The Third Reich

Chapter 197: Catch up with Spanish warships

The fighter planes of the Spanish Republican Army dared to bomb the German warships. This is Chi Guoguo's provocation!

A few days ago, the Italian warship was accidentally bombed, and now, it's the "mistaken bombing" of a German warship!

Although the other party did not succeed in the bombing, on the contrary, the entire army they came to bomb was wiped out. Even so, Germany absolutely cannot give in!

Although both Germany and Italy are supporting Franco, after all, on the surface, the two countries did not declare war on Spain. Now, the Spanish Republican Army dares to take the initiative to provoke. They must pay the price!

Waiting for this opportunity!

After completing the mission of the bomber fleet that was completely annihilated, the Deutsche Deutsche continued to sail, and after meeting with Admiral Scheer, the two warships moved northward.

Dare to bomb German warships? Now, tremble!

The engine at the tail, while running at high speed, the diesel engine rumbled, and the propeller was spinning fast, pushing the huge battleship, accelerating, accelerating!

Just when the bomber from the west was greeted, another seaplane patrolling in the eastern waters found that there were several warships belonging to the Republican Army in the waters about 20 nautical miles in front of its navy. Obviously, the opponent is planning to come up with a group fight!

But now that the bombers are annihilated, these Republican warships are already retreating! For the Deutsche Vessel, revenge is of course not just as simple as killing the opponent's bombers. These Republican warships waiting for the gang fight are their prey!

Before the war, the Spanish navy had strong strength and ranked among the top ten in the world. After the outbreak of the civil war, the Republican Army and the National Army fought for the navy, shot each other’s fighters, and controlled the navy’s warships.

Afterwards, the two sides launched a series of battles. As a result, the Spanish-class battleship, the pride of the Spanish Navy, with a displacement of 16,000 tons, unfortunately sank.

The two latest Canarias-class heavy cruisers with a displacement of 13,000 tons were under Franco's control.

The largest and most combat-capable warship controlled by the Republican Army is only the Selvera class with a full load of 9,000 tons and a displacement of 9,000 tons. This light cruiser is designed with the British "E" class as the mother type.

Among them, the Libertad was the most active warship of the Republican Navy during the war. Almost throughout the war, he assumed the role of flagship of the fleet and participated in all major military operations.

The enemy formation discovered by the seaplane consists of four warships, among which is the Libertad!

Now, the Deutsche Deutsche and Admiral Scheer formed a formation and moved in the direction that the seaplane detected.

It was getting darker and darker, and it was night.

All officers and soldiers of the ship are in excitement at this time. As naval soldiers, they are eager for a decent naval battle!

On the bridge, Luckins looked at the dark sea in the distance, with determination on his face: "Use radar to detect the surrounding waters, and you must find the target!"

Although the seaplane found the opponent's whereabouts, but after the battle on this side is over, the opponent will definitely withdraw, and the sea area that you searched becomes larger.

At this time, you need to rely on radar to detect!

radar! In this era, it is definitely a new thing.

In that year, Cyric's trip to the island country established a good military-industrial relationship with the island country. In the subsequent series of cooperation, Germany obtained the island country's magnetron technology, and this device is the key to manufacturing radar.

After years of research and development, this kind of naval shipborne radar is now mature. Although it is still primitive compared to later generations, at least, naval warships can be found!

This is not too far from history. In 1938, the "Earl Spey" became the first German warship equipped with original radar equipment. The detection range of this equipment was only 15km, and it could not accurately indicate when used for weapon control. The target can only know the approximate location.

Now, after receiving the order, several radar soldiers climbed up the high bridge and installed them skillfully.

Yes, it is installation. For the sake of confidentiality, radar antennas are often removed and installed only when needed.

For example, during the daytime, this kind of radar is not very useful. It is found that the distance is less than 20 kilometers, and it is much more convenient than radar to detect by water plane.

At night, it is useful, so this radar is often removed in the morning and installed at night!

The current radar is still the old Yagi antenna type, and the installation is not complicated.

Ten minutes later, the radar antenna was installed on the base. After the radar soldier came down, the antenna began to rotate, and electromagnetic waves radiated to the surroundings.

In a cabin next to the bridge, the radar soldier stared at the small screen in front of him and waited.

Time, bit by bit, suddenly, the radar soldier shouted: "In our east, there are sea echoes, a distance of ten kilometers!"

ten kilometers! There was excitement on Luckins' face: "Right to catch up! All naval guns, ready to load!"

Ready to reload!

In the front DrhLC/28 triple turret, the hoist rang out, and the cartridge and warhead were lifted out of the ammunition magazine.

In the observation tower on the top of the bridge, several soldiers who were on the task of watching were concentrating all their attention, looking at the dark night sky. At this time, it was difficult to find the target.

Generally speaking, battles at sea are carried out during the day. Such night battles are difficult to fight. How to find the target is the first difficulty.

The radar is not clear and can only show the approximate direction, so the best way is to look at it visually!

Above the head, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the moon and stars appeared, and the bright moonlight scattered the entire Mediterranean.

"Found the target, straight ahead!" a warrior who looked out shouted loudly, extremely excited.

Has caught up to the goal!

"Front main gun, loaded with armor-piercing shells, ready to shoot!" Lukins commanded loudly.

Now, the opponent is sailing, and he hasn't found himself catching up from behind. It's a good opportunity!

The Libertad is a light cruiser with 8 boilers and an output of 80,000 horsepower. If it hurries, it can reach a maximum speed of 34 knots. However, in normal voyages, it will certainly not be so happy and cannot consume fuel. Therefore, it can only sail at an economic speed of 15 knots.

On the bridge, the Spanish captain Colonel Rodriguez felt a little melancholy. They had planned to sneak attack on German warships, and after their bombers succeeded, they could go up and fight and sink the opponent completely!

However, contrary to expectations, the Germans came prepared and their bombers were destroyed. They gave up their mission and sailed to the northeast, making a circle in the Mediterranean.

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