The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe

Chapter 9: Initial Tribulation

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The Hundred Clan has fought for thousands of years, and finally took a temporary stay with the ending of the Dragon, Phoenix, and Kirin tribes overwhelming the Hungry. At this time, the tribe of the tribe is divided into three parts. Except for the blood sea and the remote places in the west, other places have been basically divided by the tribe. The tribe of Honghuang, Dragon, Phoenix and Kirin is in full bloom, and the masters of the three tribes are constantly born. At this time, Honghuang seems to have entered a heyday.

The dominance of the tribes makes the tribes arrogant one by one, especially the descendants of the seniors of the tribes. Every day, they look like a big boss and my second child. This also makes the tribes constantly have all kinds of As a result of this kind of friction, the three groups have grown deeper and deeper.

Of course, Zulong, Fengzhu, Linzu knew this too, and they knew that there must be a battle between the three tribes, but not now, the three tribes have suffered a lot, and the three tribes have suffered a lot. , A good time to continue to strengthen their own strength, because they have no certainty of victory.

Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu are all at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and they have been trapped in this realm for thousands of years. For thousands of years, they have never been able to get in, although they feel that the quasi-sacred Things, but never get in.

In the end, they invariably thought of the celestial virtues in the beginning, presumably because of the 3,600 pieces of enlightenment monument sermons, the talents who acted will be rewarded by celestial avenues, and the merits of virtues will be lowered. They naturally understand the benefits of virtues. The quasi-saint realm is not so good.

With the idea, the action will not slow down naturally. The three tribes immediately set down the altar to offer countless sacrifices. Praying to the heavens is a sacred thing, which is sloppy, not to mention that this is a major matter related to the fate of the three tribes. The heavens are ruthless yet fair, but they must not be indifferent. After everything is prepared, the voices of the ancestral dragons, phoenix lords, and linzus praying to the heavens spread all over the world.

"Heaven is above, I am the dragon ancestor, the ancestral dragon, my family is chaotic, the scale armor clan fought each other, and the scale armor ancestors command each other to pray to God. From now on, my dragon clan will be the master of the scale armor. "The voice just fell, and the celestial virtues fell. After Zulong gained most of his virtues, he swore to rise sharply, and immediately broke through to the quasi-saint realm. Unfortunately, he didn't understand the method of corpse-cutting, otherwise he might be able to hack good corpses or corpses. Come.

"Heaven is above, I am the lord of the phoenix-lord phoenix. My ancestors watch the flood and chaos. The birds of the family clash with each other. The birds of all ancestry unite the birds and pray to the gods. From now on, I will be the lord of the birds." "Heaven is above, I am the ancestor of the Kirin tribe-Lin Zu, my tribe is in chaos and confusion, the animal beasts are constantly logging, and the animal beasts are unified to pray to the gods. From now on, I will be the master of the animal beasts."

After the prayer was completed, Heavenly Dao once again reduced two merits. After Lord Feng and Lin Zu achieved merits, they naturally broke through to the quasi-saint realm. For a time, the tribal luck is better than before, but Zulong, Fengzhu, and Linzu are closed and stable. In terms of realm, the three tribes are temporarily in peace.

The action of the three tribes triggered the merits of the heavenly fall. Naturally, the attention of the flood and the mighty was indispensable. However, the three tribes were powerful, and the flood and luck were mostly occupied by the tribes. They had no choice but to wait and see the changes, but there were some big Luo Jinxian who wanted to use it. The tribal luck, one breakthrough to the quasi-saint realm, were born one after another, either by the dragon, or by the phoenix, or by the unicorn, which made the tribes more powerful.

The tribes of the dragon, the phoenix and the unicorn are in the sky, and the scenery is boundless. Naturally, no one dares to provoke them, but there are exceptions. In the deep mountains of the western part of the world, a dark palace is located in it. Surrounded by the black gas around the palace, these black gases are strange, It's somewhat similar to Heaven and Earth, but it's not the same kind.

The same is true of the surrounding mountains. The black gas is rich, condensed into fog, and it is extremely horrible. In the black fog, the silhouette can be seen swaying, but it looks strange, and it also develops bursts of roar from time to time, killing intent proudly.

In the most central hall of the mountain range, a black robe sits on a black lotus. If Styx is here, you will surely know that black lotus is a genocide that is homologous to his karma. Black lotus, and the identity of the black robe sitting on it is naturally clear. He is the devil Lord Luo Sui, and those outside are naturally the people of the devil.

Luo He sneered immediately after hearing the three people's prayer to God: "It's really ignorance. You've been practicing for many years. You were born in a robbery but didn't realize it. You also have to enter the realm of quasi-saint by virtue of Heaven's merits, but How about that, this seat is a quasi-sacred post-cultivation, killing you is easy, but the three tribes are powerful and need to plan carefully, but who was the preacher in the end, was it Hongjun? "

Luo Sui's ability to transform the remaining soul of Chaos Demon God, and Hong Jun at the same time transformed into the remaining soul of Chaos Demon God, are the first to be robbed in the sky. Luo Sui, the ancestor of the Demon Race, naturally wants to compete for Honghuangqi. , In order to prove the Hunyuan, but the demon forces are much smaller than the tribes, even if there is a super master Luo Sui to no avail, if you want to succeed, you must first provoke a tribe battle, after the tribe loses both Before he can take advantage of the fisherman.

In Honghuangdong, an immortal mountain, an old Dao sat on the ground, still holding the piece of broken jade butterfly, looking at the direction of Tianjiang merit, sighing: "Heaven Dao is ruthless, the will of heaven is like a sword, the calamity has risen, I also It's time to make preparations. Whether the Hunyuan way can be achieved depends on the quantity robbery, but who is preaching the flood and hastened the arrival of the quantity robbery? "


The amount of calamity has risen, the heavens are in disorder, Luo Sui and Lao Dao can't predict the existence of Styx, and Styx doesn't know that he has been stared at. He is now living his little days on the Holy Spirit Island of the Blood Sea, There is no way, the three tribes are powerful, and there are masters such as Luo Su and Hong Jun who have been transformed into the remnants of the chaotic demon gods. Now they go out and they are targeted by people. It is better to wait for the war to start and go out to pick up leaks.

On the Holy Spirit Island, Styx slept on a Taishi chair, beside which was placed a plate of spirit fruit and a pot of tea. It was uncomfortable, not far away, the spirit roots became a forest, and the most central nature was the best innate spirit root yellow Li, after tens of thousands of years of cultivation, Huang Zhongli has fully recovered, and the flowers and bones have grown out of the tree, and naturally the innate spirit root tea tree and Wudao fruit tree are next to it.

The tea Singhe now drank was taken from this innate spirit root tea tree. It tastes so beautiful, but Wu Daoguo had already eaten three of them during cultivation, otherwise he The way of practicing the law will not be so smooth. The rest of the enlightenment is completely collected by him. It is a taste to eat for him. No matter how much he eats, it is a waste. It is still more cost-effective for his apprentices, anyway. Also eat a lot of Lingguo.

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