The Tanks Are In The Sky, You Tell Me This Is A Car?

113. Optical Stealth Fighter? Don’T Lie To Me If You Don’T Read Enough (2 Updates, Please Subscribe)

Time passed by in a hurry, and during the lunch period, a group of scientists such as Chafsky and Gorkytego were arranged to a special canteen.

Today they came to visit, and the Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute specially prepared some dandelion vegetables to avoid their taboos. Sitting in the cafeteria, Chafsky took a bite of steak, glanced around, and shook his head.

They just walked around the workshop this morning. As for the core area, they didn't touch it at all. Every time they wanted to ask about the engine of the aerospace fighter, Director Wu would squeak and turn away. topic.

The whole morning was wasted, and no trace of their research on fighter planes was found at all.

Gao Ji Taige frowned. The people above need to ask them to visit, but specifically after coming to the Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute, they are guests and cannot ignore the owner's opinions. It seems that this morning is destined to be fruitless.

After finishing the steak, Tschavsky lost all interest, so he said: "Boss, I think we can end the visit early."

After all, they have gained nothing all morning. It is obvious that the Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute here is not willing to let them come into contact with the core secrets. It is just a waste of time to wander around outside.

Gaoji Taige was a little surprised when he heard this. You must know that this was an opportunity they had finally fought for. It would be too careless to end it like this. He waved his hand and said:

"Our main purpose this time is to visit the aerospace fighter project. We haven't even visited home yet, which is a waste of time."

"And there will be a seminar and exchange meeting between scientists from both sides later. If you end it now, wouldn't it disrupt the process?"

But now Gaoji Taige also knows that Nantianmen does not let them get in touch with their core interests, which really makes him a little dissatisfied. They come all the way just for the matter of aerospace fighters and motherships.

Not even a shadow was seen all morning.

But the workshop products I came into contact with in the morning were also quite novel.

"Chavsky, what did you think of the morning workshop?"

Hearing this, Tschavsky shook his head: "Rabbit's production line is good, and the equipment is also top-notch in the world, but if we are not allowed to see their aerospace engine, I feel that it is a fraud."

"Now there are only two possibilities."

After finishing speaking, Tzefsky paused: "First, this is an absolutely confidential project and no one is allowed to observe it, including us. Second, otherwise, this project is simply a fiction and is just hidden from Waisi."

After Zhavsky finished speaking, he only thought it was the second possibility, otherwise the rabbit wouldn't be hiding like this.

It is impossible to create an aerospace fighter jet with current theoretical technology. This is something he has personally verified.

Hearing this, Gaoji Taige remained silent. He only thought of these two possibilities. Could it be that this visit would be in vain.

After finishing the meal, Gaoji Taige planned to continue to visit Director Wu to visit the project.

At this moment, two army-green trucks passed in front of them and entered a gate with tight security. The factory seemed to be isolated from the outside world. Seeing this scene, Gaoji Taige was immediately interested. This was definitely Nantianmen equipment. The core area of ​​the institute.

So he took Tzevsky to the door and asked, "Hello, can we go in and visit?"

The two sentries at the door also received the news and knew that Da Mao's scientists were coming to visit today, so they waved their hands: "There are tests going on inside now, so you can't go in, but the leader has told you that you can go to the outside to watch the experimental area."

This is an important military area. No matter how good the relationship with Mao is, he will definitely not be allowed to enter, lest they see the core secrets.

Hearing this, Senior Tiger and Gaoji Tiger looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and nodded. It seemed that they couldn't enter the core area, so they could only watch from the vents.

They only saw a group of scientists in white coats pointing in the laboratory, and there were some banners hanging above them.

Gao Ji Taige cannot read Chinese. After all, they wear a simple translator that can quickly translate Wu Daliang's dialogue and content, but it may not be possible for him to recognize Chinese.

He can simply say hello, but as for the rest of the afternoon and conversation, he can only leave it to the accompanying Tschavsky, who is proficient in many foreign languages.

So Gaoji Taige looked at the banner in the distance and couldn't help but ask: "What experiment is written on this banner?"

At this time, Tschavsky heard the words, looked at the banner, and shook his head: "The first experiment of optical stealth."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them suddenly looked ugly. They felt that they had been fooled. Even if it was a fake project, Rabbit was too perfunctory. He treated them as idiots. What is optical invisibility?

They looked at these scientists pointing and pointing. This is called physical optical invisibility. They really thought it was the emperor's new clothes. Tschavsky's face was also a little ugly. Optical invisibility can indeed be achieved. It is based on the object disappearing by reflecting the surrounding light. in the environment.

You might not be able to see clearly even from a distance, but they also have this technology. The two of them were less than forty or fifty meters apart. Seeing this scene, Gaoji Taige sighed.

"Chavsky, it seems you are right, this visit is indeed unnecessary."

Inside the high wall, Su Cencen looked at the completely invisible material in front of him with excitement on his face. He didn't expect it to be successful: "Gong Ye, we succeeded."

This material is exactly what Ye Tian used to make the magnetic storm pistol invisible using a special material. Unexpectedly, this material can also be used on airplanes to achieve true invisibility.

Her jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock. When Ye Tian proposed the optical invisibility experiment, she doubted whether this technology could really achieve invisibility.

But when you see the scene in front of you, you have to believe it or not. A fighter plane made of this kind of shell can definitely be truly invisible.

Unexpectedly, the stealth material here can be used in the outer shell of the aircraft. This experiment was a perfect success. After all, the size of the pistol was not comparable to the size of the outer shell of the fighter plane. They all had doubts about whether it could succeed.

Su Cencen looked excited. If this optical stealth is used on an aircraft, it can truly achieve complete stealth. Even satellites will not be able to monitor the existence of the aircraft, and it will be able to carry out various airdrop missions.

And it has a complete advantage in the battle. This is the real stealth fighter. When used on the battlefield, this kind of fighter can definitely catch the enemy by surprise. It is not a problem to take one against ten.

Su Cencen looked excited. To be honest, the material of this stealth fighter is not trivial, and outsiders must not be allowed to know. If this can be applied to fighters, a new generation of stealth concept fighters will be created.

If the enemy fights with their fighter planes, they will definitely be at a disadvantage and cannot see the fighter planes. How to fight this will undoubtedly have an inherent advantage.

Even Bald Eagle's most advanced fighter planes cannot have stealth functions. In addition, this record will also be able to block radar detection signals in the future, making it possible to sneak into the enemy's interior silently and cause strikes.

At this moment, Su Cencen suddenly discovered Gao Jitego and Chai Fsky outside the vent. His face changed slightly in an instant. Why did the big-haired man come to visit the outside without stopping him.

Thinking of this, Su Cencen's eyes immediately became serious. Could it be that the experiment just now was clearly seen by them. Knowing the urgency of the matter, he quickly looked at Ye Wei next to him and asked:

"Ye Tian, ​​is this a member of the delegation? How did he come to the core area of ​​our (abef) Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute?"

After saying that, Su Cencen also heard that people from Da Mao's delegation would come to visit recently, but he didn't expect that they would come to visit the core area. Couldn't it be that the materials they just experimented with were discovered by Da Mao.

If this spreads out, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar. Ye Tian waved his hand and looked unconcerned. He nodded and said, "Our superiors asked us to scare them. We have no choice but to let them visit the experimental site."

Ye Tian had received news from Wu Daliang before and knew that the scientists here at Da Mao were not interested in visiting the workshop and kept asking to see aerial fighters. However, Wu Daliang's ability to deal with it was quite strong and he dealt with it in one morning.

Now it would be good to let Da Mao and the others take a look at this experimental site to prove their rabbit technology.

Wu Hua looked a little worried when he saw Da Mao's people. As the general person in charge of the aerospace group headquarters, he was best suited to sit here and help deal with Da Mao. However, who would have thought that Da Mao's people suddenly came in to visit, which made him a little worried.

"Ye Tian, ​​this material is a breakthrough in the latest technology. It has an invisibility effect, so it won't look good to them."

The people at the Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute also frowned. This was the stealth technology they had worked so hard to research. If someone coveted it, it wouldn't be a long-term effort.

You must know that only their rabbits can achieve invisibility.

Hearing this, Ye Tian just chuckled, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they may not be able to see it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone realized that the entire fighter casing in front of them was invisible. People who didn't know it thought they were making the emperor's new clothes, and it was impossible to tell what materials they used.

Only they truly know that this fighter plane has truly achieved complete stealth. Now that they can't see anything from the opposite side, they naturally won't believe that this is an invisible material, and they can't steal any technology.

After the visit, Chevsky and Gorkytego lost interest, feeling that Rabbit was perfunctory.

In the evening, after the two of them finished their visit, they returned to the presidential suite.

On the other hand, Gaoji Taige made a report call domestically, directly to his superiors.

Senior Tiger knows that he attaches great importance to this delegation trip. If Rabbit's project of inventing aerospace fighters and aerospace carriers is true, they must pay attention to their relationship with Rabbit.

Let’s see if we can develop some technologies and continue to develop them in China. This is a technology heading towards the universe. Not even a bald eagle can do it. Moreover, there is such a collection of high-end technologies in the Nantianmen project. Just throw something at them. It's a huge support for them.

Of course, if the above test is false, then they will be happier and don't have to worry about the military threat Rabbit poses to them. After all, the territories of the two sides also have a junction. Although they are big countries, Da Mao has his own little thoughts.

The upper management received a call from Gao Jitege that night, and asked:

"Gaoji Taige, have you gained anything from this visit to the Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute? Is the technology studied by Rabbit here true or false?"

Gaoji Taige knew that the attitude above was very urgent, shook his head, waved his hand and said: "Ling Ling, the Rabbit project is fake. We visited the workshop production line, and there was no trace of manufacturing fighter planes at all."

Hearing this, Zhavsky added here: "Yes, the most annoying thing is that they actually pointed at the air and said that this is a material for studying optical stealth. They are simply fooling us. I feel that our My intelligence has been insulted.”

They also didn't expect that this time they came to the Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute, it would be a complete empty shell, with no harvest at all, and several days of time were wasted. They also prepared for several days, just like clowns.

After hearing the answers from the two people above, the person on the other end of the phone fell into deep thought. Unexpectedly, Rabbit

The project promoted internally and externally was actually fake, which surprised them.

However, the upper-level leader showed a smile on his face and smiled slightly: "Since that is fake, that's good. We Da Mao don't have to worry about rabbits posing a threat to us in the future."

To be honest, the military strength of the two sides could have been compared, but the rabbit's sudden entry into space really made Da Mao's side a little panicked.

Neither party is very close to each other. If there is some minor friction, wouldn't the rabbit hold him down and beat him?

Now that they got the news, the upper management was even more happy.

Gaoji Taige waved his hand, then said: "Leader, don't worry about the Nantianmen Equipment Research Institute now, just let Rabbit work on this project internally. "Anyway, it's just

There are things we know to be false. "

"It just so happened that the bald eagle was also fooled, and the news could not be announced to the outside world.

The leader also felt that what Gaoji Taigo said made sense. Since this project was fake, Rabbit’s current military strength could not pose a threat to them. Then he said with a smile:

"Okay, don't declare this matter to the outside world. Only we ourselves know the best. But with the strength of the rabbit, I'm afraid it can't be compared with our big hair."

Gao Ji and Tai Ge also nodded, feeling that Rabbit was too bluffing this time. Now the aerospace fighter project is fake, which proves their previous guesses.

is right.

For now, basically no one can develop a fighter jet that can fly into the universe, not even a bald eagle, so they are happy to watch the bald eagle invest hundreds of billions.

Then the money invested will be wasted. .

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