The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0065 bone sea and prophecy

Li Xun, who is busy with construction, has no time to care about the ups and downs of the outside world. Now he wished he could split into two people, one to do infrastructure construction underground, and the other to return to Eternal Night City to release the fourth-tier vampires he was looking forward to as soon as possible.


This is the backbone of the Cemetery Clan on the battlefield. Ghosts and the like rely entirely on special effects for food. Without special effects, the weak attacking and defending have thin skin and little blood, and they cannot support the skeleton of the cemetery at all. Fortunately, the magic power of the enemies selected now is also extremely weak, which allows me to go smoothly. If I encounter a certain religious force, the large number of low-level priests will make me dare to take a detour. What's more, with vampires, can a fifth-level lich be far behind? That is the spell-type unit that I have been thinking about day and night!

Full of daydreams, Li Xun ignored his physical fatigue and began to take out the soul crystals he had prepared long ago to start the infrastructure construction.

The Sea of ​​Bones, the infrastructure of Necropolis cities, is the origin of all Necropolis creatures. Daily Soul Crystal: 13; Daily Skeleton: 13.

Graveyard, cemetery second-tier unit building, can produce zombies, 2 per day, can evolve.

When the cemetery was built, the same city building reminder appeared: two cemetery buildings appeared, which met the basic requirements of the cemetery castle, and this place will be transformed into a cemetery castle, please name it.

Li Xun pondered for a moment, remembering the famous undead city in the "World of Warcraft" he often played in his previous life, and roared loudly: "Undercity."

The same filth surged, and the same dead air washed away. Li Xun told Zena to evacuate further through the soul connection, and then continued to build. The first time the construction of Eternal Night City required waiting for soul crystals every day, this second time only needed to cast a lot of soul crystals, just waiting for them to slowly generate.

Each building takes about 10-12 hours to generate. Taking advantage of the gap between the Licker building and the dark sky, Li Xun began to consider the location of Asha's Tears.

Judging from the current situation, Eternal Night City can still hide for a while longer, but it will soon face tempters coming one after another. In comparison, the Undercity is in a better location than Eternal Night City, and the enemy here is the enemy, so killing them is extremely fun, and it is far from being restrained like Eternal Night City.

Moreover, the land here is sparsely populated, and there is even more room for development. As long as you bury your head down and explore, you will always have your own foothold. Coupled with the fact that there are groups of illithids, minotaurs, and old hags in the Underdark, one more "branch" of the Undead Council will not be particularly rejected. On the contrary, if I take the initiative to contact these underground forces in the name of a "branch" of the Undead Council, maybe I can establish some kind of business agreement.

I didn't care much about money before, but it's different now. It seems to be boring to develop in the cemetery and castle in a secluded country, it is far better to go out actively, and it seems to be a good way to be a distributor of the Underdark and the surface.

Li Xun secretly decided to transfer Asha's tears when he came to the Undercity next time.

It has been 20 hours since I came underground. Fortunately, I have explained that I need to do an extremely important experiment before coming. As long as there is no accident, no one will disturb me, and I have left a ghost killer in the cabin for safety. It is true that when someone tries to enter his room, his soul will contact him. Use the soul connection to sense the ghost killer in the distance, and feel relieved if there is no abnormality.

Estimated that these buildings would take 3 hours to complete, Li Xun turned his head to discuss Zena with the ghost who had been guarding him. Zena has done her job very dutifully, so Li Xun naturally doesn't want to treat her badly. Letting her return to the family alone like this will inevitably be punished by the family, so she must be assigned a troop. But now the Undercity is in a period of weakness and needs to be guarded by a large army. If there are too many people deployed, the defense of the Undercity will be reduced.

Less soldiers, less money, less soul crystals!


Li Xun looked up to the sky and sighed!

Starting a business is the hardest thing in the world!

Resisting his irritability, Li Xun repeatedly deliberated with You Gui about the mobile forces that could be used at present. In order not to leave hidden dangers for the Undercity, Li Xun even kept all his personal guards, and only then did he get 20 Ice Banshees, 10 Ghost Killers, and 40 Lickers for Zena.

Zena was given the authority to command this army, and she was asked to return to the family to stabilize the situation first. Given time, follow-up troops will continue to support her. Only then did Zena's surprise and surprise leader set off.

After sending Zena away, the second-tier unit building in the cemetery was also completed. With the formation of the dark sky, the dead air transpired from the Bone Land began to diffuse outwards, adding a thick curtain of darkness to the periphery of the Undercity. Even with the dark elves' infrared vision and low-light vision, it is difficult to see beyond 10 meters.

Due to the limitation of the underground terrain, the abomination has little effect, so Li Xun postponed the construction of the slaughterhouse. Put in 100 soul crystals, and directly start building the ghost pool necessary for the third-tier units. Watching the damp earth qi continue to condense, it will take another 10 hours to wait.

As long as there are enough soul crystals in the Undercity, you can rush out of Tier 4 arms buildings in one go, but Lich, a Tier 5 arm, needs the Mage Tower as a prerequisite. As long as the Eternal Night City can reach level 10, it can directly build the Lich Tomb, but what about the Undercity? Where can I get another high-level mage soul? The situation has begun to calm down, and the Undead Council will not come out to cause trouble in the short term, so where can we find a single high-level mage?


High-level mages can be found in any dark elf city in the Underdark, but it is not easy to lure them out. I remember Zena said that her family only has two middle-level mages, and the first and second families only have high-level mages. If you can secretly suffocate one, it will be considered helpful to Zena! Thinking weakly, Li Xun couldn't help but blush for his hypocrisy, and hurriedly asked her to return to the family through soul contact, and then secretly investigated the information of the two high-ranking mages. Regardless of whether there is a chance to start, it is never wrong to get some information first.

The waiting time is always long. With nothing to do, Li Xun took the opportunity to browse the warehouses of this dwarf city, hoping to find something usable.

Guided by an ice banshee, Li Xun found the city's public warehouse in a cave in a corner of the square. Under the illumination of the dancing light technique, rows of small stone caves were dug out on the warehouse wall, inside which were neatly stacked various metal ingots. Li Xun swept his eyes wide and curled his lips helplessly. He could only recognize two of the seven metals, but one of them could be used in the construction of the mage's tower. The others didn't seem very expensive, after all. Li Xun has some impressions of those famous special metals.

Subterranean gnomes are also worthy of being good at forging weapons and armor, and love mining underground treasures. They have only occupied this place for 3 years and already have their own mines. This is also good, the Cemetery Castle also has a blacksmith shop, and Evernight City has no mine veins, which is a big flaw, and now the Undercity has made up for this flaw.

In addition to these heavy metal ingots, there are three large iron boxes in a row against the wall in the warehouse. Each iron box is one meter square. Could it be that all the good things are stored there? But the box in the middle has been flashing with dazzling magic aura, it should be a magic trap. After a dispelling spell, a puff of red smoke rose from the lid of the middle iron box, and the magic trap was forcibly dispelled. However, this also reminded Li Xun that dwarf warriors were the majority, and spellcasters rarely appeared. Since he was willing to use the magic traps he bought to protect these boxes, there was no guarantee that he would not set up a few more physical traps. It is better to be careful.

Li Xun stepped back near the door, found two lickers to stand in front of him, and then used the mage's hand to throw away the lid of the box from afar. With a piercing sound of the wheels, the iron box was filled with metal spears in an instant within five steps, and the blue color of the spearheads had been smeared with poison. Li Xun couldn't help trembling in his heart. Fortunately, these underground gnomes added magic traps so that he could see the magic aura before thinking of the traps. Otherwise, with his own soul vision and magic detection, he rarely blessed himself. Mage shield, if you really want to open the box carelessly, there is no life left!

The Underdark is worthy of being the Underdark. People living here are all vicious people, and their ideas are far beyond the surface. If you are not careful, you may die in a certain gutter.

Li Xun repeatedly warned himself, be careful! It is helpless to be destroyed by a strong enemy, but if you fall in front of the treasure chest, you will really die!

Directing the two lickers to step forward and step on the iron box, there was no movement; they fiddled with the box again, but there was still no movement, so Li Xun walked up to check the items in the box with confidence.

There are magic crystals in the left box, and the number should be 150; in the right box, there are various crystals that Li Xun is looking for, but the number is not many, about 5-6 pieces each. For these Li Xun just passed by, there is no surprise or disappointment. Regarding the exploration and treasure hunting, Li Xun adheres to the principle that what he knows is not a good thing, and what he does not know may be a good thing!

Therefore, all his attention was focused on the most conspicuous iron box in the middle, where there were only a pile of broken iron man parts. The reason why it is called an iron man is because it can be vaguely seen that it is a human figure, but it is too mutilated, almost all of the head disappears, leaving only a short two-finger-wide iron stubble; there is a large hole in the chest, this hole It was so big that it was almost amputated at the waist; only the scarred right arm was left, and the fingers were still intact.

At first glance, it can be seen that it is a construct, and it is obviously not a special construct of modern style. As spellcasters, in order to better protect themselves, they usually find some human shields. Out of distrust of human hearts, mages are more willing to believe in ignorant creations—constructs.

From simple golems and shield guards to complex steel guards and elemental talismans, mages already have a variety of body guards in different styles, but one basic principle is still followed, that is, sturdiness. In order to be strong, the bodies of many mage guards are made into big round iron pillars, which can not only effectively protect their own core, but also resist powerful spells or physical attacks. Few mages will make constructs that are completely close to the human form. Because that's too fragile.

But the iron man in front of him obviously doesn't meet this requirement. Li Xun made up his mind based on the existing fragments. If the iron man is complete, it should be slightly larger than a strong man. Such a thin construct can also serve as a guard? Looking closely at the section of Iron Man's wound, there are tiny colorful light spots shining in the blue metal, which turned out to be a special synthetic metal.

Li Xun gasped, special alloy!

This world is deeply researched in magic, supernatural powers and divine arts, but it is very primitive in some physical and mechanical aspects, which is far from the original earth. From what Li Xun has heard and seen, many metal products are simply purified. Even some magic weapons are mixed with some magic materials in special metals, and it is rare to see the existence of synthetic metals.

Even some of the most skilled blacksmiths resorted to magic or the power of the gods when dealing with the mixing of different metals, and there was never a true alloy. But today this conclusion has been shattered. The iron man in front of Li Xun is now made of synthetic metal, and at least 6 different materials are mixed.

Synthesizing metals cannot be achieved by melting and mixing several metals that you think are excellent. Without accurate proportions and special techniques, one metal is an impurity compared to another metal, and not only cannot combine their respective advantages. When combined, they will conflict with each other and become waste. The difficulty of synthesizing metals will double for each additional material. It is almost impossible to synthesize 6 metals like this into an alloy without advanced theoretical knowledge and a large number of physical experiments.

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