As soon as you enter the Ruhr industrial area, Major Mainz feels a special atmosphere.

Most of the previously busy factories had ceased work at this time, and the bustling streets were deserted at this time, and there were many more Bolsheviks with banners, bullhorns, and progressive caps.

With a curious gaze, Major Mainz looked at the men from a distance.

Most of them were in their mid-20s, few over thirty, and most of them were rushing to the square in the middle of the city with frenzy and excitement on their faces, and from time to time there were sounds from the square where it sounded as if someone was giving a speech there.

"Battalion commander, they have weapons in their hands!".

The soldiers noticed that many of these workers had weapons, which were exactly the same as those of the standard weapons of the German army, the Mauser 98 rifle introduced by the Mauser Company in 1898.

There are a large number of military factories in the Ruhr industrial area, and the famous Krupp military factory is located in the Essen area of the Ruhr industrial area, so it is not surprising that the workers have weapons in their hands, and it is not even clear that they also have heavy weapons, such as large-caliber Krupp cannons.

"You guys take off your military uniforms, change into civilian clothes, and follow me to the square to see what is going on!".

There were far more workers than his own soldiers, so a strong attack would not be possible, and if the attack failed, not only would he be besieged, but he could also startle the workers of the entire Ruhr industrial area.

Field Marshal Hindenburg was still gathering troops in Bonn at this time, and the troops at the front were retreating into the country, and after these troops had retreated, they would need some time to recuperate, so they could not be counted on for a short time.

In this case, the action of the repression of workers must be swift and precise!, and it is necessary to pay attention to the intensity of the crackdown, and not to spread too widely, otherwise, not only will the purpose of the repression not be achieved, but it will also be easy to poke the hornet's nest and cause things to deteriorate.

Therefore, Mainz intends to go deep into the enemy and investigate the situation.

The captain deputy battalion commander was a little worried: "Battalion commander, let's go, it's too dangerous, if those crazy Bolsheviks find out about you, they will definitely not let you go!".

Mainz shook his head firmly: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will get a tiger, and sometimes, it is worth taking a little risk!"

Soon, Mainz sneaked into the square with a few more clever soldiers.


Similar to Mainz's speculation, there was indeed a speech going on in the square, and a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, with a bullhorn in his hand, stood on a makeshift platform and gave an enthusiastic speech to the growing crowd below.

"Long live the great Bolsheviks!".

"Gentlemen! Only the Bolsheviks can save our country! The resignation of the Kaiser is a good start!

He is the main culprit of this war! But there are also those bourgeois vampires who are at the top of our heads, and if we overthrow them, we will be able to control the means of production and decide our own destiny!"

"Would you like to live this life?"


The crowd shouted in unison, many people's faces turned red with excitement, and some workers couldn't even wait, hoping that this day would come sooner.

"If we can't overthrow them, we, our children and even future generations, can only live a miserable life under their oppression

"I don't want to!".

The crowd roared in response!

It can be seen that this man on the podium is very agitatory, and his words are almost directed to the hearts of the workers, not only causing the workers to develop a deep hatred of the bourgeoisie, but also painting a bright future for the workers.

This made Mainz have some interest in this guy, but this interest quickly disappeared!

He knew very well in his heart that such a die-hard man of the Bolsheviks must be eliminated in any case, otherwise there would be no end to the disaster!

Mainz has an excellent memory, and after entering the square, he quickly memorized the topography of the square and made arrangements according to the terrain.

The workers were enthusiastic, but inexperienced, and they were not really soldiers, so they were barely armed.

Of course, it is also possible that they did not expect the Germans to move so quickly, so they were not prepared.

It's just that such a loophole is exposed in front of professional Imperial soldiers, so they can only be considered unlucky!

A moment later, Major Mainz entered the city with his troops, and the soldiers moved quickly, setting up checkpoints and defensive lines at only a few key street intersections, and the rest of the men followed their commander straight to the square.

The speech in the square continued, but the content of the speech was already in the direction of agitating the workers to participate in the march to Bolin.

While the eyes of all the workers were drawn to the speakers on the podium, the Germans quietly placed machine guns at several key positions and blocked the entire square.

The Germans thought that the workers in the square should find out about such a big move on their side, so when they did these things, the German soldiers were always worried about it, for fear that the workers would notice it and cause a fight.

As a result, the workers in this area were stunned and did not notice in the slightest, and when they finished arranging their positions, no one found any troops around.

Seeing this, Mainz asked the soldiers to play military music and entered the square with a hundred soldiers openly.

"Ah, it's the army!".

"The army is coming!".

"The lackeys of the bourgeoisie have been killed!".

The workers looked a little flustered, and some of the people with weapons in their hands had already raised their guns in their hands in a panic, and the muzzles of the guns were aimed at the oncoming German troops, and the first to bear the brunt was naturally Major Mainz, who was walking in the front.

"Don't move, whoever moves will kill who!".

The German soldiers were on the verge of a great enemy, and several soldiers immediately protected their commanders, and on the surrounding commanding heights, the machine gunners had already put their fingers on the trigger, ready to pull the trigger at any time!

The workers realized that they had been surrounded unconsciously, and immediately panicked, and some even had plans to fight to the death!

"Everyone, please don't be impulsive, bullets don't have eyes, if you act rashly, I'm afraid we will all die here, I think, everyone has a family, parents, wives and children, you don't want your relatives at home to receive your bad news, right?"

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