The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 132 Rules are made to break!

After leaving the clubhouse, Tony couldn't help but say,

"Head, do you really want to go?"

Luke lit a cigarette and smiled, "Why, I can't bear it."

"Isn't it? After all, it's a foundation that was built with a knife and a shot. It's a pity to let it go."


Dior scolded unceremoniously, "The young master's goal has never been limited to the seaside city. Besides, Danny is his own."

"Damn pervert. Of course, my mother knows that Danny is his own. The question is can he hold it down? Those inside are all ruthless.

As soon as this sentence was finished, the expressions of the others became serious. They all grew up with the Young Master Gang and had deep feelings, and they did not want to see the gang that had invested so much effort fall apart.

Wang Hu took a step forward,


Reach out to the neck.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and suddenly moved, Dior nodded,

"It's a good idea."

For those people in the house, they have long been disliked. Since the boss left, those guys' minds have changed. It's okay to disobey the rules. , and it didn't take long for it to get worse.

Several gang backbones actually formed an alliance in private, intending to break away from the gang and stand on their own.

Dior sent the message to Luke, and Luke replied with only two words: look.

Therefore, they put away their minions, ignored the affairs of the gang, and watched on the sidelines, watching their loyal brothers degenerate, decay, and become enemies every day under the temptation of interests.

The experience during this period made them feel infinitely sad and at the same time have a deeper understanding of human nature.

Sure enough, the human heart cannot withstand temptation.

"Head, what do you think, do you want to..."

Luke laughed and said, "We are no longer from the Young Master's gang. We don't care about the gang's affairs. As for Danny, the road has been paved. Whether he can go on depends on his own ability."

"I'm sure he's fine."

"Let's go, let's have a good meeting tonight with the brothers. No one is allowed to leave until the wine is finished."


Sitting on the main seat, looking at the gang members with different expressions on both sides, Danny tasted the power, but also felt the huge pressure from all directions.

He is also a member of the gang. He has been with Luke since he was a child. Seeing the young master help him grow bigger and stronger little by little, his inner feelings are no less than others.

The Young Master Gang is different from the traditional gangsters. It is a respected society, and the citizens praise it highly. When the Young Master Xiao is mentioned, they even give a thumbs up. Of course, there are not a few people who dislike it.

But in this part of Chinatown, Mr. Xiao is the sanctuary in the eyes of everyone. When in trouble, most residents will not call the police, but go to a bar somewhere to seek help. Happy reply.

Those who do evil will be subjected to cruel punishment from the flesh, and those who break the rules will disappear without a trace.

Over time, Chinatown has become the community with the lowest crime rate, and the China Police Department has become the most suitable department for the elderly. The mayor of the seaside city even joked: My grandma can also become a police officer in Chinatown.

Danny grew up in Chinatown from a young age. He was immersed in his eyes and ears, and he had an infinite admiration for the Young Master Gang. He believed that the society should develop in this way, instead of becoming a "corrupt" organization like Hongmen. An argument.

It's just that he didn't expect that one day in the future, he would sit in the position of the leader of the Young Master Gang and become the new Young Master Xiao.

"Luke, I won't let you down."

Danny calmed down, followed Luke's example and said with a smile,

"Everyone must have a lot of ideas about my new leader, talk about it, talk about it, and things will be resolved."

Everyone continued to be silent, but their eyes gradually changed. Several backbones turned their attention to Lance, who was sitting in the first place. The latter gritted his teeth and stood up first.

"Young master, I only recognize Luke, no one else. You are a little chicken with no hair. You also want to be a gang leader. Step on my body first."

As soon as Danny's eyes were cold, he was about to start. Suddenly remembering Luke's advice, he forced the anger down, squinting his eyes and hissing,

"Who else has an opinion on me."

brush! brush!

Seven in a row stood up at the same time, and then, nine others got up one after another.

The eldest Henry stroked his beautiful mustache and said with a smile,

"Danny, I watched you grow up. I know your character very well. It's perfectly fine to be the leader of the gang, is it the boss?" He laughed twice, "To be honest, it's almost meaningless."

Becky on the side sneered, "The fact that the gang can achieve today's achievements is due to everyone fighting for their lives. If Luke is the leader of the gang, of course there is no problem. In terms of means, temperament, ability, and wisdom, which is not the best in the world? , he is the boss, and we are completely convinced, but you can't do it, a yellow-haired boy who has never talked about blood also wants to play wild on us, if the young master's gang falls into your hands, it will be over."

The voice fell, and there was a sound of echo.

A few who were familiar with each other even whispered to persuade,

"Danny, listen to buddy, get up, that position is not for you."

"You don't have that ability, and you don't know how many risks to be the leader of the gang. Sitting there forcibly will only make everyone uncomfortable."

"Yeah! Even if your father came, he wouldn't have the courage to touch the position of the leader, let alone you."

"Come down, don't make it difficult for everyone."

Everyone said one sentence to me, and the words were full of disgust for Danny and worries about the future of the gang. After some remarks, the backbones who did not get up also tended to move.

Danny's face was ashen, knowing that he would receive a lot of resistance tonight, but he didn't expect the resistance to be so strong, and more than two-thirds of the backbone were against it.

What's even more disgusting is that these guys think for the sake of the gang one by one, so that they are just people, but they themselves become illegal intruders.

Seeing that the situation was going out of control, a strong man stepped forward and whispered,

"Would you like to do it?"

Danny was silent for a few seconds, motioned him to go back, put his hands on the table, and stood up slowly,

"Everyone, have you finished speaking? If you haven't finished speaking, continue arguing. If it's enough, close your mouth and listen to me."

Everyone was stunned for a while, and looked over here with a sneer. They wanted to see what tricks this hairy boy could do. If he dared to break the rules and secretly kill, then the matter would be solved easily.

Even if Luke asks afterward, he can't take them seriously, after all, it was Danny who broke the rule first.

Danny roughly guessed the little Jiujiu in these people's hearts, and he sneered at the same time as he was angry.

Luke is right, some people don't have to live in the world, their death is the best gift to the world.

As for the rules...

Luke broke the established rules of Chinatown, and after several years of prosperous coastal city, he wants to break the rules of the Young Master Gang today and make the idea a tradition.

Rules are meant to be broken.

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