Feeling the position of Nangong Yan's hand, although there was nothing strange through her clothes, it still made her face blush slightly.

There is no need to think about it three minutes later……

"Amazing! Fumino couldn't help but exclaimed,"It doesn't hurt at all!""

After saying that, he jumped twice!

"OK! I'm home. You can come to me if you have a stomachache in the future. If you can't take the medicine, don't take it."

After hearing this, Fumino Furuhashi understood why Nangong Yan was so confused when he said he wanted to give her a massage. It's because taking medicine all the time is harmful to the body! That's why

Nangong Jun asked to give it to me. Massage? Even though it seemed a bit frivolous, you still said it? Just to make me take less medicine? You can obviously pretend that you don't know, or say a few words of concern... However, Nangong Jun still said it. Massage my stomach...

Thinking of this, her heart beat hard twice!

"……Well, bye, Mr. Nangong, I will call you if anything happens."

Nangong Yan didn't say anything, just smiled.He waved his hand, then turned around and left with Yang.

Looking at Nangong Yan's back, it took a while before Furuhashi Fumino entered the house.


"The light is on……"Next door to Fumino's house, you can see from the window that people inside are busy,"This way your younger brothers and sisters are also well taken care of...little one""

"During the day I said it was fine."Yang, who was held in Nangong Yan's arms, raised his paw and pressed his chest,"We have each found our own family. These two children are, that child... Xiaoba is the same, of course... I am too."

"So, I don’t need to worry so much anymore! Just look at them once in a while!"

"Um……"Nangong Yan breathed a sigh of relief,"By the way, I haven't seen Xiaoba for about half a month, right? Do you want to go see him tomorrow?"

Nangong Yan said to himself:"I'll tell Nana by the way. Well, maybe Xiaoba can see those two children again in the future!"

Yang was silent for a moment, and finally spoke:"……Then go ahead. Although I don’t want to disturb their lives...but let’s talk about it."

Nangong Yan gently stroked the little one. Only she would think so much about her brothers and sisters.

I'm afraid Yang himself felt that if he suddenly broke into their current life, wouldn't it be bad? That's why he stayed away Let's wait and see from a distance……

"Then I will inform Nana and go tomorrow morning!"

Anyway, the banquet is in the evening, so there is plenty of time! But the day after tomorrow, I should set off to the village to recruit families. Thinking about it... I always feel that this schedule is quite tight.……

"Nana, I’m Nangong Yan. Well, I’d better ask you to do me a favor and bring Xiaoba with you tomorrow.……"


"I'm back!"

"Welcome back……"

Nangong Yan was speechless for a while, how could this welcome be so feeble.

As soon as he entered the house, he found that the demon was lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, and Cun Zheng was leaning over the coffee table writing a novel crazily.

It must be because of the village expropriation, right? Otherwise the goblin would go to Sagiri's room to play with her now.

Putting Yang on her back, Nangong Yan asked:"Why don't I see you writing the novel? Have you finished it?"

"Write? The goblin glanced at him,"How could I use such a low-level method?""

"Hey hey~ I understand……‘Dark Call' huh? Use your powerful magic to summon the manuscript from the demon world, right?"Nangong Yan rolled his eyes.

"oh? The goblin glanced at him unexpectedly,"Yan, you know it very well!" By the way, have I ever said this?"

The goblin scratched his head, always feeling that he didn't say that.

"Even if you didn’t say the same thing, you said something similar, right? After all, it's you……"

"……Well, too! What you said makes sense!"

"Actually, I also know that you don’t want to write novels if you don’t have the motivation, but I’m a little worried about one thing."

"Nothing to worry about! The goblin propped up his body with one hand and patted his chest with the other,"No problem!" I've been in a good mood lately, so I have plenty of magic power! I have finished summoning the original manuscript! Nangong

Yan nodded:"That's fine, as long as your editor doesn't suddenly rush in and kidnap you during club activities.""

The goblin's eyes twitched. This kind of thing was possible before, how could it happen now?!

"Nangong Jun, have you decided when to convince dad...father?" Cun Zheng, who had just finished writing this section of the novel, asked.

"The day after tomorrow, there will be a party at Yinglili’s house tomorrow, and my dad will inform me in the afternoon."

Cun Zheng nodded. The day after tomorrow is the day after tomorrow. She just wants to know the specific time and has no intention of urging it.

"Banquet……"The goblin said to himself,"It seems interesting, but it must also be troublesome, right? It's better to play games at home and feel comfortable.""

"Nothing interesting actually……"Nangong Yan shrugged,"Unless it's like Saori said before, sneaking out, that might still be interesting."

"To be honest, if my father hadn't informed me and it was a banquet held by Yingli's family, I would have been too lazy to go."

Seeing that the host who often attended banquets was saying such boring things, the goblin suddenly lost all interest!

"By the way, goblin, let’s discuss how to convince Cun Zheng’s father?"

"Can't we just get straight to the point?"The goblin replied while playing with his mobile phone.

"My father... my father is against me writing novels, and he has said it before."The person who answered the call was Cun Zheng.

"Really, why is this old man so troublesome?……"The goblin muttered speechlessly and put down the phone,"How about letting Yan go! Physical persuasion!"

Nangong Yan:"……"

Qianshou Village levy:"……"

Do you need to physically convince your daughter's father in front of her? You are really enough...

Cun Zheng looked at her eagerly, and the goblin couldn't bear her sight:"Ahaha... I'm just kidding! By the way! Didn't Cun Zheng's father also write novels? How about that?" Let's convince him by writing a novel!"

You really have a bad idea! But that's right, after all, the goblin doesn't know who Cun Zheng's father is.

"What is this method? Aren't you going to be specific?"Nangong Yan raised his eyebrows

"Just make him feel interesting, right? So it should be enough to write something on the spot to let him see our capabilities, right?"

"No... Dad... My father's views on novels are very casual, completely different from mine! You won’t be swayed just because it’s interesting!"

The goblin scratched his hair irritably:"Ah~~! So complicated! It's better to play it by ear! Without seeing each other and understanding each other, it is useless to think about anything!"

"so……"Nangong Yan looked at Cun Zheng

"Can you reveal some information to us?"

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