The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter five hundred and ninety first rye 2 pot head

If you want to get people drunk, ordinary wine will definitely not work. Ordinary people can drink a few big glasses of something like dark beer without getting drunk. Only people who are very uncomfortable with drinking will get drunk quickly. If you use this wine to intoxicate the natives, it may not work.

So, Marin intends to serve stronger wine. The simplest, of course, is to directly use medical alcohol to blend liquor, which is inferior liquor that costs three to five yuan and one ** in later generations.

However, this kind of liquor has a wine-like taste, which is not mellow at all and cannot be attractive. Therefore, Marin decided to add some spirits, such as stuffing donkeys, burning knives, Erguotou, etc., and pouring them in a few taels, which is also convenient for getting the natives drunk.

It's just that Marin didn't know the recipe for suffocating the donkey and burning the knife, so naturally he couldn't do it. As for Erguotou, Marin searched for the detailed manufacturing method in his previous life, and he can do it now.

Moreover, these three famous spirits, suffocating donkeys and burning knives, are too strong, and they are like fire in their mouths. It is too unfriendly to indigenous people who have never been exposed to alcohol. Therefore, the best is Erguotou.

Although Erguotou has a high degree, it is not strong, and it tastes mellow and fragrant. The reason for this is that Erguotou removes a variety of low-boiling substances from the tails of Touguotou and the third pot. And these ingredients will bring miscellaneous and some spicy flavors. Therefore, the authentic Erguotou has a high degree of concentration, but it is softer than burning knives and other spirits. But no matter what, it's also a strong drink, and it has to be poured.

The preparation method of Erguotou is very simple, that is, in addition to the steamer and the pipes, get a tin container, a kind of tin container with water, and cold water in it. The principle is that cold water is placed on the tin, and the wine steam is transpired upward. When the wine steam enters the tin through the pipe, it first transpires upwards. But when it encounters a tin bucket with cold water on it, it suddenly cools down, so the wine vaporizes into water droplets, which flow to the bottom along the inner wall of the lower layer of the tin tin, and accumulate into white wine.

Every time a pot of wine is burned, the one that begins to flow out is called "guotou". The concentration of this wine is high, which can reach more than 75 degrees, and the quantity is small, accounting for about ten percent of the total. Marin intends that this "pot head" does not need to be reused and recycled, and can be used directly as medical alcohol. Anyway, the degree of medical alcohol is about 75 degrees.

As for the "liquor" left in the third pot, it is about a dozen degrees. Then, these wines are reused and boiled several times. When the degree of the pot tail with more impurities reaches below 5 degrees, the tail liquid is no longer used to steam wine, but is used for repeated cooking to extract medical alcohol. Like the head of the pot, it contains some miscellaneous odors. . But medical alcohol is not for drinking, but for use. Therefore, the taste rush is nothing.

Before, Marin's practice was to use ordinary beer and repeatedly cook and cool it. Each time it cools down, the degree increases by one. However, some of the first pot, the second pot and so on. In this way, you get medical alcohol with a mediocre taste. It doesn't taste very good for adding water.

However, using the method of Erguotou to collect the head and tail of the wine to make medical alcohol, the benefits are huge. Because the quality of Erguo's liquor is very good, it can be sold at a high price as a good wine. And Guotou and Guowei can also extract medical alcohol, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Moreover, the degree of pot head can already reach the level of medical alcohol, and it does not need to be purified, and can be directly packaged and used as medical alcohol. Only the end of the pot needs to be repeatedly cooked and cooled to obtain the height number.

Marin now has a lot of grain in his hand, and a lot of it is used to brew dark beer. However, because of the serious shortage of hops, many beers are inferior beers with no hops.


Marin suddenly remembered the preparation method of Erguotou. That tin scorpion is very important. Because Erguotou extracted from it is a good wine.

Although its characteristics are different from the authentic Erguotou brewed with sorghum, corn, and wheat, Western beer, used to refine Erguotou, also has a unique flavor.

As soon as he said it, Marin directly recruited craftsmen and used tin ingots to create a tin scorpion and a wine pot for refining Erguotou, and started the work of making Erguotou.

The wine is made of inferior dark beer brewed with no hops. This kind of dark beer, because of no hops, is not authentic enough and easily rancid. However, it is good for extracting Erguotou and medical alcohol. Moreover, after extracting it into Erguotou, it is different, the spirits are very durable. The longer it is placed, the more mellow and high-end it will be.

In this way, the weakness that beer is not easy to preserve can be fully solved. You know, in this era, there is no good preservation method. Draft beer goes rancid in a few days, and cooked beer lasts longer, but the taste is not as good as draft beer.

But whether it is draft beer or cooked beer, in terms of long-term preservation, it is slag in front of liquor. Liquor is kept for a long time, and the longer it is kept, the more valuable it is. And beer will deteriorate and go rancid in a short period of time, and transportation is so poor in this era, it is difficult to transport beer to other markets, and it can only be digested locally. Therefore, liquor has the advantage of being exported that beer does not have.

In fact, baijiu is not very popular in Germany. Because Germans don't like spirits very much. However, Eastern Europe is different. Maozi, in particular, is addicted to spirits. When you mention Maozi, everyone will think of vodka

Marin believes that after the rye Erguotou comes out, it will definitely sell well in Eastern Europe.

After the tin shovel was made, the craftsmen finally figured out the proportion and time of Guotou wine after several experiments, and determined the temperature of the pot tail, which is 5 degrees, by tasting it by themselves, and it can no longer be used. It was changed to extract alcohol.

After the craftsmen tried many times, Marin came to taste Erguotou himself.

Marin frowned after tasting the rye Erguotou extracted by the artisans.

He felt that this kind of rye, Erguotou, seemed to be different from what he drank in his previous life. First, the degrees are not the same. After all, it's made from draught stout as an ingredient to steam the wine. Unlike the authentic Erguotou, it was originally brewed with the brewing method of liquor. Therefore, the Erguotou base of this rye beer has a degree of less than 56 degrees of the later Red Star Erguotou, and it is only about 40 degrees.

However, Marin thought it was just right. why? Because 56 degrees is too high for Europeans. Even Maozi's favorite vodka is generally around 40 degrees. The degree of brandy and whisky is also around 40 degrees.

The reason for this is that the brewers, after hundreds of years of exploration, have determined this degree according to the preferences of European and American users.

40 degrees is a degree that Europeans and Americans are used to drinking. No matter how high they are, they can't stand it. Therefore, Marin felt that the degree of Erguotou such a rye was just right.

The only unpleasant place is that there seems to be a faint bitter taste of rye in the liquor

However, this is nothing, anyway, overall, this is already a very good liquor. So, Marin decided to use the newly brewed rye Erguotou to entertain his generals and see if he could bring them down. If the effect is good, then take them to America to bring down the natives.

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