The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 118 Ancient parchment

In his short career as an exorcist, Constantine encountered many critical moments, and every time he was able to save himself from danger by means of endless "accidents". Today is different. He feels that he is really going to die here.

The flames spread in the forest, getting wider and wider, the air temperature rose sharply, and the field of vision was full of blazing fires.

Constantine was choked by the smoke and coughed, his head was dizzy, and he began to experience dizziness.

"Do you really want to die here?"

"No, I can't die, find the black mecha, only it can save me."

Constantine searched for traces of Luke while dodging the monster's attack.

Unfortunately, the flames were too great to be able to find the direction at all. In desperation, his footsteps slipped and his head fell to the ground. Capton seized the opportunity and stepped on his chest with one foot, and his ugly mouth full of fangs hit him In front of him, the greed in his eyes almost turned into reality.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The slippery little mouse has finally caught you.

The great Kapton will eat you, melt your flesh into my body, and dedicate your soul to the endless lords of the pits.


Be fearful!

Cunning and vile Constantine, your fallen soul will forever linger in purgatory.


A blast of energy blasted the head of the High Inferior, splattering flesh and blood, coating Constantine's face and clothes with a layer of shit-green goo.

In the next second, the sticky substance began to squirm, and swam back to its original position along Constantine's throat, tongue, and skin. The scene was like hundreds of thousands of sticky bugs digging around him, and the disgust was beyond measure. Describe in words.

Luke felt a stomach cramp when he saw it, let alone the client.

Constantine's eyes widened, and he lay on the ground in a daze, the foul-smelling sticky substance climbed from the fur on his tongue to his teeth, turned his lips, and squirmed down the greasy skin, stopping for a while when he reached between his legs, as if Looking at the size of that thing.

At this moment, his mind stiffened, his body trembled uncontrollably, and Constantine opened his mouth wide and let out a hysterical scream.

Luke tutted his head,

"poor guy,

Hope you don't have nightmares at night. "

Constantine went crazy, twitching his magic power desperately, vomiting blood from his mouth, and black rays of light emerging from his fingertips, and the rays of light changed rapidly, forming a powerful sealing circle.

He's going to send the damned hell offal into the endless abyss!

At this moment, the ground shook, and a crack appeared under the feet of the high and inferior demons. Crimson magma surged out, and then turned into a red and green magic circle that enveloped its body.

Capton seemed to sense something and looked at Constantine in horror.

Damn slag Kang, you lied to me again! You lied to me again!

It roared unwillingly and struggled with all its strength, but was powerless and could only be dragged into the lava little by little.

After a few seconds, the magma disappeared, the cracks closed, and the ground returned to its original state.

The monster disappeared, and it seemed that it was pulled back to hell by some kind of force.

Luke was thoughtful, he was not stupid, how could he not see the problem inside, jumped off the rock, walked to Constantine, and said in a flat tone,

"The monster has left, it's time to talk about us."

Constantine snorted angrily and said disdainfully,

"I never talk to shady things."

Luke raised his hand, and an energy bullet grazed his scalp, blasting a half-meter-deep hole on the ground.

"Are you still talking about it now?"

Constantine: "..."

The dirty face twitched uncontrollably, with a look of shock and anger, glanced at the round hole in the ground, and immediately showed a very flattering smile,

"Hero, no, boss, what do you want to talk about?"

"Of course it's between us."

"I helped you and saved you, but you chose to trap me, causing me to fight with the indestructible monster for so long, almost killing me, Constantine, what do you think I am now? Feeling."

Constantine was immediately embarrassed. Selling teammates really didn't make it to the top. What was even more embarrassing was that someone came to the door afterwards. Fortunately, he had similar experience.

"Boss, listen to my explanation, I really didn't mean it, the aftermath of your battle is too strong, I can't help you at all, even if you force a shot, it's your hind legs, it's better to hide honestly and cheer for you Cheer up, don't you think so?"

"That's right, but..."

After the conversation changed, Luke suddenly laughed, "I have a problem with me, that is, if you have grace, you will be punished, and if you have revenge, you will be repaid. No matter how you explain it, you can't hide the fact that you are cheating on me. You owe me a favor, I have a life, and I still owe me an explanation, tell me, how do I pay it back?"

Constantine showed an expression uglier than crying,

"Boss, you... what do you want?"

"Of course, it has to be compensated. Energy loss, spiritual loss, and the tragic experience of being entrapped by doing righteousness and being brave, all these have to be compensated."

Constantine was so uncomfortable, the other party was obviously playing tricks on him, but he couldn't do anything, so he could only sneer,

"Otherwise, I will be your magic advisor for free. If you have any magic problems in the future, you can come to me and guarantee you will complete the task."

"I don't need a magic advisor. Even if I need it, I won't look for you. Your reputation is too bad."

"Then what do you think, I have no money, and I have no one. Except for magic, I only have this life, and I can't give it to you."

"That's right, all I want is your life, give it to me, and we'll settle it."

Constantine hurriedly laughed,

"Boss, stop joking, my life is not worth a dime."

"A dime is money."

Luke opened his palm, the blue light filled his palm, the powerful energy wave was turbulent, and the surrounding air was distorted.

Constantine, who was aimed at by the muzzle, felt an even stronger crisis than before, and if he dragged it on, he would really be killed.

He could see that the humanoid mecha was not a superhero at all, but a ruthless, cold-blooded bastard. If he wanted to get rid of him, it would be impossible to get rid of him without bleeding. With this in mind, he gritted his teeth,

"There is one more thing, the book that records black magic. I stole it from an abandoned castle... No, I borrowed it. I will give you the book, and today's matter will be revealed."

"Where's the book?"

"Imperial City, in the hotel where I live."

"very good!"

Luke grabbed his clothes, soared into the air, and flew in the direction of Imperial City.

Ten minutes later, in an inconspicuous hotel room in the western suburbs of Imperial City, Luke threw the shivering Constantine on the ground.

"If you dare to lie, I will blow you and the whole hotel to rubble."

Constantine glanced at Luke angrily, walked to the cupboard, took out an ancient book made of sheepskin from the suitcase,

"This is the book!"

Luke didn't answer, but ordered,

"Open it, page by page!"


Constantine cursed psychologically, and according to Luke's instructions, turned the parchment page by page to ensure that he did not do anything in it.

After confirming that there was no hidden magic in the parchment book, Luke took it in his hand, turned to the page recording the magic circle of summoning demons, and compared the picture above with the magic circle that appeared at the feet of the hell monsters.

"Ava, how's it going?"

"The line on the right has been modified, and the rest is exactly the same."

"It seems the book is real."

Luke put away the books and turned to leave.

Constantine let out a long sigh of relief, ignoring the dust on his body, and fell on the bed with his head up, remembering his previous experience of suffocation, and swearing fiercely,

"Damn humanoid mecha, wait, there is no restriction from me, the owner of the book will find you sooner or later, and then see how you beg me."

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