The Strongest Interstellar Commander

One thousand two hundred and sixty-one The second black cavity jihad (7)

Two days later.

There is no longer an imperial warship to be seen in Kosha Realm, and the fleet of the Alliance is cleaning the battlefield.

The war lasted for nearly three days. The Alliance annihilated 1,608 legions of the Norea Empire, while its own losses were only 187 legions, of which the Federation lost 25 legions and the Alliance lost 162 legions.

The overall gap between the two sides has also changed from 3980 legions to 1600 legions to 2372 legions to 1413 legions.

The gap between the troops has been narrowed again, and there is not even a double gap.

At the same time, the key Kosha realm was also under the control of the Federation again.

Next, I am afraid that it will enter a confrontation period for a long time, the other party should not act rashly, and he will not take the initiative to attack.

After sorting out the current situation, Lin Fan couldn't help but think so.


the other side.

The Tour Realm, the Norea Empire moves the imperial capital.

In the hall, a minister was kneeling on the ground and shivering. He was the one who proposed to use the time difference to start a decisive battle directly in the Tour Realm, causing Torrea to abandon his original strategy.

Although he only made suggestions, it was Torrea who made the final decision, and after finding out that he had been deceived by the heretics, he was not the one who left the fleet to fight with him.


None of this matters.

The important thing is that someone must carry this pot, and the person who carries it cannot be the emperor, but only him.

Torrea, who was sitting above, glanced at the minister who was kneeling there, and waved his hand expressionlessly.

Immediately, the two guards dragged him down.

As for how this guy will end, everyone knows.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that a new army be formed in the country immediately to transport the front line. At the same time, the army should retreat strategically and find a better node to station in, waiting for reinforcements to arrive!"

After the entire hall was silent for a few minutes, a minister gritted his teeth and stood up and said.

Now continue to stay here, even if there is still an advantage in military strength, but there is no 100% certainty about breaking Koshajie.

On the contrary, it is a bad idea, when will he be smothered by those pagans again.

After all, the Tour Realm is different from the Kosha Realm, and it is not a suitable stationing node, and it will take hundreds of years to form a new army from the mainland of the empire and then send it over.

During this period, no one can guarantee that there will be no more accidents.

Therefore, the best way is to make a strategic retreat and find a suitable location to station to ensure that no accident will happen again.

Originally, no one dared to say this kind of plan, after all...

Once this is done, where will Torrea's face go?

However, now that this is the case, it is not the time to take this kind of thing into consideration.

In the hall, everyone turned to look at Torrea. Although they agreed with the proposal in their hearts, it still depends on Torrea's decision. As long as he doesn't nod, everything will be in vain.

On the throne of the emperor, Torrea's expression kept changing.

Obviously, he is doing a fierce psychological struggle.

Is this the safe choice?

Or continue to stay here and die to save face?


He has a decision.


Koshajie, the command center of the alliance army.

"Marshal, the Norea Empire fleet in the Tour Realm has opened a cross-border passage, and the fleet is entering it one by one."

"Channel pointing?"

"According to our analysis, the probability of 97% is to lead to the Luoxi realm!"


Hearing this, Lin Fan immediately opened the three-dimensional composition of the black cavity space and found the Luo Xijie.

His eyes moved all the way along the Luoxi Realm, and finally stopped at a place called Kailin Realm, which is 7 Heiqiang Realms from the Tuer Realm.

"So it is!"

Nodding, Lin Fan understood the intention of the Norea Empire.

Strategic retreat, waiting for backup!

After all, it is a huge and powerful empire. Even if it loses thousands of legions, when it is really crazy, it is quick to replenish it.

After all, one is not short of population, two is not bad in productivity, and three is sufficient technology.

Logically speaking, this situation should be very unfavorable to the league, but in fact...

Because of the existence of the Federation, time will only be more favorable to the Alliance.

Perhaps these hundreds of years are not enough to cause too much change for the old civilizations in the black cavity space.

But the Commonwealth is an exception.

With the four-member group of the Great Summer Federation, as long as there is enough time, the development will definitely be the same every day.

Another very important point is that, according to Luo Li, the black cavity civilization at the peak of the fourth rank is very likely to have a seventh rank powerhouse.

But Lin Fan has only just reached the sixth level now.

Therefore, he also needs this buffer time.

Otherwise, once there is a seventh-level powerhouse in the opponent's camp, the federation can only use the life of a large number of civilization guardians to fill it, and it is possible to suppress it.


Virtual war room.

"Everyone already knows about the actions of the Norea Empire. Let me tell you about the next arrangement."

When everyone arrived, Lin Fan said.

"You should all know that the biggest obstacle to our technological development at present still comes from resources, especially some rare resources."

"After all, the alliance's territory is in the black cavity space, it is too far!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Everyone sitting here is a high-level executive of the Federal Fleet, and they all know more or less about this situation.

"So, the next step is the key point, everyone look here!"

With that said, Lin Fan opened the three-dimensional composition of the black cavity space.

Of course, a small part of this black cavity space is not even more conspicuous than a sesame seed.

However, it is this small part that already includes the territory of the Federation, as well as the scope of more than a dozen foreign black chambers.

"According to our inference, the Norea Empire will eventually retreat to this position, and then the two armies will be separated by eight black cavity circles, and there will be hundreds of black cavity circles radiating around."

"And this area is our goal for the next stage!"

"Send a fleet to conduct a search to find all kinds of rare resources that the Federation desperately needs!"

That's right, this is Lin Fan's goal.

Taking advantage of the strategic retreat of the Norea Empire, when a large amount of territory was vacated between the two armies, they completely plundered the resources in this area.

In fact, looting is not right.

After all, this area has been thoroughly cleaned by the Norea Empire before, let alone civilization, it is very difficult to find a creature, even animals and plants...

Therefore, this area is now an unowned area, and the federal fleet can enter directly.

There is no need to worry about encountering any native resistance at all.

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