The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0068 Sea Clan

Chapter 0068 Sea Clan

(I would like to pay tribute to the "Boiling Beast Blood" that I once loved so much in this chapter)

There was no time to wait for the vampires to appear, Li Xun was worried that leaving for a long time would arouse Casas' suspicion, so he hurriedly called in some subordinates and began to select his personal guards. All the original personal guards stayed in the Undercity to fill the vacancy there. After two divisions of the Eternal Night City, it seemed that the high-end troops were insufficient. Li Xun could only make do to fill up his soul space for 59 places: 5 hatred + 30 licks Eater +5 Plague Zombie +5 Ice Banshee +4 Ghost Killer +10 Ghost.

With 200 soul crystals taken from the bone warehouse, there are only 500 soul crystals left in Eternal Night City. Li Xun didn't even bother to sigh, and returned to the cabin room through the void passage.

After communicating with the Ghost Killer left behind, Casas, Siris, and Basar all came to look for him during his departure, and they left when they saw that the door was not opened. It took a total of more than 4 days to leave this time, and I need to show up quickly.

While Li Xun was sitting in the dining room happily enjoying the seafood feast, Siris rushed in, walked up to Li Xun's sleeve and turned away, chanting, "Go, go, there is It's hilarious!"

Li Xun had never seen this princess act like this before. She staggered with the knife and fork in her hand, swallowed the food in her mouth hastily, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong? What is this for?"

The princess roared without looking back: "The Sea's the Sea Clan, the Sea Clan is coming on board!"

Sea people? A legendary sea creature?

In an instant, Li Xun felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. He jumped three feet high, without the princess pulling to lead the way, he rushed to the front in three or two steps.

Xi Lisi stomped her feet resentfully, bastard boy, he didn't wait for him when he heard the excitement, it was a waste of calling him first when he heard the news.

When she rushed out of the cabin, the deck was already full of excitement. Li Xun leaned behind Casas, muttering to each other for some unknown reason, pointing at the bow of the boat from time to time.

Casas turned his head and told Siris, who had just appeared, "Don't be nervous, it's the Sea Clan who came to trade, so don't cast spells to cause misunderstanding."

Siris came to the two of them, and the three looked at everything in front of them with great interest.

At this time, the Pisa merchant fleet had stopped sailing, and more than 20 ships in the entire fleet (including the merchant ships rescued halfway) formed a loose diamond shape. The crew and sailors waved and cheered on the sea without fear. The bow deck of Li Xun's flagship was full of "people", discussing the price in full swing. There are countless nimble figures floating on the sea surface outside the merchant fleet, and the murlocs are riding different shapes of tiger sharks cruising around the periphery.

The first thing the three saw was Basar, and then they saw the "murloc" beside him. They were a group of burly men about two meters tall, with spindle-shaped heads, smooth and muscular bodies, dressed in clothes made of seaweed, with indifferent and confident eyes, and the huge fish they were holding in their hands. Like a white hunting fork made of bone mill, it gleamed with the desire to kill. The only thing that marked their identities were the scales that hadn't completely faded. These blue-black fish scales covered their hands and feet, and there were gill-shaped thin lines behind their ears that kept opening and closing.

"Can they live amphibiously?" Li Xun asked softly.

"Yes, but you can't stay out of the water for more than an hour." It was Siris who answered.

Seeing Li Xun's surprised gaze, Siris held the corners of her mouth and smiled slightly, showing her beautiful teeth like braided shells, and gave Li Xun a supercilious look with an impeccable aristocratic attitude.

"You really should study "The General History of the Continent" and "The Origin of Magical Creatures" again!" Siris wrinkled her lovely nose, showing the arrogance of a polymath.

"I've read it, but I forgot it in a moment of excitement." Li Xun scratched his head and smiled dryly.

Casas smoothed things over with a chuckle and said, "I'm sorry to say that these people are "murlocs". Compared with the "murlocs" I met last time, they are like the difference between humans and monkeys. They have already They are the closest marine intelligent creatures to humans. Given them tens of thousands of years, humans might have another branch!"

Li Xun rolled his eyes and looked around, muttering, "Can you see the sea elves?"

Casas laughed and said, "How dare you say that! Sea elves are high-ranking nobles in the sea clan, how could they come to this remote area to do such low-level trade?"

Li Xun smacked his lips regretfully and said, "It's a pity, it's a pity, I heard about them..."

As he spoke, his voice gradually became weaker, and Casas was so focused that he didn't hear clearly what he said in the second half.

Xi Lisi said narrowly, "Master Li Xun, you didn't hear that sea elves and sea mermaids are rich in beauties, so you're in a hurry to see them!"

Li Xun didn't notice it for a while, first nodded repeatedly, and then shook his head when he realized something was wrong, but it was too late, Casas and Siris had already laughed together.

Casas laughed out of breath, patted Li Xun on the shoulder to "comfort" and said, "Don't think about it, this is the simplest border trade. Our nobles still want to enjoy extravagance, how can they come here to suffer.”

Seeing Li Xun staring at something in a daze, Casas rubbed his stomach and joked, "What's wrong? Did you really see the beauty?"

Following Li Xun's gaze, Casas was stunned for a moment, and he gaped and said, "My God, how is this possible?"

The sea surface 100 meters away from their fleet was tumbling, as if the water had just been boiled, bubbling and bubbling, and the sea opened with a bang, and a small boat that looked like a dragon boat emerged. In front of the boat, there are 3 giant sea horses pulling the ropes, surrounded by huge sea warriors. There is a round table in the center of the boat, and a man and 2 women are seated at the table. These three people have elegant and delicate bodies, bright green skin, and even the same green hair, with pointed ears and fish-like gills behind the ears. The curves made them even more graceful, and even the man had a lingering softness.

"It's the sea elves. Why did they come here?" Siris once again showed her erudition, but unfortunately, her two listeners concentrated their energy on their eyes and temporarily ignored their ears and mouth.

Li Xun's eyes were shining brightly, and he turned around. If he hadn't been worried about Xi Lisi's presence, he would have taken out the photo crystal for a special shot. In the future, he would call it "Siren Shadow". Can also dispatch the next lonely. To be honest, the sea elf has both the femininity of the elves and the exotic style of the sea tribe, which is very attractive, and Kasas, who is usually serious and serious, began to shake his head and praise again and again.

The appearance of the sea elves attracted the attention of both parties on the merchant ship. After a while, Basar approached in embarrassment, and bowed to the three mages again and again.

Casas had a clear mind and asked ahead of time, "What's the matter?"

"They already know how many noble mages we have on board, so a few sea elf nobles want to communicate with you." Basar said with a wry smile: "It may be that they saw the battle with those murlocs last time, so they came to see you." They came here specially to wait for us."

"Is this kind of thing common?"

"No, never. Although they are very interested in magic items on land, they have never made such a request, probably because the previous ships were all mage apprentices. Our transactions with these sea people have a fixed time and a fixed place Yes, this is the first time that someone has been sent halfway to make a transaction request."

Xi Lisi laughed and said: "It seems that they are here specially for us. Let's go and have a look. I am also very curious about them!"

Casas thought about it for a while, and felt that the problem was not too big. A large commercial firm like Pisa has regular deals with the Sea Clan, and there will always be some kind of friendship, so it won't be a problem to meet them.

After the three of them nodded in agreement, the "murloc" who had talked with Basar just now handed over the bone fork to his companion, stepped forward to salute his chest, and spoke fluent human lingua franca: "Ladies and gentlemen, please come with me." !"

The "Murloc" jumped onto the Tiger Shark mount in the water, and led the way to the sea elf's chariot. The three of Kasas used flying skills to float in the air and followed closely behind. The sea elves on the chariot waited for the three mages to approach, stood up and looked at the three with a smile. The three of Casas gently fell into the boat, and under the gesture of the sea elf, several people sat down around the round table.

If you look closely, you can see that the unique beauty and luxury of the elves is even stronger. Their speech and behavior, clothes and accessories are exquisite and beautiful everywhere, and their eyes and smiles have a natural charm. Unknowingly, the faces of the three of Casas showed intoxicated expressions. Fortunately, the three of them were not weak in mental strength. They found that their spirits were floating, or held their breath or urged the magic items on their bodies, and immediately stabilized their minds. The three of them exclaimed inwardly, no wonder some people always call sea elves sea elves, it's really a bit evil.

Several people looked at each other across the round table for a while, and the sea elf man nodded secretly when he saw that the three of them quickly woke up from their natural charm. As expected of a sorcerer who is good at spiritual power, he really has a unique ability to control the mind, and he deserves to go to this remote backcountry for a special trip.

As the host, the sea elf man spoke first: "It's a pleasure to meet the three mages today. Samir sends his greetings to you! an na liya showla!"

The other two sea elf beauties also stood up and said in unison: "an na liya showla!" Their voices were clear and melodious, full of a strange charm.

The three of them simply mastered the pronunciation of individual words in this ancient elf language. Although they couldn't understand what they said, they could still understand the meaning of greeting, so the three of them quickly stood up and returned the salute with a solemn mage salute. A sudden message popped up in Li Xun's mind, "The construction of the new world language is in progress...the completion rate is 5%". It is said that it has been a long time since I have come into contact with this new prompt. Is it only possible to get in touch with new languages?

After the ceremony, the six people sat down again, and the atmosphere naturally became a bit more harmonious, and the expressions of the several people couldn't help but relax and be kind.

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