The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0061 Harbor

As the largest seaport in the northwestern part of the Thrane Kingdom, Putuo Port has a coastline as deep as 20 meters; the short annual freezing period is its natural advantage that cannot be ignored, but the greater advantage is that it is the only safe North Sea road channel. If you go out to sea from Putuo Port, you will enter the Gem Sea, the sphere of influence of the mysterious ocean empire Patersel. These ocean forces have always strictly controlled their own territory and never allowed human ships to sail on their "sky". Only those forces that have signed diplomatic agreements with them are allowed to pass through specific areas, so this has caused some "trade routes" to be extremely prosperous.

The 50-mile range near the coast of Putuo Port is the designated safety zone. As long as it does not exceed the specified area of ​​the coastline, it will not be attacked by the regular army of the Ocean Empire. But this does not mean complete safety, because the active business near the coast has also attracted pirates, such as murlocs, harpies, sea monsters, etc. living near the sea, and even many chaotic elements of the ocean empire are here Starting a side business, the ocean empire has always turned a blind eye to this. These wandering soldiers may not dare to rob well-equipped large merchant ships, but they favor some small merchant fleets, which also promotes the local mercenary market in disguise.

Putuo Port not only has the Mage Guild, but also many temples. There are more than a dozen gods that can only be named. It seems that the local lords have also adopted a balanced strategy. They have introduced so many religious forces in one go. It dilutes the monopoly of the Church of Morning Light here.

As a mage, he naturally enjoyed many privileges. Casas easily found a well-known pizza company, and three days after making an appointment, he boarded the company's trade fleet and headed north. Both parties take what they need, and the fleet provides the mages with the most favorable price and the best service in exchange for the mage's protection commitment.

Since there are still 3 days left, Li Xun, who is restless and restless, can't help but drag Xi Lisi around. Since the last encounter in the middle of the night, the relationship between the two has become much closer. Li Xun didn't do much research on magic items in this world, so he might be able to find some real treasures by dragging Siris, who was born in the royal family.

Eternal Night City is currently engaged in the construction of the mage tower, and there is an extreme shortage of various materials. For example, obsidian is usually used as the outer layer of the mage tower due to its excellent anti-monster properties; zircon, lapis lazuli, and lapis lazuli can be used to build spell pools; black Jade and moonstone are necessary for building the summoning room; white crystals, blue crystals, amethysts, red crystals, and black crystals are necessary for the bondage room...

When thinking about the materials needed to build a mage tower, Li Xun felt two big heads. The difficulty of building the mage tower lies not only in the collection of various rare materials, but also in the knowledge and ability of the master \u0026 mage who presides over the construction, both of which are indispensable. If you don't rely on a large force, a big mage needs to spend 10-20 years to accumulate financial resources to build his own mage tower, and spend another 10 years to improve it. Although the construction is difficult, once the mage tower can be put into use, it means that a mage family or a mage force will be established.

Li Xun had a small amount of savings in the past year, but once it was connected with the construction of the mage tower, he was considered abject poverty. If he hadn't just robbed the dark elf, Li Xun wouldn't even have thought about it. Although fine gold and mithril are also very precious underground, they can always maintain a certain scale of production, and the scarcity of such super metals on the surface has reached a crazy point. The standard price of Klein Continental Auction House is 10 grams of fine gold 10,000 gold coins, Mithril 10 grams 30,000 gold coins.

Using fine gold as the coating of the weapon, this weapon does not even need rare materials to have the natural properties of destroying magic and destroying armor, so it has always been sought after by high-level melee professionals; and Mithril is as light as a goose feather but hard Like steel, coupled with good mana conductivity, is an indispensable part for mages to create top-quality staffs. Due to the wealth of mage groups, the price of mithril has also continued to rise. With the fine gold and mithril that Li Xun looted, it would be easy to auction off 30 million gold coins in any auction house, provided that he could successfully auction them or dare to sell them.

There is nothing to worry about, but things are too good to worry about. Such a large transaction was only handled by a middle-level mage, and the possibility of being hacked was 100%. Li Xun rummaged through his storage rings, but he could only scrape together nearly 30,000 gold coins. With this amount of money, he couldn't buy much of the materials he needed.

So he went to several large trading houses, and after seeing many magic items under the guidance of Siris, Li Xun slumped his head and canceled the purchase plan, and stepped on the carriage to the Mage Guild. The ghostly Siris heard from Li Xun's side-talking words just now that she meant to build a mage's tower independently, and she felt amused. Of course, she regarded this as a young mage's beautiful dream for the future, so she repelled Li Xun's impetuosity with very realistic difficulties. As a middle-level mage who is still unable to control his own destiny, every current financial resource must be turned into his own strength, so that he can go further and further on the road of knowledge, and hoarding wealth still waits to become a high-level mage or grand master. \u0026Master, think about it later!

The tower of the Mage Guild is located in the southern part of Putuo Port. There are few temples here, which also shows that there is no confrontation between the mages and the magic sticks. Out of the habit of mages, mage guilds often adopt the tower model in their residences. The lobby on the first floor is usually used as the main activity venue for mage apprentices, and is also responsible for reception tasks. Therefore, Li Xun and Siris entered the lobby on the first floor. Ben corner of the reception counter.

Right now is the busiest time of the day, there are forty or fifty mage apprentices wearing white short robes active in the hall, some are setting up stalls to sell items in the corners of the hall, and some are gesturing to each other to communicate. Siris stopped, looked at these familiar scenes with a smile, and said to Li Xun, "Go there and have a look, maybe you can find some weird things? These apprentices are not easy!"

Li Xun asked inexplicably: "You have experienced it before? You shouldn't need it at that time! Is it necessary for experience?"

Siris shook her head sadly, and she led Li Xun to the reception desk as if she didn't want to think about it, but she didn't answer Li Xun's question.

The arrival of the two also attracted the attention of the apprentices in the hall. Due to the presence of the mage guild, the number of mage apprentices here is obviously higher than that of other cities, and the quality is also much higher. However, most of the apprentices who have lived and experienced here all the year round are familiar faces. The young men and women wearing formal mage robes couldn't help being surprised. The conversation in the hall gradually weakened and disappeared. Although everyone dared not look directly at them rudely, they couldn't help turning their attention to the two young mages, especially the elegant and beautiful female mage.

Siris simply nodded to the male apprentice behind the counter, showed her mage badge, and said softly: "Please go through the formalities! Master Li Xun and I need to check the books in the library."

Most of the apprentices who could be selected for the reception were young fellows with quick eyes. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Siris's beautiful face. They took the mage badge with a blushing face, examined it carefully, and said in a voiceless voice: "8 Super Mage!"

Although the sound was not loud, it seemed so loud in the already silent hall. Level 8 mage? Such a young level 8 mage? There was a short exclamation in the hall. Looking at her appearance, this female mage should be about the same age as them. When they were still at the apprentice level meditating hard to accumulate magic power and find resources to exchange for knowledge, she had already become an official mage, and she was still an intermediate mage that people only dared to look up to! For a while, many male and female apprentices felt that their lives were in vain. Although I have heard of the existence of geniuses for a long time, but I have not seen it with my own eyes until today. It is really a genius that people hate!

Li Xun rubbed his nose, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, but he could only bite the bullet and handed over his badge.

"Level 6 Mage!"

Although it was the same exclamation, there was always a sense of relief from it. What's the matter! What happened to the level 6 mage? Isn't a level 6 mage a genius? How relaxed are you?

Li Xun gritted his teeth resentfully, why at this moment he seemed to be reduced to a follower, but there was nothing to argue about this kind of thing, so he could only helplessly roll his eyes at Siris, and exchanged for an apologetic smile.

Quickly went through simple registration, the male apprentice returned the mage badge, and led the two of them up the stairs on the side of the hall. The library is on the second floor.

When the two young mages disappeared at the top of the stairs, the long-suppressed sound downstairs broke out suddenly, and many apprentices expressed surprise to each other, and they couldn't calm down for a while after inquiring about the news of the two.

After checking the catalog of books in the library, the two began to get busy separately. Siris picked out some magic notes she hadn't seen before and looked through them quietly, but Li Xun was much more greedy, as long as she hadn't read them, she would ask for a copy of everything, especially if she found a magic note in it. Two third-level spells "Water Breathing" and "Sharpness" that have not been seen in the Royal Library of the Principality of Novus. Li Xun paid 1,200 gold coins for these two copies of spells alone, which shows how expensive knowledge is.

Many low-level mages choose to copy by themselves in order to save some costs, and on the other hand, they also want to exercise their familiarity with spells. But Li Xun didn't have the time, so he could only open the way with money. He asked for a copy when he saw something he liked. In just half an hour, he won nearly a hundred books of various kinds and spent 14,000 gold coins. It was rare to meet such a big tycoon, and the apprentices who managed the library were all smiles on their faces. After busy carrying copies of books, they quickly piled up into a hill in front of Li Xun.

Li Xun captured a lot of dimensional bags in previous battles. After distributing them to several heroes, he still had 2 more as fronts. However, he believed that he bought too many books today, which were far from what those 2 dimensional bags could hold. Yes, you can only put your hands on the pile of books and wait until the mental power has included them all before you put in the storage ring. Apprentices who have seen similar scenes before added a lot of admiration. A mid-level mage can have a storage ring that is not popular even among high-level mages, which only shows that this mid-level mage has a deep background.

Without the inclination of a large amount of resources, even a genius has to rely on hard meditation every day to accumulate magic power. Alright alright, you're a genius, a super genius! If you meditate for one day, you can equalize the efficacy of others for ten days, and you can advance quickly. What about storage rings? Can storage rings drop out of thin air with genius talent?

Siris, who was already flipping through the books, was attracted by the hustle and bustle just now. She wanted to read the joke of this magical boy, so that you can choose so many books, but who knew that the other party had a storage ring when she turned the first room? fact. storage ring? As a former princess of a kingdom, it is not unusual for him to have a large-capacity storage ring, but he... Siris smiled helplessly. It is not surprising that he has a storage ring. It seems that his guess of him is never accurate, and it is almost his instinct to be unexpected.

According to the information obtained from Casas, he seems to be an apprentice who traveled from the Kingdom of Breland. He first registered as a level 4 mage in the Principality of Novis a year ago. He performed well in the previous encirclement and suppression of necromancers. He quickly grew into a level 6 mage and was deeply valued by His Royal Highness, so he was able to join the team of this mission. It was only after several months of getting along that Casas realized the weirdness and magic of his talent, and said bluntly that as long as this person can continue to grow, the future is limitless!

Siris felt that she was becoming more and more incomprehensible to this young mage. His experience is full of secrets. He became a level 4 mage when he first registered in the mage guild. So what happened before? Had he been traveling around the world as an apprentice? Is that magical talent born or is it an adventure through travel? A genius cannot be exchanged for a storage ring. The only hope he showed seemed to be a desire for knowledge, but this was not surprising, after all, every mage who pursued it was like this. I will live alone in Novus in the future, and being able to win over a genius mage is beneficial and harmless after all, but what resources do I have to win over such a genius mage who is destined to shine?

The little princess who had to step into such a predicament at such a young age fell into deep thought.

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