Shen Yijia didn't know that someone had already made up his own meat and wallet.

The wild boar is being handled in the yard.

Although she has eaten a lot of meat, she has never killed a pig. Song Jingchen could only be moved to the yard, and let him read and command.

Mr. Li boiled water, and the two dragons and phoenixes helped to grill the pig's hair. The family is working in full swing.

"Mother, let's keep the four legs and sell the rest to the restaurant. After I finish eating, I'll go up the mountain to fight." Shen Yijia's idea is very simple, the four legs are cut off directly, which is convenient.

Besides, she felt that it was not too easy for her to go hunting in the mountains to get meat for her family.

"I agree to sell it, but how can you, a girl, keep running into the mountains all the time? It's very dangerous." Li Shi was amused by Shen Yijia's words.

Shen Yijia stuck out her tongue and muttered, "I don't know if I am in danger or the prey in the mountains are in danger."

Song Jingchen glanced at her, her lips twitched and she still didn't speak.

He had found out that Shen Yijia's decision is usually not easy for her to give up.

Several people worked together to clean up a wild boar.

Said that only four legs were left, Shen Yijia really raised the knife three or two times and chopped off the wild boar's four hooves along the pig's abdomen. A leg can weigh ten pounds.

Leaving a bald body and pig's head still there, blood continued to flow from the pig's four fractures, and it flowed to the ground in a short while.

Shen Yijia patted her head, pig blood is also edible, so she hurriedly ran to the kitchen to get four pots to pick up the pig blood.

Song Jingchen's brows jumped. Brother Hao and Sister Huan acted more directly, and were so frightened that they backed away from Shen Yijia.

Shen Yijia rolled her eyes. The meat is not eaten the same, does it matter how you cut it?

Ahem, she doesn't think it's important anyway.

Li took a basin and put the four legs away to move to the kitchen.

Shen Yijia picked out two relatively small ones and said, "Didn't that Anton help? I promised to send some meat to his house. I'll send these two over there."

As for the others, she is not familiar with them and does not intend to send them.

Song Jingchen paused as he flipped through the book, and said casually, "You've been tired for a long time. Let Brother Hao and Sister Huan go."

Shen Yijia was not sure and asked, "Are you sure the two of them can handle it?"

Is it really good for slave labor?

Song Jingchen glanced at Brother Hao and Sister Huan, they both shrank their necks together, and said in unison, "Sister-in-law, we can do it."

Here again, here again.

When they were still in the capital, Big Brother liked to look at people with this look when they made a mistake, and then punished them severely.

It's been a long time since I saw it, but this look has been engraved in my bones.

Shen Yijia blinked and did not object.

Seeing the two little ones run out with a pig's trotter as if they were running away, they tilted their heads and bent over to face Song Jingchen.

Squinting his eyes, he concluded, "You... are very wrong."

Song Jingchen looked at the small face in front of him, tried his best to ignore the beating heart, and pretended to say calmly, "No, you read it wrong!"

After a while, he changed the subject and said, "You smell so bad, go take a shower and change your clothes."

Shen Yijia blushed, she took a few steps back and was one meter away from Song Jingchen, lowered her head and sniffed a few times on herself.

Unconvinced sophistry: "It's not that I stink, it's that pig stinks."

Saying this, people have already run to the kitchen. When he reached the door, he turned his head and glared at Song Jingchen: "I don't wash it, and I have to hold you to sleep at night, it stinks you to death. Humph!"

Song Jingchen blushed at the thought of sleeping for two nights. Then he laughed again.

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