Subsequently, reporters from all over the world also passed on the news through Xiangjiang, a transit point between the East and the West.

North America. Military Intelligence Agency.

"What? The Third Industrial Revolution Has Happened?

"Quick, get ready for the car now, I'm going to the White House right away!".

"Yes, Director!".

Europe. French Media Group.

"Boss, you're rich. We're going to make a fortune!".

The assistant shouted while waving a telegram and rushed into the office of the group boss.

The big boss raised his head with a puzzled look on his face: "What's wrong?

"BOSS, Miss Anna, who was sent to Xia Guo for an interview, has sent a telegram!".

As soon as these words came out, the big boss jumped up, snatched the telegram from the assistant's hand, and read it directly.

After a moment.

"Oh God! Get rich, our group is going to make a fortune! Immediately notify its major radio stations to stop all current programs and prepare to insert shocking news from the Eastern Continent. "


The assistant said yes loudly, and then hurried out of the office...

Deutsche. National Radio 3.

"Report: The interview team that went to Xia sent a telegram back! It reported three things: First, the Oriental prodigy easily coped with the 'difficult problems' of 23 reporters from ten countries; Second, the Oriental prodigy claimed that the third industrial revolution had taken place on the earth. Third, the third industrial revolution includes three kinds of science and technology: atomic energy, aerospace, and computers. Among them, computers are the most critical technology. "

"Telegram over!".

When the words fell, all the high-level leaders of Deutsche Radio 3 were collectively shocked.


The third industrial revolution has begun, and computer technology is dominating in this industrial revolution

Oh my!

If any of the above news is revealed, it will cause a sensation throughout the country and even the whole world.

"Immediately stop the current program and broadcast the contents of this telegram. This time, our third radio station will surely make a sensation throughout Germany. "



As the international press corps sent the content of the interview back to China, the media of various countries took immediate action.

North American "News Corp": [The Oriental continent gave birth to a super prodigy, proficient in various disciplines. The reporters from the ten countries collectively asked questions, but they couldn't stump him. He can even recite the last hundred digits of pi in its entirety. 】

British "BBC TV": [Big news, super big news: The Oriental prodigy declares that the third industrial revolution of mankind has begun. This time it's a combination of three super technologies. They are: atomic energy technology, aerospace science and technology, and computer science and technology

Germany's "National Radio No. 3": [The Oriental prodigy made a shocking prediction: The next era of mankind will be the era of computer technology! Whoever masters computer technology will be the future overlord of the earth. 】

Le Monde: [French computer companies, get excited, cheer.] Your company will decide the fate of the nation, and you will rule the next Earth era. The future is in your hands. 】


As soon as the news came out, it was like a hurricane that swept through the entire Western world in an instant, and then rushed to all parts of the world at an extremely terrifying speed.

"What? The Third Industrial Revolution has begun?" exclaimed the rulers of the four major chaebols.

"Oh my God, computer technology is so important?" said Han Guozhen.

"The USSR already had Big Ivan and was also working on the development of the Space Shuttle. But what about computers? Are there computers? Are there any?" the Soviet people were asking each other.

"What is a computer, is it delicious?" the Indian people looked confused.

On this day, there was a global sensation, a sensation all over the world.

The Third Industrial Revolution is coming!

Whoever goes ahead will win the future.

This is a battle of nations, of nations.

It, without the smoke of gunpowder, is more brutal than any war.

The winner will dominate the world.

The loser was directly crushed by the wheel of history.


Xia Guo. Supreme Governor's Government.

"Order the Chinese Academy of Sciences to immediately organize personnel to conduct scientific demonstrations to prove whether Xiao Chen'an's remarks are true. If so, then report it to the State Affairs Agency immediately and report it to me. The old man ordered loudly.


Secretary Yan stood up and saluted, and then walked out quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the old man picked up the red phone on his desk and dialed the number....


With just one call, the phone was connected.

"Wei Ming, Logistics Department of the General Staff, salute you! Great Elder, please command


"Xiao Wei, count the reserves of electronic equipment in the ministry and make a detailed list. Maybe after a while, the Chinese Academy of Sciences will need it. "

"Yes! Our department immediately counted the electronic equipment and made a list to do a good job of logistics for the needs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Wei Ming repeated the Great Elder's telephone order.

After hearing that it was correct, the old man quickly hung up the phone.

Then, redial.

"Jingle bells!", "Jingle bells!"...

The phone rang sharply.

It took three seconds for the call to be connected.

The moment it was connected, a low, slightly cold voice came from the phone.

"Great Elder, please command!".

The other party did not report to the department, and did not even say his name.

No one knows who 'he' is, and no one knows who 'he' is.

But in the entire Xia Kingdom's national power system, his position is very important, and his authority is extremely large.


He is in charge of all the "secret fronts" of the Xia Kingdom overseas.

He is in darkness, but he is dedicating himself to the "light" of the Xia Kingdom.

"Do your best to investigate the data on computer development in Western countries..."

The old man's voice was low and short.

Just ten seconds later, the call was hung up.

At this moment, the old man sat down slowly.

"I hope that this time, the Chinese nation can catch up with the train of the industrial revolution!"

The old man's voice echoed softly in the office, echoing...

(There will be an update!Ask for a collection!).)

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