The secret war is silent

Chapter 73 Transaction

What happened with River Song is true.

Ma Shiqing found Song He, and the two hit it off. They could not only retaliate against the boss who stole his love, but also do their part for the country.

As a result, Song He became the spokesperson of Qian Zhibin and started to interact with Clifford.

When Luo Yao does things, it is natural to have as few flaws as possible. Of course, Song He's information was provided by the three students from the temporary training class in the investigation room of the Ninth War Zone Commander's Headquarters.

Keeping an eye on your own people is the job of the investigation room.

Without the help of these three classmates, some things would be difficult to do. It would be impossible to make up one person out of thin air. Moreover, Song He would also be needed to cooperate next.

It would be much better to have the Investigation Office of the War Zone Commander's Department come forward than for him to come forward.

In this way, even without the cooperation of the Ninth Theater Command Headquarters, he could make this plan have as few "flaws" as possible.

Under Luo Yao's arrangement, Clifford secretly met Song He in an unknown hotel at the foot of Luojia Mountain in Shouchang on the other side of the river.

"This is a map of the safe waterway from Huanggang to Gedian. The area demarcated by the red line above is mined underwater..." Song He carefully took out a map from his pocket.

Just as Cliff was about to reach out and take it, Song He retracted.

"Where are the two small yellow croakers we agreed on?"

"Don't worry, I won't miss you." Clifford smiled, took out two gold bars from his purse, and placed them gently on the coffee table.

Song He reached out and picked up two gold bars, touched each other, listened to the sound, showed a satisfied smile, and then handed over the "waterway map".

"Mr. Song, if this picture is not accurate, then our deal will end here." Clifford put away the picture cautiously.

"Then, if there is similar information again, how should I contact Mr. Clifford?" Song He also put away the gold bars with satisfaction.

"Mr. Song called this and said that new goods have arrived, and I understood." Clifford wrote a number to Song He.

"The value of this information is different, and the price is also different."

"Of course, I guarantee that Mr. Song will be satisfied."

"I want a large amount of money to leave here, and I hope Mr. Clifford can fulfill my wish." Song He said greedily.

"As you wish."

This time the transaction is considered complete.

Although they were just acting, both actors still strictly followed the script, without any perfunctory elements.

In the future, there may be a second or even a third time...

Everything is to lure "Lin Miao" out.

Jiangcheng, No. 1, Customs Lane, Room A, Juntong.

Mao Qiwu was sweating on his forehead. He stood in front of Dai Yunong nervously and bowed slightly. He only dared to secretly observe the expression on Dai Yunong's face with his peripheral vision.

Luo Yao's telegram was too bold. Not only did he kill it first and report it later, he also gave orders beyond his authority, which violated the family rules of the military.

Boss Dai will never be merciful to those who violate family rules.

However, Boss Dai didn't seem to be angry. Normally, he would have slapped the table and cursed.

A little unusual.

But it made Mao Qiwu even more frightened.

"Qi Wu, what do you think of Luo Yao's telegram?" Dai Yunong suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Mao Qi Wu and asked.

"Boss, Luo Yao violated family rules and should be severely punished, but he did it as a last resort because of the mission. Moreover, the mission has not been completed yet. If he is punished now, then the plan will be completely ruined. This is not a waste of previous hard work. Have you made any plans?" Mao Qiwu said after careful consideration.

"I know you have a good relationship with him, are you speaking for him?"

"My subordinates don't dare. Boss, I admire the River God very much, but the distinction between public and private affairs is still clear. No one can execute this plan on his behalf now. Moreover, he was also chosen by you..."

"You will be out of town, and your life will be compromised. What's more, it is his ability to persuade those three people to do things for him. The only reason to blame is that those three people are not determined." Dai Yunong said.


"I know what you mean, and I didn't say I would punish them. People are different, and we can't ask everyone to reach our heights and requirements." Dai Yunong said, "It's just that these three people can't be kept." It’s at the Ninth War Zone Commander’s Department.”

"Why don't we let them join Shura's group directly? He is the one who lured them there. We can't let them have no way out, right?"

"Qi Wu, are you punishing them, or are you increasing manpower with Luo Yao?"

"Judging from the current situation, it is necessary to send more manpower to Shura. His action team only has five people, so its strength is a bit weak." Mao Qiwu said.

"Then it depends on how well they complete the mission this time." Dai Yunong nodded, "If they can't complete it, hum."

"What about the message?

"Just say the call has been received and that's it."

"Old Qin, what's going on with this dad?" Gong Hui frowned slightly as she took the message she just copied, "I just replied, the call has been received, Yiyou."

Luo Yao smiled: "This is a good thing. It means that dad approves what we are doing, but due to the rules, he cannot support it openly."

"If you approve it, just acknowledge it. Just say it directly. Why are you still making charades?"

"We work alone and privately overstep our authority to command others. This is already a violation of military family rules. It's good that dad didn't punish us. How do you expect him to call us and praise us?" Luo Yao explained with a smile, " He is waiting for the results of our actions before deciding how to deal with us. If we are lucky and complete the task satisfactorily, then the things we have done before may be written off and we will forget the blame. But if we mess up, then we will be punished. He will also be punished, and at least he will have to spend a few days in jail."

"I went to buy rice. The price of rice has risen again in the past few days." Gong Hui felt relieved.

"Well, buy more, stock up, and bring back some vegetables and meat. I'll cook tonight." Luo Yao was in a good mood, and Cliff's plan was going very smoothly.

This time, even if you can't catch "Lin Miao", you can still gain something as long as a fish bites the hook.

The underground intelligence market has its own set of operating rules. Clifford has information in his hands. As long as he lets it out, someone will contact him immediately.

No matter what the information is.

Let's seize the opportunity first. Anyway, as long as it is valuable intelligence, it will definitely be sold. There are a lot of scammers these days, and the Japanese spend a lot of money to buy intelligence.

It's an open secret.

Of course, it's hard to say who is buying information for the Japanese behind the scenes. After all, people in this business never ask about their background, they just talk about information and price.

What kind of information and what price? There is a set of judgment standards in the intelligence market. As for the price at which the seller and the buyer finally make the transaction.

That's their own business.

Clifford doesn't pay attention to everyone. He chooses powerful and reputable people to trade. What he wants is not to raise the price, but to sell the information so that everyone in the circle knows that he has The source of military intelligence for the Nationalist Government.

On August 23, battle reports came from the front line. The Japanese army and navy launched a campaign to capture Jiangcheng at the same time. The troops were divided into three groups and advanced hand in hand.

For a time, the momentum was unstoppable.

Jiangcheng is in danger!

Central China is in danger!

The Yangtze River is in danger!

Commander-in-Chief Chiang delivered a public speech, vowing to live or die with Jiangcheng.

It's just that outsiders don't know that he himself is ready to run away. He is just telling the uninformed people to listen to it to stabilize people's hearts.

Students began to take to the streets to publicize, encourage people to join the army, donate money and materials, and support the frontline war. For a time, the war atmosphere above Jiangcheng became more tense and intense.

And underground, the intelligence war where blood and gunpowder could not be seen became even more turbulent.

Many inactive radio stations have also become active, and countless radio waves are constantly sending out various information and feeding it back.

Police Force Special Agent Brigade, Security Headquarters Inspection Division, Military Command Jiangcheng Station...



Detention centers and prisons are overcrowded.

Luo Yao was not idle either. He helped Tang Xin and Liu Jinbao catch Rite based on the idea of ​​​​helping whenever he could.

"Tell Tang Xin that there is a problem with this signal, and ask him to use electrical detection equipment to watch this signal for me." Luo Yao put down his earphones, quickly copied the signal of a frequency and band, and handed it to Gong Huidao, "Found out Target, don’t move yet, wait for my confirmation.”


"Make an appointment with Lao Liu to meet at Zhiyou Bookstore tomorrow afternoon."

"Inform Ma Shiqing (Investigation Room) and them so that they can proceed with the next step and release the information about the Ninth Theater Command Commander's Department's plan to add ten naval guns as coastal defense artillery at Tiannan Fortress."


"Xiaohui, how long has it been since we went to Twilight Cafe for coffee?"


"It's time to go there. I haven't been there for such a long time. I really miss Boss Mu." Luo Yao said to himself, "Xiaohui, change your clothes and go out for a walk with me."

"Oh, okay, I just wanted to go out and buy some clothes..." Gong Hui had long wanted to go out and relax, but Luo Yao arranged tasks one after another, and she could hardly breathe.

Twilight Cafe, old location.

"Hey, I haven't seen Mr. Qin here for a long time." As soon as Lao Mu saw Luo Yao, he put down his work, wiped his hands, and walked over to greet him.

"Oh, it's not like school is about to start. I'm a bit busy."

"I forgot that Mr. Qin is a teacher." Lao Mu smiled slightly, "If Mr. Qin doesn't come, why hasn't Miss Hui come for so long?"

"Now the Japanese planes are coming every day, and our Lao Qin doesn't trust me, a weak woman, to come out alone, so if he doesn't come, I won't dare to come." Gong Hui laughed and explained.

"So it's like this. They go in and go out together, the husband sings and the wife follows. This kind of relationship between a virtuous couple is really enviable." Lao Mu sighed with emotion.

"Is Boss Mu married?" Luo Yao suddenly smiled and asked suddenly.

"I was married before, but later we divorced because of my incompatibility. Now I'm used to being single." Lao Mu was obviously stunned for a moment, but quickly answered.

"Boss Mu has never met the right person." Gong Hui smiled.

"Yes, Miss Hui is really smart. If I could meet someone as gentle, beautiful, and considerate as Miss Hui, I would probably have a hard time being single." Lao Mu joked casually.

"I'm sorry, Boss Mu, the famous flower has a master." Luo Yao laughed, reached out and patted the back of Gong Hui's hand gently.

"I was so busy talking that I forgot to serve you two coffee. Wait a minute, I'll be here soon." Lao Mu bowed slightly, turned around and walked away quickly.

"Humorous, interesting, and good at flirting with women. If I were a woman, I probably wouldn't be able to stop such a man. You said, he is so good and rich, so it's fine not to get married. Why doesn't he have a woman?" Luo Yao muttered to himself.

"I'll check..." Gong Hui heard it immediately.

"No need to check. Didn't he just say that he is single now." Luo Yao shook his head.

"What's the meaning?"

"If a person can stay in one place for five years, there must be a reason for him to stay. If it's not because of feelings, then there are other reasons." Luo Yao asked, "How is the layout of this coffee house?"

"It's very good, very retro, sentimental, and the lighting and ventilation are very good." Gong Hui was stunned for a moment and replied.

"Didn't you notice? When you enter, there is a mirror diagonally opposite. The people working at the bar can see the customers immediately. These booths look very artistically designed, with well-proportioned heights. In fact, if this place becomes a battlefield, If so, these decks will become bunkers that delay enemy attacks. The back door opens outward, making it easier to break out directly in an emergency..." Luo Yao said softly.

Gong Hui was stunned when she heard that she, a student of action, actually outperformed a student of intelligence.

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