The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 72 Zhang Jiao’s magic

The Yellow Turban Army was defeated like a mountain.

The equipment of the Qilin soldiers is really good.

All gold-level suits!

Up to 500 points of initial attributes for naked clothing! Become stronger after being equipped with equipment!

Those Yellow Turban heavy cavalry are considered elite soldiers, but generally they only have 70 or 80 points of full attributes. This is still in a state of equipment blessing... The gap is so huge that they are directly suppressed by the Qilin soldiers as soon as they make contact. Even if the cavalry He charged forward with his war horse, but even with the power of the war horse, it was completely useless!

The battle became intense from the beginning, with the Yellow Turban Army being massacred by the Qilin soldiers!

On the other hand, the attack of the Yellow Turban heavy cavalry fell on the Qilin soldiers?

The low-quality standard weapons in their hands are only green weapons, or even white weapons... They can't break through the defense of the golden equipment of the Qilin soldiers at all. The attacks are fierce and can only be in vain on the surface of the armor of the Qilin soldiers. Just some spots left.

Other than that, there is nothing accomplished.

After only a few dozen seconds of hand-to-hand combat, the oncoming Yellow Turban heavy cavalry already had more than 10,000 casualties!

At this moment, none of the Qilin soldiers was dead or injured!


The killing cries of the Qilin soldiers shook the heaven and earth, not only shocking the heavy cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army who were fighting them head-on, but also a group of scouts sent by Nanyang City who were watching from a distance!

It also shocked all the Yellow Turban infantrymen from the rear who had not yet rushed forward.

The three major generals were dead, and the strongest heavy cavalry troops were being harvested like straw, leaving them vulnerable to a single blow.

This scene caused the originally confident Yellow Turban Army to completely lose their courage to fight.

At this point, the morale of the Yellow Turban Army plummeted.

The generals of the Yellow Turban Army were also frightened, because they saw some of their fellow generals using force to fight into the formation of the soldiers of the Qilin Legion, and then nothing happened. Those generals were immediately killed by a group of five big and three thick-armed Qilin soldiers. They surrounded and killed him in twos and threes, and no body was found intact!

This simply subverted everyone's views.

Ordinarily, wouldn't it be true that a general would rush into a formation of soldiers and start a killing spree if there was no enemy general to stop him?

What happened to these soldiers?

Why so powerful?

Each and every one of them even has the strength to catch up with ordinary generals...

"Run away!"

"These people are devils!"

"Can't beat it!"

"Staying here will only lead to death. There are not enough people for them to kill! Run away!"


"Run away!"

I don't know who shouted, and the entire Yellow Turban Army was completely defeated. Countless people began to retreat and flee in all directions. This moment was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. This shout completely wiped out the last remaining strength of the Yellow Turban Army. A trace of courage was shattered, leaving them no longer brave enough to face the Kirin Legion soldiers who were as fierce as ghosts and gods.

"Well done."

Wang Han grinned, patted a Qilin soldier next to him, and then swung his hammers to kill the Yellow Turban soldiers who were running away like crazy. It was this Qilin soldier who just shouted, telling the Yellow Turban soldiers to run away.

These were the first batch of veterans who followed Du Yu into the dungeon of the rogue bandit world. They were not only powerful, but they also did many things like sap fights in the rogue bandit world. They were all extremely slick and insidious.

The Yellow Turban Army was frightened and fled, which would undoubtedly make it easier for the soldiers of the Qilin Legion to kill, and would also cause less casualties to their own side.


"Hahaha! The lord has said that the merit of killing all these humanoids will be greater the more you kill, the greater the merit will be! Kill!"

Wang Han shouted and led a group of the strongest and first Qilin soldiers who followed him to kill the enemy.

I only saw this guy catch up with a fleeing Yellow Turban soldier in a few seconds, and then kill him with a hammer. After a few more steps, he even caught a lone elite general of the Yellow Turban Army, and then killed him with a hammer. .

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Every one of the soldiers of the Qilin Legion became red-eyed and pursued them one after another, slashing to the ground the Yellow Turban soldiers who were running wildly.

The Qilin soldiers who even grabbed the war horses rode directly to kill the enemy, knocking down and killing the yellow scarf soldiers who were gradually fleeing the battlefield in the distance, and then cut off their ears and put them in their arms.

The calculation of military merit is based on the left ear of the enemy. Whoever kills more people and collects more left ears will have greater credit.

This method of calculating the number of enemy kills was promulgated by Du Yu. Du Yu remembered watching a TV series before, and the army in the TV series seemed to use this method to calculate the soldiers' merit for killing the enemy. Although this method will have calculation errors, and you can't be distracted from collecting the enemy's ears during fierce battles, it is still better than doing nothing and being unable to calculate.

It can be regarded as a little reward for the soldiers in their free time when they are harvesting enemies.

The Qilin Army has strict orders not to cut off the enemy's ears as trophies during battle until the enemy is defeated and flees, so as not to affect the performance and cooperation of the soldiers when the battle becomes fierce.

If someone violates the ban, they will be severely punished!

The Qilin Legion also has a supervising team just like an ordinary army.

Of course, the soldiers of the Qilin Legion are 100% loyal to Du Yu, almost to the point of blind worship and obedience. They will not disobey Du Yu's orders in the slightest.

There is no such thing as a forbidden soldier.

The shouts of killing were loud in the battlefield, but Du Yu left the battlefield alone, watching from a distance the Qilin soldiers who were constantly killing and harvesting countless fleeing Yellow Turbans.

Maybe not everyone of these Yellow Turbans is a bad person, but they are Du Yu's enemies, so they must die.

Du Yu has no habit of showing mercy to his enemies.

Of course, Du Yu didn't think about collecting the weapons of the Yellow Turban Army and recruiting these people to surrender.


Doesn't work.

Du Yu, who has memories of his past life, knows very well who these Yellow Turbans are.

These people are complete lunatics!

He is a fanatical believer who was brainwashed by the Tiangong General Zhang Jiao using sorcery.

In the previous life, there were even players who had no choice but to join the Yellow Turban Army, and then even the players who were protected by the Tiandao Intellectual Brain fell into the trap. They fell into Zhang Jue's ways and were brainwashed into Zhang Jue's puppets, unable to break free.

Zhang Jiao's sorcery is terrifying, and to a certain extent, it can even control people's souls.

All those who join the Yellow Turban Army will be forced to drink the magic talisman water given by Zhang Jiao. Once the talisman water is stained, you will never be able to get rid of it. Once you drink it, you will be cast a curse by Zhang Jiao deep in your soul. , From now on, he will be loyal to Zhang Jue, and if necessary, he can even kill his wife, children and parents without mercy with Zhang Jue's order.

If Du Yu recruits these Yellow Turbans, they may surrender at first and nothing will happen.

But when more Yellow Turban troops surrendered, Zhang Jiao noticed the changes here.

One order came down.

I am afraid that the entire Yellow Turban Army that was surrendered in Qilin Town will rebel without hesitation and turn into man-eating devils to destroy the entire Qilin Town from the inside!

Moreover, the surrendered Yellow Turban Army is different from the refugees summoned with the Refugee Card. Although the surrendered people can live in Qilin Town and help the development of Qilin Town, they will not be blessed by the power of Qilin Town and cannot compete with those who use Qilin Town. People recruited with the refugee card also receive S-level qualifications.

Du Yu had many memories from his previous life, so he would naturally not make such a stupid mistake as recruiting the Yellow Turban Army.

So facing the Yellow Turban Army, Du Yu had only one attitude from the beginning.

Or don’t intersect.

Once they meet and enmity arises, kill them!

Kill one when you see one, kill a pair when you see two!

They continued to fight until the Yellow Turban Army was completely destroyed.

This kind of force that has no normal human mind and is controlled by people using sorcery should not exist in this world.

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