The Sweetness of the Seventies

Chapter 75 Hope, Perseverance (Monthly Pass 60)

Chapter 75 Hope, Persistence (Monthly Ticket 60+)

When winter comes, the shortage of materials becomes more and more apparent. There are more people who starve to death or freeze to death in winter than in the other three seasons.

The food in Qijia Village this year is barely enough to fill their stomachs, which can only be said to be about the same as last year, but the people who have been transferred to the village are pitiful.

When these people arrived at the Qijia Village Animal Husbandry Team, Old Man Qi would do his best to help them get through the winter safely.

"Can you make this?" Old Man Qi's eyes lit up, "Is it a specialty of your place?"

He Tiantian nodded and said, "Yes, I guess Professor Wang can make some too."

In the previous life, no one in Qijia Village made these. This clog and the felt quilt were all made by Professor Wang. The people in Qijia Village saw that they were useful, and everyone learned it.

"Well, I'll get some when I'm free." Old Man Qi said. Those things were usually not used by anyone, and since they can be used to keep out the cold, let's try it.

He Tiantian drank a bowl of chicken soup here and brought a pot back to Grandma Qi. Aunt Liu was also very happy. She put three pheasants and a basket of eggs in the bamboo basket, which would allow her son to eat well for a while.

When Grandma Qi saw He Tiantian bringing chicken soup, she knew that He Tiantian had caught pheasants again today. When she heard that He Tiantian had already eaten, Grandma Qi also ate it all without any hesitation.

"In the past, I could only eat a little meat during the Chinese New Year. Now it's good. I can eat it every three or five days. My face has grown flesh." Grandma Qi wiped the corner of her mouth and laughed, "I, an old woman, know that this is all your credit. I remember it all!"

He Tiantian fetched a basin of water, washed her face and hands, and laughed softly, "Grandma Qi is also very good to me. She gave me a big house to live in and gave me some tips on the details of my life. I am always grateful in my heart. Let's not say anything, live a good life, and I will take care of you in your old age and see you to the end of your life."

When He Tiantian said this, she was not being polite. Even if Grandma Qi's son was not found, He Tiantian would still take care of Grandma Qi in her old age and see her to the end of her life. After all, she will live here for several years, and after a long time together, there will always be feelings.

The family affection and feelings in the difficult years are even more precious.

He Tiantian is sincere in taking care of the elderly and seeing them off.

However, when hearing these words, Grandma Qi San was shocked. She was so old that she was not afraid of death, but she was afraid that her body would be exposed in the wilderness after death, and no one would help collect the body and bury it.

"Tian girl, are you serious?" Grandma Qi asked carefully. If possible, she wanted to take He Tiantian as her granddaughter, so that it would be more legitimate to give her things to He Tiantian in the future.

He Tiantian nodded seriously, looked at Grandma Qi and said, "Grandma Qi, what I said is true. I will take good care of you and handle your affairs after death. If there is a chance to return to the city, I will take you to my house. My parents are easy to talk to and will be very happy."

Going to the city to live with He Tiantian's family, Grandma Qi did not force it. She just wanted someone to accompany her when she was alive, and someone to help collect her body when she died.

After thinking for a while, Grandma Qi San said, "Tian girl, do you think this is okay? I don't have a granddaughter, so I'll take you as my goddaughter, okay?"

"Okay!" He Tiantian said. She didn't have a grandmother, so it was not bad to have a grandmother who loved her.

"Don't agree so quickly. You should write a letter back and tell your parents. If they agree in the letter, I will go to the village head Qi and Director Zhao to settle this matter. We will also hold a ceremony to recognize my relatives and let everyone be witnesses. You will take care of me in my old age and see me to the end. All my things will be given to you in the future." He Tiantian thought about it and didn't want Grandma Qi's things. Finally, she added: "Grandma Qi, I will write a letter to ask my parents when I get home in the evening. As for what I promised you, I will definitely do it. Let everyone come to be a witness. In addition, Grandma Qi, you should keep your things. Maybe one day, your family will come back. These things will be a reminder for them. I don't want them." Hearing what He Tiantian said, Grandma Qi's face was full of melancholy. Although she told herself again and again that she wanted to see her son alive and dead, she didn't believe that her son was dead until she saw his body. But after so many years, her son has not come back. In fact, she subconsciously believes that her son is dead, just like everyone else. "Hey, if he wanted to come back, he would have come back a long time ago." Grandma Qi sighed, "Why wait until now..." He Tiantian saw the door was closed, leaned over to Grandma Qi's ear, and said carefully: "Grandma Qi, think about it, your son was studying in Nanshi at the time, and then worked in a Nanshi unit. At that time, that person was in power in Nanshi. After liberation, that person went to Taiwan Island, maybe your son was also taken there for some reason. The situation on both sides of the strait is tense, and they have been blocking each other, and there is no news exchange..." Grandma Qi quickly covered He Tiantian's mouth, her face was ugly, and she lowered her voice. The voice said: "You girl, you dare to say anything, and you are not afraid of being heard. I am an old woman and it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have lived for such a long time, but you are still young, and you have a good life ahead of you. You can't be so outspoken, or you will suffer a great loss in the future." He Tiantian knew that Grandma Qi was worried about her, and smiled and explained: "I said these words in front of you, everything is still hopeful, but all this has meaning only when people are alive, maybe one day it will come true!" Grandma Qi was moved. This sweet girl actually said such words to encourage her, which was also a good intention.

"Okay, okay, I remember it in my heart, live well and live until my son comes back." Grandma Qi murmured to herself. This is her belief, and she will not change it even until the moment of death.

"Yes, we should be like this." He Tiantian smiled. In fact, it is not that difficult to become strong. As long as there is hope, you will have the motivation to persevere.

He Tiantian learned "persistence" from Grandma Qi San, and now she gave these two words to Grandma Qi San. The two encourage and support each other, and maybe they can really wait until that day.

He Tiantian had experience in her previous life and knew that Grandma Qi San’s persistence led to her long-lost son. He Tiantian also learned the crucial advantage of "persistence" from this incident.

He Tiantian also hopes that her persistence can lead to good results like Grandma Qi San.

Grandma Qi San's heart was gradually drying up, but now a clear spring was injected into it, nourishing her dry heart and giving her the strength to continue to persevere.

After He Tiantian had lunch, he went to work in the back mountain animal husbandry team.

Thanks to Professor Wang's publicity, everyone knew that those big pants hanging in the yard were cotton provided by He Tiantian. These people were embarrassed to talk to a little girl about big pants, but judging from their attitudes, it could be seen that they were very grateful to He Tiantian.

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