Chapter 0016

Before entering the army, Li Xun sorted out the information he knew about the bandit group, and marked the location of the bandit group's lair, the positions of each sentry post, several possible hiding spots, and some special terrain on Jazz's map. strategic locations in order to maximize the joint force's chances of success.

Sir Hanwick entertained the lords or the knight leaders appointed by the lords from all over the Green Castle every night. Li Xun was also invited to attend the banquet, and personally told about his "great achievements" in the Whispering Forest to boost his momentum. After the speech, Li Xun was surrounded by the crowd and complimented him for a while, and he did it as soon as he wanted it. As a result, Li Xun's first drunk in the new world came like this. This caused Li Xun to lie in the luxury carriage and rub his head when the joint troops set off on the second day.

A day later, the joint forces set up camp outside Dayan Village, and began to send several groups of scouts into the forest to investigate. Li Xun also returned to normal, and began to discuss with Sir Hanwick frequently, agreeing on the details of rescue of Little Jack.

In fact, the best solution now is for Li Xun to sneak into the Blood Ax camp alone, first find out the current situation of Little Jack, and then rescue Jazz when the joint troops arrive at the gate of the camp, so as to prevent Jazz from being affected by the hostages. But Li Xun is really worried about the ambush like last time, so he still plans to wait for the combined forces to arrive at the old lair of the Bloodaxe Bandit and try to rescue Little Jack. joke.

There was nothing to say all night, the scouts sent by Sir Hanwick spread all over the place, but they didn't find any trace of the bandit group, and brought the soldiers a good night's sleep.

Sir Hanwick, the lords, and the knights had already made a plan. After all, the bloodax bandit's lair was only 17 miles away from the edge of the woodland. The troops fight hard and use their superiority in numbers to crush the enemy.

As soon as it was dawn, the coalition troops set off. Since there were no roads in the mountains and forests, the grass was slippery, and vines and bushes were overgrown, it was not difficult for a small army to pass, but it was difficult for a large army to move out. We could only suppress our temper and urge the farmers accompanying the army to clear the road. , The baggage cart loaded with food, buckets, tents, spears, quiver, armor and other items moved slowly under the guard of the team. Because it was a jungle battle, many heavy weapons and long weapons were left on the carriage without equipment, and the entire team changed into wooden shields and one-handed weapons. More than forty hunters recruited gathered together and walked in the middle of the team. The only long-range attack unit in the team. Li Xun was riding alongside Sir Hanwick on a horse. Due to his poor riding skills, he had to let his servant lead the horse. To be honest, this was the first time Li Xun rode on a horse, and he was very wobbly. It’s uncomfortable, but the wheels of the luxury carriage are too fragile, they can’t go through the forest like a baggage cart, and they can’t walk underground like ordinary soldiers. They lose the glory of a mage, so they have to reluctantly bump on the horse’s back, praying to come to the blood sooner. The lair of the Ax Thieves.

With the improvement of Li Xun's spiritual power, his perception range has also been greatly improved. At least his soul vision can already perceive the movement of 50 meters nearby, which is a bit like a humanoid radar. But in the jungle, Li Xun didn't dare to relax at all. His soul perception might be able to avoid the approach of the enemy, but he couldn't detect the existence of ordinary traps. I'm sorry for my hard work!

Near noon, they had left the previous sentry behind and entered the Whispering Forest for nearly 10 miles. Due to the frequent activities of the Bloodaxe Thieves here, there is basically a flat path, and the advancing speed of the whole team suddenly begins to accelerate. So far, the scouts scattered around the periphery still haven't found any trace of the bandits. Could it be that the bandits have all retreated to their old nest camp? Or were they afraid of the encirclement and suppression troops, abandoned the camp and retreated to deeper mountains and forests?

Li Xun was also uncertain for a while, he really wanted to abandon the team, put on his wings and fly to the Blood Ax camp to see the situation, but he was also afraid that the enemy was lingering around like a wolf, waiting for him to show his weakness. It seems that I am really not used to being a commander in chief. I am far behind in this meditation effort alone.

Since you can't calm down, find something to do!

Li Xun took the initiative to go to Sir Hanwick's side, reminding him of the safety of the Dayan Village camp on the back road.

Sir Hanwick responded calmly and in a low voice: "We set off this time and brought enough food and drink for 5 days. Even if they cut off our rear camp, we can't turn back. We must push down their lair, as long as they become Rogues, our numbers can play the biggest role."

Li Xun nodded repeatedly, as long as Jazz's determination to suppress the bandits remained unchanged, he would not worry about it, let these "experts" do the military affairs! I just need to let Mars hit the earth in a steady manner, the more intense the more I will gain, right? For such killings and sacrifices, Li Xun really does not have any psychological burden. After all, this is a troubled world. For everyone, life is only the power of the strong, and the weak need the pity of the strong to protect their lives! I am just trying to become a strong man!

There are so many different ideas going around, that Li Xun doesn't know his own good and evil attributes, hum, he is the owner of the cemetery family, so let's forget about being good! It's good to keep a bottom line in your heart. When you are not capable, you can protect yourself better by being evil!

With distracting thoughts, time passed much faster, and suddenly there was a shout from the front, and they saw the blood ax camp!

Sir Hanwick immediately issued a number of orders, and the messengers rushed to the four directions. A security force of 400 people was sent to the front to stabilize the position, and the farmers who accompanied the army began to cut wood and clear the ground at the place designated by the nobleman to prepare for camping. After Li Xun greeted Sir Hanwick, he walked into the jungle alone.

Going around to the weak point at the back of the cottage from the side, Li Xun summoned a skeleton warrior to be on guard, laid down a leather mattress and lay down on it to recuperate, waiting for the night to fall.

On the same night, the Blood Ax camp was different. The number of thieves patrolling the walls of the village increased significantly, and a torch was set up every 20 meters, illuminating the night sky in uncertain light and darkness, adding to the atmosphere of fierce battle and danger.

Li Xun was no longer as cautious as last time, and the few second-level spells he had just learned brought him a hundred times more confidence. Gently ran down the mountain wall, first blessed himself with "invisibility", and then blessed himself with "floating". After a little effort on the mountain wall, his body began to float slowly, and his hands alternately grasped the rock wall to borrow As if swimming, he silently ascended to the top of the mountain, and then supported himself on the ground, he had already ascended to the wall of the village, touched the wall with his toes, and slowly floated into the village from the air, everything was as simple as that.

Li Xun didn't stop there, borrowed strength little by little from the ground, and surreptitiously rushed towards the wooden house where Little Jack was staying like a ghost. Time must be seized, the army has already arrived in front of the camp, if Astelli? Blood Ax wants to do something with Little Jack, he will definitely do something tonight, and he must control Little Jack in his hands as soon as possible. Regarding the agreement reached with the Jazz, since the Jazz has helped him so much, this kind of convenience should be done well or needs to be done well. After all, Sir Hanwick is the biggest lord close to the Whispering Forest. Even if he really takes root in the Whispering Forest in the future, he will inevitably have to deal with him. It is also a good thing to cultivate some feelings early.

Li Xun floated like a bat to the attic where Little Jack was guarded last time. Everything was fine. Little Jack's soul fire was clearly visible in the attic, but downstairs turned into 6 red dots, obviously the number of people had increased. Li Xun lightly knocked on the wooden window a few times, and almost immediately, the wooden window was opened, and Little Jack's excited face was clearly visible through the gap in the wooden slats.

"Thank you, you really came, I look forward to your coming every day!"

Li Xun nodded understandingly, motioned him to step back, and summoned the Skeleton General. After the Skeleton General came out, he immediately stepped forward, grabbed two wooden bars, and pulled them down from the window with a light lift. Li Xun brought the Skeleton General into the soul space again, and beckoned to Little Jack in the room, and Little Jack quickly crawled out of the gap with all his hands and feet.

Li Xun helped Little Jack up, told him not to be afraid, blessed him with "Invisibility" and "Levitation", and blessed himself again, then put his arms around Little Jack's waist, and floated away from the wooden house with both feet. Floating towards the front of the camp in the 20-meter night sky, while gliding in the night sky, Li Xun scanned the camp with his soul vision. He didn't believe that Astali? Blood Ax would hide in the camp so obediently without any response.

Little Jack had never experienced anything like this before. Drifting slowly in the night sky above the vicious bandit camp, deep wonder, great fear, and wordless admiration made him cover his mouth so as not to scream. leak out.

Li Xun floated from one wooden house to another with Little Jack in his arms, and the gate of the camp could already be seen in front of him, but his brows became more and more wrinkled, as expected, the number of people in the camp was wrong. Judging from the patrol density of the thieves on the wall, there were nearly a hundred people on the wall, but judging from the sparseness of the red dots in the camp, there were at most 300 people, which meant that at least 300 people had disappeared.

Li Xun didn't think about it any more, and with Little Jack in his arms, he borrowed his strength from a wooden house closest to the door, and passed directly above the gate of the wall. A band of thieves can spot them.

Li Xun floated into the camp of the coalition army by the effect of the spell, judged the position of Sir Hanwick's tent in the night sky, and landed directly at the tent door, ignoring the 4 guards at the tent door, picked up the curtain and dragged Little Jack away go in.

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