The Start Of Technology Live Broadcast To Build Rockets

Chapter 155 - What do you want to know?

Since the United States put forward the concept of biocomputers in 1983, various countries have been studying biocomputers.

Naturally, China also has it. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has once systematically studied biomolecular computers and molecular circuit conceptual diagrams.

Du Xingyu also specifically asked the teacher to contact the academician to read his research materials.

"You are Du Xingyu? You are a hero!" Du Xingyu met this academician in a certain biotechnology research institute in the south. He was called Geng Zhe, and he was 75 years old this year.

"Old Geng, this is the case. I am very interested in your research on biomolecular computers and molecular circuits, so I specifically asked the teacher to learn from you." Du Xingyu knows that standing on the shoulders of the predecessors is faster than exploring by yourself. Many.

"It's rare, there are still people interested in biological computers." Geng Zhe said with satisfaction. "Since the rapid development of quantum computers, the scientific community has paid less attention to biological computers."

"There are young people who are willing to study this aspect, of course I know everything." Geng Zhe said, "but my set is also something more than ten years ago. Now the United States and Germany are more advanced in this aspect than my previous research. A lot."

While waiting for the completion of his laboratory, Du Xingyu studied with Geng Zhe in the Southern Institute of Biotechnology.

"The molecular circuit I designed is actually a kind of computer bionics!" Geng Zhe said, "Using the characteristics of biological molecules to produce effects similar to computer circuits."

"DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) data storage and computing capabilities far exceed the current silicon chips used in computers. The genetic molecules DNA and RNA that encode instructions for life activities can store more data than conventional memory chips. Biocomputers in China contain a large number of pieces of genetic material, and each piece is a micro-computing tool. Therefore, the biological computer can perform thousands or even millions of calculations at the same time."

"If you want to build a biological computer, you must first master the physiological operating principles of organic molecules...Secondly, you must have a deep understanding of the structure of the human brain and the laws of thinking."

Du Xingyu nodded while taking notes.

"This is my previous research notes. These days I have been constantly researching, plus some information obtained from abroad, enough for you to ponder for a while." Geng Zhe handed him a lot of information.

It took Du Xingyu two full months to digest these materials.

Two months later, he bid farewell to Geng Zhe.

"Teacher Geng, your research is very useful to me. I will go back." Du Xingyu said goodbye, "If I have the latest findings, I will contact you in time."

"Okay." Geng Zhe smiled, "I have spent my entire life, and I haven't really implemented even the simplest biological computer. If you can achieve it, I have not done research in vain in my life!"


When Du Xingyu returned to Peking University, his laboratory was basically completed. Except for some particularly expensive customized equipment that had not been delivered, he was already able to work.

As a result, the top international laboratory named "Du Xingyu Biological Laboratory" on the Peking University campus was officially launched.

"First of all, I have to develop a protein chip that can store information and be able to be received by the human brain." Du Xingyu has already started work.

He started to design a "protein microarray" on the technology simulator.

Each protein represents a kind of information, and countless proteins are combined into a microarray, which is an information carrier. And this information carrier is the memory chip!

It is equivalent to the "memory" in the computer and can be used to store data.

In order to study the information represented by the protein and the way the brain reads the information, Du Xingyu must also study the operating rules of the human brain.

Fortunately, the technology simulator has recorded all the physiological information of the human body in the fourth dimension, otherwise it would be difficult for Du Xingyu to figure out the mechanism.


More than a month later, the new semester of Peking University has begun.

Just after leaving the high school campus, students from all over the country started their first year of college career.

In the freshman's dormitory, several biology students are choosing courses.

In addition to compulsory courses, they also need to take several elective courses to complete further studies and credits.

"Lei Hua, what courses are you going to take?" asked one of the students, Yu Boyi.(Read more @

"I am very interested in "Financial Planning"." Lei Hua said, he was the number one in science in a province this year, and he chose the relatively unpopular biology department. "I heard that the biology department is not easy to find a job in the future. It's pretty good to learn some financial management knowledge. of."

"I plan to take a psychology class," said roommate Tao Liqun.

"Psychology? Are you still interested in that?" Lei Hua asked curiously.

"A little bit, I heard that there are many girls in psychology...hehe." Tao Liqun laughed.

"Okay, brother, let us introduce a few at that time!" Yu Boyi cast him a "you know" look.

"Did you not choose elective courses for your major?" the last roommate Song Qing asked curiously.

"I have learned enough in this major. Of course, I have to choose other majors, hobbies and hobbies." Lei Hua said, "That's interesting!"

"Yes, I think so too, so my second elective course is going to take "Research on Two-Dimensional Culture"." Yu Boyi said.

Here, in addition to serious professional courses and extended elective courses, there are also a wide variety of elective courses, all of which are opened by some professors according to their interests.

"Hey, I saw an elective course in this department." Song Qing checked the school's official website, and said, "Is there anything to report for the course "Biocomputer Research"?"

""Biocomputer Research"?" Hearing this name, several people were a little uninterested.

"Not interested." Yu Boyi shook his head.

"It's better to go to a psychology class, I heard that this teacher will teach you how to fall in love!" Tao Liqun said.

"I won't take courses in this department as an elective." Lei Hua said simply.

"But..." Song Qing hesitated and said, "The teacher of this class is Du Xingyu."

"Du Xingyu?" Hearing this name, a few people became fierce.

Lei Hua immediately asked excitedly: "Really Du Xingyu? That Du Xingyu who cloned Tyrannosaurus and cultivated human organs in vitro?"

"Yeah, look, it's written on this class schedule!" Song Qing pointed to the computer screen.

Lei Hua looked at it carefully, and the name of "Du Xingyu" was written in the column of the teacher as expected.

"It's decided, I want to apply for this course!" Lei Hua said decisively.

"Ah? Didn't you say that you should not choose this major as an elective?" Song Qing asked.

"This is different!" Lei Hua said, "Do you know why I came to Peking University to study in the Department of Biology? It is because of Du Xingyu!"

"When my college entrance examination results came out, Qinghua, Jiaotong University and foreign universities would all admit me. In the end, I chose this place because of Du Xingyu!"

As a province's science college entrance examination champion, Lei Hua was rushed by many colleges and universities. In the end, he chose Peking University, and he has not yet chosen the most popular majors in finance and artificial intelligence. That's why!

"Du Xingyu is my idol, think about it, what he does is so meaningful! As long as I can take his class, I'd rather give up all other electives!"

"Me too!" Tao Liqun also said, "The Department of Biology was originally a relatively unpopular major. I read the news that the Department of Biology has become a popular major this year. It is not because Du Xingyu is famous. Many people are interested in biology. He is a fool if he doesn't attend class!"

"Add me, I also want to take this course!" Yu Boyi said.

"Well, then we all take this course." The four people in the dormitory all decided to take this course.


When Du Xingyu was in class for the first time, he was slightly surprised by the scene in the classroom.

Although he already knew before the class, his class this year was the most chosen one among all the elective courses.

But Du Xingyu really didn't expect that there would be so many people!

The large classroom that can accommodate hundreds of people is full of students! Even the corridors were full of stools, and they couldn't squeeze in.

There are not only freshmen in the first year, but also a lot of sophomores and juniors, and even graduate students.

Fortunately, Du Xingyu is a person who has seen big scenes. He has experienced such things as aliens attacking the earth. What is this? He walked to the podium calmly.

"It's Professor Du!" As soon as Du Xingyu arrived, the classroom was boiling, and many students stood up and watched and shouted.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Du Xingyu wore a loudspeaker and waved.

The students were of good quality and immediately calmed down, but their excited expressions still did not stop. They looked at Du Xingyu curiously, wondering what kind of character he was.

"Professor Du is so young and handsome!" Several female students whispered.

"Yes, and he is very mysterious. He has made so many achievements and has rejected many international medals!"

"I wonder if Professor Du has a girlfriend?"

"Hello everyone, I'm Du Xingyu, your teacher of the course "Biological Computer Research"." Du Xingyu said, "Today is my first time teaching. It seems that my classmates are very supportive."

"As soon as I came in, I heard a few female classmates secretly talking about my appearance, and even wanted to introduce me to a girlfriend. They were really enthusiastic."

After Du Xingyu said the first sentence, the students all laughed and the atmosphere in the class became active.

"I suggest that everyone not pay too much attention to my personal problems, but pay more attention to biological sciences. I think that in the next few decades, biological sciences will become one of the most important disciplines in the world! You are very lucky to choose This course."

"Before the formal class, I want to ask everyone, what do you hope to learn from my class?"

"You can raise your hands to speak. The students who are speaking first introduce their names."

After Du Xingyu finished speaking, dozens of hands were immediately raised in the classroom.

Du Xingyu ordered one randomly. A dark-skinned male student who had just gone through military training stood up and said: "Hello teacher, my name is Lei Hua, I want to know how you cloned Tyrannosaurus rex?"

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