The Strongest Life Reborn

Chapter 584: Helped a lot!

"While there is still time, or Mr. Yin, what do you think of us? What needs to be improved?" Bao Benshan asked kindly, just as if he was really seeking Yin Jun's opinion. .

Yin Jun knew what he wanted to say, and what he wanted to say, but this happened to be the purpose of Yin Jun coming here.

So Yin Jun laughed, "I think the masters here have opened my eyes. Their technology and their professionalism are world-class. Unfortunately, there are too few people. If they wait until they are old, Will these skills and techniques lose their heritage like countless ancient techniques? "

Bao Benshan originally thought that he had to say a few more words in order to lead Yin Jun's topic here, but he didn't expect Yin Jun to be so kind.

Nodded slightly, Bao Benshan sighed: "Mr. Yin, you are too good! These are the places we are very worried about! For example, there are only two experts in the watch group and only one in the wood carving group. They are not too young. After waiting another 20 or 20 years, if there is no newcomer's supplement, I am afraid there is no way to continue the work here. In the future, the repair of clocks and wood carvings will be broken. Related treasures can only be placed in the warehouse and broken! "

Bao Benshan did not lie, the fact is what he said.

After 2015, as the environment of the Forbidden City improves, more people will join the ranks, and these ancient techniques and skills will be passed on by more people.

As for the project group of watches and clocks, if it was n’t for watching “I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City”, Yin Jun did not know that the Royal Chinese collection of European watches has been the first in the world since the middle of the Qing Dynasty. The country, including Switzerland, has more collections of watches than the Palace Museum.

"Isn't it possible to recruit people again?" Yin Jun frowned, "Shouldn't these jobs be done earlier?"

"We also want to recruit people earlier, but a few years ago ... Hey, let's not say, anyway, we have gradually recovered on track in the past two years, we also have this plan, we are going to find some young related college students, or folk technology Inherit people, come join us. "Bao Benshan's face is getting more and more bitter," but ... difficult! Our funds are so little, and now even the treatment of many teachers can't be guaranteed, and the salary is not low, they It ’s very tiring and the working environment is very hard! Sometimes I want to use more advanced equipment, or better raw materials, I ca n’t buy them. This makes the work more difficult! If a newcomer joins, look at If you do n’t eat or wear anything, why would you stay here? "

"This is also the case. Now that the reform has been opened, the personal wishes and longings are still very important, and it is no longer a time to force arrangements." Yin Jun nodded.

Although it was still a school distribution system in the 1980s, it was rare for college students, and it was not required by various government departments. It was all large state-owned enterprises, enterprises and institutions, etc., you sat on the forbidden city to repair cultural relics, one Sitting for decades is completely out of touch with this society. In this kind of life, not many young people are willing to do it, and there are few who are subject to distribution.

"We have also tried to apply, but the country is now very difficult. Squeezing out a little money, we must focus on the more important people's livelihood issues, national defense technology, and our" plaything funeral "things, many people do not even agree to spend Big money to repair and maintain. "Bao Benshan continued to complain.

"This is wrong." Yin Jun said, "We repair and maintain cultural relics, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations to see our brilliant civilization and see evidence that we once stood on top of the world. It will give them more motivation to work hard and build a better country! This meaning is definitely not something that can be replaced by ordinary things. "

Listening to Yin Jun's bite of "we", Bao Benshan's heart was already settled.

This is the same as Mr. Huo, the patriotic compatriots who are looking towards the motherland!

Before waiting for Bao Benshan to speak, Yin Jun said again: "Today I came to the Forbidden City and I saw good things, good craftsmen and good masters. They all made me like it. I know Everyone is very difficult now, but no matter how difficult it is, we must carry forward this heritage. I can be considered a bit of money, and I should be able to do some help within my ability. "

Bao Benshan was overjoyed and said: "Thank you, Mr. Yin! You are so good! It is really a blessing to have patriotic compatriots like you!"

"Xiangjiang people are also Chinese, everyone is the same." Yin Jun smiled and pondered: "In this way, just like I said repairs and inheritance, it is a long-term thing. Donation is not a donation. That ’s fine. Let ’s set an amount of one million dollars a year! But you must use this money to buy equipment and train new people. There can be more graduates at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the China Academy of Art Hire a little!

In addition, I feel that the repair and protection of some ancient cultural relics abroad are doing very well. I sponsor 100 places a year so that these teachers can take their apprentices to visit and study abroad. The time is set at about 3 months, the country is not limited, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, France can go! "

"Really !?" Bao Benshan was surprised and blurted out.

Yin Jun smiled, "President Bao, I won't make any jokes about this kind of thing. I hope my meek power can solve some difficulties for you."

"No, no! It's not meager power, you really helped us a lot!" Bao Benshan stood up in excitement, "No, I'm going to tell you this good news!"

With that said, he turned and ran out.

Looking at Bao Benshan's agility, it really doesn't look like someone who is already 60.

A group of Xiangjiang people next to him smiled.

"It's still our best to be Jun." Dong Wei said, "You just have to pay so much for such a visit! They picked up the gold in vain!"

"You can't say that," Hui Yinghong said. "This is A Jun's kindness, which has risen from food and clothing to another level, which is much better than ours."

"Sister Red, you are so ridiculous." Yin Jun shook his head. "Some things happened, so help me, it is a matter of course. These costs are only about 10 million Hong Kong dollars a year, but they can make these admirable people. Do something more meaningful, it's worth it! "

"But spend so much every year ..." Aunt Zhang said a rare word, but did not finish it.

She regarded Yin Jun as her nephew, thinking that Yin Jun had to pay so much money every year, she felt a little distressed for Yin Jun.

Wen Bixia said, "Mom, don't worry about it! Didn't you say it in the newspaper? The monthly profit of Jun Ge's company is 50 to 60 million. What is this money?"

Guan Zhilin glanced at the girl without knowing her eyes, thinking that the money was my brother's. What does it have to do with you? It seems that you can be the master of Jun. You should be the master. It should be me!

Niu San'er shrank in the corner, but his ears listened attentively.

When he heard that Yin Jun could make 50 to 60 million yuan a month, he couldn't help swallowing.

3 billion Hong Kong dollars is certainly scary, but that is beyond his imagination.

The current 50 million or 60 million, let him have a more intuitive concept at once.

Oh my God!

You can make 50 to 60 million yuan a month. Although the Hong Kong dollar is now 3.3: 1 against the RMB, the black market price has changed from 2 Hong Kong dollars to 1 yuan last year, but the Hong Kong dollar has risen a bit and has become 1.8: 1 ,.

This way, Jun Ye can earn 30 million yuan a month!


You can earn 100 million yuan in more than three months!

Also, look at that man's boldness!

One million US dollars, or one million a year, just so casually, like a donation of 1 yuan to take out, how chic and domineering is this?

I am so blessed to meet such a brave big boss!


Before dinner, Yin Jun signed a USD 2 million cash cheque from Xiangjiang Commercial Bank under the witness of a group of leaders from the Palace Museum. Because Hua Guo Bank had business dealings with Xiang Jiang and Xiang Jiang Commercial Bank, it was in Hua Jing of Hua Guo Bank. Branches can be exchanged directly.

The old leaders of the Palace Museum and the Relics Restoration Factory smiled and frowned.

The conversion of 2 million US dollars to RMB is only about 3 million yuan, but the money is not so simple to use. They directly reserve 1 million US dollars when they are going to go abroad, and then 1 million US dollars to get to the superior department, at least 3 million yuan should be issued. , Otherwise it would not be kind.

3 million RMB!

The one-year appropriation for the National Palace Heritage Rehabilitation Plant is only more than 5 million, and the appropriation for the entire National Palace Museum is only more than 30 million-more than 30 million looks more, but think about the construction area of ​​720,000 square meters, so many things Maintenance, so many materials are going to be purchased ~ ~ So many people need to pay, and more than 30 million is really not much!

The Forbidden City will have hundreds of thousands of VIP teams to visit each year, but the most current one is only 300,000 US dollars, and there is only one sum. Where does Yin Jun directly say that I give it every year?

Not to mention the 100 three-month overseas quotas given by Yin Jun each year, that is the welfare of the entire Palace Museum.

Because the masters and apprentices of the current cultural relics restoration factory only add up to more than 40 people. Even if the enrollment expansion starts in the past two years, it is impossible to suddenly reach 100 people. Of course, the remaining quota can be for the entire Palace Museum.

Even they can take these places for visiting and studying abroad as human favors, and give them to museums of fraternal units in various provinces and cities, as well as leaders of superior departments.

In this year, I have been abroad for 3 months to visit and study. This is an enviable thing. What a great feeling!

Not to mention, the superior leaders who have benefited, next year ’s budget and overpayments, and the issue of preparation, can you not help helping some?

Reciprocity is not only the people below, but also the people above need to be sensible! Otherwise, who wants to follow you?

With 1 million US dollars and 100 master apprentices to go abroad to study and study places, the chefs at this noon today are very attentive.

Yin Jun is also considered to be someone who has eaten at high-end restaurants such as Sanyuan and Fulinmen, but compared with the craftsmanship of these two royal chef descendants today, it is still a little worse.

People do n’t need any good ingredients for birds and beasts, just some ordinary ingredients can be made extremely delicious, this is where the real effort is.

Even Guan Zhilin, who has always disliked eating more, eats a small belly, not to mention Wen Bixia, who has always been greedy.

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