"I don't have such a good life as you. My mother passed away when I was very young." Yan Dantong said, the expression on her face was very calm, and her heart was also very calm. She herself was very surprised. When talking about her mother in the past, There is an inseparable sadness between her brows, her mother is her heart knot, and the person who tied the bell needs to be untied. After the person who tied the bell is dead, the knot in her heart can no longer be untied. She has always believed so firmly, But for some reason, when Wen Zhifan asked about her mother, she would be so calm and tell him so calmly that her mother passed away when she was very young.

"Sorry." Wen Zhifan looked at Yan Dantong, he shouldn't have mentioned her mother.

"Don't tell me you're sorry, it's the truth." Yan Dantong smiled bitterly.

Wen Zhifan raised his long eyebrows invisibly. This topic is very depressing and cannot be continued. Suddenly, Wen Zhifan looked up at the darkness of the sky and said to himself: "When will this boring dance end?"

Yan Dantong pursed her lips lightly, following Wen Zhifan's example, looking at the sky and muttering in a low voice: "You want to end before it starts, and now I just want to know when this dance will start."

"Compared with this kind of boring dance party, I prefer the operating room where life is on the line." Wen Zhifan said that the bounden duty of a doctor is to save lives and heal the wounded. He didn't like it before, but later he gradually liked the profession of a doctor. In fact, Grandma likes him to go to the emergency room, but instead of going to the emergency room, he goes to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

"Wen Zhifan, I have a question, I don't know if I should ask it or not?" Yan Dantong said.

"What's the problem?" Wen Zhifan asked.

"I'm curious, you are obviously the only heir of the Wen family, why did you become a doctor instead of working in the Wen family?" Yan Dantong asked, logically speaking, Wen Zhifan's future should have been arranged since his birth , Zuo Yimeng should have stepped back a long time ago, and let Wen Zhifan take charge. She has seen Wen Zhifan's power before.

"My grandma is a doctor. She hoped that Lehui and I would inherit her mantle. Lehui and I did not disappoint her. Unfortunately, we failed to understand her good intentions when she was alive. After her death, we I understand, but it's too late." Wen Zhifan said regretfully, if he learned all the skills of his grandmother, when Yan Yaoshun got into a car accident, Le Hui would not need to find someone to rescue Yan Yaoshun, he would be able to fight, if Le Hui Hui didn't go to anyone for help, and the child in her belly would be fine.

Grandma's words really came true, they didn't need to exhaust her while she was alive, and they would only be sad after she died.

"Does your mother agree?" Yan Dantong was surprised, the reason was so simple and direct.

"My mother has no choice." Wen Zhifan said, mother and aunt had to listen to what grandma said, who told them that they didn't inherit the mantle of grandma and handed over the heavy responsibility to him and Lehui.

Wen Zhifan has always felt that as long as his mother and father had one more child, like his aunt, a child was taken away by his grandmother and there was another child beside him, he would not feel disadvantaged at all.

And Zuo Yimeng's answer was, your father died early, who will I be born with?

The ball hadn't started yet, and Yan's was attended by Qi Wanhai and Yan Ziyou. The agency still had to wait, and Li Xi was tired of waiting. He asked his manager, why the ball hadn't started yet, because Yan's had already sent someone.

The agent's answer was that there was an arrangement from above, and the person they were waiting for hadn't arrived yet. Li Xi asked who they were waiting for, and the agent shook his head. This was an arrangement from above, and he didn't know who he was waiting for. People, definitely big shots.

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