The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 743 Don't Get Drunk, Everyone Gets Drunk (Part 2)

Opening the information that Li Yingjie brought back on the computer, Zhang Yang checked it silently. The information obtained from the Indian Department of Land and Resources showed that the Rothschild family's mining industry in India was worth at least 300 billion U.S. dollars! This is not counting some of Rothschild’s other investments in India. It is estimated that this is why during the economic crisis, families like this will not be affected by the economic crisis at all. Most of the property of the Rothschild family is resources. Aspects. ;

The impact of the economic crisis on the resource side is negligible! Looking at the things in his hand, combined with other news about the Freemasonry collected by Xingkong, Zhang Yang probably has a figure in his mind about the source of funds for the entire Freemasonry, leaving aside the banking industry and minerals, etc. Aside from talking about it, I'm afraid Chapter 743 Is Not Intoxicating, Everyone Gets Intoxicated (Part 2) I am afraid that the greater source of income for the Freemasonry is still some gray income.

At present, the total market value of the Star Group is about 6 trillion RMB, which is about 1.5 trillion US dollars in US dollars! And Star Group's annual profit is about 7 trillion RMB! Of course, because Star Group is a private company and not a listed company, there is no need to announce its financial status to the outside world. The outside world does not know the specific profitability of Star Group, and can only infer based on some listed subsidiaries of Star Group.

As for the funds that Rothschild can currently control, regardless of banks, etc., the number of US dollars that Rothschild can currently call is about 3 trillion US dollars! This refers to the cash it can mobilize, not counting the market value of Dothschild's corporate banks, so at present Star Group still has no way to compare with families like Rothschild, but the strength of the two parties is not much different First of all, Star Group's funds can be used by itself.

It is impossible for Rothschild to mobilize more than 1 trillion US dollars of funds. After more than two hundred years of development, a family is already quite large. Funds from all walks of life are not so easy to mobilize, and now The Rothschild is not so single-minded. In particular, almost all the funds of the Freemasonry are provided by Rothschild, but not all the power of the Freemasonry is in the hands of Rothschild. If it were you, would you be willing?

However, according to the situation investigated by Li Yingjie in India, I am afraid that the Masonic Society in India has assets close to more than 500 billion U.S. dollars. And these assets are excellent assets! gscsd

It's been a long time since he appeared in the hacker world. Although he would occasionally make a head start, he didn't make much of a move. However, Anubis didn't bother with gscsd, and he didn't even show up, so Zhang Yang could only start from reality.

Now that the actual Starry Sky Group is large enough, Young Master Jiang will not be afraid of the Freemasons' counterattack. Not long after Li Yingjie returned to Yan City on March 23, the situation in Libya suddenly became tense. It was not much different from his previous life, but the time was delayed by more than half a month compared to his previous life. The ending of the previous life will be completely different.

When the situation in Libya began to turmoil on March 24,

The Ministry of National Defense of [China] announced that due to the tense situation in Libya, [China] will carry out evacuation operations. In order to ensure the safety of overseas Chinese in [China], the Beijing aircraft carrier battle group of the South China Sea Fleet will leave the South China Sea base and pass through the Strait of Malacca After entering the Indian Ocean, it will enter the Red Sea region, and will visit countries along the way, and at the same time [China] will mobilize a large number of cruise ships to evacuate citizens from Libya.

When this news came out, the whole world was in an uproar. It hasn't been long since the aircraft carrier of [China] was launched, that is, in more than half a month, has it already made enough preparations for ocean-going voyages? Moreover, the action of the [China] aircraft carrier this time is obviously a situation of a certain nature. The purpose of [China] is that the aircraft carrier of the [China] country can already form combat effectiveness?

In any case, the Zhonggu government has already announced it, so this matter has become a fact, and the eyes of countries all over the world are focused on [China] country, and more focused on the number one of [China] country on a self-built aircraft carrier. And [China] will also become the second country with a modern super aircraft carrier! It is the second country besides the United States that has a super aircraft carrier of more than 80,000 tons!

There is also a big difference between an aircraft carrier and an aircraft carrier. For example, the old British aircraft carriers purchased by India, regardless of their performance, their combat effectiveness is completely different from that of modern aircraft carriers. The only country that maintains heavy aircraft carriers is the United States. .

Now a [China] country has joined, and the aircraft carrier of [China] has just been built. Many aircraft carriers in the United States have been in service for many years, although it does not mean that [China] is more advanced than the aircraft carrier of the United States.

However, during the Sino-Indian border conflict two years ago, many people could see that [China] has completely surpassed all countries in the world in certain modern technologies after the emergence of the Star Group in recent years, such as controllable Nuclear Fusion Power Station! At present, Xingkong Group is the only group company in the world capable of building controllable nuclear fusion power plants! No second country or organization has announced that it can build a controllable nuclear fusion power plant.

Therefore, it is obvious that Xingkong Group is now in a monopoly position in controllable nuclear fusion power plants, but even if it is in a monopoly position, no country or international organization has proposed anti-monopoly sanctions against Xingkong Group in terms of monopoly. Everyone vaguely understands that Everyone needs this thing, so they didn’t mention it by coincidence. If the anti-monopoly is really to be investigated, when the Star Group is not building these power stations abroad, where did they get these technologies?

Who doesn't know that China's spy work is the most difficult to do, so for various reasons, it is clearly a monopoly, but there are still many countries that want to introduce the technology of the Star Group's controllable nuclear fusion power plant, everyone knows What is the difference between controlled nuclear fusion and controlled nuclear fission? One is safe, non-polluting, and the raw materials are inexhaustible, while the other is not only unsafe, but in the event of an accident, the radius of hundreds of kilometers may fall into serious nuclear pollution.

Therefore, although the first ocean-going mission of the 〖China〗 aircraft carrier attracted the attention of the media all over the world, most countries remained surprisingly silent! However, many unofficial media in Europe and the United States have expressed their opinions. Regardless of combat experience, China's aircraft carrier battle group is not inferior to the US aircraft carrier battle group in terms of equipment and so on. So when such a super aircraft carrier The battle group enters the Indian Ocean, and there is an American aircraft carrier battle group in the Indian Ocean, and the war situation in the Gulf will become extremely complicated.


On the contrary, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries issued a statement expressing their welcome to the aircraft carrier of [China] to visit the Middle East, hoping that [China], as a newly rising responsible power in the world, can maintain peace in the Middle East. Regardless of the attitudes of both parties, the aircraft carrier has made sufficient preparations for its first ocean voyage.

The next day, when the Beijing aircraft carrier battle group on mission in the South China Sea left the territorial waters of [China] and headed for the Strait of Malacca, Britain's Jane's Defense finally issued a new analysis report.

In this report, Jane's Defense fully analyzed the combat effectiveness of the [China] aircraft carrier battle group.

"... First of all, everyone is suspecting that the [China] aircraft carrier has just been delivered for less than half a month, but it has the ability to carry out military missions in the ocean. Since [China] dares to do so, then It proves that their aircraft carrier battle group already has a certain combat effectiveness.

And it is not difficult for us to analyze the shadow of a group in the middle! We don't need to say which group this group is, the role of Xingkong Marine Military University is beyond doubt! Undoubtedly, in the past few years, the Wagliang of Xingkong Marine Military University has trained a large number of professional naval soldiers for [China] who can skillfully operate aircraft carriers! And these soldiers are the backbone of the battle groups of the Beijing and Tianjin aircraft carriers! "... Not only naval officers, but even naval pilots, Star Ocean University has trained a lot for [China], because we should remember that there are real fighter jets on board the Wagliang Yes, and in the past three years, the Vagran crashed a total of fighter jets, sacrificing a flight instructor and a flight student! These data all show that Xingkong Marine Military University has trained many outstanding talents for [China]. ""And according to our information, when the two aircraft carriers of [China] were just launched, all the officers and soldiers on the two aircraft carriers held a grand ceremony to pay tribute to the Wagrain! Therefore, there is no doubt whether the aircraft carrier battle group of [China] has combat effectiveness, and according to some photos of the Beijing and Tianjin that have been revealed so far, it is not difficult to see that [China] has some technologies on its self-built aircraft carrier Obviously adopted the leading technology in the world! The first is the electromagnetic ejection system! When the United States did not succeed in research, [China] has already taken the lead in using it on aircraft carriers, and has registered the latest patent! "... To sum up, in this incident in Libya, China's aircraft carrier battle group is nominally escorting its own expatriates. It is better to say that China already wants to make its own voice heard in the world up.

Especially next year or the year after, after [China] China's other two aircraft carriers are launched, [China] China's military strength in the Asia-Pacific region will no longer be able to compete with the United States! And we don't seem to forget that Star Aerospace, the world's largest aerospace company, has launched a total of PS global positioning military satellites into space! This means that [China] China's satellite network may be more developed than that of the United States! "The report of Jane's Defense has resonated with many countries.

Now it is no longer the "China" threat theory, but a real fact, but neither the United States nor the European Union can do anything about it. The economic crisis in the United States, and paying for the economic crisis in the United States, but in the same way, although [China] lost part of the money, the economic structure of [China] is more reasonable, the inflation rate is lower, and the RMB's international status has improved. The benefits brought are basically the same as the money lost by [China].

The U.S. economy is not as good as expected, so the U.S. has absolutely no ability to prevent [China] from doing anything, especially since the two sides are still in the honeymoon period to some extent.

Once the United States has taken any action, it is even less likely that other countries will take any action.

On the third day after the Beijing aircraft carrier battle group left the South China Sea, the evacuation operation of [China] officially began. Because there were enough cruise ships and other support, the evacuation operation in this life was even faster. It took only two days. When the time comes, the last batch of expatriates will be evacuated from Libya.

On the day of the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Libya, the [Chinese] government publicly announced the successful conclusion of the evacuation operation, and at the same time announced that the South China Sea Fleet will officially accept the defense of the South China Sea, and the Tianjin aircraft carrier battle group will start patrolling in the boy. And [China] will set up Sansha City in Hainan Province, stationed on Yongxing Island in Xisha! And directly released the latest map of the territorial waters of the Nansha Islands of [China]!

"...Once again, on behalf of the [China] government, I solemnly declare that the territorial waters of the Nansha Islands are my country's inalienable territory. my country has sovereignty over all the territorial waters of the Nansha Islands. From today, [China] will officially announce that all foreign Ships from other countries that cannot enter the territorial waters of our country, after the warning is invalid, the [Chinese] fleet will directly sink or expel them! I hope other countries can respect our sovereignty and avoid unnecessary diplomatic disputes!" With the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The spokesperson spoke vigorously, and the flashlights of the reporters below were directly connected together.

And following the cameras of various reporters, after the news announced by 〖China〗 spread across the world, the whole world was in an uproar. Seeing this news, Zhang Yang was full of astonishment, Sansha City? Administration? Undoubtedly, this decision will prove [China] China’s determination to maintain its territorial integrity.” However, it seems that this incident did not happen in the previous life, at least it did not happen before Zhang Yang’s rebirth, but now that he is announcing this incident, Zhang Yang undoubtedly cannot bear it Secretly said beautiful!

Now the Beijing has just arrived in the Middle East, and as the Beijing visits ports in some Middle Eastern countries, photos of the Beijing have also begun to circulate around the world, and with the spread of these photos, there is no doubt that the Beijing's strong combat effectiveness , At this time, to declare the sovereignty of Nansha, whether it is the Philippines, Vietnam or other countries, if they want to make trouble, Zhang Yang can guarantee that the higher-ups will definitely take a country directly and kill the chickens to scare the monkeys!

Now this? Tied skirt iridium gap ㄒBuzhi spring 伲twisted baked 蚨Xian neon consider 橐书书状甲饩俊诱∫Exchanging scum for vanity? Jia Ao, the female swan, is more familiar with chlorine, and the white cockroach is blown by Lu Falcon. . . ?lt;/p\u003e;




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