The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Six hundred and fifty-seven what about the primitive creatures?

At this moment, no one knew whether Lin Yu had escaped Dork's blow, and the thick dust splashed would not dissipate in a short time.

To say that the most nervous at the moment is none other than the great elder of the Tarlac tribe.

He knew very well that if Lin Yu couldn't subdue this tarot beast, then the whole tribe would have no one who could deal with it. will be meaningless.

Here... at this moment, is the battle that decides everything!

Inside the flying dust, Lin Yu was a little embarrassed at this time.

That's right, he narrowly escaped Dork's stomping, but is it alright to avoid the direct stomping?

Apparently... not so.

Under Dork's full-strength step, in addition to the direct impact, a strong shock wave was also provoked.

At this moment, Lin Yu's rough clothes are almost gone, and some remaining animal skins are still hanging on his right shoulder.


Unable to hold back any longer, a mouthful of bright red blood was sprayed out.

The battle between the two sides, this first move directly hit the effect of almost instant kill.

After all, even with the use of the federal third-generation intermediate gene-enhancing agent, the body function has been increased hundreds of times, but that is a hundred times the improvement based on ordinary human beings.

And what about Dork's power?

If you really want to calculate with ordinary human beings, it is at least thousands of times.

Therefore, in this universe, human beings have always been one of the weakest creatures, and it is precisely because of their weakness that human beings have embarked on the road of scientific and technological civilization, using the power of science and technology to make up for their lack of strength.

However, now Lin Yu does not have the power of any technology...

But after a miserable return, Lin Yu suddenly had a clear understanding of breaking through the S-level dark energy control.

As I said just now, it is precisely because of our weakness that human beings have embarked on the road of scientific and technological civilization. Although the dark energy manipulator can use the dark energy to assist the calculation device to exert its powerful combat power, in the final analysis, its essence is still the same. It is not technology, but a strong self, which is somewhat similar to biological civilization.


It doesn't mean that technology is useless. After all, after dark energy manipulation and technology are combined, the strength that can be exerted is almost a hundred times thousand times.

Although technology is also indispensable, if you want to break through the S-level dark energy control agent, this opportunity is absolutely not related to technology, but a real life level sublimation, which requires breaking the limit in the adversity that does not rely on technology, surpassing Only by yourself can you be truly successful.

And this... is the epiphany Lin Yu had at this moment.

He wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth, instead of despairing because he was hit hard, he raised a radian at the corners of his mouth.

I felt my body well, and I did suffer a serious internal injury. Maybe, this is a fatal injury to ordinary people, but for a genetically enhanced human like Lin Yu, it can only be regarded as a medium level. It's just, even, it won't affect the ability to act much for a certain period of time.

He grabbed his special spear with his right hand, and in the next moment, Lin Yu disappeared.

At the same time, Dork was also staring at the thick smoke in front of him, as if he wanted to penetrate the smoke to confirm whether the tiny existence in it had been stepped on into a patty by himself.


At this moment, a black shadow burst out of the dust that was flying all over the sky and came directly to Dork's forefoot.


A huge roar came from Dork's mouth.

Until this time, everyone finally saw it at this time. The dark shadow next to Dork's right front foot was Lin Yu.

At this moment, his special spear has been deeply pierced into the flesh of Dork's right front foot. From the roar he just made, it can almost be judged that Lin Yu's blow should have hit him. A key position on the right forefoot is on.

Quickly pulling out the spear, not daring to stay in place, Lin Yu once again turned into a black shadow and rushed out, this time on the right hind foot. According to the position where the right front foot was stabbed just now, Lin Yu stabbed in again.


As the spear penetrated its outer skin and pierced into the flesh and blood, Dork burst into a roar again, but for a while he had nothing to do with Lin Yu.

The lower part of his abdomen is his blind spot, and that tiny existence is just scurrying back and forth in its blind spot, and occasionally gives his weak spots a hit.

This is simply a tarot beast!

But when Dork had nothing to do with Lin Yu, and when he was about to go crazy, Lin Yu's fight became smoother and smoother.

This scene also fell in the eyes of the elders of the Tarlac tribe.

They were all flushed and full of excitement.

Look at the wooden city wall that is still strong. If it wasn't for Lin Yu, it was the simple fence before. At this moment, all the tens of thousands of tarot beasts have already rushed in, and the Tarak people can only be ruthlessly killed. an end.

Look at the exaggeratedly huge Tarot Beast in front of you. If it wasn't for Lin Yu, this Tarot Beast alone would have razed the entire Talac tribe to the ground.

No, once this crisis is over, no matter what, we have to come up with a new title of the first warrior of the Talak tribe, and arrange it for Lin Yu.

With his fists clenched and his face excited, the Great Elder was already thinking of giving Lin Yu a more hideous title than Warrior.

However, he seemed to think a little too early.

The fight between one person and one beast is still going on, but at this moment, the positions of the two sides seem to be completely reversed.

The original hunter became the prey, and the original prey became the hunter.

As time passed, under Lin Yu's constant attacks, Dork's limbs were stabbed at least dozens of times, and the black and red blood had completely soaked all the fluff on his limbs.

Finally, Dork could no longer support his huge body and fell directly to the ground.

Looking at this scene, all the Tarlac tribes who did not fight on the city wall burst into cheers.

It's just... like the elders, they were too happy to be happy.

Yes, Dork fell, but that was only because his limbs were injured and could not continue to support his huge body, not a fatal injury.

Dork, who fell to the ground, looked at Lin Yu in front of him, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Suddenly, Dork made a move that made Lin Yu a little confused, and opened its bloody mouth at him.

Immediately, an energy group appeared in its large mouth.

"I'm going, didn't I say it's just primitive creatures?"

At this moment, Lin Yu was stunned.

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