The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 580 579 [Great Monk Taixu]

Nanputuo Temple, Buddhist Academy, in the clean room.

Lu Bicheng sat cross-legged on a futon and asked, "Master, how can one reach enlightenment through cultivation?"

The chubby monk replied: "You can't say it, you can't say it."

"Master doesn't want to teach his disciples?" Lu Bicheng asked disappointedly.

The fat monk said: "Everyone has their own predestined relationship, and I can't explain how to enter the enlightened state. The first time I realized the enlightened state was when I was nineteen years old when I was reading the Tripitaka in a western temple. Enlightenment is enlightenment, and that kind of experience cannot be explained, nor can it be shared with others."

Lu Bicheng asked again: "The master has gone through the world of mortals, and has been involved in the secular world several times, and now he is wandering in the world. How can he keep the Buddha's heart?"

"You want to learn from me?" The fat monk shook his head and smiled, "You can't imitate me. People who imitate me must draw tigers and not become anti-dogs."

Lu Bicheng bowed his head in deep thought and remained silent.

Suddenly, Zhou Hexuan's voice came from outside: "Wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha will keep it in his heart. If the world learns from me, it is like entering the way of a demon. Hahaha, Master Taixu has a well-deserved reputation, and he has reached the realm of Jigong Living Buddha!"

Li Shutong followed in and introduced: "Brother, this is Mr. Zhou Hexuan who is famous all over the world."


Master Taixu uttered the Buddha's chant, immediately supported the ground with his hands, and got up regardless of his appearance. He walked up to Zhou Hexuan and let out a resounding laugh: "I have admired Brother Zhou for a long time, and I finally met today. Your "Goddess" is really well written, and "Dog Official" is also full of Buddha flavor." I heard that you like to ask for words everywhere, come here, I will write a copy for you too!"

"That's just right, I don't need to waste my words." Zhou Hexuan said happily.

Yu Peichen and Sun Yongzhen, who were following behind, were already stunned with surprise, because Master Taixu's words and deeds were far from what they imagined.

Master Taixu was not wearing a cassock or even a monk's robe at this time, he was wearing an ordinary long gown. And because of the hot weather, Grandmaster Taixu also opened the front of his clothes, exposing most of his chest.

The man looks fat (in fact, he is strong), his face is full of fat, and he has a beard. If you take off your glasses, take off your shirt, and hold a butcher's knife in your hand, people will believe that he is a butcher.

This guy is actually one of the best Buddhist masters today!

Zhou Hexuan was not surprised, because he had heard Liang Suming, Hu Shi and others mention the temperament of Master Taixu, he is a great monk who does not stick to etiquette.

As a monk, Master Taixu has a very rich secular experience.

As a monk, he participated in the revolutions that overthrew the Qing Dynasty many times, and made a grand ambition: "The great plan to bring about the chaos of a generation and bring the whole world to order, is expected to be a bodhisattva with the mind of a human being, without self and great compassion." Save the ten virtues and create a pure land on earth.”

He also gladly responded to the May 4th Movement, discussed Buddhist thesis with Liang Suming and other scholars, discussed historical and academic issues with Hu Shi, and founded the magazine "Haichaoyin" to promote Buddhist vernacular culture.

He even actively advocated the modernization reform of Buddhism, such as holding the election of the abbot, who can only be re-elected twice, advocating that the temple property should be owned by all monks, eradicating corruption in Buddhism, and reforming the secularization of monk clothing, etc.

This is a radical Buddhist reformist. He even absorbed the theory of communism, and put forward the idea of ​​"working people to calm down, practicing Buddhism to strengthen the dharma body", advocating "agricultural Zen and industrial Zen", "self-reliance", and "monk going down the mountain" Wait for the slogan.

Religion is often corrupt. Take Buddhism as an example. Monks don’t do production, occupy land, and search for believers. Their lives are similar to those of landlords. And Master Taixu wanted to eradicate this kind of corruption. He said, "Doing our best to benefit people is the cause of practicing Buddhism." Contribute to society.

To act like this is simply to play the Buddhist revolution.

Therefore, within Buddhism, there are many people who oppose Master Taixu, and various attacks and slanders are commonplace.

But he also has a lot of fanatical supporters, and each of his disciples is more radical, and even issued leaflets saying, "Master Yinguang is the number one demon king, Lao Dixian is the second, Fan Gunong is the third, and Ma Yifu is the one who destroys Buddhism." The culprit".

Both Master Yinguang and Master Dixian belonged to eminent monks, and Master Yinguang was even the master of Li Shutong. These two people were called "devil kings" by Master Taixu's disciples. fierce.

During the period of the Republic of China, heroes were everywhere, even monks were no exception.

Master Taixu got a pot of good tea out of nowhere and called Zhou Hexuan, Li Shutong, Lu Bicheng, Yu Peichen and Sun Yongzhen together. Everyone sat around a stone table, monk Taixu boiled water and made tea himself, said: "Brother Zhou, I will write that word another day, let's drink tea and chat today!"

Zhou Hexuan laughed and said, "Master Taixu..."

"Hey, you can just call me Taixu, what a master is not a master." Master Taixu waved his hands again and again, he is just called "Taixu", and his real Dharma name is "Waixin".

"Then I won't be polite, Brother Taixu!" Zhou Hexuan clasped his fists and said.

In fact, Monk Taixu is not a few years older than Zhou Hexuan, but his influence in Buddhism is too far-reaching, so he is honored as a master. This gentleman took the lead in setting up five grades in the Buddhist Academy: primary school, middle school, learning precepts, university, and research institute. He wanted to cultivate Buddhist talents who understand knowledge, abide by precepts, have morality, and have ideals. He even worked out English Buddhist teaching materials and ran to Europe and the United States are planning to organize the World Buddhist Academy (unfortunately failed).

Master Taixu poured tea for everyone, and sighed: "I think back then, when I traveled to Lushan Mountain with Mr. Ren (Liang Qichao), I learned a lot from Mr. Ren's teaching. It's like yesterday. Brother Zhou, you are Mr. Ren's closed disciple, remember Offer me a stick of incense in front of his grave."

The word "Mingcheng" was taken by Liang Qichao, so it is normal to say that Zhou Hexuan is Liang Qichao's disciple. Zhou Hexuan said solemnly: "Definitely!"

Master Taixu added: "Brother Zhou, I must read your "Fei Gong" every issue. According to your analysis, how many years are there before the Japanese invaders will fully invade China?"

"Less than five years." Zhou Hexuan said with certainty.

"Time doesn't wait for us," Master Taixu shook his head, "Forget it, sitting and talking is useless to the current situation, let's talk about other things. What do you think of Buddhism?"

Zhou Hexuan said: "Religious belief is still very useful. It can place the spirit and comfort people's hearts. But in my opinion, religion needs to be combined with the secular world. It cannot be divorced from reality or violate laws and morals. Otherwise, it will not benefit the nation."

"This statement is very much in line with what I want," said Master Taixu. "Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, both Buddhism and Taoism in our country have been divorced from the people at the bottom. This is wrong. Reform must be carried out, otherwise Buddhism will become a castle in the air. Buddhism also needs To keep pace with the times, we should not only absorb the advantages of Taoism and Confucianism, but also absorb modern western science and various advanced doctrines.”

"Brother Taixu sees very far." Zhou Hexuan said with emotion.

Although Master Taixu is young, his Buddhist practice is very profound. Over the years, he has debated Buddhism with conservatives for a long time, and he has not lost much.

Not only that, he also studied Confucianism, Taoism and Western science, advocating that "Confucianism is the convenience of Buddhistization, to establish Buddhism and faith, to use Laozhuang and Zhuangzi to solve the world's conflicts, to follow Confucius and Mencius to complete human virtues, and to return to Buddhism to promote life." ’” He even advocated translating the West, advocating monks to learn English and learn advanced Western theories.

This is a master of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and a master of both Chinese and Western cultures!

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