The Start Of Technology Live Broadcast To Build Rockets

Chapter 173 - A terrifying five-level mutant!

"Where?" In the headquarters, everyone looked at the monitoring screen.

I saw a huge mutant creature in the northwest of the second line of defense.

Its appearance is different from all known creatures and mutant creatures. Its size is comparable to a five-story building, and its whole body is covered with tentacles that can crawl and grab.

There was a huge crack on its back, which was covered with sharp teeth!

It has no organs such as eyes or nose. The front part has tentacles like snails. These tentacles can detect terrain through ultrasound without touching the entity, and at the same time can emit infrasound waves to command other variants.

Its body surface is covered with mucus, forming a protective film. Like the colloidal protective film Du Xingyu saw on the marine civilization battleship in the previous world, this biological protective film can also withstand the damage of explosions and lasers.

Countless shells, machine guns and even missiles were aimed at it, and none of them could stop it from advancing.

While this fifth-level mutant moved forward, its tentacles grabbed the mutant corpse on the ground and threw it into the big mouth on its back. Tens of thousands of tiny teeth inside can chew it up in a few seconds, and then get sour. Liquid digestion.

At the same time, there will be a hole in its head, like a gun barrel facing the sergeant's facility on the line of defense, spraying a spherical object wrapped in biofilm.

When these spherical objects hit the military equipment, they burst immediately, and the acid inside exploded.

This kind of strong acid can corrode almost everything, even armored vehicles made of alloy will dissolve into a pile of metal and biological strong acid mixture within ten seconds!

If someone gets on a little bit, it will be killed instantly!

"This monster is terrifying! Ignore our attacks, but can still launch biochemical bombs to attack us!" The commanders were shocked in their hearts. Is this a fifth-level mutant? It can actually advance on the battlefield with lasers and bombs!

Nothing can stop it, it sweeps almost everything! And those mutants that were killed by humans have become its energy source and its ammunition depot!

"It's no wonder that the tide of beasts waited so long to attack. It turned out to be waiting for such a big killer!" Li Tai was horrified.

"Assemble firepower, you must stop it! Launch a white phosphorus bomb and burn all the mutant corpses on the ground!"

He clearly realized that if the mutant's corpse was not removed, this fifth-level mutant could constantly repair itself and attack.

The defensive line immediately concentrated its firepower to block the advancement of the fifth-level mutant, but with little effect. This guy's slime biological protective film also seems to be able to withstand high temperatures.

Du Xingyu and biochemical experts immediately began to study this fifth-level variant.

"According to its current performance, let's call it the battlefield sprayer." Du Xingyu gave it a name casually and said: "The battlefield sprayer's defensive ability is undoubted. Now it is observed that its strongest weapon is the creature. Acid."

"When the flame encounters acid, it will evaporate into corrosive and highly toxic vapor. The variant has little effect, but will affect our own operations."

"I think there are two ideal attack methods, one is a biochemical weapon attack, and the second is to send a bomb to its mouth and blow it up directly from the inside!"

"Professor Du, it will take at least an hour for biochemical weapons to arrive. The second method can only be used!" said a military expert.

"Yeah." Du Xingyu nodded, and said: "We have more than a hundred predators left here, which can be used as bait."

The thousand predators he had brought before had been reduced by nine hundred by just entering the worm's nest to spy on intelligence.

In the rear, Du Xingyu immediately let people start the operation.

He broke open the stomachs of ten predators, installed high-explosive bombs, and stitched them together.

These "biochemical bombs" were thrown into the battlefield, disguised as members of the beast tide, and sneaked close to the sprayers on the battlefield.

On the defensive line, the battlefield sprayers are still advancing.

"Our laser weapons are destroyed!" The soldiers are still fighting on the front line, but the pressure on them by the sprayers on the battlefield is too great!

This untouchable and undead monster is simply a nightmare!

"If this goes on, a gap will appear here sooner or later!" The soldiers were anxious.

Unlike wars with mutants and wars with humans, once a hole in the defense line appears and a large number of mutants flood in, it is not as simple as a battle!

The mutants are far more flexible than them, and they will be defeated at that time!

"Continue bombing!"(Read more @

On the high wall, automated shells were bombarding them.

The fifth-level mutant had already noticed it, and it swallowed the corpse of a skull armor giant elephant into its big mouth, making dozens of acid bombs and projecting it out.

"Hiss..." Acid rained on the turret, and the turret was corroded into a big hole. The unfired shell exploded in place, and the turret was destroyed!

"Request support!"

"We can't stand it anymore!"

"The fifth-level mutant is about to break through the line of defense!"

"Hold on for another five minutes, the biochemical bomb is already close to it!" the commander shouted in the communication channel.

"Missile aiming!" In the base, the missile launch pad has been aimed at the fifth-level mutant, waiting for the moment of attack.

The predators with high explosive bombs in their bodies have already approached the battlefield sprayers, and they rushed to the human position along with the battlefield sprayers, disguised as members of the beast tide.

"The biological computer self-destruction program is activated!" Du Xingyu remotely destroys their biochemical brains, so that predators will be brain-dead on the spot.

Two predators died next to the sprayer on the battlefield. It did not realize that this was a biochemical weapon made by humans.

Several tentacles sent their corpses into a big mouth for chewing and digestion.

"Boom!" The high explosive bomb exploded in its body, exploding countless visceral fragments and acid.

"Ziah..." The battlefield sprayers began to twitch violently, and sure enough, the bomb detonated from the inside caused huge damage to it.

But this is not deadly enough!

"Missile launch!"

At the same time, five missiles were positioned by radar and aimed at the sprayers on the battlefield.

At this time, it is still in a state of serious injury, unable to defend against so many missiles.

"Beng!" There was a sound like the sky and the earth cracking from the battlefield, black smoke filled the front of the entire defense line, and a clearing was cleared.

And the sprayers of the fifth-level mutant battlefield have been blown to pieces! You can't die anymore!

"Blow it up!"

"Brothers, get on it!"

"Reinforcements are here, hurry up and mend the line of defense!"

"Continue to attack!" The soldiers shouted, seeing that this mutant was killed, they rekindled their fighting spirit.

"Finally killed!" Li Tai and others breathed a sigh of relief, "In order to kill it, the weapons we used are enough to destroy an armored unit!"

"It's not over yet!" Du Xingyu's expression remained cautious.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at him.

"There can't be only one fifth-level mutant!" Du Xingyu controlled the computer, adjusted to a specific screen, and said, "Look!"

Everyone looked intently, and saw three more battlefield sprayers appearing behind the beast tide!

In addition to the battlefield sprayers, five-level mutants also appeared in the sky.

It is a huge bird that humans have never seen before, or it is not an exaggeration to call it a flying dragon!

Its wingspan is tens of meters long, with a huge head and a long tail.

Under the attack of fighters and air defense systems, it can evade and defend continuously, and easily destroy the fighters!

The most frightening thing is that it also has biological and chemical weapons, and its tweet is a very destructive infrasound wave that can penetrate defensive equipment and directly destroy the internal organs of the fighter pilot!

Some fighter pilots who could not evade were killed directly in the cockpit, and the fighter jets also crashed!

And on the ground inside the second layer of defense, suddenly the concrete ground broke, and a headless giant underground worm like a cow's large intestine came out, and it hit a turret with one end. Before the soldiers came to defend, it went into the ground and disappeared.

"So many fifth-level mutants! There is also a tide of beasts!" The commanders' faces were pale, how should we fight this battle?

"I can only wait!" Du Xingyu understood that it was difficult to reverse the situation with thermal weapons.

"Do you want to use nuclear weapons? But the mutant has already invaded the inside, launching nuclear weapons, and most of the entire Yunzhou base will be destroyed.

There are nuclear refuges under the Yunzhou base, but even these refuges cannot absolutely defend against nuclear weapons.

"How long is the biological weapon?" Du Xingyu contacted the transportation officer.

"There is still half an hour!" the transportation officer replied.

"Half an hour." Du Xingyu said, "The second layer of defense continues to adhere to, including the third layer of defense. It is really not good, and you can even retreat to the base city!"

"Let the mutant rush into the city and fight in the streets?" Li Tai asked. Humans and the mutants would almost certainly lose in the city street fights!

"That is the worst case." Du Xingyu said, "Everyone, you continue to command. I want to study the two newly emerged fifth-level variants."

He continued to collect information and analyze it.

Battlefield sprayers can attack it with the old method, and Du Xingyu named the fifth-level mutant in the sky "Sonic Pterodactyl", which is characterized by the ability to emit infrasound waves.

And because it can be detected by sound waves, only supersonic weapons can hit it.

"Use a laser weapon! The speed of the laser is absolutely impossible for the sonic pterodactyl to dodge. Use an unmanned fighter to lure and attack with a laser!" Du Xingyu sent a message.

Du Xingyu called the fifth-level mutant that appeared underground on the other end. It has not yet demonstrated its biological and chemical weapon function, but an attack from the ground is definitely a point that humans cannot cope with.

And it will threaten the lives of ordinary people in those underground shelters, and it must be killed!

While Du Xingyu was thinking, the stalker destroyed several more turrets.

"Huh? This guy seems to be very sensitive to heat?" Du Xingyu noticed a detail. The stalker has no ground view, nor does it emit infrasound waves. Its perception should be a kind of thermal perception. If you use something with high thermal energy, it should be able to attract its attention.

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