The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Forty-seven The 2nd Asteroid Belt War (final)

Adams was puzzled at the moment.

How much power does human beings hide? That adds up to 60,000 warships.

But this should be the last strength of mankind, otherwise only 5,000 battleships will not be deployed in this position! As long as there are 10,000 to 20,000 warships, you can absolutely wipe yourself out.

If there are only 5,000 ships, it can still stand out, but the casualties will increase again.

"Inform the fleet that the 5,000 battleships ahead are the last force of mankind. Even if they collide, they will knock them out for me!"


Soon, the front row of the Adams fleet rushed into the array of 5,000 battleships ahead. Unexpectedly, instead of the imaginary battle to the death, it easily tore a hole in the opponent's array, and came here. A central breakthrough.

"Quick, we have already broken through the opponent's array, and all the fleets will follow immediately!"

Although Adams was also a little puzzled, this human array, although there were only 5,000 battleships, was torn apart so easily from the middle?

However, at this time, there was no time for Adams to think about it, and he immediately ordered the fleet to follow and rush out directly from this opening.

At the same time, the flagship of Task Force 101, inside the bridge of the USS Ouranos!

"Commander, your performance is too professional!"

"Can an unprofessional fool Adams? He's not a waste!"

It turned out that it was not Adams' fleet that easily ripped apart Liang Xingchen's array, but that Liang Xingchen cooperated with Adams' breakthrough to divide the fleet into two parts at the right time, little by little, causing it to look like it was broken through by the center. , tore a hole in general!

In normal times, Adams might see something, but at this time, the entire Third Army of the Imperial Guard was madly fleeing, and Adams, who was completely chaotic, could no longer observe every detail on the battlefield carefully!

After Liang Xingchen's 5,000 battleships separated from left to right, they turned to face the Adams fleet that was constantly passing in the middle, forming a new crossfire.

As for the more than 4,000 warships under the command of Lin Fan and Jiang Hai, when the tail of the Adams fleet was about to pass through them, they also began to turn, and finally they came together to bite from behind!

Why do Lin Fan and Jiang Hai each have more than 4,000 battleships instead of 10,000 battleships? It was obvious that the remaining battleships were all disguised by mechas, just like Lin Fan's first simulated battle with Liang Xingchen.

Including the first three fleets, there were a total of 35,000 warships, which were also disguised as mechas. The only real federal warships on the battlefield were only about 14,000 warships commanded by Lin Fan, Jiang Hai, and Liang Xingchen.

So the entire battlefield once again formed a three-sided attack state.

It was not until half an hour later that the Third Army of the Imperial Guard finally broke away from the human encirclement at full speed and opened up the distance.

"Report immediately, how much is the loss?"

"Commander Adams, at present our battle damage has exceeded 40,000 warships, and half of the remaining 40,000 warships are injured!"

Adams listened to the report of his subordinates, and his heart was really uncomfortable.

Nearly half of the battleships are gone, even if the remaining battleships have more than 20,000 wounded, unable to exert their full combat effectiveness!

Looking at the tactical board again, the 60,000 human battleships behind them have joined forces and are chasing after themselves.

How to fight this?


This is life, Liang Xingchen is simply my natural nemesis.

Adams sighed, thinking so.

"Order the entire army to return to the Jupiter base!"


After giving the order, Adams slumped in his seat.

I wanted to take the Guards 3rd Fleet to find a way out for the officers and soldiers of the entire fleet,

The result still doesn't work.

Forget it, let me accompany all the officers and soldiers here to face His Majesty's punishment!

The Fourth Fleet, after symbolically chasing the Council, gave up.

Stop joking, keep chasing, if Adams jumps off the wall in a hurry, and the nearly 50,000 battleships turn to fight to the death, then he will be the one who will die!

It's enough to just push them back. Besides, the results of the battle are already significant enough. They lost less than 1,000 battleships themselves, and killed more than 40,000 battleships of the other side.

This battle loss ratio has already reached 1:40. You must know that in the first asteroid belt war, the battle loss ratio was only 1:10, which has already made Liang Xingchen regarded as the god of war!

After the fleet stopped chasing, it turned back to the battlefield just now, carried out rescue work, and even rescued a lot of people.

After all, throughout the battle, the Adams fleet had been forced to fight back with only secondary weapons instead of the main weapon, and its power was really limited.

Therefore, most of the battle-damaged warships were just paralyzed, not directly sunk, so many people are still alive!

After the battle, the entire Fourth Fleet embarked on a journey back to the Mars base!


Earth, Federal Presidential Palace!

At this time, Lin Zhen, Ed and other staff were waiting anxiously in the conference room.

"Has the frontline battle report come yet? It's been a few days!"


As soon as Ed's voice fell, there was a knock on the door!

"Come in!"

"Report, a battle report from the Fourth Fleet!"

"Hurry up!"

When Lin Zhen heard the battle report of the Fourth Fleet, he immediately stood up and shouted, and the other targets also looked nervously at the people who came!

"On February 7, the main force of the Fourth Fleet and the pioneer fleet of the Ox Empire met in the asteroid belt 016 area, and fought fiercely! According to the tactics planned by Major General Lin Fan, with the loss of less than 5,000 warships, 30,000 opponents were completely wiped out. battleship."

"On February 9th, the Fourth Fleet went deep into the asteroid belt. According to the tactics proposed by Major General Lin Fan, multiple ambushes were set up on the only path of the Adams Fleet. In the end, with the loss of 1,000 warships, 43,000 enemy warships were wiped out. , and drove the rest of its fleet back to Jupiter!"

"Now the Fourth Fleet is on its way back to the Mars base?"

For a time, everyone in the entire conference room was a little stunned! What about desperation? What about fighting to the death until the last person?

Why does this battle report sound so strange? Especially going deep into the asteroid belt to ambush Adams' 90,000 battleship, the battle damage ratio of 1:43? How did this fairy battle come about?

"Is there a detailed war process?"


The colonel who sent the battle report immediately took a memory card and put it into the optical brain of the conference room. The virtual projection device immediately projected its content, which contained the entire battle, including tactical applications!

"I'm going, what kind of freak is this Major General Lin Fan? Using 14,000 warships, disguised as 60,000 warships to set up multiple ambushes, scaring Adams to flee all the way?"

It is too exaggerated to think that the staff member shouted directly.

Not to mention that this aide was shocked, even the old man of Lin Fan's family, Lin Zhen, was shocked. Okay, the commander-in-chief and deputy commander of the Federal Fleet were equally sluggish.

This kind of battle is not an immortal battle, so what is an immortal battle!

Just when everyone was still shocked, Ed on the side spoke up!

"I propose to raise Lin Fan's rank to lieutenant general and let him take over the First Fleet we are about to reorganize!"

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