The sun is high

Chapter 86 Information Gap

What exactly is the black sun?

Understanding this concept requires starting from different fields and angles.

For the members of the game project team of "The Age of Black Sun", the so-called black sun is the origin of the game story and the background power that drives the entire game's internal loop and mechanism. Of course, it is also suspended in the sky and used as a Models that provide atmosphere.

For those players who play this game, when the black sun rises, it means that the player's game activities will become more challenging, and there will be more unknowns and dangers in the game world, and of course, there will be more Many rewards.

However, for the real Van En, for those who really live here...

This is a black celestial body that has replaced the originally warm and bright sun and brought ominous omens.

When it hangs high in the sky, all the magic power in Van En will become chaotic. That power causes the bodies of beasts to mutate, it causes crops to wither, and makes docile domestic animals become manic. Under its influence, people's inner hearts Desires and emotions will also be amplified... Not only that, but the magic crystal mining industry, which was the main productivity and technological pillar of Van En in the past, will also suffer a serious impact.

The magic power in the magic crystals begins to become active and elusive, and their instability increases. The escaped magic power will continue to affect everything around them, and even cause the poor miners to suffer from weird illnesses...

Although all this has not happened yet, through Zeke Ernst's words, Shuge has already heard the heavy steps of this terrible disaster.

But the absurd thing is that the footsteps of the black sun are clearly the rumbling sound of artillery fire made by humans themselves.

"Isn't the only son of the abyss who crawled out from the city of Salem, the Pit of Incarnation Sacrifice, sitting right in front of me?"

Thinking some things in your heart and listening to others say them are completely different things, especially when this sentence comes from Zeke Ernst, a member of the Black Sun Society, it brings with it The impact was even more astonishing.

“I never thought that one day I would receive something close to ‘official certification’.”

Xiuge sighed secretly in his heart.

Regarding Zeke Ernst's current performance and what he said, Shuge only dared to believe part of it.

The reason is very simple. The leader of the Ernst family and the former marshal of the kingdom should not be a person who blindly follows illusory prophecies. If all the decisions of a person sitting in such an important position are based on the so-called prophecies as an absolute reference, then If the person were replaced by an obedient dog, the effect would probably not be much different.

Xiuge thought quickly and decided to continue following the other party's words.

"Whether this old guy is acting with me or is really a loyal 'believer' of the Black Sun Society, it is not appropriate for me to directly question his rhetoric now..."

So Shuge asked: "When did you decide that I would become the so-called...'only son of the abyss'?"

Perhaps because of his mood swings, or perhaps because of a dry mouth, his voice was slightly hoarse.

"A long time ago."

"So that's another prophecy, right?"

The old man didn't answer, he just looked at Xiuge and smiled quietly.

"Okay, let me try to understand what you mean..."

Xiuge's body was tense, and his palms couldn't help but press on the small round table in front of him. The light reflected his face and expression on the glass display cabinets that sealed various weapons, intersecting with countless shadows in all directions. together.

"My experience was carefully planned by the Black Sun Society. They arranged all this according to the prophecy. The reason why the family did not send someone to take me out before the peace celebration in Salem City is..."

"The Association needs the city of Salem to be turned into a pit of sacrifice."

The old man took over Shuge's words, and his voice was as calm as a sharp and smooth bayonet: "Everything is part of the sacrificial ceremony, and Shuge Ernst's existence and escape from nature are also part of it. Ring…of course, it also includes some other things.”

"But you know nothing about my experience in Salem City, so why do you think that the things in the prophecy have really happened? Are there no accidents?"

Hearing Shuge's words, the old man nodded approvingly. His eyes paused for a moment on Shuge's palm pressing on the table, and then said: "There are some changes that cannot be created by human power and magic. And now they have appeared on your body... For the association, this is the most powerful evidence."

"Only three people in the entire family know about the association and these prophecies."

"Me, 伱, and of course your father Yerevan."

As if he was worried that Xiuge had missed something, the old man slowed down his speech: "I am very old, very old. Once I leave these secret rituals in the manor, I will die soon, so it won't take long, I will lie in the grave and rot slowly. And Yerevan... Haha, I know his ability very well. He is not enough to lead the continuation of the Ernst family, nor does he have the ability to deal with everything that is about to happen."

He stared at the young man in front of him.

His eyes were focused as if he were looking in a mirror.

“For me personally, that’s why you’re really sitting here.”

The snowflakes outside the window seemed to form a barrier that could block all secret conversations.

Xiuge "taste" these words that Old Zeke said over and over again in his heart. He always felt that something was not quite right in them, but for a while he could not find the key.

So, he decided to ask about the Manor Hotel first.

"Okay, even if I am really what you call the 'only son of the abyss', then what are the things going on in the Manor Hotel? The mansion has not been renovated in any way, so why are all the younger generations forced to gather there? There is obviously something unusual in the hotel.”

The old man replied: "This is an ancient tradition inherited by the Ernst family. As early as the beginning of the cooperation between the family and the association, the family established this inheritance ceremony with the help of the association."

"The manor hotel is actually the earliest residence of the family. According to the association, the will of the Ernst family resides in it... When the old and the new change, all the young people who are qualified to be heirs will stay there. , and accept the screening of the family’s will.”

"When you say screening, you mean throwing your own offspring down from a building? This method is really wild."

Shuge did not hide his doubts about this: "So what happened tonight will continue to happen next?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

The old man shook his head: "But no matter what, members of the Ernst family must follow the family's will, and they should accept it happily no matter what the consequences are. This is one of the revelations of the association to the family."

"Let's not discuss the reason why you insist on making me the heir of the family for the time being... I just want to know now, what should I do next in the Manor Hotel? If the 'family will' you mentioned ends up choosing someone else. , so what?"

"It's bound to find you, so do whatever you have to do."

Zeke Ernst stared at the young man in front of him: "Kid, in some aspects, you should know better than me."

When Shuge was led away from the huge mansion in Ernst Manor by the silent guards, his spiritual world still could not calm down.

This situation was caused not only by the many secrets that Zeke Ernst revealed to him, but also by the strange contrast that Shuge captured in the person in charge of the Ernst family.

Zeke Ernst, the three-clawed falcon, shouldn't be like this.

In Shuge's vision, this old man should be a wise and calm soldier, an absolutely rational and wise politician, rather than a believer in some association.

When Shuge walked to the door of the Manor Hotel, he suddenly thought of something.

He suddenly understood why he found what Old Zeke said before so strange.

"When he talked about the prophecy and the so-called only son of the abyss, the subject he used was 'association'... Only when he finally talked about the family inheritance, he used the word 'I' again. Not only that, in the Manor Hotel Regarding the first issue, Old Zeke’s expression method is also very similar. Does this mean that this old man’s attitude towards the so-called inheritance rituals and prophecies is actually very ambiguous? But due to some reasons, he cannot say it clearly? "

Standing in the lobby of the Manor Hotel, Shuge felt that his head was swollen, very swollen.

I feel like I have to grow a brain.

Under the surveillance of the guards, he walked towards the stairs of the hotel and walked up the stairs one by one.

On this night, the overwhelming amount of information almost filled Xiuge's mind. Although he had worked hard all day, he was not sleepy at all.

It is too painful for a person to bear and think about these things.

Walking up the stairs, Shuge discovered that his estimate of the Ernst family had a huge deviation and error.

In fact, not only him, but also Princess Sophia also had huge gaps and misunderstandings about the Ernst family and old Zeke.

The two are never focused on the same thing.

As the princess, Sophia Augustine's goal is to weaken or even eliminate the interference of the aristocratic group in the kingdom's power as much as possible, and to return power in important fields such as military and economics to the royal family as much as possible, so that the aristocrats can become pure blessings for the kingdom. Things allow them to focus on the inheritance of the family and the cultivation of future generations.

But Zeke Ernst, who was regarded as the primary target by Princess Sophia, didn't care about this at all.

"Compared with worldly competition for power and interests, what this old guy really cares about is the survival of the family... And judging from all the previous signs, whether it is the so-called 'only son of the abyss' that I am now inexplicably burdened with, or now Everything that happened in the Manor Hotel, and any incident related to the Ernst family, seems to be inseparable from the existence of the Black Sun Society."

"If Zeke Ernst is really wary of the Black Sun Society as I thought, then in this case, he still did not choose to completely surrender to Princess Sophia. Does this mean that he Don’t you think that the influence of the association on the family can be dealt with with the power of the kingdom?”

"Does he hope... that I will complete this matter for him?"

In silent thinking, Xiuge came to the floor where his room was located, where there were also guards on guard.

He opened the door and walked into his room.

"Based on the behavior of the Black Sun Society and the summoning rituals they mastered, they are most likely related to the ancient gods mentioned by Theseus. So what I saw and felt in this manor hotel before, Maybe they are also existences similar in nature to the descendants of An Yuan."

"Only in this way can it directly trigger hostility and resistance from forces such as Charron's Touch and others from the Dream Sanctuary."

Xiuge came to the desk. Adhering to his own thinking habits, he quickly took out a piece of paper and started writing and drawing on it.

"The Black Sun Society's judgment on those prophecies is obviously fallacious."

"According to the association's prophecy, the former Shuge Ernst is indeed dead. Just like the sacrificial words I heard when I was being corroded by the descendants of the Dark Abyss, the essence of this body is an empty shell without a soul... ...Therefore, according to their original plan, the summoned descendant of An Abyss should 'take up' this body and complete the replacement of his identity."

"But in fact, there are obvious flaws in this prophecy - although it is already ambiguous enough, what happened in Salem City and the changes in my body have completely transcended these sentences. Prediction."

"First, if the only son of the Abyss refers to the descendant of the Dark Abyss who was summoned by the magicians of the Black Sun Society, then the descendant of the Dark Abyss is no longer complete. According to the previously obtained memories and the news from the Legal Committee, it has been severely damaged. After that, he was forced to split his power, with part of it fleeing to Salem City, and the other part becoming my 'food'."

"Secondly, if the only son of the abyss points to 'Suge Ernst', then it is impossible for the members of the Black Sun Society to know that this body has actually completely changed its soul before the events of the Peace Celebration occurred. , not only that, the existence of Dream Sanctuary and Theseus has brought new variables..."

"In addition, Old Zeke's role in this series of events is also very subtle. I need further verification and judgment to confirm that he really wants to convey certain information to me, rather than deliberately targeting me. To guide.”

Xiuge raised his head, and under the light, his image was reflected on the glass window.

The figure in the mirror seems to be smiling, and it looks a bit strange and gloomy.

"At present, it seems that the key information gap is still in my hands, which means that I can use it to make some bold attempts and plans... Theseus, is this what you call improvisation? ?”

Snowflakes were falling outside the window.

This is indeed a heavy snowfall.

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