The Road to Slaying God

Chapter 258 Chengxintang’s Paper

What Zhang Yang didn't expect was that the things here were very complete, and there was actually a small spoon for scooping water out of the inkstone. The spoon was very delicate, and he didn't know what kind of wood it was. It was heavy and ancient, and it was black and purple. Presumably, this whole set of four treasures of the study were all It's a real antique and has seen some age.

There is a flying dragon hovering around the inkstone, which is lifelike and has a very good texture. The ink feels very good when rubbed on it.

As time passed, Zhang Yang didn't know how long it had passed, at least it was probably early in the morning!

This thick ink took a long time. Zhang Yang polished it very finely and his eyes were very focused. In fact, he was using this process to absorb the energy dissipated in the space. What Zhang Yang didn't expect was that the ink was polished very finely. The concentration and calmness are actually similar to the practice of "The Immortal Road".

Perhaps, in ancient times, those who obtained "The Immortal Way" were unable to understand this peerless secret book, but they integrated these martial arts into their lives and exercised the physique of ordinary people. Gradually, some ancient Chinese martial arts were formed. Traditions, and within these traditions, there are various skills hidden that are unknown to modern people.

Doesn’t chess also contain the art of military strategy?

Doesn't "The Book of Changes" also contain the secrets of heaven and earth?

And aren't the peerless martial arts hidden in countless ancient books the wealth left by our ancestors? !

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness. There are not many things left from his ancestors. Nowadays, there are more talents who are proficient in English than those who are proficient in Chinese. In the era when computers were popularized, there were still a few people who used calligraphy brushes. Writing? How many people know the structure of Chinese and the profound meaning contained in it?

not much!


China is known as a populous country, with a population of more than one billion. However, how many people really understand China’s ancient culture, and how many can clearly distinguish whether it is dross or essence?

The strength of a country, the transmission of culture, and the preservation of traditions occupy a very important position. A country without traditions and national quintessence is an incomplete country. China has experienced thousands of years of tests, wars, and diseases. The civil war did not defeat this great nation, but now, Zhang Yang felt an urgent danger. Economic globalization, cultural invasion, and the idea of ​​worshiping foreign countries and favoring foreign countries were all eroding the soul of this country and this nation.

The nation that claims to have the strongest ability to assimilate is being assimilated by others.

Zhang Yang was a little distracted...

Aze closed his eyes to rest. Liu Biao was already snoring on the table. The snoring was long and long, like singing. The guard next to him could see that he was suppressing a smile and the muscles in his face were twitching.

The only one who always pays attention to Zhang Yang is the general.

The general stared closely at Zhang Yang's focused eyes. He felt the change in Zhang Yang's mood and felt the trace of sadness in Zhang Yang.

"Is there a problem?" The general knocked on the table gently, and the sound was like a temple bell, and Zhang Yang suddenly woke up.

"No, this inkstone feels very comfortable." Zhang Yang smiled, gently put the ink away, and gently straightened out the soaked brush in the basin.

"I'll give it to you if you like it. Although I write occasionally, I can't get it on the table. This inkstone is a cultural relic of the Tang Dynasty. It is said that it was used by one of the emperors. This inkstone was produced during the Kangxi period. It was already used when I got it. I have used most of it. This paper is the 'Chengxintang' paper produced under the personal supervision of Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty..." The general gently stroked the knife rice paper and was quite touched. Obviously, he spent some effort to obtain these things. .

"The paper from 'Chengxintang'?"

Zhang Yang was shocked. Among the four treasures of the study, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, paper is the hardest to preserve. And paper is the most famous one produced by the historical "Chengxintang". It is said that "Chengxintang" paper is the most famous rice paper. A rare treasure, it has "skin like an egg membrane, as firm and clean as jade, thin and smooth, and is the best of all time." Among the rice papers of the past dynasties, "Chengxintang" paper can be said to be the best.

Although Zhang Yang doesn't do much research on antiques, he knows the value of "Chengxintang" paper. Even one piece of paper can be regarded as priceless, and here, it is actually a thick knife. At least, it is close to A hundred sheets... "Haha, you are persistent. No matter how expensive the paper is, it is only used for writing and drawing. The greatest function of paper is to use it. Of course, if it is used properly, it will be better. Don't be surprised. If you like it, take it all, it would be a waste to leave it here." The general smiled softly.

"Thank you, General. I have no fixed place to live now and there is no place for me to put it. I appreciate your gratitude."

"Haha, let's talk about it later!" The general signaled Zhang Yang to start.

Zhang Yang was originally planning to get some rice paper for the bottom, but now that he knew it was from "Chengxintang", he immediately became cautious. There happened to be a newspaper rack next to him, and he took a few newspapers from the newspaper rack for the bottom.

Soon, the rice paper was laid out and pressed with strips. The rice paper was indeed good rice paper. I didn’t feel it when I put it together at first, but once it was spread out, the feeling was completely different. It was very docile, soft and flexible. After experience, After hundreds of years, it was only slightly yellowed, and occasionally there was a dazzling whiteness... Liu Biao had been woken up by Zhang Yang, because he blocked the table. After waking up, Liu Biao looked at it with dull eyes. His eyes were unable to focus on the tabletop. Apparently, he was still in a dazed sleep.

Aze opened his eyes, and he felt Zhang Yang's momentum brewing. There were obvious fluctuations in the air, and even the little Yin Mei poked his little head out of Zhang Yang's body.

The brush moved gently in the inkstone, soaking every wolf hair. Inexplicably, Zhang Yang thought of the smart wolf king in the desert again... Zhang Yang took a deep breath, and he found that he had been very energetic recently. It’s hard to concentrate and it’s easy to get distracted.

Slowly, Zhang Yang's mental power began to pour into his hands, and all the cells in his body were jumping too much. An unparalleled aura slowly overflowed, filling every inch of the room.

First of all, the guard couldn't stand it. His face turned pale, and beads of sweat were pouring down. It felt like a huge invisible hand was grabbing his heart tightly and ravaging it... The general waved at him. Waving his hands, the guard hurriedly retreated. He was just an ordinary guard. His task was to take care of the house. Naturally, he could not resist the momentum that Zhang Yang deliberately cultivated.

In order to write the charm of the word "war" in Dahe, Zhang Yang had to go all out!

Astonishingly, Zhang Yang put pen to paper, like thunder!

The writing suddenly stopped, and immediately the writing started to fly, like lightning winding in the sky... Stop!

Zhang Yang's body suddenly stopped without any sign, as if he hadn't moved at all. On the table, a big word "war" appeared on the paper, penetrating into the wood, like a knife or an axe, and a murderous aura seemed to Soaring out of the sky... Zhang Yang looked at the big word "war" with a dull look in his eyes, feeling a sense of extreme failure.

In order to resemble Dahe's word "war" as much as possible, Zhang Yang deliberately enlarged the font several times. After all, the larger the word, the greater the visual impact. However, this is larger than Dahe's word "war". The word "war" is used several times, but it doesn't have the momentum of Dahe to swallow up mountains and rivers and look down on the world.

Although he also has awe-inspiring murderous intent, this murderous intent is not at the same level as Dahe's murderous aura, just like a child wielding a kitchen knife challenging a martial arts master.

The room was extremely quiet. The general stood up and stared blankly at the huge and oppressive word "war", as if he couldn't believe it... as if he saw an unparalleled master.

"Is this really written by him?" The general looked serious, and at the same time, a blazing flame rose in his eyes.

"No!" Zhang Yang shook his head.

"It's really him! It's really him! Unexpectedly, in just eighteen years, he has reached such a state, so good!" The general did not look at Zhang Yang, he was mumbling words as if possessed, his eyes flashing.

"General, this is written by me, not by him. I can't write with that kind of momentum." Zhang Yang was a little frustrated. He didn't understand that the general insisted that it was written by Dahe.

"Hahaha... I understand, you are very good, really, very good. You do not have the wealth of the enemy country, the power to control the world, and the mentality of treating life like an ant. Naturally, you cannot write it. However, I I believe you will be able to write it one day!" Seeing Zhang Yang's depressed face, the general was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. The laughter shook the room, as if the air was shaken.

"Does it mean that one must have wealth and power to write?" Zhang Yang understood.

"what you think?"

The general didn't look at Zhang Yang. He gently picked up the piece of paper with the word "war" and nailed it to the wall with thumbtacks. Zhang Yang's heart bleeds when he saw it. That was "Chengxintang" paper.

(To be continued)

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