The Strongest Life Reborn

Chapter 292: 1 story about friendship

Hearing Yin Jun ’s words, Spielberg turned around and sat down, "You said."

If Spielberg is still puzzled about Yin Jun ’s vision and impulse to invest in movies, but after knowing Yin Jun ’s achievements in sweeping Asia across screenwriters, Spielberg will not ignore Yin Jun ’s Every sentence in the creative aspect of the script.

"I used to have a dream, dreaming that a person walked on the moon." Yin Jun said, "So according to this dream, I conceived a story about a life from aliens, and a child on earth became The story of a good friend. "

Spielberg's eyes widened, and he finally couldn't resist his thought of speaking.

He then listened more to join God.

Yin Jun carefully told him the story of an ugly, but gentle and kind botanist from aliens who became friends with a lonely child and returned to his home with the help of the child.

This doesn't count.

But when Spielberg was immersed in Yin Jun's description, Yin Jun took out a stack of paper from his carry-on bag.

Spielberg saw at a glance that on the first drawing paper, on a large full moon, a child was riding a small bicycle, and in the front basket of the bicycle, a creature's painting was sitting.

"Oh my god!"

Spielberg exclaimed in surprise, he grabbed Yin Jun's drawings in one hand, and turned over one by one.

The second one is a slender and thin exaggerated hand that obviously does not look like a human palm, and a hand that is obviously a child, with a finger extended, and then touched together, a bright spot Bloom at this point.

Then the third one is the shape of the alien. Although it looks ugly, it looks a bit like a frog or a fly, but the big eyes and expressions are full of tenderness.

The fourth picture is a portrait of a little boy. He has blonde hair and is not tall, but full of childlike smiles.

The fifth picture ...

Sixth ...

After watching the excitement, Spielberg held the drawings tightly regardless of Lucas ’s surprised expression, and grabbed Yin Jun with the other hand: "Jun, listen to me ... I do n’t know me What to say ... Oh my god, I did n’t think anyone would be like me ... you know, what do we have ... oh, this story is mine, right? ... you want me to shoot it, right? ? ... I will! I will! "


If not here, Yin Jun thought he heard the testimony of a happy woman who accepted her boyfriend's marriage.

A group of people who were drafting a contract not far away looked at Spielberg one after another, and they didn't know what happened, making him so excited.

Lucas is also a little demented, he has never seen Spielberg so gaffeous.

He didn't think there was anything special about Yin Jun's story. He even thought Spielberg would not like this story. Spielberg also prepared a movie about the alien kidnapping of the aliens last year.

Yin Jun's idea clearly runs counter to him!

However, in this world, only Yin Jun knows why Spielberg is so excited and excited.

Because this dream was originally Spielberg's, and this idea was also Spielberg's, but he has not yet formed a complete system.

He won't wait until he goes to Europe next year to film the location of "The Treasure Hunter", and then he will link these fragmentary memories and fantasy together, and then give it to his familiar screenwriter to write a complete story.

The name of this story



This childlike movie that made Spielberg praised by the world for the first time is also a super popular movie.

After the shooting of "e.t.", the global box office reached as much as 800 million US dollars! !

Even in 2016, this result is ranked 60th in the global film history! !

And this is $ 800 million in 1982!

If inflation is counted, it will be at least US $ 3 billion in 2020!

This is still the United States. If it is placed in China, it has already exceeded the purchase value of 10 billion US dollars!

The record of "e.t." was not broken by Spielberg's another classic movie-Jurassic Park's huge $ 1 billion box office until almost ten years later!

This is just the box office record. "E.t." has made a lot of money in various peripheral derivatives, and it is a long-term stream of money. The accumulated amount is less than 2 billion US dollars!

Yin Jun didn't really want to give "e.t." to others to make, he even wanted to make this classic movie himself.

But time is too late.

At the latest, Spielberg will string his memories into a string next year, and then plan.

Of course, Yin Jun can use his own copyright registration method to prevent Spielberg from making this movie, but what benefits does this have for Yin Jun?

The reason why classics become classics is that they appear at the right time and at the right place.

"E.t." should also be directed by Spielberg, a talented director, to become a classic.

Therefore, Yin Jun simply put this idea first and let Spielberg cooperate with himself.

It took him five or six hours yesterday to paint these portraits, and wrote a brief script.

As usual, in the morning, Tang Shuxuan spent three hours translating Yin Jun's 20,000-word script into English.

As for whether he will cooperate with Yin Jun ...

Ha ha.

If you look at Spielberg's excited expression now, you know whether he wants it or not.

After Spielberg calmed down a little bit, Yin Jun took out the script, "Stephen, I'm so glad you like this story ... in fact, it proves that you are the one with a childlike innocence. I didn't read you wrong, In your thinking, there is always childlikeness and innocence. This is the brief script content I wrote, which is more detailed than I said. You can look at it first, and then we will talk about cooperation. "

Spielberg took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down and seriously looked at Yin Jun's script with the name "e.t."

Lucas gave Yin Jun a foot under the table and whispered: "How did you do it? Our film still has him at the helm. If he wants to make your film, your 20 million will be ready to fetch water. Floating? "

Spielberg looked at the script and would absolutely ignore everything from the outside world, so Lucas would not worry about what he heard.

Yin Jun also lowered his voice: "I just showed him and didn't let him shoot immediately. I don't find a chance to show him the script now. He is such a big director. The film is definitely one after another. I can grab it. Have you been better than others? "

Lucas was speechless, made a gesture that you are very bullish, and simply went to look at the picture book that Yin Jun gave Spielberg just now.

For someone like Lucas who is good at "space opera", he actually also has a strong childlike innocence, otherwise how did the two living treasure robots in "Star Wars" come from?

After looking at it for a while, Lucas also saw the rich friendship contained in it, as well as the overflowing childlike innocence.

Before waiting for his remarks, Spielberg had finished reading the script and looked up and asked directly: "Jun, what conditions do you need to ensure that I have full control of the movie?"

Spielberg is not the kind of frivolous person, naturally watching the script will not be negligent, but in this script, there are too many things he has pondered, it can even be said that it can be understood at a glance, can be in my mind Form a movie picture.

So he saw quickly, but he was more attentive than before.

After reading the script, Spielberg knew that Yin Jun did not write the script to the side. The story was the one he had just heard. It was very beautiful, very childlike, and very attractive.

In this case, it is enough.

He needs to direct such a movie.

This movie cannot be handed over to the second person. This is his movie!

"I don't have any conditions, as long as you make this movie as good as possible ~ ~ Yin Jundao," Don't worry about the funds, we will follow all rules for all contracts ... Oh, yes , This movie, I hope you will start planning after you finish "Strike the Treasure Hunt". "

Obviously, Lucas just gave Yin Jun another foot, signaling him not to forget the agreement just made.

Spielberg was also very satisfied with Yin Jun's simplicity.

He did not care much about the treatment of Yin Jun. Anyway, he liked this story. It can be said that this story is what he dreamed of. If he didn't complete it, he would have a huge regret.

Of course, he also believes that Yin Jun is not so stupid, and will really give himself a very harsh condition.

In contrast, Spielberg prefers what Yin Jun said, without worrying about funding commitments.

Which director does n’t like investors talking like that?

Thinking of this "et" script, Spielberg felt a little itchy and unbearable, "Oh, George, look at how we will form a team next month? Anyway, you are almost ready ... I agree to use Harrison Ford, is that all right? "

George Lucas is more like a businessman than a film director.

He nodded when he heard the words. He could start construction earlier, make a movie earlier, and release it earlier. That would be money!

"Okay, I also agree with you, go to Europe to shoot the location." Lucas voted for Tao Li. "I will contact you as soon as possible for your cooperation team. Rest assured, I will provide you with the most suitable for you, not afraid of money. many."

Seeing the two singing a harmony there, Yin Jun was speechless.

Although my money is used, can you converge a little bit?

Fortunately, you are not a wasteful king like a truck driver, otherwise my family is really not enough for you to toss! (To be continued.)

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