The Sweetness of the Seventies

Chapter 9 The farewell station

After Huo Yingjie returned, he couldn't calm down for a long time. He was not as optimistic as He Tiantian. After this separation, he didn't know when we would see each other again.

He can no longer lose Tiantian. After losing the one you love, even if you gain money and power, you will be high and mighty, but in the dead of night, your heart will still be empty, lonely and melancholy.

Early the next morning, Wang Shuping got up and spread scallion oil pancakes, boiled a few eggs, and brought them to her daughter to eat on the train. He Jingyu helped He Tiantian carry her luggage and rushed to the train station.

"Tiantian, Tiantian..." Huo Yingjie held a package, which contained things he prepared for He Tiantian. I hope He Tiantian can live a better life when she goes to the countryside.

When she saw Huo Yingjie, He Tiantian was very moved. Huo Yingjie could come to see her off. Before leaving, she was really lucky to see Huo Yingjie again and had no regrets.

The group of people went to the train station. The low train station was full of people and filled with various smells. However, even the scorching heat of summer cannot hide the youthful faces and smiles full of faith.

The parents who saw him off were reluctant to leave and warned him how to behave when away from home. On the way, He Tiantian was not too sad. But seeing this scene, her eyes turned red unconsciously. After boarding this train, she had to face the outside world alone.

But He Tiantian is ready. Although her shoulders are tender, her heart is strong and her beliefs are tenacious, and she can overcome all difficulties.

Wang Shuping wiped her daughter's tears with a handkerchief and choked with sobs: "Be careful when you go out."

"I will. Mom and Dad, take care. Brother Yingjie, take care of yourself too." He Tiantian choked and threw herself into her mother's arms.

Huo Yingjie and He Jingyu felt sour in their hearts, but they must persevere in order to survive. The two of them put He Tiantian's salute on the shelf of the train, and then reluctantly got off the train.

He Tiantian was sitting on the edge of the car, while Huo Yingjie, He Jingyu, and Wang Shuping were outside the window, raising their heads, and kept urging them.

Farewell is imminent, and all the words finally turn into tears. In the misty tearful eyes, I watch the train start.

Woo woo woo... Besides, besides...

A burst of white hot air rose from the green train, and the wheels rolled, making loud noises. However, no matter how loud the sound was, it could not cover up the painful beating of the sad heart after parting.

Huo Yingjie ran with the train and said, "Tiantian, you have to wait for me, wait for me..."

He Tiantian stretched out her hand, touched Huo Yingjie's hand, and burst into tears.

The train was getting faster and faster, and Huo Yingjie gradually couldn't keep up with the speed of the train. The long train became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a point and disappeared from people's sight.

"Yingjie, Tiantian will come back." He Jingyu said, comforting the big boy who grew up in front of his eyes.

Huo Yingjie clenched his fists tightly, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go back." He wanted to protect Tiantian's parents.

He Tiantian wiped her tears and calmed down.

The train was filled with sadness of farewell.

However, they were all young people. After a while, under the guidance of the staff, they smiled happily and sang a high-spirited propaganda song.

"Go to the countryside, to the border areas, to the places where the motherland needs it most..." It's not just who starts the song first, everyone also sings along.

"Each generation becomes stronger than the last", "The great party is calling", "Go to the countryside, go to the frontier", "Run to the place where the motherland needs it most", "Revolutionary youths are ambitious in all directions", "It is good to go to the mountains and countryside" , one song after another, everyone seemed not to be tired, they clapped their hands and beat the time, and the sound spread in all directions.

He Tiantian also sang a few lines, but most of them just opened their mouths and made no sound.

At noon, everyone was hungry and opened the packages one after another. The lunch prepared by the family. He Tiantian took out the scallion pancakes made by her mother and ate them in small bites. The taste of mother is in your mouth and happiness is in your heart.

For children who have left home, their family members will always cook something delicious for them. Everyone else has pancakes, steamed buns, eggs, etc. in their hands.

He Tiantian was in a depressed mood and kept silent. A girl next to him who was older than He Tiantian said, "My name is Li Yuanyuan, what about you?"

"My name is He Tiantian." He Tiantian said shyly. He was away from home and was young, so he still talked less.

"Where are you going?" Li Yuanyuan asked, "I was assigned to Taoyuan County, what about you?"

"I am also from Taoyuan County." He Tiantian smiled and said, "We can go all the way."

"Yes, your face is so tender. How old are you?" Li Yuanyuan asked, obviously feeling that He Tiantian was smaller than the others.

"I'm sixteen." He Tiantian said, saying she was one year older and didn't want others to know she was too young and think she was easy to bully.

"Sixteen, that's not big. I'm eighteen. From now on, you can call me Sister Yuanyuan." Li Yuanyuan said, "We are from Nanshi, and we will help each other in the future."

Her family is really willing to go to the countryside at such a young age. Li Yuanyuan pities He Tiantian, acting like a big sister, and will take good care of He Tiantian in the future.

"Yes." He Tiandian nodded, and did not reject Li Yuanyuan's enthusiasm. Even if you can't be friends when you go out, don't become enemies.

Other people around him also made introductions, but none of them were going to Taoyuan County, so He Tiantian didn't talk much to those people.

Now is the hottest time of the year. There was sweat on everyone's faces and bodies, and the carriage was filled with unpleasant smells such as sweat and body odor.

But He Tiantian found that she was very cool and didn't sweat at all. She has been prone to sweating since she was a child. On such a hot day, her face would have been covered with sweat and her clothes would be soaked with sweat, but now she is very cool.

Feeling carefully, He Tiantian discovered something strange again. The coolness on his body came from his left ankle and spread throughout his body.

Does she have her own central air conditioner?

He Tiantian reached out and touched it, but there was nothing on her ankle! I wanted to stretch my legs and take a look, but it was very crowded, and the things placed around my feet were all salutes. It was not easy to take a look now. Let’s wait until we settle down. It was time for the usual nap, and He Tiantian felt a little sleepy. She hugged the small package and fell asleep.

By the time I woke up, it was already night.

He Tiantian asked Li Yuanyuan to help her watch the salute, then went to the end of the carriage to ask the flight attendant for hot water, and went to the toilet on the way.

The smell in the bathroom was very strong and the atmosphere was overwhelming. After He Tiantian quickly released the memory, she fastened her pants and ran out. I originally wanted to see why my ankles were so cool, but I completely forgot about it.

When I came back, I got a pot of boiling water and came back for dinner. Everyone also started to fetch water and eat.

After a day and a night, everyone's enthusiasm was late and listless, hoping to reach the destination as soon as possible.

Every time we arrive at a train station, people are getting off, and there are fewer and fewer people on the train. The empty carriage is a bit desolate.

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