The Road to Slaying God

Chapter 236 Bald Scorpion

"I'm looking for a young lady?" Zhang Yang looked at Aze in shock. He was a little confused. What happened today? Everyone was nervous, first Xuelian got angry for no reason, and then Aze suddenly said he was looking for a young lady.

"Didn't find it?" Aze asked doubtfully.

"Why do you say I'm looking for a lady?"

"You have a few big words written on your face, tell everyone in the hotel that you have found a lady." Aze pouted and walked to the bed and started to get dressed.


Zhang Yang was speechless at first, then suddenly, with a start, he ran to the bathroom and took a look. He was stunned and his face turned the color of pig liver. He saw a very clear trace of lipstick on his forehead. Anyone could see it. It was left behind after being kissed by a woman, and it was extremely bright and dazzling.

Damn Liu Biao, damn Miss!

Zhang Yang finally understood why Xuelian had that attitude.

Zhang Yang now has an urge to kill, but unfortunately, he has no goal.

Sure enough, Snow Lotus was missing from the breakfast, lunch and dinner. No matter how Zhang Yang knocked on the door, Snow Lotus would not open the door. The three of them were in a bad mood, so they had to go to the restaurant to eat something casually.

Liu Biao always looked at Zhang Yang evasively, not daring to look directly at him. Obviously, he also knew that Zhang Yang had taken a big blame for him. This blame could not be cleared away for the time being. After all, Liu Biao could not run away. Xuelian explained in front of her that she was the one who took the prostitute, not Zhang Yang... After dinner, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and Xuelian finally came out with a cold face.

The four of them met up and went out, found a taxi and started driving around Yanjing City for several hours. Until night fell, the four of them had no clue. However, they met many motorcades of high-ranking officials in Zhongnanhai, but they had no idea at all. No matter how close we were, we couldn't tell that the car was the general's.

"What should I do? There is no way to go on like this!" Liu Biao was sitting in the passenger seat with a sad face. He watched the taxi's watch keep beating, which made him jump with fear. The taxi prices in this capital are not in C city. Every day When the watch jumped once, Liu Biao's heart skipped a beat.


Zhang Yang shrugged and glanced at Xuelian, hoping that she would take the initiative to contact Maimaiti. Unfortunately, Xuelian sitting next to him seemed unable to see him. She stared at the scenery outside the window, her body tightly pressed against the car door, and Zhang Yang kept his distance, as if Zhang Yang was dirty.

"Go back to the hotel first and then think of a solution." Aze seemed to have guessed what Zhang Yang was thinking.

"Then go back..." Liu Biao said depressedly.

Throughout the whole time, Xuelian remained silent and expressionless, and no one knew what she was thinking.

The taxi drove around in Yanjing like a headless fly for several hours. I spent a lot of money and returned to the hotel.

What Zhang Yang didn't expect was that it rained all night. As soon as they entered the hotel, they met Manager Fang waiting in the lobby with a bitter look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang. Due to some special reasons, you must register your ID card and pay a deposit..." Manager Fang tried his best to put on a smile. Now he has the urge to commit suicide. In the past two hours, , someone from the principal found him and showed him his identity card. Almost immediately, Manager Fang thought of a very important problem. He had mistakenly admitted the wrong person.

"***, we had a good stay this morning, what's wrong, you bully us for not having money?" Liu Biao was furious, grabbed Manager Fang's suit, and almost lifted Manager Fang up.

"Sir, I'm sorry. This is the hotel's rule. Please let go of your hand!" Manager Fang refused to give in. At this time, several security guards from the hotel had already rushed over and kept calling for help through the intercom.

"You want to use force?" Liu Biao smiled ferociously. He was a character who had nothing to do. He used to be arrogant and domineering when he didn't have martial arts. Now that he has some martial arts, he can't even look at these ordinary people. Naturally, he can't stand the slightest bit of cowardice. .

"Let him go, I'll make a call." Zhang Yang glanced at Manager Fang coldly, walked to the front desk and said to the front desk lady.

"...Okay...Okay..." The front desk lady glanced at Manager Fang, and when Manager Fang nodded, she gave the phone to Zhang Yang. At this time, the front desk lady was no longer the familiar person to Zhang Yang in the morning. She had obviously changed her shift.

At this time, more than a dozen security guards had gathered in the hall, watching Zhang Yang's group with eager eyes. It was obvious that they would swarm him if there was the slightest movement.



The call was dialed. Although Zhang Yang looked calm, he was anxious in his heart. If Wang Yan didn't rush to the hotel now, there would definitely be a dispute. Obviously, Liu Biao would not leave here so easily. Although he could force Liu Biao to Biao left, but Liu Biao would definitely be very unhappy afterwards.

Now, Zhang Yang would usually accommodate Liu Biao and Aze's feelings if he could, because he cherished the days of escaping with them.


Finally, Wang Yan answered the phone, lazily, as if she had just woken up.

"Zhang Yang." Listening to that lazy voice, Zhang Yang's heart skipped an inexplicable beat. He couldn't help but glance at Xue Lian. It happened that Xue Lian was looking at him. When their eyes met, they both immediately avoided each other. Xue Lian's face rose. A blush appeared, and I didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or anger.

"Zhang Yang! Where are you? Are you in Yanjing?" Wang Yan's voice on the phone was very excited.

"Well, I ran into a little trouble at the Peninsula Palace Hotel..." Zhang Yang lowered his voice.

"Trouble? Who?" Wang Yan's temper was still so hot.

"We don't have ID cards. They let us stay here early this morning. Now we don't know why we are being asked to leave."

"Hmph! Just wait, I'll be right over!"

"Dudu...!" Before Zhang Yang could speak, the other party had hung up the phone.

"Manager Fang, my friend will be here soon!" Zhang Yang hung up the phone gently, nodded politely to the front desk lady, turned around and said to the manager.

"Let's wait!" Manager Fang sneered. He was also a person who had seen the world. Of course, as a lobby manager who dealt with the most customers, he still had a good temper. However, Ni Bodhisattva also had a temper. He met an unreasonable person like Liu Biao and was grabbed on the chest in front of a group of subordinates, and his suit was wrinkled, which made him very embarrassed.

A group of people sat on the sofa in the lobby and waited. More than a dozen security guards looked at them from a distance, as if they were afraid that they would escape.

Xuelian took out a small mobile phone and seemed a little hesitant. She didn't know whether she was making a call or not. She kept looking at Zhang Yang. Unfortunately, Zhang Yang was thinking about what would happen when Wang Yan came and didn't notice Xuelian at all. eyes.

Finally, after hesitating for a while, Xuelian walked to a corner of the hotel and made a phone call.

Waiting is long, and when one person deliberately waits for another person, time seems especially long.

They sat in the lobby of the hotel and waited for more than an hour. Wang Yan hadn't arrived yet. Zhang Yang couldn't help but wonder, was Wang Yan not coming?

Xuelian was also a little anxious. The person who made arrangements for Maimaiti didn't arrive for some reason.

Finally, a group of people came into the hotel. Almost at the same time, Manager Fang, Zhang Yang, and Xuelian all turned their attention to the group of people who came in.

A group of police officers.

A group of flying police in uniform!

Shockingly, Zhang Yang's pupils shrank, and the atmosphere in the hotel lobby became serious. Liu Biao, who was originally looking relaxed, also became nervous. Whether it was Zhang Yang, Liu Biao or A Ze, they didn't like to deal with the police, so there was no need to question them. , these police officers must have been called by Manager Fang, because Manager Fang had already greeted them with a smile... "Comrade, please show me your ID card!" A policeman with dignified features said a few words to Manager Fang and walked straight to In front of Zhang Yang, he took out his police officer ID card and showed it to Zhang Yang.

"It's gone." Zhang Yang cried secretly, why hasn't that silly girl come yet?

"Don't you four have ID cards?" The policeman was polite and kind, and didn't do anything wrong. He just frowned and asked.

"I dropped some, and some were forgotten at home."

"There is no other way. Please come with us to the police station..."

"No, why should I go? I don't steal or rob, so why should I go to the police station?" Liu Biao immediately quit. This guy has been dealing with the police at the police station for a long time, and he has a subconscious rejection of the police.

"Please cooperate with our work!" The policeman's expression began to change, from the friendly at first to serious. A group of security guards who were watching from a distance also gathered around, looking like they were adding insult to injury.

"If you cooperate, I won't go!"

"Let's wait for a friend here. She will be here soon." Zhang Yang patted Liu Biao's shoulder to comfort him, and then gently patted Aze's shoulder, because he saw that Aze's hand was already on his On the handle of the waist knife, Zhang Yang didn't want to make it more complicated just for this little thing.

In fact, Zhang Yang has always had one quasi-responsibility as a man, and that is to try not to have conflicts with the police. Even when he was retaliating against the policeman who beat Liu Biao in County H, he just tied him up and tortured him, and did not cause any real harm.

"Peng... clatter..."

"Who? Who dares to bully sister Xuelian?!"

When the leading police officer was about to speak, there was a huge sound of breaking glass at the door. Everyone turned around and saw a fierce bald man with a scorpion tattooed on his head, holding an iron rod, followed by more than 20 people. A tough gangster came in, no, he smashed in. The glass curtain wall outside the hotel was smashed by the bald man with an iron rod, and the bonsai passing by were also smashed to pieces...

(To be continued)

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