The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 342: Brilliance and horror

The old Taoist paused a little, and then said a ranking that made you marvel, the eleventh!

After he finished speaking, he was slightly silent, thinking about it, outside the gods, and his expression was extremely dignified.

This ranking is absolutely brilliant, incredibly amazing, and everyone is shocked.

It is Chu Feng who has learned from the Huang Niukou that the earth was very extraordinary in the past. It was once in the top 100 stars, but this moment is still very surprised.

In fact, the ox does not know the specific ranking. It is guessed that in dozens of people, everything it relies on is derived from the scales and claws of the predecessors.

The same is true of the old Taoist. I knew that the earth ranked high, but I didn’t think it was as high as this level, far beyond his expectations!

The Heavenly Universe, once the eleventh powerful planet, is extremely gorgeous!

Undoubtedly, I don’t know how many years ago, there were saints, and the strongest ones could reflect the heavens and look down on the vast sea of ​​stars and the Megatron.

However, in the end everything has vanished, and it is no longer strong and completely degraded.

Even the old things, only represent the glory of the past, the king-level creatures present are also excited, surprises, some people even cheered out, haha ​​laughed.

The earth, once so strong, has a strong person who can reflect the heavens, and needs sacrifices from all walks of life. What awkwardness and horror?

Even if the earth is now deserted and becomes a waste land, everyone believes that there must be something that can't be left. If you think about it, it will make you crazy.

Not to mention those famous mountains and rivers, the old trees waiting to be revived are the various ancient cave houses buried in the underground in the dusty years. If they are born, they are enough to make people crazy.

I think again, the ancient land that once flourished in the eleventh universe, the strongest person who reflected the heavens, the system he left behind, and how amazing his evolutionary method would be?

His path of evolution, his heritage, should be on earth!

At this moment, when people think of these possibilities, they are all full of blood, and they have to scream and scream, full of expectation, and their hearts are shaking and shuddering.

Earlier, they listened to the words of the old Taoist priests. They were frustrated and frustrated. They thought that they were born on the earth, and it is indeed difficult to compete with the gods and saints outside the country.

As for the desire to be on the verge of extinction, one day he will be sanctified as an ancestor, and he will be compared with the figure that appears on the top 100 stars, so don’t even think about it, idiots say dreams.

But now they are inexplicably more emboldened. Once in the universe of stars and seas, the eleventh place in the world, how can it be simple?

They are considered descendants of the Xeon Star!

Obviously, their respective ancestors, who have done their best, are proud of the world, and many of the stars who have played are unable to lift their heads.

This land has been worshipped by the gods of the heavens in the past, and it has been commemorated by countless ethnic groups in the Wanxiang Xinghai.

At the same time, they also understand why the creatures outside the domain are thinking of ways to come, and the gods and goddesses from different worlds must come over.

Because, there are too many things here, it is worth fighting for them, ranking eleventh, once far higher than countless worlds!

Many people are excited, excited, and feel that they have some kind of conviction at once. Their achievements may be extremely horrible in the future, because with the recovery of the earth, it is difficult for anyone to say what will happen.

The amazing old trees may appear in pieces, and the ancient caves buried in the dust of the years will be opened one by one. If the peerless Taoism is present, it is really unimaginable!

However, when some people are excited, cheering, and happy, some people are thinking and looking dignified.

Because their perspective on thinking about the problem is completely different.

For example, the old Taoist, the face is very dignified, he did not say anything after finishing the ranking, has been silent.

For example, Lin Nuoyi, she is very smart, she thought of a lot in the first time, and she realized a lot of things in her heart.

"No wonder." That is the problem girl is also the same, suddenly realized, a look of understanding.

There are also old cockroaches that have been blown off half-length and lifted by people with soft collapse. They are also stunned and secretly nodded.

As for Chu Feng, I feel the glory of the earth, and when I understand the joy of everyone, I also sigh. He is also very human, and I know a lot in an instant.

Ranked eleventh!

This ranking is amazing, far beyond the ten-digit number of the scalpers.

The ox has said that in the universe, the ten strongest ancient stars in the universe have been constant since ancient times and have never changed!

what does this mean? There is too much information in it.

It is not difficult to see from them that they are too strong, far beyond the understanding of other Xinghai ethnic groups, unimaginable.

Also, after so many years, there are really no other strong players on the planet who can challenge their status? This may not be possible!

However, the strongest ten stars are not changed!

This may be full of blood, in the splendid glory, there are scenes of **** stars, but also the tragedy of the crying of ancient stars.

The earth was once ranked eleventh. It was so dazzling, the heavens and the world were respected together, and the result suddenly fell, and finally it became a waste land.

This is really scary.

There was no shortage of keen people in the field. Some of the king-level creatures calmed down, and gradually became dignified, not so excited, but felt a chill.

A lot of things can be learned from just one ranking.

It can be said that the earth was once brilliant, but it has experienced terrible things.

Many people frowned and completely quieted down, asking the old Taoist who later ranked the earth, and wanted to know more about the situation behind.

"The eleventh place, after a bright period, fell directly to the 97,442!"

Everyone opened their mouths, and their faces were stunned. The earth was in full swing, and suddenly it fell suddenly more than 90,000. This is too horrible.

"And then, how many names can the earth be in today?" someone whispered.

"After then? There is no later!" The old Taoist priest said, telling everyone that only the ranking of the world of the first 100,000 stars in the universe will not be recorded after more than 100,000.

That is to say, after the earth fell to more than 90,000, it fell further and was no longer qualified to participate in the ranking. Now, I don’t know where to fall!

At this point, everyone is quiet and thinks too much.

From the glory of nowhere to the waste of land, it fell directly, without going through a slow landslide. What does this mean?

This makes everyone hairy and shuddering.

In that period of time, it must be accompanied by great horror, big darkness, big blood!

In the past, the evolutionary civilization should be highly developed, but it will become a wasteland in the short term. What a terror?

In some powerful and powerful worlds, the earth may have long been a barren land, a ridiculous land, degenerate races, and all things dust.

The disaster!

Everyone can't help but come up with such words. This mother star has had a terrible disaster, and all ethnic groups have been degraded.

If you want to go deeper, some poultry kings, as well as beastmasters, etc., bite their teeth, they once learned that a scale and half claws are ridiculous.

The deep reason has involved the whole mother star!

Their ancestors were degraded, perhaps related to the cruel means of the battle, suppressing their blood, etc., which made them ... shudder.

Chu Feng is thinking, he also thinks a lot, even if the earth is turned into waste soil, but also retains all kinds of sacred ancient trees, etc., it seems that it is not simple.

Even under this mountain, there may be an ancient and unrivaled Dongfu house!

At that time, after the battle, these things were not taken away, and they could be preserved. Once they have recovered, they have attracted people from outside the country to explain the problem.

"It seems that the eleventh place is very simple, and it is very miserable, but at the last moment there is also a means of self-protection."

This mother star is not completely extinct in the end, leaving a legacy of fire and blood, and descending from the blood, and thinking about it will give people a lot of thoughts.

"I can't help it. I want to learn the means of the gods and the saints one by one in the universe. The battle of one star after another is over, and the ten strongest and most mysterious ten ancient stars are decisive."

Chu Feng said to himself, bloody, he really wants to get out of the earth, especially guessing the old things, the mood is stirring.

Chu Feng looked up at the sky, he found the strongest ten ancient stars, different, there is no contour of the strong inside, covered by chaotic fog, very blurred!

"Does this mean detachment? Oh!" Chu Feng stared.

"Well, there is the last paragraph of text, do you want to hear it?" The old Taoist priest opened and told everyone that there was still a paragraph on the stone tablet.

Everyone naturally wants to listen, nod their heads and ask him to tell.

"There was no backwardness. In the ancient times, after the earth's ranking fell to more than 90,000, the ancestors of that period once sacrificed their sacrifices here, and they sacrificed their sacrifices. However, they did not receive the response from the heavens. The earth was rejected and abandoned. ”

The stone tablets are ancient texts, which are difficult to understand. The old Taoist priests translated them in very straightforward words, and they were silent after hearing.

The strong person who reflects the heavens ignores this place. This is really amazing. This place has been completely abandoned!

"Damn, why are their descendants coming over now and seeing the Earth's recovery want to benefit?!"

"At the time, those horrible powerhouses would not have suffered from inexplicable pressure?"

People talked, some indignation.

The old Taoist and the problem girl are a little embarrassed and feel that they are shot. Relatively speaking, the old man who has lost half of his body is quite calm and does not change his face.

"The past is already!" In the end, the old Taoist sighed and pulled everyone back to reality.

What old things have passed away, how to indulge, indignation, excitement, and what use?

Now that we are on the road to evolution and striving to rise, this is the foundation!

"Think more about what to do. After the extraterrestrial days, the prince and the prince came. Try to capture that the goddess is the wife of the village, and the sage is a servant."

The words of Chu Feng made everyone feel awkward and face to face, and it was quiet here.

Everyone didn't dare to respond. I looked a little worried when I looked at the old Taoist and the old man, because I thought that these two people might be outside the domain.

The rebellious little demon woman turned a big white eye and glanced at Chu Feng, but soon she was charming and charming. The young face was full of charm, saying: "Chu Feng Shuai Pan, you come to catch me, I Certainly not to escape."

This tone of the old priest's face, then black, and he does not want to beat granddaughter, but want to pack Chu, will direct the past.

"Stop, here is the field, if I am stimulated by you, if you are excited, it will cause the field to recover and form a destruction, you can not regret it."

I heard Chu Feng say so, the old Taoist face is getting darker.

Everyone quickly persuaded.

The rebellious girl even shook his sleeves, threatened loudly, and dared to ignore her face, and shot her master Chu Feng, and promised to break with the old Taoist.

"You are a little enchantress!" The old Taoist was not angry.

Everyone wants to laugh, but they don't dare to laugh.

Soon, people's thoughts were pulled back again, gazing at the sacrifices on the altar, all of them were hot, and they wanted to rush to get a clean.

They have learned that this is the use of the earth's rankings of more than 90,000 people, and the top sacrifices, but those creatures that can reflect the heavens are not collected.

Some Beastmasters scratched their heads and wanted to rush directly.

That kind of thing is too tempting, and God knows what achievements they can make once they have it.

At this time, some people continue to look at it, and finally see the huge jade for some items on the table, the saliva will flow out.

There are golden seals, runes of words, and you don't need to think about it. It may be a bad thing.

There are also bronze tripods, a total of nine, arranged together.

People **** in the air, then Jiuding will not be Jiuding in the legend of ancient China? That is the representative of the rivers and rivers, and the world is one.

Soon, some people saw the contents of some utensils. There were a few large peaches in a jade plate, which is still bright red, shrouded in brilliance and not rot.

How many years has it been? They are still so fresh!

That is, the old Taoist priests are moving, saying: "Isn't this the peach of Kunlun Mountain? The earth is not behind, but it can still bear a few, and it is not a jewel in the eyes of the evolutionists!"

Then, someone saw something in another utensil, like a few white porcelain dolls, lifelike.

"I rely, don't tell me, it is ginseng fruit!" There is a big demon can not help but blame.

Those sacrifices are extraordinary, all are shining, the eyes of the thorns are painful, some can be seen clearly, and many are hidden in the utensils, and they are not visible at all.

A dazzling array of presents, all kinds of sacrifices are too rich!

Even so, the sacrifice of the day was defeated and rejected. Since that era, the mother star has been abandoned!

Everyone is thinking of ways, wanting to board the magnificent altar with mountains, wanting to take away the sacrifices, and that kind of thing is just a big creation.

If you can go up, take the peach fruit, etc., you can quickly evolve!

This altar is a supreme treasure in the eyes of people. It is so attractive and exciting!

In the body of Chu Feng, the black and white small grinding disc is shaking, and it is very much eager for something. It seems to resonate with something.

"I may be able to get it!" Chu Feng has a strong sense of foreboding.

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