The Strongest Demon Front

Finish this testimonial


The end of a book is the end of a journey.

I'm sorry, the story belonging to Chu Ge ends here.

This may be a bit capricious.

Just like the old T who was very willful and broke for eight months before.


It is also inevitable.

The story is basically complete. There are the Europa League, the league, the Champions League, and the World Cup. There should be something in a football novel. Basically, it’s all… almost written about it. (laugh

Although it is not so comprehensive, it seems that it is not impossible to leave some room for imagination.

If it is from the planning at the time of writing, the current plot is indeed missing a part.

I think you should be able to see that too.

Less is this season that belongs to Zidane.

This is supposed to be the master and apprentice Qin Se chord you nong me nong... Bah... It is a season in which the master and the apprentice work together to break the gold.

Missing, it seems that there are some regrets, some not so perfect.

However, according to the urine properties of sitting bacteria, you should be able to figure it out. This season is nothing more than God blocking God, Buddha blocking Buddha, all competitors kneel down, all records turned into clouds, how boring, how empty, how boring.


No one really wants to see it, right?

No way

No way

No way.

If I write further down, it is nothing more than that Mbappe, the second or fifth boy, may leave, and then he goes to a certain galaxy battleship, and is suppressed by Chu Ge's junior brother, and continues to be the second team leader. And Chu Ge's Red Empire did not lose at all, but became stronger after supplementing a certain junior, so that a rebel alliance appeared in the Premier League.

Then the Allies were disbanded. In order to seek honor, football entered the era of big groups. Neymar took a salary cut and transferred to Manchester United to hold his thighs in order to win the Champions League. like.

To continue writing, it is time for the Antitrust Act (football) to be born.

If I can't win you, I will find a way to specify rules to limit you. Just like those things the Table Tennis Federation does.

The general context is like this.

Of course, the plot not mentioned has a lot of variables.

The habit of sitting on the code word is to have a general idea or outline, and then overthrow it while writing it, and not write it strictly according to the outline.

Moreover, the era in the novel is very close to reality, and it will not be long before we meet.

It's not that it can't be written, but that there are many minefields. After all, it is too close to reality, and it is possible to insinuate reality at every turn. If you are not careful, you will get 404.

After all, the real world is more magical than fiction.

For example, when Chu Ge joined the Premier League, I never dreamed that anything would happen to Arsenal.

If you had joined Arsenal and wrote about a certain star, it might have collapsed directly.

Who would have thought of this...

Even if he joined Manchester United, and only occasionally mentioned that person's name, some readers threatened to abandon the book in this chapter. This is still an expression of attitude. I don't even know if there are people who leave without showing their attitude.

Sitting on the bacteria can only say that this world is too magical.

It's not me, it's the world! (dog

In short.

Although it is theoretically possible to continue writing, but forget it.

Sitting bacteria have done their best.

When the update started, old T said that the book will be finished after two seasons. Now there is one more World Cup than I said at the beginning. (laugh

Longer interruptions mean fewer people chasing after them.

This directly affects income.

I didn’t say anything specific about it before, because I’m afraid that you would say that it was a miserable sale, which would cause unnecessary pressure on readers. Now that the book is over, let's make it a little clearer.

Two days ago, a friend of the author asked me privately if my monthly income was 20,000 yuan.

Old T was stunned for a while.

Then tell the truth.

This book, a month's income, two thousand is not.

She said I was bullshitting...

Old T also joked in the reader group before, and the income can't even drink coffee.

Taking coffee as an equivalent is really a joke.

But that's the case with income.

The renewal starts in March, and the monthly manuscript fee ranges from more than 1,000 to more than 2,000. In June, because the editor gave a few recommendations, the income is higher, but recommending this thing, the editor can give it, it can't be forced.

In addition, due to the interruption, website benefits such as full attendance and half-year awards will be cancelled.

Therefore, sitting bacteria basically rely on love to generate electricity.

Generating electricity with love is bound to not last.

this is the truth.

Sitting bacteria has done its best to write the story well.

The current outcome, sitting on the bacteria, I feel satisfied.

If you can understand it, you can understand it, if you can't understand it, and think that sitting on the fungus should be damned, then please continue. as long as you are happy. I don't want to talk too much about sitting bacteria.

Adding something.

The above is just to describe the objective situation, not to sell miserably. If you really want to sell it badly, you can sell it badly during the serialization, and you can also ask for some rewards and subscriptions. Now that the book is over, I feel that I should explain it, and I don’t beg for a reward to subscribe. Don’t make impulse purchases because of sympathy for the bacteria, there is no need for this.

Sitting bacteria still have savings, and it is not because of low income that they cannot live.

No need for reader sympathy to subscribe.

If you subscribe, please subscribe because you like this book and think it is worth subscribing. And, if you like the book, a subscription is enough, no extra reward, especially for students.

This is not because the bacteria are high when sitting, but there is really no need to be so deliberate.

To be honest, the book The Strongest Yaofeng was written for the sake of making money.

Before this book, Old T had not written a book for a long time. The reason why I came back to write is because some writer friends told old T that the readers now are different from before, they are willing to pay for the content, and the writing competition can also live by subscription.

And they also gave an example, what kind of novel XX wrote, and it didn't take long to get into the boutique.

Back when old T wrote the most famous gods in history, when competitive novels entered the boutiques, they were basically legendary existences, and they belonged to a field that only a few top authors (really a handful of them) could reach. And when old T was about to open a new book, he flipped through it, and there were indeed a lot of novels that entered the starting point in the competition, and most of them were recent novels.

So, the old T was tempted.

So, taking advantage of the east wind of the World Cup, there is this strongest demon front.

There is no need for hypocrisy, this is the reason why the old T came back to code. Therefore, the old T is not high, but very realistic.

Genuine subscription is the meaning of the writer's existence.

At least for the old T.

In fact, my friends didn't lie to me either.

Although they didn't tell me, many of the top ones were basketball novels. (funny)

The rhythm of the strongest Yaofeng was a little confusing when it was launched, but there were still 2600-2800 subscriptions in 24 hours. (I forgot the specific number, I vaguely remember that it is higher than the statistics of a certain website)

Under the renewal of the old T Buddhist system, it didn't take too long to get a smooth product.

Some people say that the current readers are not easy to serve, and that the website traffic is low.

Old T can't judge the authenticity.

But from my own experience, the current writing environment may still have some problems, but it is much stronger than eight years ago.

More and more readers are willing to pay for content, which is really a blessing for us writers.

Thank you for coming!


Finally, explain the original break.

At that time, I just came back from Thailand, and I felt very tired. There was no feeling of coding, and the intermittent updates made me feel bad. In addition, there were some small problems with the body at that time, and I wanted to take a temporary rest for two days. I just didn't expect that once you relax, you won't be able to pick it up again. Every time I say that I must write tomorrow, the result is that tomorrow is tomorrow.

Later, QQ was stolen, and the starting point area could not log in because of the need for a verification code to change the mobile phone.

Due to the lack of password protection, QQ's application for password recovery was repeatedly rejected. The starting point provided the recharge record as prompted, and the application for recharge password was repeatedly rejected, so the restoration was completely put on hold.

Until the magic 2020.

After I was completely idle and had time and energy to toss, I found the passwords of QQ and the starting point again, and also replaced the new mobile phone passwords.

These days, when writing is about to end, I don’t know why, but I have encountered a state where I don’t want to write anything.

It's hard.

But this time, I have experience with sitting bacteria.

Know once really rested.

It was short.

If you do it again, it might be gone.

Therefore, although I only feel a little bit every time it is late at night, in order to have an explanation for myself and readers, most of the time I will live until late at night, and then go to bed after coding. This is why the later updates are getting late.

All right.

What should be explained, it is almost explained.

What should be confessed, also confessed.

Whether or not to drag the dog out, you can decide for yourself.



It seems that the new book has not been said yet.

Actually this is nothing to say.

Sitting in this state of bacteria requires a period of rest.

Moreover, generally speaking, when there is a desire to talk, the progress of the new book will be faster; otherwise, the sitting fungus is basically a salted fish.

If you follow the rhythm of a book in the previous four years, the next book may have to wait for the World Cup again. (laugh cry

In general, this writer is not a diligent type, he is too lazy to do it, and he is very salty, so there is no need to expect anything from him.

And, let’s be honest, football really can’t be written about. (Although I said that when I finished writing the most bullshit gods)

Old T is a person who is content with the status quo on the one hand, and hates immutability on the other.

The current football novels, including this one, are not the type of novels that Old T wants to see.

The early stage of Yaofeng is still what Old T wanted to write.

After the explosion of the mentality of being sprayed, coupled with the pressure of updating, old T was not very satisfied with the middle and late stages.

Not that it's badly written.

Shortly after it was put on the shelves, it entered the boutique with hard power. The quality is not to say how excellent, but at least the level is still guaranteed.

But the development direction in the middle and late stage deviates from the expected track.

Moreover, with the deepening of codewords, Old T has a different understanding of the genre of football, which is different from the previous writing methods. So it always feels a little weird.

It seems that since writing the second novel, old T always has some doubts about himself, which affects his writing status.

My own feeling is that my accumulation is really too little.

In layman's terms, the body is hollowed out.

Need to make up.

Therefore, the progress of the new book, there is no way to say clearly.

And, although the option of continuing to write about football cannot be ruled out, for now, the probability is not high.

If there is news of a new book, it will be notified in the reader group (if there are still people in the group).

Whether Yao Feng can publish the notification chapter of the new book after finishing the book, I haven't written a book for several years, and I don't understand the current situation. If the public chapter can be released after the book is finished, it will also be notified in the public chapter of the book.

Just sauce.

The rivers and lakes are far away, and the mountains and rivers meet.

I hope,

There will still be a period later.

Finally, I wish everyone good health and all the best.


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