The Road to Slaying God

Chapter 263 Give me some time!

"..." Zhang Yang was speechless. If he was asked to tell him which one he liked specifically, he didn't know who to talk about. This was a very helpless feeling.

Although he misses Xiao Yiran very little, there is no doubt that Xiao Yiran still occupies a very important position in his heart.

Liu An, although Liu An was impulsive, I have to say that Zhang Yang still has a certain affection for that beautiful and gentle girl, and even has a strong possessive desire.

As for Xue Lian, being together in the cave can be regarded as sharing weal and woe. It is absolutely impossible to hate her. If he really hates her, Zhang Yang will refuse Xue Lian to come to Yanjing with him. In fact, Zhang Yang was looking forward to coming to Yanjing with Xue Lian at that time. .

Nana, that mysterious woman, took away Zhang Yang's three souls and six souls as soon as she appeared. That cold face, that frosty face, that charming face, Zhang Yang believed that he would never know it in this life. Forgetting, thinking of that face, he felt eager to see her.

Wang Yan......

Zhang Yang sighed, and suddenly felt an inexplicable irritation in his heart. This irritability was immediately vented on the accelerator, and the Ferrari accelerated, crazy acceleration!

In the morning light, the red Ferrari was like a dazzling sword, piercing the white fish belly of the sky.

Two hundred yards!

Two hundred and eighty yards!

The speed is still accelerating. At this time, there are more and more cars on the road. They pass by the cars from time to time, making a huge roaring sound of air friction.

Wang Yan's face turned pale, and she quickly buckled her seat belt. The mentality of the driver and the person in the car were completely different. If Wang Yan drove to such a high speed, she would not panic, but if she was sitting in the car, she would not panic. In the passenger seat, this speed was enough to make her heart tremble. It was a feeling she couldn't control.

No one likes to be in control of everything, their own life, and their own future. Naturally, this also includes taking control of the steering wheel of the car!

"Zhang... Zhang Yang... you... you are going to die!" Wang Yan tightly grasped the handle of the roof of the car, her whole body stiffened, her eyes fixed on the front, and she stammered.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything. The good performance of the sports car and the high-speed racing gave Zhang Yang an indescribable pleasure.

Finally, the road sign showed that the car was approaching the intersection of the highway, and the speed slowly slowed down.

After getting on the highway, Zhang Yang stopped driving at high speed because he felt Wang Yan's panic. The fear was spreading in the car like cancer cells. This was a very bad smell that could easily affect his mood.

Finally, the frightened Wang Yan returned to normal. Although she often raced, this was the first time she sat in the passenger seat and drove at such a high speed. This was completely different from holding the steering wheel herself. No matter how fast she was racing, she felt Slow down, but sitting in someone else's car and driving for 150 yards, my heart felt like it was flying out.

"Zhang Yang, don't divert your attention, hum! Tell me, tell me, who do you like?"

Zhang Yang chose silence.

"Are you going to say it?" Wang Yan was like an erupting volcano. She kept beating Zhang Yang's body with a pair of pink fists, leaving tears of grievance in her eyes. She hated, hated this man who was not devoted to his feelings. She thought The night dream was replaced by silence.

Zhang Yang let her beat him, his face staring forward like a sculpture, as if there was no emotion at all.

"Zhang Yang, let me tell you, with me or without her, with her or without me, it's your choice!" Wang Yan was also tired, sobbing, and kept wiping her tears with tissues.

"Then don't do it!"

"" Wang Yan was stunned.

"Tomorrow I will go abroad to do something very important. Please tell Xuelian that you don't have to wait for me to go back. I'm leaving..."

"You want to escape again?" Wang Yan was not a stupid person and immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Yang's words.


The speed of the car gradually increased, and the sky was already twilight. Although the speed had increased a lot, it was no longer called drag racing. The traffic on the highway was so heavy that it was impossible to go fast. Now Zhang Yang just wanted to go back to the hotel quickly... "You have to escape to When?" Wang Yan's eyes turned red, with a look of resentment on her face.

"I don't know, maybe, the day I die." A strange smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth. He thought of death, inexplicably thought of death. Isn't death the best relief?

What will it feel like when the soul leaves the body?

When the soul is separated from the body, there is naturally no desire, no pursuit, and no anxiety about social injustice. Death is also a good choice, at least it can end everything once and for all.


Zhang Yang felt his head go into crazy confusion, beads of sweat fell one by one on his forehead, and the muscles on his face began to twist.



Why do I have such terrible thoughts?

Although I have been depressed and depressed, I have never thought about death. It is a common problem for human beings to live unpredictably. No one wants to die... "Zhizhi..."

Yin Mei suddenly jumped out, and kept touching Zhang Yang's hands, neck, and face with its little pink mouth. Yin Mei and Zhang Yang had the same mind, and it also felt Zhang Yang's low mood. It used its soft body to rub and comfort Zhang Yang's body.

"Zhang Yang, what's wrong with you?" Wang Yan saw Zhang Yang suddenly and inexplicably shed beads of sweat as big as beans, her face twisted, and she panicked and picked up a tissue to wipe Zhang Yang desperately. Wang Yan didn't know that Zhang Yang's memory and thinking were the most complex and fragile. The most important thing is feelings. Countless memories and thoughts have feelings that can be read. When feelings encounter trouble and get entangled, it will make people feel world-weary.

"It's okay!" In front of you, you can already see the faint high-rise buildings in Yanjing City. The weather today is very good. Zhang Yang slowed down the car, freed up one hand to grab Wang Yan's hand to wipe his sweat and said: "Wang Yan, give me a moment, I am in a mess now, really in a mess, and I can't make any promises now, even if It’s given, but it doesn’t count, just give me some time!”

"Do you want our relationship to slowly fade away?" Wang Yan's eyes turned red.

"No!" Zhang Yang stared at Wang Yan with an affirmative expression on his face. Although Zhang Yang didn't know what was wrong with his relationship, he could still give Wang Yan this small answer.

"Huh, what's so good about that little fox Xuelian? What's so fascinating about you?" Wang Yan suddenly smiled, but just for a moment, she turned her back again and made a chest-thumping movement, which made Zhang Yang's heart tremble. This movement, This shows Wang Yan's acquiescence to Zhang Yang. Perhaps Wang Yan also hopes to give herself some time.

"Um..." Zhang Yang speeded up. Wang Yan's thoughts were like the autumn weather, hard to predict. It would be better to go back to the hotel as soon as possible.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was silent, Wang Yan was also angrily silent and kept tearing the paper box of your tissues. She tore all the paper out of the box of tissues.

There was silence for a while, and soon we arrived inside Yanjing City. Fortunately, it was still early in the morning, and although the traffic flow increased, it was not yet a traffic jam.

When the two entered the hotel, they saw the lobby manager at first glance, with a flattering expression on his face.

"Good morning, Mr. Zhang, good morning, Miss Wang! Mr. Zhang, someone is waiting for you." Manager Fang was very impressed with this young man who was beginning to be rustic. Not only did Miss Wang stay with him all night, but in the early morning, there was a military vehicle A large number of vehicles came to look for him, and the person they were looking for had an alarmingly high military rank, and was actually at the level of regimental commander.

Don't think that you can see many high-level generals in Yanjing. Usually, it is not easy to see even a regiment commander, because most soldiers do not wear military uniforms when they are not performing their duties, and it is impossible to tell what rank they are. , but now the person looking for Zhang Yang is a soldier wearing a military uniform, and the feeling is different.

Zhang Yang nodded, and the manager took him to the hotel's reception room.

As soon as he entered the reception room, he saw a man in his thirties who was sitting very upright, with a dark face and a military uniform. Obviously, he was a soldier who had been in training for a long time.

"Are you Zhang Yang?" When the soldier saw them coming in, he immediately stood up and stared at Zhang Yang's gaze.

"Yes, you are..."

With a sound of "Pa!", the soldier stood at attention, saluted, and then took out a letter and several plane tickets from his body and handed them to Zhang Yang.

"The general gave this to you, please check it!"

"Ah...oh...thank you, thank you..." Zhang Yang was stunned and immediately reacted. He didn't expect the general to be so efficient. Zhang Yang was sure that the envelope contained contact information.


The lobby manager's head suddenly went blank...

(To be continued)

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