The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 17 Hindenburg

The emperor and the tsar got into the carriage and went to Charlottenburg Palace amidst the cheers of the people. Major Hersman, who had made great achievements, was pulled into the car to the General Staff Headquarters by Major Canaris who was waiting at the train station.

Just like the last time he returned to Berlin and saw the demonstrations and protests, Hessmann was also surprised when he returned to Berlin this time - Berlin was actually under martial law! The streets and alleys were filled with soldiers wearing steel helmets. Like the Red Army soldiers on the streets of Petersburg, they all carried rifles with bayonets and looked menacing.

"There was a general strike on January 28th!" The short Major Canaris smoked and drove, and told Hersman the recent events in a gloomy tone.

"It is a strike against the war, demanding peace with Britain and France, and the conclusion of a peace treaty without annexation and no reparations, just like the treaty we concluded with Russia. On February 1, the sailors of the Austro-Hungarian Empire mutinied in the port of Cattaro, demanding the immediate conclusion of a peace treaty A comprehensive peace treaty with no territory and no compensation, just like the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. I don’t know how long the morale inspired by the capture of the tsar can last.”

Workers are on strike and sailors are rioting. The situation is really worrying! It was obvious that the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire were feeling distraught and war-weary, and they could no longer sustain it for much longer. It is probably an impossible goal to fight a protracted war with Russia behind us.

No wonder General Ludendorff launched a desperate attack... But can this attack really win?

Hessmann smiled bitterly: "The Bolsheviks lost a lot of territory, and they also secretly paid 600 tons of gold... By the way, what did they do with the gold?"

"Gold?" Canaris said, "That's a secret, I don't know."

Not even the members of Thor's team knew! It seems that this batch of gold was hidden by high-level military officials. Hessmann could vaguely guess the thoughts of Hindenburg and Ludendorff... Although these two old guys were tough and optimistic in words, they were probably not very optimistic about the situation in their hearts. He is already preparing for the worst. The gold he blackmailed back from Russia can be used as secret funds to revive Germany.

"So, is the frontline offensive going well?" Hessman asked about the situation on the frontline again. The Ludendorff Offensive, which historically only started in late March, was advanced by more than two months and started in early January.

Hessmann received relevant war briefings in Petersburg, but they were vague and optimistic and of little value.

"It went pretty well," Canaris replied: "We started our offensive in the area between Arras and Rafael on January 8, using a surprise attack method. The shelling only lasted five hours, and then We launched an offensive on a 100-kilometer-long front and made a breakthrough. As of yesterday, it seems that we have advanced several dozen kilometers. In addition, we have also launched a new offensive near Ypres, which has just begun, and the situation is still unclear. "

"Dozens of kilometers...will not solve the problem!" Hessman closed his eyes, and what came to his mind were the so-called "static war" tactics on the Western Front battlefield - relying on artillery, trenches and tidal waves of infantry. Combat. Every major battle resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties. Moreover, the losses of the winning side are not much better than those of the losing side, and the effect of each breakthrough will not be too great. Because attacks that rely on heavy artillery and infantry tend to move slowly, even if a breakthrough is achieved, the results cannot be quickly expanded, and the enemy can easily mobilize reserves to block it.

Therefore, the trench warfare on the Western Front was a war of attrition, with more men and more guns. If the United States did not join the war, Germany's 60 million people and Austria-Hungary's 50 million people could defeat Britain, France, and Italy. However, once the United States joins, it will be difficult for Germany and Austria-Hungary to win. If there is another revolution in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany will inevitably fail. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is not very stable to begin with. Under the current circumstances, it is almost a matter of time before a revolution occurs...

"Major Hersman, the Marshal wants to see you!" In the office of Toll's team, Schleicher, who had been promoted to lieutenant colonel, had been waiting for a while. When he saw Hersman arriving, he frowned slightly and said Tell him about Ludendorff's summons.

This time it was Field Marshal Hindenburg who was summoning Hessmann! Ludendorff was not in Berlin. He went to the front headquarters in Pas, Belgium, to direct his "Ludendorff Offensive." Therefore, the actual affairs of the General Staff Headquarters are presided over by this "nice gentleman".

The door to the chief of staff's office opened. "Okay, go in, Major." A tall and handsome captain said to Hessman. This man's surname was Schulenberg, and he was probably a relative of Schulenberg in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was Field Marshal Hindenburg's aide-de-camp.

"Is this Major Hessmann? Come in quickly." Marshal Hindenburg waved to Hessmann from behind the desk and greeted him in a kind tone. In contrast to Ludendorff's harsh arrogance, Hindenburg was a very kind old man, and almost no one saw him angry. He is seventy years old this year. His hair and beard are white, and his face has flabby muscles and looks a little slow.

Hessmann walked into the chief of staff's office, a magnificent yellow room filled with books. A somewhat thin, pale colonel sat lazily in the armchair next to the Chief of General Staff. Hersman recognized him as Dr. Karl Haushofer, his stern tactics instructor at the military academy and a teacher at the University of Munich after he retired.

Watching Hessmann perform a standard military salute, Hindenburg stretched out his hand. "Major, please sit down." There was a high-backed armchair opposite the broad desk used by the Chief of General Staff. Hessmann sat on it, took off his military cap and put it on his knees.

"Major, this Colonel Haushofer," Hindenburg pointed to the person next to him, "is an expert on Russia just like you."

"Your Excellency, Marshal, the colonel is my tactical instructor at the Grosslichfeld Military Academy."

"Oh, no wonder you are so knowledgeable about Russian issues."

Colonel Karl Haushofer smiled awkwardly: "Marshal, I never taught geopolitics at the Grosslichfeld Military Academy."

The marshal laughed and looked at Hessman, "So you are self-taught? It's amazing. You haven't even been to the Staff College and you have such a vision... In addition to the Russian issue, I think you have a deep understanding of the revolution. The question is also very researched, right?”

"Yes, he is very researched, and he also personally participated in a far-reaching revolution!"

Hessmann was not modest at all - this kind of spirit was not encouraged in the German army.

"So, if you were the leader of the left wing of the German Socialist Party, what would you do?" Hindenburg's eyes suddenly shot out a sharp light.

"I would change course and go back to the mainstream of the Socialist Party."

"Why?" Hindenburg was stunned. "Don't you want to be Germany's Lenin?"

"Marshal Your Excellency, I am still young and don't want to die so early!" Hessman replied seriously.


Hersman said: "Your Excellency, the reason why the Bolsheviks in Russia came to power was not because of their own ability or our support, but because their opponents were stupid. In Germany, Friedrich .Mr. Albert is by no means another Kerensky. He is much smarter and more responsible than Kerensky. And our German army is not the Tsar's gray cattle. We will use all means when necessary. Suppress the Bolsheviks in Germany! Therefore, the Bolsheviks in Germany have no chance of being in power. And I don’t want to go into exile in Russia, because that is more dangerous than staying in Germany!”

"More dangerous?" Colonel Karl Haushofer laughed. "Ludwig, what are you talking about? Will the German Bolsheviks be more dangerous in Russia?"

Hessmann nodded solemnly and replied: "Yes! If they (referring to the German Bolsheviks) enter our prison, in most cases they will not lose their lives. Because preferential treatment of political fans is a consistent European tradition, But this is definitely not the case with the Bolsheviks! We will soon hear a lot of terrible news about them, and many people will be executed... just like during the French Revolution! Comrades and enemies of the Bolsheviks will be equally dangerous in Russia if the German Bolsheviks come to power! , Germany will become just as dangerous, but fortunately such a thing will not happen.”

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