The secret war is silent

Chapter 24 Heavy Rain

Luo Yao didn't understand astronomy, but the sky was foggy, which made people feel a little depressed, fearing that it was going to rain.


Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

Before midnight, it started to rain. At first it started to rain lightly, but no one paid much attention to it. Then the rain became heavier and heavier, and it started to rain heavily again.

A heavy rain came unexpectedly.

All the bonfires in the camp were extinguished by the sudden rainstorm, and nothing could be heard between heaven and earth except the sound of the rain hitting the ground.

The tents were fairly sturdy to keep out the cold, but many of them were damaged under the heavy rain, and many people were soaked in the rain while sleeping.

"not good!"

Luo Yao's eyes suddenly widened and he said to Liu Jinbao: "Old Liu, tell everyone to get up and move to the east hillside immediately. Hurry, I'll go find Deputy Captain Wang!"

"Lao Luo, what's wrong?" Liu Jinbao was startled. He didn't know why Luo Yao suddenly ordered him to do something, and also moved him.

"I don't have time to explain to you in detail. Just do as I say. Also, inform Li Fu and the others that they have to hurry and give up all necessary supplies. They must leave here within ten minutes..." After saying that, Luo Yao had already rushed out. He got out of the tent and ran towards the direction of deputy captain Wang Yueqing's military tent!

Liu Jinbao was stunned for a moment, but in the end he gritted his teeth and chose to believe Luo Yao. This might be a matter of life and death, and the worst he could do was to be put in confinement!

"Vice Captain Wang..."

The guard at the door failed to stop Luo Yao and let him break in. Wang Yueqing was startled and he almost drew his gun.

Because of this sudden heavy rain, how could Wang Yueqing be able to sleep? He got up early and called the main leaders of the team over.

At this moment, he was having a meeting in his military tent to study whether to move immediately, or wait until the rain passed, or wait until dawn before moving.

Everyone had different opinions, and a man suddenly broke in, startling everyone.

Shen Yu, who was sitting next to Wang Yueqing, saw it was Luo Yao and quickly stood up and raised his hand: "Don't be nervous, he is our student."

"Vice Captain Wang, please move immediately, the flash flood is coming soon!" Luo Yao wiped the rain off his face and said directly, regardless of the other people in the tent.

"Flash flood?"

Wang Yueqing was shocked when he heard this. The place they chose to camp was a low-lying place sheltered from the wind. Once the mountain torrents washed down, the place would instantly become a Zeguo.

By then, all of them will become underwater souls.

"It's alarmist. Although this campsite is not the commanding heights nearby, the terrain here is flat. Even if it rains heavily, there will be no flash floods in a short period of time!" Chief Instructor Xie Liqiu stood up and pointed at Luo Yao and shouted.

"General Instructor Xie, believe it or not, once the flash flood carries the debris flow and releases it, we will not be drowned in the mud, but will all be buried in the mud. Can you afford this responsibility?" Luo Yao couldn't care less. Come on, this is more than two hundred lives.

No one may listen to his words, but the order from the headquarters is different.

"Luo Yao, how did you know there would be flash floods and mudslides?" Shen Yu asked solemnly.

"That's what I heard." Luo Yao said. He couldn't care less about human life. His special skill of hearing would be exposed sooner or later.

"What you heard is ridiculous. Apart from the sound of rain, what else can be heard outside?" Come on, stop talking nonsense here and go back to your post. If you spread such rumors again, I will put you in solitary confinement!"

"There are still five minutes left. If you don't leave, I have to leave. Don't blame me for not reminding you!" Luo Yao turned around and left. If he stayed for another minute, he would be in more danger. He would not stay and be buried with these people. Woolen cloth!

"Stop, bastard, stop him..."

Luo Yao had already rushed out of the military tent, and the guards at the door didn't even try to stop him. It was almost useless.

"This Luo Yao is so lawless and undisciplined. When we get to Linli, I will give him thirty military canes!" Xie Liqiu was extremely angry. A little student actually contradicted him like this. Where did he lose his face!

The military tent fell into silence for a while. It was dark outside and the rain was pouring. Even if they wanted to hold Luo Yao responsible for his crimes, no one could be found for a while.


Suddenly someone pointed outside with a very urgent tone.

The teacup on the marching table began to shake...

Everyone present here is a veteran and has rich experience. They have never encountered this kind of situation, and they have heard about it. Everyone’s expressions changed.

Especially Chief Instructor Xie Liqiu. He was born in Huangpu. He has been working as a platoon leader at the grassroots level and has extremely rich marching experience. What is this sound? Could he not guess it?

Was it really a flash flood?

"Quickly, inform everyone to move to higher places immediately. Take as much material as you can take with you. If you can't take it away, abandon it on the spot!" As the leader of the team, deputy captain Wang Yueqing made a prompt decision and issued the correct order. If something happened to someone, there would probably be countless heads on the ground.

At this time, it has been delayed for at least three minutes!

I could have brought more supplies, but now I had to abandon them and run to higher ground desperately. At this time, a beam of light on the east hillside shone in the sky, like a morning star, guiding us. The helpless crowd in the darkness moved towards safety.

"Don't panic, everyone, watch one by one and be careful where you step..."

After hearing Luo Yao's words, Liu Jinbao called out all the students. At first, everyone didn't believe it, but after hearing this, Li Fu took the lead and ran out without saying a word. When others saw it, they all ran with him.

On the girls side, Gong Hui did the same. She put on her raincoat, rolled up her things, and rushed out of the tent. The others hesitated for a moment, but when they saw the male students running out of the tent, they had no choice but to follow. go out……

The scene was chaotic.

A few minutes later.

A blurry black line wrapped around the soil and trees and poured towards the valley where they camped with a roaring sound. The sound was astonishing.

On the hillside, looking at the raging mudslide not far away from their feet, everyone's face turned pale. If they took one step too late, they would all be buried in it.

The ones who were especially frightened were Wang Yueqing and others. It would be fine if they died, but if the entire team was wiped out, the losses would be huge.

Maybe, the special training class might die prematurely.

The rain gradually stopped in the middle of the night.

Half of the supplies I brought with me were buried under the mudslide. Even if they were cleared out, it was unclear whether they would still be usable.

Almost all the tents were washed away. Fortunately, there were still a few spare ones. They had found a flat place to set up on the hillside, so that at least the people who were caught in the rain could have a place to shelter from the rain.

Many people's clothes were soaked in the heavy rain, soaked inside and out. If they had been wearing them, they would have died of hunger or freezing in this cold weather.

Everyone has a feeling of being left behind. It’s too suspenseful. If it had been a few minutes later...

"Distribute all the wine we carry, let everyone take at least one sip, and gather the gasoline. Except for important documents, all those who can make a fire will be used to make a fire. We will get over the current difficulty first!" Wang Yueqing gave the order decisively. .

"Has the radio station been snatched out?"

"There is one, you can use it." The communications soldier reported in a hurry.

"Immediately sent a telegram to Boss Dai, and I led my troops to camp in the Jinjiling area near Yiyang. In the middle of the night, there was a heavy rain and a flash flood broke out. Fortunately, Luo Yao of the student team gave a timely warning and we were able to escape. However, the supplies were seriously damaged and the remaining supplies were severely damaged. Very few, the troops suffered from rain, hunger and cold..."

Jiangcheng, an apartment, a luxurious suite.

At about three o'clock in the morning, Dai Yunong was awakened from his sleep by a rapid knock on the door. He quickly got out of bed, grabbed a coat and opened the door.

Only his secretary Mao Qiwu knew about this place.

"Yunong, something happened. Wang Yueqing and the others encountered heavy rains in Jinjiling in Yiyang and caused mudslides. They lost all their supplies. Please ask for rescue!" Mao Qiwu took out an urgent telegram from his briefcase and handed it to Dai Yunong to report.

"Where are the people?" When Dai Yunong heard this, his mind went blank and he asked eagerly. He had spent all his hard-earned savings on this special training class and put a lot of effort into it. The lineup of instructors he equipped was luxurious. .

"The loss of personnel is not big, but it's such a cold day and it's raining. If we wait until dawn, I'm afraid many people will fall."

"Which national army is stationed in Yiyang?" Dai Yunong's face recovered a little when he heard that the personnel losses were not large, and he asked immediately.

"Yiyang now belongs to the rear area, and there is only one local security group stationed there. Which unit is it specifically? Do we still need to check?"

"Then go check it out quickly. Once you find out, call the Ninth Theater Commander's Headquarters and ask the theater headquarters for assistance in the rescue!" Dai Yunong ordered.

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

"Immediately organize the purchase of a batch of supplies and send them to Yiyang as quickly as possible, especially medicines. You must prepare more medicines for wounds and colds."


Dai Yunong picked up the telegram again, looked at it carefully, and found a name, Luo Yao. This guy actually warned in advance and avoided heavy casualties in the team. This little guy made a meritorious service.

He remembered.

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