are mutant plants, so they won't be attacked."

Fang He, "Let's go, hurry up."

They ran forward slowly, there were many mutant animals around, and Zhang Yanqing was now standing in front of the window looking at the snow outside, "It's actually snowing..."

Zhang Yanshun, "Brother, just received the news, Brother Fang and the others went out again."

Zhang Yanqing, "They will not mess around, they will come back in time, don't worry."

Zhang Yanshun, "I know brother, there are other things. The mutant animals that were sent from some survivors have now been specially trained and can now be put into use."

Zhang Yanqing, "This is good news. There are more than 300 mutant animals, no matter where they are placed, they are very powerful."

"Let the soldiers who have been taking care of them take these mutant animals to patrol the area near the wall. Let's try it today and see how they are fighting."

Zhang Yanshun, "Did you go to the periphery of Lou Xingrui's mutant plant protection circle?"

Zhang Yanqing, "Yes, go to the periphery of mutant plants, where there are mutant plants protected, there shouldn't be too many mutant animals appearing, and they will all be eaten by them."

These more than 300 mutant animals were all dying of hunger. Although they would not die, it took a lot of effort to raise them until they could go out to fight and hunt. The amount of meat of the mutant animals is even more terrifying.

Now they can hunt by themselves, of course, let them go out to hunt and eat, just like their mutant military dogs, they can't be kept in a safe area.

If they keep raising, they won't be able to eat enough.

"If there is no problem with hunting, let them also help hunt the prey. Before winter, it is necessary to store enough meat. Anyway, it can be kept fresh as long as it is kept outdoors, which is very trouble-free."

Zhang Yanshun, "Okay, I'll let you know."

Zhang Yanqing looked at the back of him leaving, and was quite satisfied. Although he was still a little tender now, he was able to keep up with his own rhythm, and he was more proficient in handling things. In another year or two, you can become an adult on your own.

At last you can rest assured!

So when Fang He and the others were hunting outside today, they saw a lot of soldiers come out with mutant animals, a team of ten people, each with a mutant animal.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Lou, how are you!"

Fang He, "These mutant animals were brought over by the people who made trouble before?"

"Yes, Mr. Fang, it's all in the safe zone now."

Fang He touched the head of one of the big dogs, "They are all very good mutant animals, you take good care of them, I can feel that they are very happy with you, maybe they will not betray them The original owner, but he must also have feelings for you."

After all, I was used by my original owner before, and I was so hungry. Now I have someone who treats me better, of course I will show my closeness, and of course I will not betray the original owner.

"Thank you Mr. Fang!"

Fang He is the most powerful beastmaster in the safe zone, everyone knows it, so what Fang He said is of course credible.

After learning that they can really exchange their sincerity for their sincerity, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Fang He looked at the back of their team leaving, and said, "It seems that we have to go a little further today, this time there are more than 300 mutant animals coming out to hunt, we will not go further No, you can't **** prey with them."

Lou Xingrui, "Let's go, look near the seaside."

Fang He was walking on the street, looking at the surrounding scenery, he couldn't help but sigh, "Really, how long has it been, the plants have already covered many gaps, and the whole city is gradually changing is full of life.”

Even if it was snowing, these green plants did not show any signs of withering, and they looked more vibrant.

I believe that in the near future, this S city may become a paradise for plants and animals. I don’t know how many buildings here will be available after the winter.

No problem.

The mutant animals will be obedient, after all, they are the people who have been with them all this time, give them meat to eat, and restore their physical strength and strength.

Fang He, "It seems that there is nothing to worry about, they are all very good, after two years, this S city safety area, maybe it can become the S city base?"

Lou Xingrui, "Yes."

Fang He, "En?"

Lou Xingrui's tone seemed to be very confident. Could it be that he is so powerful that he can predict the future?

Lou Xingrui seemed to know his doubts, "It seems that the capital already has this idea."

Fang He just remembered, the capital seems to be the first urban base in the country, and the time is about a year, now about half a year has passed, wait until the middle of next year Probably can announce the establishment of the base.

Although S City has taken the lead and reminded Zhang Yanqing, the military power here is still not as good as that of the capital, and the military power there may be stronger than that here. Ten times more powerful.

Fang He, "When did you listen to the radio? We don't seem to have this at home?"

Lou Xingrui, "When I see the store, there will be there. Dad prepared it. Listen to it when you are bored."

It was too cold during this time, so Fang He did not let his uncle and aunt go over to see the store. Sometimes the people who visited the store were Fang Qunxi, sometimes Lou Xingrui, and he went home. cook meal.

Lou Xingrui was the radio that he listened to in the store at that time. It seems necessary to put one at home. After all, he cares about national affairs! After being reborn for so long, I didn't realize that the capital base was about to be established in less than half a year. It seems that these days have passed without a sense of crisis.

He let out a sigh of relief, watching the air that came out turned into a misty white mist by the way, and then disappeared, "It's really cold enough this day, even if the safe area will cover most of the People gather together for heating, and some people may freeze to death, after all, many people have to come out to work."

It does not mean that all people work indoors, and many people work outdoors. Of course, the wages of outdoor work have also increased accordingly, directly doubled.

Now I live in the place where I hit the heating together. In addition to the free water, I still need to pay for the food, but now the food is cooked, similar to the box lunch. .

People who eat lunch every day and live in large stadiums and other places can basically save a lot of money this winter. good day.

After all, the salary of outdoor work is doubled now. In some places, if you have a good conscience, you will directly double the salary. If you have no conscience, you will double the salary or not increase the salary. There will be a lot less. Most of the people in places where wages are not raised have left, and the rest are planning to leave.

The only reason they haven't left is because the place where they go to work is closer to where they live, but compared to the amount of money they earn, they can still sustain such a distance.

After all, they all choose to work outdoors, how can they be intimidated by the distance to and from get off work?

Lou Xingrui, "It is inevitable to be frozen to death."

Fang He, "Let's go, it's almost here, as for whether to freeze to death or starve to death, this is something Brother Zhang should worry about. Go back to the meat."

Lou Xingrui, "There have been a lot of people coming to the store to buy meat recently."

Fang He, "The salary has risen recently, and of course I have the money to buy meat. Let's bring more back today."

After they got to the beach, Fang He sensed the positions of the black fat and white circles, and the distance was still relatively far, "Let's go, they are not here today, come and see them another day."

Lou Xingrui, "They shouldn't be too close to the coast during this time."

Fang He, "That's right, after all, the temperature of the sea near the coast is low, and there are fewer prey, so let's wait until the weather is warmer."

When they came back today, they were informed by the soldiers standing guard at the gate.

"Mr. Fang, Lieutenant Colonel asked you to find him as soon as possible after you come back."

Fang He was stunned, what happened? Is there anything else that needs him to go to solve it now?

"Okay, I'll go over there right away." Then he turned to look at Lou Xingrui, "Send these meats to the store first, and you promised not to sell the ones you brought home."

Lou Xingrui, "Okay, come back as soon as possible."

They came back earlier today, so no need to go home to cook now.

Fang He separated from Lou Xingrui halfway, he walked towards Zhang Yanqing, Lou Xingrui walked towards the shop.

"Oh my little brother, you're finally here, we've been waiting for a while, knowing that you'll have to clean up before opening the store, I wonder if we can go in and wait? It's really cold outside !"

Lou Xingrui nodded, "You can't walk around inside."

"Don't worry, we all know, open the door quickly."

Cut the meat into pieces and put them on the front table as quickly as possible.

Of course, before Fang He picked out that he wanted to take home, he put it on the other side and didn't move it, and he would take it back later, but I ate half of it yesterday, and there is still half of the mutton left today, I don't know whether to eat it today or tomorrow.

The amount of meat sold today is more than three times that of the previous days, so more people come to buy meat one after another, but it still closes half an hour earlier.

Fortunately, there were no more people who continued to buy meat. Today, he probably bought all the meat he wanted to buy. He took the rest of the meat and walked home.

It was not so easy for Fang He to arrive at Zhang Yanqing's office.

Fang He frowned slightly, "What? Are you saying that the security area in the capital will send people to us? Why? In this situation, you can go far away at will?"

Is this the kind of play in the capital security zone?

Fang He sneered, "Or, they will dispatch helicopters? It's funny, I forgot my Ah Chiu? Although it's just a mutant sparrow, it can also fly, which means Many flying animals in nature have mutated, but we haven't encountered them yet."

"What's more, people in the safe area feel like they are going to freeze to death even when they go out to get off work in the winter, not to mention that they may be killed by mutant plants and animals on such a long journey. It was frozen to death before."

Zhang Yanqing frowned, "I know you definitely don't want to, but now we have too many options, and they also ask us to send someone to respond."

He said and clicked on a place, Fang He suddenly exploded when he saw it, "Oh! It's really a good plan."

The place where Zhang Yanqing pointed is exactly the middle of the capital safety zone and the S city safety zone.

Fang He patted the table directly, "What international joke?!"

Zhang Yanqing also knew that this was impossible, and he also felt that the order of the Capital Security Zone was very puzzling, but the news he received here was like this, and it was still in the capital. A lieutenant general on the side contacted him directly, but he did not directly agree at that time, but there must be a response.

"Don't worry, I didn't agree directly and said that I would consider it for a few days, but the other party is a lieutenant general of the military over there in the capital, and there should be some reply."

Fang He, "Oh? That is to say, this is only the request of the lieutenant general, and it was decided by the leaders of the capital security area after consultation?"

Zhang Yanqing was silent for a while, "Probably yes."

Fang He can relax now, "This is easy to handle, wouldn't it be good to just reject it?"

Zhang Yanqing, "Is it too shameless to refuse directly?"

Fang He, "This lieutenant general does not represent the meaning of the center of the capital security area, but his own meaning. What if he refuses?"

"In my opinion, he must be excluded in the capital security zone, he can't get along, so we chose our well-developed S city security among the many security zones in this country. District, want to occupy our achievements, do you think you can accept such a result?"

"When the time comes, we will take great pains to bring them back, but they will give us a ruthless move and drive you out of power. What will you do then?"

Zhang Yanqing was silent for a while, "You're right, I didn't think about this matter, such an obvious thing."

Fang He, "It's not that you are ignorant, but you are a fan of the authorities, hey... Brother Zhang, let me tell you something."

Zhang Yanqing, "What's the matter?"

Fang He, "Although our S city safety zone and the capital's side certainly cannot be on an equal footing, but I am sure and guarantee that the development of our safety zone must be second!"

"In other words, even if the central government on the capital side of the capital contacts us and says that there are any requirements, it will be discussed and seen, rather than directly giving you instructions like this person. "

"Brother Zhang, you can be more confident in the future. Our safety zone is no worse than others. You don't need to follow others' orders. As long as it's not a bad thing, it doesn't matter if you refuse to agree."

Zhang Yanqing, "Is our safety zone really that powerful? Ranked behind the capital safety zone?"

Fang He, "Of course, don't look at it. I reminded me before that there are hundreds of mutant military dogs left? Now there are hundreds of mutant animals. In the ranks of protecting the safe zone, not to mention that there are Xing Rui mutant plants guarding the periphery of the safe zone.”

"Do you think there is a spiritual master in the capital security area?"

"There may already be several beastmasters, but we also have three here, so there is no need to belittle ourselves."

Speaking of this, Fang He is still a little worried, "No, I can't go like this now, Brother Zhang, you are now contacting the lieutenant general in front of me, and directly tell him that he refuses, for no reason. It doesn't matter."

"People who are pushed out of the capital security zone and cannot stay there and want to seize the security zone created by others, I don't think such a thing can lead our security zone to continue to move forward, maybe it will be destroyed in He might have it in his hands."

"You must know that even if the competition in the capital security area is fierce, the army will definitely still have necessary resources. As long as it is not a last resort, the capital will not give up such an army, so in my case It seems that they must have done something outrageous in the capital, not only the army but also the management, and even the ordinary survivors below are extremely disgusted by them, so they can't get along."

Zhang Yanqing gritted his teeth, "If it's really like what you said, it must be rejected."

Fang He, "Brother Zhang, do you have the contact information of other managers in the Capital Security District? You can try to contact us. After all, this matter is really not a trivial matter."


As for this lieutenant general, if you offend, you will offend.

Zhang Yanqing shook his head, "There is no contact information for them at the moment, and even this lieutenant general took the initiative to contact me."

Hearing this, Fang He had a flash of inspiration and captured the sense of disobedience, "I think it should be impossible to contact us, what is going on?"

"Are you sure the person you are contacting is a lieutenant general of the military over the capital, isn't it someone else? You can't go wrong with this."

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