The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Five hundred and fifty-eight Ello Metal

The Virgo Supercluster, also known as the Local Supercluster in the Federal database.

It consists of 100 galaxy groups or galaxy clusters, spanning a distance of more than 100 million light-years, and, together with the Kebinia Supercluster and the Lavis Supercluster, forms the Laniakea Supercluster .

The Local Group of galaxies, where the Milky Way is located, is located at the very edge of the Virgo Supercluster, and is still moving away from the Virgo Supercluster.

It is foreseeable that in hundreds of millions of years, the local group of galaxies where the Milky Way is located will likely be completely separated from the Virgo Supercluster!

Of course, this is not something the federation needs to consider now.

The key now is that the Myers Group of galaxies is also at the very edge of the Virgo Supercluster, and in the exact opposite orientation of the Local Supercluster.

This is also the reason why the Local Group of Galaxies where the Milky Way is located and the Myers Group of Galaxies belong to the Virgo Supercluster, but are separated by more than 100 million light-years.

Now, what Lin Fan is planning is to first take down all the 27 galaxy groups between these two galaxy groups, so that the territory of the Federation becomes a whole, and then spread out, until it finally completely occupies the entire Virgo constellation. Cluster of galaxies!

At this moment, in the virtual conference room, Lin Fan pointed to a red dot in the virtual projection star map in front of him.

"Weiss galaxy cluster!"

Weiss galaxy group?

In the virtual conference room, the basic information of this galaxy group quickly flashed through the minds of everyone present. Immediately it was stunned.

No one thought that Lin Fan's primary goal would be this galaxy group.

This should be the least preferred galaxy group!

Speaking of the Weiss galaxy group, according to the information, it is a galaxy group that has been completely unified, with a sixth-level scientific and technological civilization.

Of course, the big guys feel that the primary target should not choose this galaxy group, not because of this sixth-level scientific and technological civilization.

After all, a sixth-level civilization is really no threat to the Federation today.

But the problem is, there are 26 dwarf galaxies in the 27 galaxies in the Weiss galaxy group...

What do dwarf galaxies represent?

The people here are all bigwigs from the Federation.

Everyone still knows these basic common sense of the universe.

Dwarf galaxies represent a small number of members, and also represent a very low probability of the existence of natural life planets.

This is not a good place!

This can be confirmed from the exploration report of Starfleet.

According to Starfleet's report, each of these 26 dwarf galaxies is much larger than the Milky Way, or even less than the Andromeda Galaxy.

However, the average number of stars contained in it is only 10 billion. As for the primitive life planet, it is even more like the existence of rare animals.

You know, even the Milky Way, which is much smaller than these galaxies, has more than 100 billion stars, and the Andromeda Galaxy, which is about the same size, even has more than 1 trillion star systems.

10 billion?

This is just a satellite galaxy equivalent to the Milky Way, right?

Well, the number of the Large Magellanic Cloud under federal control is almost 10 billion!

These two are pretty much the same!

Nonsense, almost nothing, the Large Magellanic Cloud is just a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, well, it is less than 10,000 light-years in diameter!

And which galaxies are in the Vis Group?

Each of them started at 100,000 light-years, and there are even several that directly exceed the size of 200,000 light-years, but they have only a few billion to 10 billion stars.

What strategic value can such a place have?

Looking at a group of frowning bosses, Lin Fan naturally understood what they were thinking.

Seriously, if there is no Starfleet exploration report, I might not even look at this galaxy group, let alone spend a lot of energy to formulate a battle plan, and put this galaxy group as the primary target of attack!

"Everyone, I know what you are thinking, but there is a piece of information that was not recorded in the report in your hands, and it is this information that led us to make the Weiss galaxy group our primary target!"

This time, everyone is interested.

What information is kept secret to such an extent that it is not mentioned at all in the public report?

"Everyone should know that since the Federation entered the dark energy era thirteen years ago, the technology related to it has developed rapidly, and even the Star Fleet has built a special fleet based on dark energy technology!"

All the bigwigs nodded, they still have the right to know these things.

However, how did the topic get to this point?


Is the plan to capture the Vis galaxy group actually related to dark energy?

And is it related to military technology?

In the virtual conference room, there was not a single idiot, and he quickly made a lot of associations based on Lin Fan's words, and even some ideas were close to the truth.

"Actually, there's one thing everyone may not know."

"The first dark energy fleet built before is only for testing. How is the combat power of the warships built with dark energy technology as the core?"

"And the results are quite encouraging. In the face of five times the number of dreadnought battleships, this experimental fleet directly crushed the dreadnought fleet!"

"It is because of this result that we immediately decided to start designing the second generation of warships with dark energy technology as the core, the Nether-class warships!"

"However, like the first generation of warships, many necessary parts of the Nether-class warships must be made of a metal called Ai Luo, however, this metal is very rare in the area currently controlled by the Federation, and it is not enough to support Starfleet's massive Nether-class battleship mass production plan!"

"Therefore, in the past ten years, the Frontier Fleet has actually had a third task in addition to exploring and obtaining intelligence."

"Looking for Aero Metal!"

It turned out to be such a thing, and all the bigwigs nodded!


and many more!

If he said that, does Lin Fan mean that this metal named Ai Luo has been found in the Weiss galaxy group?

Thinking about it like this, all doubts disappeared in an instant, and my heart was suddenly enlightened.

"Everyone, according to the preliminary exploration of the pioneering fleet, in the Weiss galaxy group, there are a lot of Aero metals in almost every galaxy."

"And the preliminary judgment of the reserves is enough to support the Star Fleet's entire hundred-year Nether-class battleship manufacturing plan!"


So much stock?

You must know that the manufacturing speed of battleships in the Federation is very fast today, and the average number of battleships manufactured every year is calculated in units of one billion.

a hundred years?

Wouldn't it be possible to build a 100 billion-scale Nether-class battleship?

No wonder Lin Fan had to fight here first, so this is the problem...

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