The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 211 Come out, nuclear explosion!

Among the seven, Emily doesn't need to think about it. Nelson is the person in charge of the Green Forest Project and also an insider. He is very clear about the significance of this operation to Jack Harvey. As long as Luke can find out the secret, he can do whatever he wants.

Bell, a field survival expert, is low-level, has a good temper, and has no opinions.

Roy is a superpower and belongs to the Department of Dissonance. Now the Department of Disorder has been twisted into one rope by Emily. Of course, he will not object to Emily's decision.

Augusto is not a member of the FBI. He is a magician. For some reason, he signed an agreement with Jack Harvey before joining this operation. After learning that Zatanna is also a magician, his perception of Luke has improved a lot.

Only the killers Weima and Becky Beckman are the most difficult to deal with.

Both of them are elites carefully cultivated by the FBI. One is good at assassins, and the other is good at frontal combat. If there is no accident, they will also serve as high-level executives in the future. These people have one thing in common: they think they are extraordinary.

A team can only have one voice!

Luke didn't want to be tripped up by them in the process.

As the five people nodded one after another, everyone's eyes fell on the two of them. Weima pulled out the black-striped dagger hidden in her inner thigh, looked at Adam coldly,

"Fight with me, if you win, I will obey your master."

Luke smiled, turned to Adam and said,

"Be gentle, don't kill people."

Adam nodded, turned and left the room, Weima closed the dagger and followed.

As soon as she left, only Becky Beckman was left. As Luke Liwei's target, there would be no complaints. It depended on how to make a choice. Nelson kept winking, and Bell waved his hands secretly.

Now that things have developed, how can everyone fail to see Luke's intentions? He seems to have known the secrets of the town long ago, otherwise he wouldn't have planted so many "hummingbird" trackers to monitor everything in the town.

It was his decision that allowed everyone to discover King Cobra and the approximate location of the cult's headquarters.

It can be said that all actions are under Luke's control, and it was precisely when Nelson discovered this that he handed over the command without reservation.

After a long silence, Becky looked up,

"I need a heavy machine gun, a grenade launcher, thirty grenades and four hundred rounds of armor-piercing helix."

Nelson let out a long sigh of relief, patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and then said to Luke,

"What's the next step?"

Luke said with a smile, "You have to play a full set of plays, otherwise you will be fooling people. Starting tomorrow, everyone should eat, drink, and play as comfortable as possible. If anyone can't help but want to have fun, tell me, I'll have someone send some swimsuit models over, and I'll make sure you'll have a lot of fun." After the words fell, his arms felt cramped, and he quickly changed his words, "The last sentence doesn't count."

Nelson understood what Luke meant, and continued,

"Then when shall we enter the forest?"

"No rush, let's see and talk."

In the next few days, the town became extremely lively, and there were open-air parties every day. Luke paid for the construction team to renovate the tavern from the inside to the outside, and found a group of nightclub girls from the nearest city to dress them in sexy clothes. The exposed camouflage outfit went hunting in the forest with the FBI elite. As for what happened during the process, it is unknown.

Every night, King Cobra would appear in the old man's room and return to the forest after getting what he wanted. Luke asked Zatanna to secretly check the physical condition of the old man and the dog. After learning that they had been cursed, he ignored them. , led a group of people to hunt and hold parties every day, and seemed to have completely forgotten about arresting cult members.

After three days like this, things changed. That night, the King Snake did not show up, and it seemed to be tired of running back and forth between the town and the waterfall every day.

Nelson said in a deep voice, "Is it time to act?"

Luke still shook his head,

"hold on.



At noon on October 17, an earth-shattering nuclear explosion occurred on the Gobi Desert in Arizona.

A huge mushroom cloud runs through the sky and the earth, and the aftermath of the explosion covers an area of ​​dozens of miles. According to eyewitnesses, after the explosion, an alien spaceship appeared in the sky. Dozens of green lights fell from the spaceship and quickly moved towards the center of the explosion. .

Regarding the cause of the explosion, the military did not give an explanation, only saying that the incident is still under investigation.

At the same time, at the edge of the desert, the Sky Eyes headed by Amanda will be ready to stare at the aliens that appear in front of them.

The fourteen aliens have different looks and seem to be from different races. What they have in common is the green armor on their bodies and the lantern symbol on their chests, which are exactly the same as the red-skinned aliens.

Green Lantern Ball of the amphibious intelligent race said in a sad tone,

"Why do you do this, Sinestro just wants to protect you, he doesn't want to hurt anyone."

The aliens could speak English, everyone was stunned, they were a little inconceivable, Amanda pushed away the soldiers in front of her, stood at the front,

"Earth's affairs are resolved by the earthlings, and there is no need for aliens to intervene. As for your companion, he not only slaughtered our soldiers, but also kidnapped our vice president, both of which are felonies."

One sentence hit the pain point of the Green Lantern Corps, leaving them speechless. Most of the people who can be recognized by the Green Lantern Ring are kind, fearless, and determined heroes. Heroes hate politicians the most.

Amanda is a politician through and through. She is despicable, unscrupulous but good at perceiving people's hearts. In front of her, the Green Lanterns with noble morals are like rookies who have just entered the workplace, and they can be seen through at a glance.

"The earth is the birthplace of human civilization. This is our soil. You have entered without permission. This is an act of invasion. If you want war, then come. We will never compromise."

Amanda's voice was getting louder and louder, like a soldier who defended the country and looked at death as home. Her performance made Boer not know how to speak, and after a moment of silence, he jumped up and disappeared into the sky as a green light.

Seeing this, the other Green Lanterns were also speechless and left one after another.

What happened to Sinestro made them feel very angry as their companions, but Amanda's words and the law of the legion left them no choice.

After all the Green Lanterns left, Amanda's calf gave way and she almost fell to the ground. The assistant at the side quickly helped her, but was pushed out by an elbow. She gritted her teeth and stood up with her own willpower.

It was too dangerous just now, even an alien is so difficult to deal with, if these things are shot at the same time, it is unimaginable how big a disaster they will cause.

At this moment, the cell phone rang, and it was Jason Law, Assistant to the President.

Amanda catches her breath, picks up the phone,

"It's settled."


"Aliens are hit by a nuclear bomb and cannot survive."


"I understand His Excellency the President's concerns, but to be on the safe side, it's best to postpone it for an hour. I will send someone to investigate and make a report with a definite result."

The call ended here, and a few minutes later, President Joel Nash held a press conference at the White House, announcing in front of all media reporters that the aliens had been killed, and he would do everything in his power to protect national security from aliens. people invaded.

Some impassioned remarks detonated the entire United States.

Joel Nash became famous and became a hero in everyone's eyes, a super president who fought against aliens.

ps: Thank you LAILLLL for the reward, this is the first time I have received so many, I am more careful!

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