The Strongest Demon Front

Thirty-five, loose mouth

Chu Jianan is an old fan.

At the age of seventeen, on the famous 519 night, the national football team lost 1:2 to Hong Kong, dreaming of breaking the World Cup, and he once left sad tears.

At the age of thirty-four, the national football team entered the World Cup in Korea and Japan unprecedentedly. At that time, Chu Jianan carried four-year-old Chu Ge on his back, walked out of the house, and celebrated with all the citizens who came in the square in the center of the city.

At that moment, Chu Jianan never expected that it would be the pinnacle of Chinese football so far.

Later, the incident of match-fixing and black whistle gambling made Chu Jianan heartbroken to Huaxia Football, and his attention began to decrease.

However, even so, he is always looking forward to his own national team's national team, can once again appear in the World Cup arena.

It is this kind of love for football that Chu Jianan has always encouraged his son to play football. When Chu Ge was young, he even took the initiative to cultivate his son's interest in football.

Chu Ge has shown high football talent since he was a child, and he also loves football very much.

Chu Jianan saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

Being able to have a common hobby with his son is born into the relationship between father and son.

Chu Jianan even dreamed that his son would one day realize his dream of being a father and carry the national team to another World Cup.

However, he just thought so.

Never really.

Until yesterday, he saw his son perform at the sports center.

In that game, on the green field, Chu Ge was omnipotent.

Among that group of peers, he showed a unique talent.

His son's performance even gave Chu Jian'an the illusion that he seemed to see a top star playing.

Today, Jiangcheng Yaqi's coach came to visit, Chu Jianan was not surprised.

After the game, his son's coach Liu Guobang talked to Chu Jianan about it.

Chu Jian'an's mood is very complicated.

On the one hand, he hopes that his son's talents can be fully used to do what he likes to do.

On the other hand, as a fan, Chu Jianan is not optimistic about the football environment in his country.

As the child's mother said, over the years, there have not been a few really powerful players in Chinese football. Moreover, newspapers often report some negative news about professional football.

Although the college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge, Chu Ge's grades have not been bad, and it is not too difficult to get admitted to a university.

But if he does play football, what if he fails?

Professional football is actually a single-plank bridge, even narrower than the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination.

Chu Jianan was a little worried.

Of course, he's not an arbitrary person.

He wanted to know what his son thought about his son.

Chu Jian'an originally thought that his son's participation in the football draft was because he was bored during the holidays and just had fun.

But looking at him seriously, it doesn't look like much.

Could it be that the son really has the idea of ​​giving up his studies and going to play football?

Chu Jianan decided to find a time to have a good talk with him.


On the way home, Chu Ge received a call from Coach Liu.

On the phone, Coach Liu told Chu Ge a piece of good news. The person who spread rumors about Chu Ge and went through the back door was identified as Xiang Chengliang, who was sad for Chu Ge during the primary election.

Coach Liu also said that because another immoral act that Xiang Chengliang did back then was also exposed on the Internet, he is now forced to take a medical leave and accept an organizational investigation.

When talking about this, Coach Liu's tone was very excited.

Chu Ge laughed while listening.

Until now, Coach Liu didn't know, but Chu Ge already knew about this.

Moreover, it was Su Qingqing who exposed Xiang Chengliang.

Chu Ge didn't say anything about it.

Hearing that the coach was very happy to talk about this matter, Chu Ge was also very happy.

During the phone call, the coach also talked to Chu Ge that several professional football clubs had approached him and wanted to know more about Chu Ge. If nothing else, several clubs will take the initiative to contact Chu Ge in the near future, and may try to sign a contract with Chu Ge.

Chu Ge hadn't thought of this.

Obviously, his game not only helped him advance to the next round, but also gave Chu Ge some fame in the Chinese football circle.

Many professional clubs have begun to pay attention to this young man who was born out of nowhere.

Chu Ge asked Coach Liu for advice.

He hadn't been in contact with professional clubs and didn't know how to deal with them.

Coach Liu's suggestion is to let it go for a while, don't worry.

The winner of the green training class can be sent to Spain, where the environment to play will be better. If Chu Ge wants to pursue a career in football, Coach Liu still hopes that he can take a long-term perspective and go to a football-developed country for training, instead of signing a professional contract for short-term benefits.

Chu Ge followed Coach Liu's advice.

After the call, Chu Ge arrived home.

When returning home, the atmosphere at home seemed a little different from usual, but Chu Ge didn't care.

He quickly returned to the room.

Not long after, Chu Jianan knocked on the door and entered Chu Ge's room.

"Someone from the Yaqi Club came over today and wants to sign a professional contract with you."

Chu Jian'an didn't go around in circles with his son, he went straight to the point.


Just on the phone with Coach Liu, Chu Ge knew that someone would come. But he didn't expect it to be so fast.

This surprised him a little.

"Your mother shut him out." Chu Jianan laughed.

Chu Ge touched his head, a little helpless.

His mother's attitude had long been expected.

"Come, sit here." Chu Jianan patted the bed and motioned for his son to sit beside him.

"Tell me what you think about this. Have you really thought about giving up your studies and playing professional football?"

Chu Ge hesitated, and sat beside his father obediently.

"If... I said I thought, would you... be like my mother and object?"

He asked hesitantly.

At this moment, he really wanted to tell his father that he had a football golden finger, so that his parents would not worry about him.

However, after thinking about it, Chu Ge still didn't say it.

When this matter is said, my parents will definitely not believe it. If it is said, it is easy to have a bad effect, or it may be better not to say it.

Hearing what his son said, Chu Jianan's heart suddenly tightened.

His son's words were exactly what he was worried about.

However, he did not immediately object, but patiently analyzed the situation in the domestic football circle with Chu Ge, and told his son everything he knew.

Although his father didn't say it clearly, Chu Ge still heard the objection.

After thinking about it, he decided to show off with his father and try to get his father's support.

Dad is more open-minded and has a good impression of football. If even Dad can't convince him, Mom will definitely not be able to pass the test.

"Dad, you can see if you can do it this way."

"You know better than me about the domestic football environment, and I will listen to you. I refuse all invitations from domestic clubs, okay?"

"But I want to be in the draft. I want to see how far I can go."

"Don't worry, I won't lose my studies. The draft is only a week or two away, so I won't be able to delay my studies for a long time. As soon as the draft comes to an end, I will go back to school to study immediately. I will ensure that I will not lose my academic performance."

"Dad, don't believe me, you can call our class monitor. You know that monitor, Lin Murong. She has excellent academic performance. She has promised to help me with my homework, and she will definitely not let the draft affect my studies."

Selling teammates, Chu Ge is much more skilled than before.

"If the draft is eliminated midway, I will give up the dream of football and concentrate on coming back to study."

"If I really get good grades and can go to Spain, isn't that the equivalent of studying abroad? Over there, I can play football and study abroad at the same time, and come back later, it will be considered a returnee!"

"Don't shake your head. It really doesn't work. If I can really go to Spain, I'll leave it to you to decide."

"If you let me go, I will go; if you don't let me go, I will give up."

"Okay, okay, okay?"

In desperation, Chu Ge had to play the trick of acting like a spoiled child.

In order to be able to play football, image or something, first throw it away, and then pick it up later.

The son has already mentioned this, and Chu Jianan has nothing to say.

In his opinion, it is estimated that in the second round of the audition, his son should almost be eliminated.

After all, he heard that the second round of auditions were basically players from some professional teams.

No matter how strong Chu Ge is, he is just a high school student.

If you can pass the first round, it is very good. In the second round, it is estimated that you will go to study with the prince.

In this case……

"All right."

He was finally relieved.

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