"Bai Chen, Luo Qingyin, this is the equipment that your Star Palace has given you. In

the training room, Xia Sha pushed the two boxes to the two people sitting in front of her.

Bai Chen couldn't wait to open it and take a look, and found that there was a pure white mask in the box, as well as a mobile phone.

The plain white mask looks ordinary, but the texture is as light as paper and can be folded and stored.

"Although this mask is not a seal, it is also made of rare materials, and it has the effect of isolating detection. "

After entering spiritual power, you can make the mask appear and hide your identity.

"As for the mobile phone, it's your contact terminal.

Shasha is familiar with these two things, explains.

After Bai Chen heard this, he tried to inject a little aura into the mask.

With the input of aura, black patterns appeared on the surface of the mask.

"When you do bad things, no, you can wear this mask when you are brave and brave.

Bai Chen Meizizi put away her mask and her eyes fell on her phone.

The phone is turned on, and there is an app on the desktop called Night Watch.

Bai Chen clicked on the APP curiously, and an interface similar to a forum popped up.

"In the Night Watch APP, you can get tasks, communicate, trade, report, etc., and it can be said that it is very convenient to have this mobile phone.

Xia Sha also took out a mobile phone of the same model from her arms and explained.

Bai Chen had seen this kind of mobile phone in Gao Rui, and he had been thinking about it for a long time, and finally got one himself.

"Now that you've got everything, let's start training for a few days.

After the two of them got acquainted with the items, Xia Sha smiled.


Three days later.


was a sound, and the two figures separated.

Bai Chen retreated more than ten meters in a row, drawing two deep ditch-like traces before stopping.

Xia Sha, who was not far away, waved her hand and said

, "The key to the battle of the Awakened is information, and the degree of understanding of the enemy determines whether you can easily solve the enemy or fall into a bitter battle.

"Utilizing one's own abilities and targeting the enemy's weaknesses is the dominant concept of this era.

"Therefore, you who have awakened the power of vibration, you must improve your physical skills so that you will not live up to your god-level talent!" Bai

Chen rubbed his shoulders and felt the pain in his heart.

This is a hand-to-hand combat that does not use the Nine-Tails spiritual power mode, and is extremely simple.

But in this simple hand-to-hand combat, Bai Chen's immortal body began to show its grandeur, and his physique became stronger and stronger.

"What a monster this kid is, it's progressing so fast, it looks like it's going to be more intense.

Xia Sha, who had guided Bai Chen for a few days, was even more shocked in her heart.

Only by seeing Bai Chen's progress speed can he truly understand the strength of a god-level awakened person!

In addition to his terrifying talent, his cultivation speed and comprehension are also beyond mortals

!" "Teacher Xia, take it!"

Bai Chen raised his fist, his body burst out with spiritual power, and he stomped his foot and rushed towards Xia Sha.

"Come!" Shasha

smiled at the corner of her mouth and waved her petite fist.


two fought again, and the training room where they fought continued to roar.


"What should I do?"

Luo Qingyin, who was sitting upright on the side, was caught in the biggest entanglement of his life at this moment!

How to get Bai Chen to arrive at the place where the secret realm was opened.

I want her to be a human being in two lives, but I can't do anything about a problem!

The secret realm is a mysterious space, and legends connect another world.

Some secret realms are lifeless, while others are full of life, and in addition to living things, there are also rare spirit plants.

Therefore, the secret realm is of great value to human beings

! The opening of every secret realm means a struggle!

In addition to the struggle between humans, sometimes monsters will also be involved.

In other words, the reason why humans and monsters can't be reconciled is to compete for the

secret realm! And tonight, a secret realm will be opened somewhere in Jiangnan City.

The problem is

, the place where this secret realm was opened was not serious! It was very improper

! It turned out to be a love hotel! That's right, the place where the secret realm was opened was a love hotel!

In the

previous life, Luo Qingyin had entered this secret realm and learned that someone had made a great potion from the eggs of the Earth Storm Bear.

Now, if you want to realize Luo Qingyin's alchemy plan, you must enter the secret realm as soon as possible and make a great potion without anyone interfering.

The longer it drags on, the more people enter the secret realm, and the success rate of refining it into potions will naturally be lower

!" "Mission, invite Bai Chen to go on a date tonight at dinner, at the Yizhi Rose Couple Hotel, which will have a certain impact!" "

Reward, increase the success rate of the medicine by 30%, and the time limit is five

days!" "Punishment, the dice of the clown of fate are cooled down for thirty days, and during this time, bad luck will be riddled with bad luck!"

He's on fire again!Lou

whispered, clutching her flushed face, looking through her fingers at the shameful task.

Originally, her plan was to use the Night's Watch quest system to find a quest near the One Rose Hotel.

Then invite Bai Chen to carry out the mission together, and wait until the secret realm is opened, and then find a chance to enter.

But the clown of fate directly forced her plan on the bright side.

"Invite Bai Chen to the love hotel, forget it, why do you have to cause a certain impact!"

"If I invite Bai Chen so loudly, I will definitely be regarded as a pervert by everyone, what should I do!" "

But this task reward provides a thirty percent success rate, which is very helpful for me to refine the earth potion, ahhhh......h

She never knew that she had been so embarrassed, and she had to take the initiative to invite the boy to a love hotel.

How can these words be embarrassed to say? It's simply unbearable, and it's even more embarrassing than earthy love words!"

"Luo Qingyin, Luo Qingyin, Luo Qingyin......" Someone's voice pulled Luo Qingyin's

thoughts back, and she looked up.

I saw Bai Chen standing in front of her, looking at her with a strange expression.


?" When Luo Qingyin's face turned crimson, he pretended to be calm and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Chenhu looked at Luo Qingyin suspiciously, and couldn't understand what the other party was blushing, but it had nothing to do with him.

"It's your turn to train. Bai Chen pointed at Xia Sha and said.

"Oh, good.

Luo Qingyin got up, lowered his head and walked quickly past Bai Chen.

Bai Chen looked at Luo Qingyin's back and shook his head, muttering inwardly:

"Don't guess a woman's thoughts. "

Knock knock......

A few knocks on the door caught Bai Chen's attention, and he looked up at the door and saw Gao Rui holding a box.

Pressing the button to open the door, Gao Rui walked in with the box and said happily:

"Bai Chen, your sealing weapon is ready." "

The sealing weapon is finally done!"

Bai Chen heard the news, and took the box with a smile.

The box was opened, and inside was a thirty-centimeter dagger with a slightly curved blade.

The surface of the dagger is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the pores of a person's face.

"It's beautiful. Bai Chen couldn't help but sigh.

The shape of this knife is so beautiful, it looks like a work of art.

Bai Chen reached out and stroked the blade of the dagger, feeling cold and piercing.

It can be seen that in addition to the main material half-blood hidden cat, a lot of other materials have been added.

Gao Rui looked at the sealing weapon in the box, and said regretfully:

"The bones of the half-blooded hidden cat are all shattered, and the internal organs are all broken, so there are not many materials that can be used, only enough to make a dagger."

"After inputting spiritual power, this dagger will become invisible, suitable for a fatal blow that will be taken by surprise.

"As for the price of the dagger, it is to reduce the power of the eyes, and the longer you use it, the deeper and longer the side effects will be. "

The more you use it, the more blind you become?

The corners of Bai Chen's mouth twitched, picked up the dagger, and tried to inject a little aura.

The dagger in his hand gradually disappeared, and the entire silhouette disappeared without a trace.

If it weren't for holding it in his hand, Bai Chen couldn't be sure that there was a dagger in his hand, so he asked curiously, "Isn't

there a way to recognize the owner of the seal? What if someone robs it?"

Gao Rui shook his head and said

, "The seal itself has a certain spirituality, unless you have special means to control it, there is no blood to recognize the owner."

Bai Chen nodded and stopped the supply of spiritual power.

Suddenly, a strange sensation returned to his body from the dagger.

Is this a side effect?

"QB, help me intercept it!" Bai

Chen's spirit sank, and he hurriedly communicated with the Nine Tails to try to stop the side effects.


the nine-tails of the mental space let out an angry roar, and the scarlet eyes seemed to announce.

This is my poop body, it's not your turn to be arrogant!

The strange feeling coming from the dagger stopped instantly, and then retreated at a faster speed, returning the same way to leave Bai Chen's body.

I'm afraid! I'm scared!

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