Chapter 0083

Li Xun plans to live in seclusion for a while.

At present, there is nothing special to do. Many books and documents I searched have not been touched at all. It has been half a year since I was escorted. up.

When the book is used, you will hate less, and when you use mana, you will know how little it is. The last time I used Summoning Elements to build a stone tower, the mana requirements of the 4th-level spells had already reached 40 points. Even with the "understanding" skill to double my mana to 280 points, plus the 30% effect of the intermediate-level learning to reduce magic, it was only 40 points. Can cast 10. This amount is more than enough for a small battle. If there is a war, after reserving some self-protection mana, the mana value that can be used freely by oneself is not too sufficient.

Taking advantage of this free time, I also need to recharge.

However, some living facilities in the stone pagoda will take about two days to arrive. I can only sleep in tents, sit on stone tables and benches, and eat "food" sent by the villagers. The quality of life is much worse.

As for the periphery, it can be said that many baits have been cast by themselves, and it will take time to test whether they can catch some big ones. You might as well imitate the spider that weaves a web to prey, sit in the center, look in all directions, and start where there is a breakthrough. Whether it is the sea clan, the underground world, or the undead council, if you want to participate, you need to rely on your strength to speak. He can drink blood and eat meat, and he can't be defeated. Hey, he doesn't need to worry about the future!

After thinking through this point, I am not learning for learning now, but learning for survival. Depressing all kinds of thoughts, Li Xun released all the books he searched in his storage ring, rummaged through them, and gave priority to books on history, biographies, reviews, and principles. According to Li Xun's experience, such books are most likely to bring him an increase in knowledge points, while books such as spell analysis, spell spells, and spellcasting techniques can only bring him skills.

After checking, it was still about the same height as a person, a huge pile with a radius of six meters, and it looked very bulky. After all, there were only more than a hundred books. The books of this era are not comparable to the earth where paper printing was invented. They are all made of tanned sheepskin and other animal skin products. In order to better protect the content, many sheepskin books have metal edges, which leads to thick It's a thick book, and it only takes twenty or thirty pages if you really want to read it, but it already weighs seven or eight catties.

With great difficulty, he moved a book and spread it out on the stone table. Taking advantage of the morning sun and birdsong, Li Xun forced himself back to the age of reading.

The red sun gradually rises, the brilliant clouds soak the sky, the warm sunshine wakes up the whole forest, the birdsong resounds through the forest tops, and the wet and heavy fog gradually recedes to the depths of the forest, leaving only the "boom boom" of the villagers cutting trees. "The voice echoed.

In order not to affect the elegant environment nearby, many cemetery guards have been sent back to Eternal Night City by Li Xun, and only a few vampires are hiding in the hidden places of the nearby mountains and forests to monitor the movement around the stone tower. Vampires are still afraid of the sun in this world. If they are exposed to direct sunlight without any cover, they will become weak in 3 hours and disappear in 7 hours. Therefore, this has become a headache for Li Xun. Low-level cemetery creatures are afraid of sunlight, especially level 3 ghosts. Exposure to the sun for a quarter of an hour can turn an ice banshee into ashes, which is better than zombies, after all, they are blocked by thick carrion. Don't let the soul fire be directly exposed to the sun, how long can you persist.

Could it be that he can only become the king of the night in the future?

If the enemy blocked the door during the day, wouldn't his sea of ​​undead become a joke?

Fortunately, units above Tier 4 will be much better. Level 5 corpse witches have already entered the threshold of high-level undead. Not only has their self-awareness been greatly strengthened, but also many fatal flaws have been reduced. They are also qualified commanders who can give support and assistance to low-level cemetery creatures and improve their survivability. It's a pity that he is limited by his own level and cannot meet the construction requirements, so he can only drooling hard to get what he wants. If you want to build the tomb of the corpse witch, you must have the mage tower. Eternal Night City already has the prerequisites, but the current central city, Undercity City, does not have it. This poses a problem for Li Xun.

When blackmailing the two legendary mages last time, Li Xun deliberately asked for a high-level soul, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea. You can do many things behind your back, but you can never say it on the face. Killing enemies and confining souls is the specialty of necromancers, but as long as they want to explore the essence of souls, any mage will do it, it's just a secret point that needs to be done. High-quality souls are hard currency everywhere, and there are hidden rumors in the underground market, but when they are brought up to the surface, they will be severely criticized by all the mages and draw a clear line. Therefore, if I openly ask the legendary mage for it, I can only ask for it. After all, I still need to find a way by myself.

Do you really want to play the idea of ​​​​the dark elf mage?

With all kinds of doubts and expectations, Li Xun gnawed at the difficult history books word by word, understanding the context of this world. Damn, really too hateful! Many places in the Klein Continent use the language of the huge empire that unified most of the continent 700 years ago for the convenience of communication. It is called the common language of the surface. It can be placed in each small region, and it has its own different languages ​​and characters. As for the historical documents I read, in order to better express what I think, the author often chooses his native language that he is familiar with, which leads to the strange phenomenon that a book is a language.

This made Li Xun suffer!

An instant mage like Li Xun, without more than ten years of apprenticeship and training, has a dim view of the world. If he didn't have the "Wanyu Encyclopedia" compiled by his predecessors, he would be illiterate. Previously, the manuscripts that were borrowed were all translated and organized by the Principality of Norvis, and they could be dealt with. Now the sources of books are complicated, and the diversity and complexity of languages ​​are also increasing. Looking at the book full of ghost symbols, Li Xun beat his head "bang bang bang".

Hematemesis! The more original, the rarer the copy, the more rare the situation is, the more serious the situation is, but the value of the translation is lower, and reading ten books may not increase the knowledge, but this kind of difficult to read and understand Originally, after reading one or two ancient books, he would have a little knowledge. This irreconcilable contradiction tormented Li Xun.

So, the young Master Li Xun burst into tears while flipping through books on a beautiful morning.

Mudi's mournful howl echoed in the mage's stone tower for a long time.

"Who dares to be worse than me..."


No matter how miserable the day is, we must live.

Two days later the convoy sent by Sir Henwick arrived.

In the lobby on the first floor, Li Xun, with red eyes, received the butler who came with the convoy. The temporary long tables and wooden chairs are very rough. In many places, even the bark has not been cleaned, and the surface has not been polished. The small wooden thorns always remind users to be careful, and the moisture has not yet evaporated from the wood. , with the breath of the jungle.

The butler brought Sir's greetings and presented a list of items. In addition to some daily necessities that Li Xun took for granted, Jazz thoughtfully added many essential daily necessities. It's not just hiking and camping. A bed is enough to fill your stomach. Long-term life requires a careful and thoughtful plan. Looking at the few lines he had ordered and the long three-page list added by Jazz, Li Xun felt that he was overwhelmed, and that he underestimated the life wisdom of "ordinary people".

Talking with the butler, I learned that the Jazz has selected a piece of land in a remote place along the northern coast. Although the place is a little bit off, it is not far from commercial roads and waterways after all. It is a good choice to build a manor or a plantation. Therefore, the jazz is full of gratitude to the mage, and will try his best to satisfy any requirements of the mage, and do his best to do his best.

While talking, a half-face suddenly appeared behind the butler, peeking at the mage secretly with big flickering eyes. The butler quickly explained: "My lord, in addition to sending these things, Lord Sir asked me to send a person, hoping to learn magic from you."

The person behind him came out quietly, greeted Li Xun in a trembling tone and gave a noble salute. Li Xun glanced at it, his face looked familiar, and he remembered it after a little thought.

"Little Jack! How could Sir be willing to send him out?"

"After the young master was rescued by the adults last time, I have been thinking about the kindness of the adults. This time, I know that the adults are here to settle down, so I begged the Sir to send him here, and hope that the adults can take him in!" It was explained beforehand.

Little Jack is obviously taller than a year ago. He is wearing a simple aristocratic dress. When he walked into the hall with the butler just now, only the ignorant Li Xun would treat him as a servant.

Little Jack bowed again and said: "Master, can I learn magic with you? Since you took me to fly in the sky last time, I will never forget that feeling. I will definitely study hard and obey all your orders." of!"

Li Xun's eyes softened. The magic of spells is indeed irresistible to children. He understands this feeling very well, but he is still a half-baked mage, so why should he educate others? Besides, Jazz is also a person who does not hesitate to spend money. His beloved youngest son has not been sent to the Mage Association when he was 12 years old. It seems that this little Jack has a big problem with his qualifications!

Li Xun beckoned, "Come here!"

Calling Little Jack to his eyes, Li Xun began to test his aptitude using several different methods, including checking his soul strength with soul vision, and finally shook his head.

Little Jack's body is considered healthy, but not strong. The fire of his soul is a little bit stronger than his peers, but his affinity for magic elements is much worse. That is the life of a mage apprentice. Of course, this is also the inevitable result of most young people who learn magic.

Hearing the mage's assertion, Little Jack's eyes remained persistent. He has heard this kind of words many times since he was a child, and he has also secretly cried bitterly, but since he had the experience of flying in the dark, his wavering heart has become more determined. Choose the path you like, even if you fall at the starting point, you will have no regrets.

Li Xun, who is extremely sensitive to soul fluctuations, pondered. Little Jack may indeed not be suitable to be a spellcaster, but his soul is very pure. Could it be that the tempering of life's dangers can evolve and sublimate a person's soul? If you make up your mind on the soul, maybe the road has not been completely sealed.

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