The Third Reich

Chapter 84: A complete success

   The test drive is almost over.

   Rolls-Royce Phantom 2 showed excellent performance. It sometimes jumped high and then rolled down heavily. In this case, the suspension system of the car was still intact, and there was no breakage at all!

   The crowd of onlookers kept shouting, and they were also driven by this atmosphere, as if they were going to see a racing performance.

   However, their voices suddenly turned into screams.

   I saw the Phantom 2 car, at the end of the road, and when the entire performance was about to be completed, suddenly, a thick black smoke appeared from the front engine!

The driver stepped on the brakes tightly. Amid the squeaking brakes, the speed of the Phantom 2 sedan quickly slowed down. Unfortunately, just when it was about to stop, flames appeared in the engine compartment in front. !

   The driver pushed the door and jumped out of it almost half-rolled. The fire had already surrounded the two cars.

   No, impossible, absolutely impossible! Royce suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up, the figure in front of his eyes was constantly blurred, and his body fell backward!

   "President, President!" The people around him shouted loudly.

   A Rolls-Royce performance finally came to an end. This result is something that many people don't want to see.

  Even the royal cars burned! This is simply a face slap! After today's test results came out, almost all the nobles and members of the royal family threw their Rolls-Royce cars into the darkest corner of the garage and never dared to use them again.

   A car that can catch fire at any time! Who would dare to sit? I didn't expect that Rolls-Royce would be at this level!

   At the same time, many nobles have asked people to send their cars to Rolls-Royce, asking for their return and compensation for their losses!

   The lives of nobles are the most precious! If they were burned to death by this car, they would definitely die unjustly!

   It is said that even King George V was straight-faced, jumped on a horse and returned to the palace.

   "Cheers!" Inside the embassy in London, there was a table full of people. At this time, everyone's faces were very excited.

  This operation has been a complete success so far. Even if it is unable to acquire Rolls-Royce in the end, this company will never fall down! They are even less likely to have money to develop their Merlin engine!

   Without the Merlin engine, would the Spitfire still be the Spitfire?

   "Cyric, how did you do it?" Hannah, who was following Cyric, couldn't restrain her curiosity anymore.

   If it is said that someone from Rolls-Royce has bought into the company and made any tricks, it is fine, but now, it is a royal vehicle! It was maintained by the technicians of the palace. Even if the German agents had so many magical powers, they had penetrated into the palace, but no one would have expected that George V would suddenly be interested. Go there and visit?

   It's impossible to manipulate George V's vehicle!

   "Well, of course it's very simple." Cyric said, "Hannah, did you see that, what did your Majesty the King's car do before it started?"

   Before starting? A lot of people circled around the car. Those were all technicians from Rolls-Royce, but they didn't do anything?

   By the way, remember it! Hannah suddenly understood: "It must be that barrel of gasoline!"


  In this era, the petroleum smelting industry is actually very advanced and can smelt high-quality fuel, and the excellence of Rolls-Royce engines requires high-quality clean fuel.

  The problem lies in the barrel of fuel, which is a barrel of specially processed inferior fuel.

   In later generations, this happened. I went to an unknown gas station, and the engine was scrapped after refueling.

   Inferior fuel, what damage does it cause to the engine?

First of all, this inferior fuel cannot be fully burned. The gum content in the fuel is too high, and the gum accumulated in the valve guide will prevent the valve from closing properly, causing the piston to push the valve, and the engine will not burn. Completely.

   Of course, this does not happen immediately, it is accumulated over a period of time, that is, when it is just started, the engine will not fail.

And this experiment was carried out at a high speed. When the valve is not closed tightly, the atomized fuel in the carburetor will be ejected from the valve before it enters the cylinder. The flame is lit!

   So, it was as simple as that, along the oil road, the whole car was lit!

   Moreover, after the incident, nothing was found, the mechanical structure was not damaged, and the empty oil drum that was filled with fuel was already thrown away! This plan is much smarter than last time!

   Thanks to the ghost! Lefsey After accepting a bribe of one million pounds, he immediately helped Cyric to do things, and also revealed the defects of the Rolls-Royce engine. The company pitted it!

   Moreover, Cyric agreed that once it acquires Rolls-Royce, Lefsey will become the leader of the company.

   "I heard that Royce had a heart attack on the spot and died on the way to the hospital." Papp said, "A generation of car masters!"

   As the helm of BMW, Papp also sighed about this, and he died a powerful competitor!

   "Come down, I won't show up." Cyric said: "Mercedes-Benz and BMW two car companies, you have to find a way."

   What can I do? Of course, the two are competing, so hurry up to dig out people in Rolls-Royce, and dig out all the outstanding car designers in Rolls-Royce!

  The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the capitalist world is even richer than parents, which are easy to dig away.

  In this way, Rolls-Royce does not go bankrupt, and it is impossible! In the end, Rolls-Royce can be purchased at a very low price!

   "Understood, Colonel Cyric." Papp said, "We have started to contact those engineers. Especially the researchers of Merlin Engine, many of whom have reached an agreement with us."

   Merlin engine! In the view of current BMW, this is of course a cross-age engine! With the continuous enhancement of Germany's military strength, more advanced aircraft engines are definitely needed. The experience of these designers is the most valuable asset!

   "Good news, everyone, good news." At this moment, the ambassador stepped in and said, "Rolo Luo, now insolvent, is on the verge of bankruptcy!"

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